Displaying items by tag: motivational
Momentum, and how one things build upon the other
Without knowing it, I rectified one of the KEY mistakes I made with regard to all my businesses for many years.
By no means was this a deal breaker.
I made sales. Continued to put out products, books, courses, and what not.
Continued to get trolled by Bozo Scho-Fo “the rotund one” for one, hehe.
But point is ... that one thing?
I remember talking to a friend of mine Dwayne once about something, and as always, this man gave me some SOLID advice.
He talks a lot when we do talk, and I listen to it all.
(Thats one of the things I really hate about “conversations” in general, and people that say they want to listen, talk etc - - but then end up saying that “too many audio messages” - - when you’ve only sent one in about 6 months or so!).
Believe me, yours truly is a true caveman in that regard, and I prefer to do everything in WRITING.
Thats how I run my life, and business etc (and thats why as my lovely wife says, I’m so hard to “live with”).
Hehe. She is probably right in her own way!
She always is, isn’t she.
LOL Again.
That ole thing of keeping your balls ... ah, but I won’t go there!!
But anyway, Bobbitting or assumed Bobbiting aside ..where was I?
Ah yes.
Charles for one (the friend) who is the “mutual friend” (not sure about now) for both Bozo Schofield and myself knew about the trolling before I did it.
Never told me.
And claims “it doesnt matter”.
Maybe to him it doesnt.
But what matters to me ain’t that
I could care less about that ... what I DO care about is two things.
One, if it’s racist, and he isn’t (which he isn’t, really) - - then continuing to encourage that racism from (admittedly, as he said) “a known lunatic” ?
Not on, friend.
And two, and more pertinently here, he never really bothered to listen to any of the audios I sent him – which was only when we DID talk, which wasnt a lot ...
Apparently he “got too may”.
But apparently Bozo Schofield’s insane rants (his own words, not mine) and 200 plus audios and inane chattering in WeShat groups was easier than listening to someone who says it like it is about issues that MATTER as opposed to which kid didnt learn ABC well enough today and so forth ...
Anyway ...
Dwayne said the following.
“Email something DAILY. Even if you’re not in the mood, just do it”.
And being he was talking about something else actually, this just came up.
But it was one of those hidden gems that I’m not sure if even he remembers telling me, and from a man thats failed way more than he’s succeeded, and from a man that KNOWS a thing or two about TRUE success, and a man that is NOW living life on his OWN terms (and he should!) ... well, that was a sage comment.
I knew it all along.
But for some reason I slacked off “sometimes”.
And this happened over the years.
I dont know which famous person it was that put a cross on the calendar every time he got his “joke of the day” written out.
Perhaps a comedian?
I am not sure. I cannot remember.
But those strings of X’s added up, and he said he’d never stop experiencing success so long as he didnt break the chain.
In 2020, for whatever reason, I didnt just do THAT.
I did about five times more, hence the “success”, “trolling”, and the GROWTH in the biz.
Which was there before too, but the more you do the right things, the more you grow!
And no, if Bozo Schofield is reading this, I dont mean that sort of growth either, LOL.
Now, here is the point.
A very lengthy one you might say .... and so be it.
But what if you “can’t write” one day or “just have nothing to write about” despite being a prolific writer otherwise.
Yes, I’ve had it happen too!
Even me.
And the key is to realize you ALWAYS have something to share.
You ALWAYS have something you CAN do.
And yo ujust gotta do it!
Believe me, it’s as simple as that.
This afternoon, I was shooting emails back and forth with a customer Charles, and I was in a relaxed mood. I hadn’t done any of my daily emails etc.
Wasn’t sure what to write.
Then the brain kicked in.
“Get to work, boyo!”
And I did.
And hence this email. And all the others!
And momentum wise, the five or so you get daily from me despite the promise of ONE.
UNDER promising and over delivering is what has got me to where I’m at today – both in life – and business.
And fitness.
Just start, bro.
Dont feel like the pull-ups today?
Then you’re done for the day. We will “do it again tomorrow”.
Done now?
Feel the blood flowing, the heart pumping?
OK, why not one handstand.
Just one. Not even a press up. You can do that!
And at the end of the day, I bet you’ll have done MORE than what you intended to do, if you keep going this way!
And that my friend is what it’s about.
Momemtum builds upon the same. Laziness does too.
Success. Failure. All does.
Birds of a feather not only STICK together, but FLOCK together. So does misery. And happiness.
You get the point.
Now .... get to work fitness wise.
