Displaying items by tag: motivational
First grade (primary) kids doing pull-ups at Hanlin “International” School
It an't no secret now is it, that yours truly hates (and never does) working a “job” or “for someone else” for that matter
And I don't think it's a secret either that I dislike dancing monkey jobs in general more than any other “job” out there!
Case in point being ESL in China.
English as a second language and first “indulgence” (which is basically what it is for the coddled brats (both adult or not)) learning the language.
“Grandmother” Ashley being one of those. I believe I mentioned her walking out of the class in a fit once upon a good ole time because I wouldn't turn the AC “down” in the middle of blazing summer (while she pranced around in a blue mini skirt of all things).
Now don't get me wrong.
She was a good “gal” (or lady, or whatever you choose to call it). Or parent. But with yours truly she had history, and that was affecting her more than it should. Hehe.
Anyway ... she tried to get me fired. Probably did. And I walked very happily, much to the consternation of those (unwillingly – there was no reason to do it!) firing their best teacher because he wouldn't sit in the heat.
Ah, life in China!
Anyway, she was probably a good parent too.
And that brings me to THIS.
Hanlin school in Dongguan, a place that I Still have nightmares about working in, despite my supervisor Alan (now thats a great guy right there! One of the best!) doing all he could to keep things professional and stick to schedules etc as agreed upon.
And I was teaching primary there I believe. First grade, I believe they called it, or something. I can't remember.
Let's just say first grade.
And the highlight of my crazy time there (a few months all in all after which I very happily bailed on my own terms) was during “PE” class.
Of course.
What do I mean?
Well, they had me teaching a bunch of classes – all mostly boring for the most part. The archetypical “dancing monkey” BS
But (oh, and that reminds me – Gabriel – another great guy, and another one of my indirect supervisors there – very helpful man indeed!) ... PE class was anothe rdeal altogether.
Due to the craziness with schedules etc, I'd often have to go in at the last moment to teach (though Alan did all he could to avoid this, but it still happened).
And during PE class, we were supposed to make the kids “move”.
But that was it.
And after some routine football/basketball games, I did what I do best.
I got the kids doing pushups.
But I didnt tell them to do.
I was doing them as part of my own workout out there on the school lawn!
Indeed, I'd often do pushups and pull-ups at the school – even in the evenings when I arrived early for class.
Those evening workouts were known only to me and a few high schoolers who were out there at that point.
But the morning PE workouts – well – the kids joined in as soon as they saw me.
And I soon got them doing pull-ups as well – so much so that my “el groucho” cranky ass was actually photographed doing pull-ups with the kids and GETTING them to do them – and that photo was displayed very prominently on the school's marketing bulletin board outside class.
Along with a ... gasp. Yes. A smiling yours truly.
On occasion, I do crack a huge smile!
And the contrast between those two pictures is like day and night.
Well, not really. I believe I was smiling in the first set of pics too. Hehe.
But really, point is this, and it holds especially true today.
Kids are overburdened with way too much these days , my friend - -and a good exercise regimen is the best thing you can do for 'em.
Unfortunately, the Seargant General approach won't work.
You gotta DO yourself, and the little monkeys will follow along, hehe, and they'll have a whale of a time, and won't even know it!
And they will be building them Shoulders like Boulders from a very young age like my daughter is – or vice like grips like some of the heftier students at “Hanlin” were bulding! Hehe.
Last, but not least, proof? Well, I've got those pictures stashed away somewhere I believe, and I'll probably post them on social media or what not down the line.
I'd do it now, but three computer crashes later (all this year!) I've lost pretty much everything I had on my hard disk, so I can't do it righ tnow. But it's verymuch there! :)
Anyway, get 'em started young – and early!
And thats the message for this one. Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – DO pick up Kiddie Fitness for your kids, especially i fyou're stuck at home with kids during the lockdown. Its far better than giving them a steady diet of the dumbphone for one. Trust me. Yes, the course ain't “cheap”, but it's something that will pay off in spades – an investment as it were. Grab this NOW for your kids my friend.
PS #2 – And as for some early Thanksgiving or Christmas shopping – well – good news – pandemic or not – e-products are always open – and HERE is where you can delve into some of OURS!
Getting rid of what you do NOT want – to make space for what you DO WANT
I've written about this before, of course.
Get rid of (or make a decision to – and follow through) that which you do NOT want in your life, and guess what replaces it.
Emerson's laws said it best.
“Every excess is balance ... every debt is repaid ....”