And – just do it!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Pick up the latest compilation I just put out – long and much awaited – the compilation on SHOULDERS – Barnstormer Shoulders! This course is truly IT, my brother. You WILL build them barndoor lats, BARN STORMING shoulders, core of steel, grip of iron, and MUCH MORE!
Gorilla Grip, and why “attack is indeed the BEST form of defense”
In middle school, yours truly was getting the heck pounded out of him.
Nothing unusual for a kid who (while admittedly on the smaller side) (and who had his confidence shattered growing up by Mama in every which way – to an extent my father too, but mostly Mama) got it a lot at school.
“Because he didnt accept his place”.
Which, as “they” thought was to buckle down and take it.
Anyway, so fat boy was in front of me. On top of me. And everything else. Hehe.
And as I was getting the pulp squeezed out of me, I did it.
I put the GRIP on him.
Around his neck.
Instantly, he let go.
Went crying to Daddy (his own) who then showed up at school and “complained”.
The result?
Some dumb ass note in an “almanac of sorts”, and an invitation for yours trulys Dad who “menacingly” told him “I dont like going to schools too often!” (like he was the Grim Reaper or something. HA! If only I could tell you the tales of what MEN outside the HOUSE did to him when he talked tall tales and his utter shit) to paddle the heck out of me.
“You should be beaten by the police!” went Daddy dearest.
(Curiously enough the guys who beat on me were "alright". They didnt deserve that!)
I’ll leave that one up int he air.
But it did cause two things to happen.
One, the wound festered, and today there is not ONE book on grip out there – but three. Hehe. Four if you include the compilation.
All DOES happen for a good cause, even the tennis player who knew my right hands was injured and yet gave the gorilla grip to a 17 year less than half his size.
I wonder what woul dhappen now (and trust me, I ain’t a big dude even now)
And two?
Dude let go.
And still likely carries the scars on his mind, and his neck ...
Point of all this being – attack, my friend, has always been the BEST form of defense for a reason.
President Trump is a huge advocate of this – and so is yours truly.
I’ve always BEEN A huge advocate of this.
And it doesn’t necessarily mean an all out frontal assault.
Sometimes, the knives that cut the deepest take a while to do so in ALL Regards, and they dont necessarily do so upfront either ...
But you attack – in whichever way is convenient and suitable at the time.
Because, my friend, the fact begets.
ATTACK truly IS the best form of defense bro.
And in terms of fitness, I’m here to tell you that the DIRECT method works the BEST.
The direct method is ATTACK the problem – while keeping your mouth shut.
(unless you want a host of Bozos passing inane comments).
Do the thing.
GET to a point where you can tell ‘em to sod off, and rightfully so.
And then you’ll truly understand two more things.
A) revenge is a dish best served COLD and b) Revenge matters NOT in life. In fact, it’s best if you “let it go” to whatever extent possible, but if possible, fully.
All of this, of course made a great bedtime story for my kid every time sh easks.
And no, I ain’t gonna paddle her for putting grips or anythign on anyone if that person deserves it.
A quick read through of Kiddie Fitness for one will show you that I’ve been encouraging it ever since I remember. Since age three, actually, when dude whacked her one, and I’m glad to report with me behind her, she whacked him – BACK – HARDER.
Thats how to do it, bro.
Hit ‘em hard – hit ‘em heavy – hit ‘em where it hurts.
And remember that attack is always the best form of defense.
Glyn the Bozo Schofield on public welfare in the UK and running around being a monkey or lap dog teaching ABC to kids who could care less (honestly, calling ESL teaching is doing REAL teachers which they all claim they are, of course and REAL teaching a mammoth and massive DISSERVICE) claims the following.
On my book on pushups.
“Really? A book on pishups and thats that?”
Lets see the Bozo DO the thing.
(Edit - and a customer from, oddly enough the UK, was RIGHT in asking him publicly how many books he'd written. A sum total of ZERO)
(I swear - it's committed people like HIM that make all the difference and make all this WORTH IT! True WARRIORS!)
Ditto for his other inane and admittedly hilarious comments which I want more of on Amazon. LOL. But he seems not to want to oblige this time around.
LOL Again.
Or any of the other jackasses who claim “it’s about the mind and why I’m doing pull-ups out there”,
Idiots incarnate the lot of ‘em.
Lets see ‘em do it.
And that, my friend is what matters.
The satisfaction - - not the “revenge”, hehe.
I’m out.
And I’ll be back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – One of the most and most immensely satisfying experiences I’ve had that neither one of the nuts mentioned above and a lot of GOOD people reading this will never have – that being to pop off sets of 10 perfect pull-ups willy nilly, helter skelter almost in my sleep. Ditto for handstand pushups,and the rest.
Wanna get there?
Then do the thing, bro. And do the thing.
And you will!
It’s as simple as it gets.
Really, and again. Just friggin DO IT.
PS #2 - I don't generally edit posts, but the exact comment was "You should be beaten with an iron rod by the police". Of course, made by the same person who later exhorted a moron who taught "Clay Modeling" or some such thing and apparently was pissed off I didnt attend his nigh on higly BORING class (that was the only "crime" - as opposed to certain other kiddos who put clay on the picture he had hanging there - right on his nose, LOL) ... no prizes for guessingwho. LOL.
Sometimes I can't figure out whether to shake my head - - or laugh - - or both. PErhaps thats what I'll do, both! HA!
Why running around vague places was the best thing I ever did for myself and my LIFE
As I hit the big 4, I BE thinking.
I’ve been thinking.
And one of the things that came to mind was an old song, oddly enough one from 1995 I believe. Real old ...
Anyway, in 2003, when yours truly was planning on going to China, he received many a “dont do it”, and “stick to a bozo job” and “its unknown” nutty remarks.
Discouraging and disparaging to the extreme, not to mention demotivating and depressing.
So much so that I ignored the initial email from my boss then asking me to show up there.
I just didnt reply either way.
And I remember the ominous warning from dad.
“You can’t be running around vague places at this stage of your career!”
And oddly enough, that was when I had had enough of living in India, albeit for six months and thats all.
I accepted the offer the second time my boss emailed me.
Only mistake I made was not asking for more money, which at that point I would have gotten.
Of course, how dare I. Hehe.
If only .. !
But thats OK, my friend. I’d rather learn from the School of Hard knocks than the school of “Thee Coddled”, so to speak.
And running around vague places provedt o be a decision I’ll never regret.
Not to mention China isn’t exactly vague ...
OPEN mind, is what my parents and people in general do NOT have.
But anyway ...
Running around there got me in the best shape of my life.
I made, and continue to make the MOST money I ever have there.
(And even 0 Excuses Fitness STARTED there, which really got the ball rolling after the initial “Fast and Furious Fitness” book).
I worked two or so jobs there, and a few in between, and none of them were the Bozo Shozo like UTTER CRAP jobs I was pushed into elsewhere, but LEFT.
And so forth.
Point of all this .. .keep an open mind my friend.
What you don’t know is not necessarily bad or evil.
And thats a short blurb on that one.
On another note, be sure and avail of the special sale we’ve got going on at 0 Excuses Fitness.
Remember the coupon code too ...
THEBIG40 (and ONLY valid until the 6th, if even then. Knowing my mercurial self I might pull it sooner ...)
And I’ll see you aboard!
40 and counting, hehe. To more!
Rahul Mookerjee
Ps – Here again is that coupon code THEBIG40. Hurry, because it ain’t gonna last forever (the discount).
Why living your life by the “But it’s better than what you got now!” maxim is dumb to an extreme
I’m sitting here butt naked after a shower.
Well, not really – I have a towel on. But in the freezing cold of WINTER here, consider this a test for myself. How fast I can deliver THIS dose of motivation before my fingers go numb, hehe.
But anyway ... I wouldn’t recommend you do this at home!
Especially if not if the Mrs, Kids etc are around. Yours truly lives alone and is alone even when not alone, so ...
Anyway, I’ll never forget what a friend of mine once told me when I “cried on his shoulder a bit” or attempted to wayyyy back in the day during a tough phase.
Come to the Us, he kept telling me.
“Um, but i like China”, I kept saying.
He runs a convenience store. Two or three, I believe, and help while never easy to find was hard as heck those days (and even harder NOW, hehe).
His entire argument boiled down to one thing outwardly.
“you’ll make a lot of money!”
But he never told me how much.
Never offered me a formal job.
Just “your own risk”.
Much like I do in china.
So much for “friendship”!
And of course, yours truly doesnt work jobs. Certainly not ones as aggravating as convenience store checkouts (nothing against the fine folks that do , but I ain’t one of them).
At that point I was going through a tough phase. One of many.
And he kept giving me the “But it’s better than what you have now” spiel.
(and why wouldn't he. Though he claimed up and down "it wasn't for his benefit", the fact was that someone like me, wayyyy over qualified for the position and yet with a "noose around my neck" (or so he thought!) would be a great thing for him!)
I stuck to my guns. Didnt do it. Truth be told, he wasnt th eonly one that gave me this spiel either!
I told you about my Mom and that job even further back in the day that once wanted me to accept a pay cut.
Or was fishing to see if I took it ...
Mommy wanted me to with much the same logic.