And while I do not remember that great philosopher's words to a T, the sum and substance of it is this – if you get rid of what you do NOT want – then the equal and opposite reaciton occurs.
Guess what replaces it's place.
That which you DO want.
It's the “fear” of “losing” that stops people from doing the former, of course.
Most people.
And I used to be one of those peopel a long time ago, and in some regards, still am (or was, until last year I should say)
Now, I function 100% PLUS on vibe
If it was 100 percent before, now it's AMPLIFIED.
If I get a vibe off something I do not even remotely like, or want, or prefer, then in the vast majority of cases I make a conscious choice to DROP that person – or thing – from my life.
If I can't drop it rightaway, I make a decison to do so, and follow through.
This holds for life. Relationships. Friends. (or so called friends). Contacts. And yes, business and fitness too!
Fitness wise, well, you already KNOW what I mean.
I never ever once went to a gym in my entire life – and for a damned good reason.
Now if they built them like they did in the days of Doug Hepburn, I probably WOULD GO!
And then some.
But the way it is now, you wouldn't and couldn't entice me to go there if you tried to.
Not even with free memberships as the lovely Carol once gave me (and I have to thank her – she tried).
The weather was insane in China at that point (my city) and she was trying to offer an alternative, so in that regards – kudos to her.
But yours truly climbs in category 3 and worse hurricanes!
Anyway, business wise as well.
It's no secret that the vast majority of the world loves to watch the one thing I dread.
“Watch that video!” my contacts keep telling me, before sending me another MINDLESS time wasting video – something which cuould be summed up in a pithy manner, and yet I get to see the person rant on about the obvious.
And when I say it in words, apparenly the impact is less for the sheeple, because “so and so” with X number of followers didnt say it on YouTube or whatever
And I've made the decision to stay away from videos, and for most part, voice notes which are all the rage these days.
I just saw a discussion on LinkedIn (that I participated in) on this where the vast majority of people is all FOR audio notes, and yet, yours truly?
No way
And for a good reason. People tend to rant way too much on audio fo rsomething that could be said in one line or less most of the time
And of course, ignore the written word ... (convenient to do on audio).
Not to mention all biz is done ultimtely at the end of the day in writing (Freddie was damned right in that regard!).
And yet, despite the hordes moving to the opposite side, I stay on mind. Very firmly so, and I'm geting “worse” by the day, and BETTER at culling ANYONE, or any sor tof practice I do NOT like out of my life.
Including certain forms of social media as well (WeShat being one that I culle dbefore, got back on, but have culled for the most part yet again, and this time for good in many regards)
And guess what.
What I WANT is coming to me.
Without even trying in most cases.
More sales. More customers that get it, and want more. Customers that DO what I ask in my books, and get great results!
And in life, pretty much the same thing.
(Unless you count the bozos trolling me actively, but since they help boost sales, hey. I'm all for that too, hehe).
And so it endeth. Remember the lesson therein (again) – most valuable one for you!
Rahu lMookerjee
PS – Pick up the best damned fitness system EVER right HERE – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.
The Troll Pioneer Speaketh!
Dear Reader,
OK, so I just can't stop chuckling. I was going to leave this one be, but as I look at the list of the comments “the Bozo on public welfare in the UK” has left on some of my books (I think he passed out before he got through the entire list, hehe), I just had to bring it up again.
And why YOU as a genuine customer MUST leave reviews (or the trolls will).
Not that it bothers yours truly. In fact, I was wondering and scratching my head at where the sudden spurt in sales came on a site (or a subsidary of it) which I NEVER promote my stuff on in early October or so.
Now I know. Hehe
Anyway before reading this one (if you haven't already) – read THIS piece. And then, go on with the rest of today's email.
Which to be frank is to showcase the Bozo one more time.
After all, Glyn Scofield the bozo and druggie on welfare in the UK (and possibly “virgin” at the age of 40 or so hence his inane jealous rants about “Rahul is a stud” and “Rahul cheats on his wife” and even more inane messages daily on WeShat asking me “how many girls added my wechat when I climb mountains”) deserves more than the passing mention I've been giving him.
So you've read the earlier email, yes?
Here then, are some of the reviews he's posted (posted for posterity).
(for Pushup Central)
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 28 September 2020
A whole book dedicated to... how to do pish ups. Really?
My response (since Amazon won't let me do it) – yes. Really. Snicker. Pushup Central. So it's about pushups ... snicker.