I didnt, of course.
“It’s better than what you have now!”
After quitting that job, I went to three interviews, and got hired by all three.
Two were night shifts, both with far higher pay packages than at the last job.
And the third ... well, it was THAT JOB!
And if I had listened to my mother, which I wouldn’t have, I’d probably never have written the 10 Commandments of Successful Sales.
And a slide down a very slippery slope indeed would have begun!
Napoleon Hill said it it the best in Think and Grow Rich, and so did Dr. Maltz in Pyscho Cybernetics, two books I highly recommend all of you to read.
(I dont care if you want to become rich or not)
One being Hill when he said “you’d be surprised at the sort of crap a man gets offered for jobs when he’s desperate!”
“Give that man a change of clothes and some money though – and voila. Instant change!”
He goes on to state that women don’t suffer from the same money complexes and pressure in general, because ... well, because of how Nature intended men and women to be !
(All paraphrased as usual, but thats the gist).
And he is right.
My wife once told me I was the sort of person that when I got in ANY sort of fix (not necessarily financial) I did what I had to do to get out.
And then went back to my merry ole ways anyway.
She was right.
How dare I say otherwise! Hehe.
And last, but not least, Maltz in Psycho Cybernetics.
If you’re the only person cheering for you in the bleachers – but no-one else is ... well, that what counts!
Other hand, if thousands root for you, but if you yourself don’t – guess what.
No use, mi amigo.
YOUR FAITH is what counts – and delivers results.
As it has all my life and continues to.
Alright, my time’s up. Hehe. I’m not freezing though. It’s been 8 minutes.
682 words and counting.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Pick up more motivation here – Gumption Galore. I might just put out another Volume on this!
Leaps and BOUNDS!
Yours truly remembers a time when my daughter was playing some sort of game or the other.
Online, I believe but I’m not too sure (yeah online, actually).
And she had this to say to me when she called and told me.
“My earnings are increasing by LEAPS – and bounds!"
Now, she was playing some sort of a game where you build a hotel or something, attract customers and so forth.
Hmm, I said.
I ain’t a fan of video games in general.
But we all played ‘em growing up ... yours truly played “Donkey Kong” and “Pacman” on those little consoles we had back then!
And “cricket” sometimes on the clunky mammoth computers (or things we called computers. Hehe).
(or the nifty little Sinclair Spectrums we hooked up!)
The Internet wasn’t even THERE until I was around 14 or 15 I believe, perhaps not even then.
How times have changed huh.
I remember getting on the phone and sneakily calling girls etc, running up massive bills ...
Yours truly is truly a troublemaker, hence he recently bought the T shirt (or sweat shirt) saying that too!
But anyway, good game for my little girl.
And it’s a great affirmation for you, but affirmations, my friend, only work if you BELIEVE – and DO.
And most people fail miserably at both, and there is a KEY to the affirmation most people MISS.
It’s something I keep talking about in ALL my coaching calls, for one ...
And it’s something that can either make or break in terms of success. Vital to it!
I’ll reveal more in the future, but fitness wise, I’ll tell you this.
The more you leap – and BOUND – the fitter you get overall!
More “T”.
Lose weight. Etc etc.
I’ve always told my daughter for as long as I can remember the same thing I tell you.
“Work the LEGS and back heavily, and you work the whole body! No need to do much else other than GRIP!”
And that sage advice held as true in our generation as it does now, and will “forever ever” or until the cyborgs take over, whichever is worst. Hehe.
Come to think of it, us unruly sort will still be around!
Anyway, enough on that.
Be sure and get a fitness program like the 0 Excuses Fitness System which makes you do all the above my friend. Or, Advanced Hill Training.
These two courses will PACK on the muscle and FRY the lard off your body quicker than a hangover showing on New Year’s Day after a lot of imbibing the last night, hehe.
I didnt, but you get the point!
And there it is. Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
How your favorite caveman (or WOLF) finished off 2020 ..
Or should I say POLISHED off. WOLFED DOWN!
Because during the closing hours of the decade, my friend, that is precisely what I Was doing.
An hour or so ago, the email you got was about how I STARTED the New Decade.
But now, it’s about how I finished the old one.
Corona shorona, COVID shovid, plague shague be damned.
I did a long workout, part of it outdoors. Masks be damned. The hell with it (and the same thing THIS morning).
I’ve had enough of this blasted plague!
Dont know about you, but I exhorted everyone on my list to take precautions, but not panic. We all need to get past this mess!
Anyway, then I got home and had a very unexpected barbeque.
And NOTHING ELSE other than a bit of bread (but note the “bit”).
TONS of it.
More meat than I thought I could scarf down in a decade, to be honest.
I was thinking of taking a photo. But given my aversion to social media I didnt, and along with that?
Eight boiled eggs.
More protein!
Anyway, perhaps thats one reason I woke up – and got straight to the pull up bar to crank out 20 reps, and start the new decade off with a pulling BANG!
Later on I’ll be doing pushups, and more pull-ups.
I did 400 Hindu squats a couple of days ago. Still feeling it, so legs perhaps tomorrow!
But really, my friend.
Finish the decade off with a bang (Some of you reading this are still in 2020) - - and start the NEW ONE off with a an even bigger BANG.
Live life – the way it’s meant to be – KINGSIZE!
And no, for those in the know, I dont advocate smoking. Hehe. That was actually an ad for a cigarette company “Wills” wayyyyyyyyy back in the day.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – This sort of diet is actually far more beneficial than the bozos who promote “balanced diets” while balancing their OWN with a beer in each hand promote. Learn all about in the Simple and Effective Diet (yours free GRATIS with a purchase of the 0 Excuses Fitness System).
PS #2 – And remember – start the decade off WELL by investing in our motivational and fitness products. Make a difference not just in YOUR life, but everywhere you GO!
Doing what you were truly MEANT To
Most people never figure it out over a LIFETIME.
There is that ONE thing our “Creators” or Universe, or God, or what have you instilled in ALL of us that makes us UNIQUE.
Sure, our personality. Our traits. Our character. But other than the obvious, what we DO.
Some of us are multi-faceted. Multi-talented. Genuises. What not. But the point begets.
(Personally I believe we ALL have genuis inside of us, if we're open enough to admit it) ...
And I’ve spoken about this before.
What you were MEANT To do – put on this planet to do – isnt’ necessarily any of the following -
- What everyone “tells” or advises you to do (usually you should be doing the precise OPPOSITE).
- What makes the easiest and quickest (or long term stable) MOOLAH
- What your boss at your job tells you to do (you shouldn’t even be working a “job” for a lot of you out there.
- What Mama and Daddy guilt trip, badger, pester ,and ... ah, but we’ve all been there ... YOU into doing. (if you do it)
And so forth.
Here is the QUESTION, then.
What is that ONE thing that even your most ardent detractors can NEVER EVER find fault with even if they WANT to – or try?
This question may require some deep thinking. Some deep thought. I know it took me YEARS to finally understand what Napoleon Hill talks about in “Outwitting the Devil”, and many of his other books.
Hill was meant to write, and inspire.
Yet, he would never stay “consistent” with it until a certain point.
That little voice in the head often spoke up in times of extreme emergency.
“You’ve been humiliated and placed in this position so you can LEARN A LESSON!”
(Not verbatim, but this is the sum and substance)
“Your job was to compile your findings into writing and INSPIRE others. Understand one thing – you will only find happiness by helping OTHERS FIND IT! You have been a stubborn student and have had to be CURED of this through various obstacles and temporary defeat.
Go NOW, and start what you were meant to do!”
(Hill was compiling the secrets behind TRUE AND LASTING SUCCESS by interviewing those that had been there and done that).
There’s a lot more to it.
But Hill speaks of the two MOST pressing and urgent situations in his life when when all seemed lost, his OTHER SELF woke (because he found the determination to WAKE IT UP)!
And he made two very potent discoveries.
One, the subconscious can solve damn near anything you throw at it – provided you do so in the right manner.
And two, and more (well, equally) importantly, you were put on this planet for a PURPOSE ... And until you keep “avoiding” (Either consciously or not) what you were put on Earth to do – guess what.
You will never succeed at the highest levels.
‘Tis a fact as clear as daylight, Jack. And no, you dont need to die a pauper either as many did.
Money is a different beast, and attracting it, and what not.
I know immensely wealthy people that are NOT happy. I know people that have NOTHING that are HAPPY. And everything in between. So this isn’t about money bro.
Anyway, I was thinking about all this last night.
My mind flashbacked to 2008, I think.
I had started “fastandfuriousfitness.net” at that time.
Just a blog. Getting my feet wet.
Incredibly, people LOVED IT (I didnt have a single product to promote at the time).
I used to give off myself freely on forums, discussion boards etc. IF only I knew how much wasted effort that was. E bay She bay my ass ...
But inexplicably, the flame died (or so I thought).
I let the domain expire. The blog died. I moved on to other things (a nascent web development biz).
In 2010, the bug HIT me – and hard – AGAIN.
I wrote Fast and Furious Fitness, and a few other books in anothe rbusiness venture.
And truth be told, if my wife hadn’t encouraged me to do it at the time I probably woul dnever have.
True, my wife and myself are like strangers NOW.
But, credit where credit is due. If she hadn’t said what she did, albeit unknowingly, and she likely doesnt even remember it, yours truly wouldn’t have done it.
Or it would hav ebeen delayed ...
So, i wrote Fast and Furious Fitness, Gorilla Grip, and Shoulders like Boulders, all NOT as exhaustive as today ( I revamped them all in 2017).
Other than a bit of marketing here and there, I didnt really market myself full steam.
In fact, you will notice that from the earlier posts themselves.
And although I didn’t, again. People signed up for the newsletter. The list grew, and grew, and grew to a bulky and unmanageable (because I didnt manage it!) 15,000 plus.
Inexplicably, I didnt go full bore at the time.
Years passed, but I’d keep writing in this and other verticals. No-one “knew” about it. No-one would have cared anyway.
And I made a few sales here and there, but certainly nothing spectacular.
In 2017, I had an epiphany, and got tired of my life depending on bozo like jobs.
By chance or not, I read Pyscho Cybernetics, a great, great book I recommend for everyone out there.
It changed my life. Literally. So I thought, until I read Think and Grow Rich and “The Magic of Believing” – and after THAT, I devored everything I could find from these authors.
I’ve read a lot, by the way. Both fiction and non fiction. Agatha Christie, Sidney Sheldon. Robert Ludlum. Michael Crichton. Just about any decent fiction, and on the non fiction, and the above?
Ted Nicholas, for one. Ben Settle (his blog etc). And many others (but the above three books changed my life – especially the latter two, and I will never, ever stop tom tomming their virtues. Hehe.)
(Not tom tomming actually).
It was only then that I really went full bore on all of this. 2017, 2018 .... and there were problems. Troubles. Many things!
But life had one last throw of the dice for me.
I still did this in 2019, but nowhere near the full bore speed I should have, and for obvious reasons, that year would probably have really been a good one to RAMP this up.
But I didnt.
I “squandered” the opportunity. But I found plenty of others, much like Napoleon Hill did – if there is ONE person whose life mirrors mine, it is HIS!
I believe I’ve learnt that lesson – the HARD Way.
The school of hard knocks, hehe, and I belive we should ALL go through that at some point or the other.
It’s great READING about others, but it’s only when you actually DO is that you LEARN.
Anyway, Fast and Furious Fitness.
Still have the logo on my site.
Still have the book.
But people know me as “0 Excuses Fitness”now hehe. (and a host of other lovely names on that burgenoning list. 1112, last I checked!)
The guy who (as Marc said) created a brand out of nothing.
Actually, I’ve created three. Hehe. But the third isn’t public on this site as yet . . . but it SELLS like hot cakes day in and day out.
Marketing genius, or deeply flawed individual – YOU Decide. Hehe.
But the results can’t be denied. . .
Anyway, thanks for reading – if you’re still WITH me thus far, hehe.
This might make it into a book I’ve been writing, but have been MUM about. Stay tuned!
Lesson to be learnt – FIND what you were meant to do my friend.
And then just DO it ... PRONTO.
Life will reward you with BOUNTY, thats for sure! (and I dont mean just money).
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – This entire email is about 4 pages long, and I didnt include a plug for my products?? WTF?? Well, I’m going to do so NOW. Here are the all time bestsellers – grab ‘em now -
PS #2 – Why didnt I just pick up on Fast and Furious Fitness in 2017 and go full bore?
Well, two reasons. One, an epiphany – and thus was born the other site (and another down the road).
And another? Hey, I admit it. Even as recently as 2017 a part of me was wondering about “what will they say”.
Hey, it’s normal. We ALL do it. ALL successes you hear of TODAY have been through that phase.
But I cannot tell you how damn liberating it is truly NOT to give a fuck! And I mean TRULY!
Anyway, and either way ... it was the right decision. Hehe. Now we have TWO barnstorming “basic” fitness books (I didnt just update Fast and Furious Fitness – I re-wrote the damn thing and included way more exercises – but the original was always be dear to my heart!).
When the engine works, but nothing else does
In 2004, straight out of college, that was the “car” I drove.
This was when I was in India, and decided to stay there for a while (well, it wasn’t entirely my choice actually, but whateva). Those were the times the “you gotta work a JOB!” mantra was being fed to me left right and center and without wanting to, i bought into SOMe of it.
But never truly.
But anyway, those six months I was there?
The job I chose elicited criticism from all corners.
How dare I choose a job where I was valued, hehe. As opposed to being a dumb cog in the wheel and doing what the bozos do ...
Not so the car my Dad “allowed me to drive” for a while.
Whcih was supposed to be Mom’s, but she never drove, so ...
Remember one thing though.
You only get the car because you’re “working a job!”
When I wanted to buy beer, or stuff like that for myself, I could hoof it for all they cared.
So anyway, yours truly drove that car for a while. Before he pissed off to China which was of course again roundly criticized, but I dont regret a minute of doing so.
Those were the happiest years of my life!
I know I say a lot about negative stuff about the Chinese government, and truth be told, it’s ALL TRUE.
But same hand, China has some good things too. Some very good things!
And the last thing I did there was drive beat up cars with nothing but an engine in them.
When “giving” me the car (And truth be told, they were buyng a new one anyway, so ), my Dad kept touting one thing proudly.
“The engine is almost as good as new!”
That it was, my friend.
That it was.
Had nary 25 odd k km’s on it ...
But it had NOTHING else.
No brake fluid, which I found out about on a trip to the Himalayas.
A faulty alternator.
A car heater that never worked. And don’t get me started on the A/C. Took me YEARS , literally to get that fixed.
And so forth.
Many other things.
Basically it was a hull with a great engine, but that was about it.
(Believe me if they could have sold it, they would have. But NO-ONE would take that car - not anyone with any knoweldge on cars, even if that be rudimentary, and I suspect Dad knew that)
And the amount I spent on the car (I can just hear my Dad yelling like a banshee “your so ungrateful!” at me) .. well, lets just say I could and should have bought a decent second hand car with that much!
Which my beloved (not) and “lovely” (YES!) wife did tell me to do, but yours truly dumb ass didnt listen at that time.
My wife did give me another sage piece of advice to which I didnt listen either, but anyway, more on that later.
Anyway, I stuck with the car.
And believe me, I learnt a LOT about cars in all those hours spent standing with the guys fixing it, which was damn near daily to be frank.
Growing up, I dont know if you can believe it looking at my macho self now (well, I’ve been that way always to be honest) – but I Was never taught the basics of car maintenance.
I do remember my Dad pushing his old car once when it wouldn’t start ... but change a tyre?
I Doubt he’s ever done that himself in his life, let alone teach me how to do it.
And while I’m not particularly interested in fixing cars myself, I believe this sort of upbringing is guaranteed to make men FAIL initially at life.
But anyway, thats why I do what I do workout wise with my daughter (needless to say I got ZERO advice on that growing up).
And I did learn a lot about cars from that ole car to be honest.
I have very fond memories of it, and I literally shed tears when I was forced to sell it when I moved to the Middle East - - another huge huge mistake in hindsight.
(I did that in private, hehe).
But anyway ...
Fitness wise, is there a parallel?
Well, yes, and NO.
NO, in that fitness curiously enough is the polar opposite of a functional car in that if you got ticker, the rest will WORK.
“You got a ticker problem, kid!”
I still remember Mickey telling Rocky that in II, and he was right!
If you got ticker, you’ll get to 500 Hindu squats in a row and then some, bro. Believe me, you’ll need gumption more than anything else to get there!
If you got ticker, you’ll DO what it takes to get in the best shape of your life despite round criticism from aLL SIDES.
Ditto for life.
You’ll DO the thing, not just talk about it.
So from that perpsective its the opposite, but it isn’t from another – that being – your body in general benefits FAR more from having your heart’s valves blown RIGHT the hell open during workout times.
In other words, INTENSE and quick get the job done, bro.
Not yakking around on machines pumping and toning after every set “because you got the pump”.
That is the most ridiculous way to do it, and it doesnt work in any way I know of, other than to feed thy already bloated ego, hehe.
And the bloated muscles.
Anyway, thats the point really.
See if you can find more!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Pick up the definitive course on working out – QUICK – and losing weight even quiker – right here – Advanced Hill Training.
Why I refuse to be the “go between gopher” between Mama and wifey
Hats OFF!
And this one is a bit of a “drama” related email, and might give you a bit of an insight into my (admittedly very dysfunctional) immediate family.
More than it has already, or perhaps the same.
And a bit of an insight into why I don’t, never have, and never will agree with my father’s (and indeed a lot of men out there, and hey, to each his own) philosophy of “if the wifes happy, everyone is”.
I’d reword it, to be honest.
If the FAMILY is happy – and that includes TWO people – everyone IS.
My Dad’s “truism” may have worked back in the day when men were real men (most, at least) and women were real women as opposed to the Nazi feminist shame central types a lot have turned into these days.
(a lot, NOT all. There’s still plenty of good women out there!)
REAL women, I should say.
But in this day and age?
In the dysfunction we live in today?
I’d say it takes TWO to tango, bro.
And I’m sick and tired (actually, I GOT sick and tired) of being blamed by either my wife or my mother for this and that, and the usual bullshit, and of course no-one ever listens to me anyway, so whats the point, I keep telling ‘em.
To be fair my wife does a lot less of it than my mom, but she’s got her own issues with expectations and how things “should be”.
Yours truly contrarian doesn’t agree with her on most things either, especially the “shaming part” (which is so illogical and ridiculous that I LAUGH OUT LOUD on occasion).
But anyway, most men put up with it.
And there is an “expectation” to do so.
And women “expect” this apparently (or a lot do, at least. I wouldn’t say all! I’ve met plenty that have told and advised me to go my own way, which I have, but of course, if they were married to me, then their position would likely CHANGE too!).
Anyway, thats one reason I refuse to live “with someone” long term.
And why I still maintain that what i told my (as my father likes to say) “lovely wife” (hint of jealousy there, hehe) (that reminds me of what my sister often told me about “she’s too beautiful for you” (this was for other girls, not necessarily my wife – yours truly has always been a bit of a “Stud” as it were) wife, that being LIVING together was the right decision (or would have been, and what I initially asked).
NOT just tying the knot blindly.
I figga’ed, as I often do, I’d give it a shot.
As Ricky, a close friend of mine said in Hindi.
“Tu thehra mast banda!”
What he meant was I’m the sort of “free bird” that lives life in the flow, and refuses to be constrained by bullshit no matter how severe.
I’ll find a way out, hehe. Always have.
Always will!
And I refuse to play gopher boy and Never have, and never will, and for men out there, beyond a certain point, I’d recommend YOU do the same thing.
NEVER back down – from anything.
This advice may or may not work for you, but I believe it will in the long term work for ALL parties involved. Men, women, kids, everyone.
And anyway, enough on that. Fitness wise, HERE is where you can pick up the system that allows me to sail through life with VERVE, VIGOR, GUMPTION AND GUSTO no matter WHAT - - the 0 Excuses Fitness System.
Truly the best ever, brah!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Check out Isometric and Flexibility Training right HERE.
Instead of worrying about “if you’re doing it right” – why not just DO IT?
Just got done with a brief meditation session.
And much like my workouts, I work these in throughout the day, believe it or not.
You don’t even need a quiet place if you’re doing it right, though that helps.
And as yours truly “seer” as some have called me (perhaps they’re right)’s fingers FLY ... and my mind is so “out there” ... I gotta tell you this.
Meditation wise, most people bitch about “we’re not doing it right”.
Or question themselves 10,0000 times about it ...
Or wonder when the time will be just right ...
Brings back a time when my Mom once famously made the comment about “we should abort our kid since we weren’t fit to be parents, and other assorted rubbish about the tim enever being right”.
It’s pointless trying to reason with her.
So I didnt.
But a friend, Michael told me the following.
“I dont agree at all. The time will never be right!”
And he was RIGHT.
I would have said the same damned thing to Mom, but ...
Anyway, this ain’t about her.
It’s about just DOING THE THING!
Fitness wise, why not just get down and DO THEM darn pushups and bear crawls, and FIND OUT FOR yourself just how effective they are?
Instead of pissing and moaning about form on pull-ups, why not start by DOING what I tell you the best you can?
In terms of “Hindu pushups” being too difficult – and the form “needs to be down pat” (and it does, dont get me wrong) – again – why not just START?
Make a start, bro, and do so NOW.
That isn’t to say form don’t matter.
But sometimes, and often times, you’re far better off just DOING THE THING as opposed to endless “rounds of questions”.
Believe me, I’ve done these exercises for damn near my whole life or so it seems, and I learn something new EVERY TIME.
Something to be learnt there,methinks.
Now – go out there – andjust do it!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Pick up the BEST course on pushups right here – Pushup Central. I challenge you to find one BETTER!
PS #2 – The Bozo asked me if “really? A book on pishups?” (I’m sure he spelt it that way on purpose, hehe). Well, yes. A book on pushups bro. THE BEST EVER! GRAB IT NOW!
PPS - A customer responded to the above comment in a SAGE manner indeed by asking the Bozo how many books he'd written or what the Bozo knew about any sort of training or anything at all. No response from the Bozo, of course. Hehe. I love it.
(I'm NOT loving the Mc Donalds the Bozo so loves, tho. UGH!)
(Speaks volumes though as to why he's a fat puddle of PUDGE).