For Fitness Pioneer, a book where I posted an admittedly “handsome” selfie of myself as the cover – which by the way is something I HATE doing (taking selfies))
Being as I'm something of a pioneer myself, I thought I would try Rahul's book. Utterly, utter drivel spurting from the mouth of a barely literate mad men. He cheats on his wife, so what can he do to his friends? Avoid this book.
My response - - Yes. Indeed. A troll pioneer, as we can see.Not to mention probably the #1 troll right now on WeChat, twiddling away furiously as we speak, read or type ...
(and though this was addressed before, the jealousy? And “do to his friends”? What does any of it have to do with fitness or the price of fish in Germany for that matter?)
Indeed insane, as the bozo himself says. Hehe.
On the compilation on pull-ups ...
Although reportedly a jealous and self loathing illegal worker in China, I thought I would purchase the jewel in the crown of his works. Sadly, I was more than disappointed. Feeling pity for Rahul as he clearly is unwell in the mind with his strange lies about highly respected and successful people, I hoped his book would be ok. How wrong I was. Beyond awful.
My response - “strange lies about people”? As far as I recall, the book contains references to ONE person, yours truly ...
Jewel in the crown? Hehe. The Bozo must be on one of his drug fueled binges ...
(but he did say one thing right, that he WAS an illegal worker in China. Hehe. Dancing monkey more like ... seems he's lost track of time as of late as well, hehe).
I keep going back to Rahul's work as I have so much money to burn. Disappointment yet again. His writing style is very poor and the content focuses only upon himself.
Well, gee whiz brah. It shows the author doing exercises, yeah. What else would a genuine purchaser expect from a book on fitness? Certainly not the lurid “raunchy” novels the Bozo gets his dirty little paws on (some probably written by yours truly, hehe), and complains about being a “cuck that can't get it up” (which according to what I've heard from more than one person is true. His email sent to me in that regard probably was too, hehe).
Money to burn ... Hmmm. Wouldn't Amazon UK show the book as being “bought”? Hehe.
More than likely this bozo got a hold to a friend's account and used it to post (and is now no doubt being “hunted” by that same person as we speak, hehe).
And so forth. I was going to post MORE of the reviews here, but I did it for two purposes.
One, it should give you a chuckle. MORE than one person is obsessed with yours truly and his truly wicked ways (caveman like as well) and as the Bozo says “loner like ways” ... but Bozo Glyn Scofield is truly at the top of the heap.
Gotta give credit where it's due, hehe.
And two, a call out – or shout out – to ALL you customers out there to take a few minutes out of your time – and leave a review.
Really. Please.
An honest review.
And really, I am NOT going to “make you famous” if it' a genuine review. Chances are I'll take the feedback on board, and gladly so.
Take for example the review posted HERE -
Now, do I agree with the review?
And I've written about it before.
But I would never, ever in my wildest dreams dream of “dissing the review” simply becuase it was something I didnt agree with (and if you want more on this – do a search on the blog, and you'll find my thoughts on this).
But really, and as I said before.
DO leave a review. If you don't, the trolls will!
And that latter part might not be a bad thing for yours truly.
In fact, it isn't to be honest.
But to those looking for honest reviews, and those that still LIKE to read reviews (my wife still does for whatever reason, for one) ... well, DO leave a review, and a genuine one at that.
You will be doing the entire community a favor by doing so!
And thats all I gotta say about that. Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Don't forget to pick up 0 Excuses Fitness right HERE (Curiously enough the one book he forogt to review, along with the videos, but I have no doubt he's getting to that right NOW as he reads this, hehe) – 0 Excuses Fitness System.
PS #2 - For you trollish types that have nothing better to do than TROLL, here is the link to my YouTube page - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRfQncNP-R0mETIOgNKkU1w
Throw the kitchen sink at them!
So, this is something that is a central facet of my thinking – philosophy to life – fitness – or anytihng, really.
Anything I do – I really do.
Anything I REALLY want to do – I go at it with VIM, VIGOR and GUSTO – and then some!
“The best form of defense is ..."
You guessed it.
Many years ago, in fact not so long ago actually I was of the opinion that “taking a step back” was the way to go.
And it still is, actually for me, if conflict can be avoided, and if I don't really care about what is happening.
Por ejempelo, several “fights” I've walked down from as of late (and over the years) – not because I started them, or because “it was my fault” - or “I couldn't win”.
It was because I could simply care less.
Compare me to a hyena in that regard.
And I read this in a novel once – a James Hadley Chase novel.
The hyena is the most “cowardly” of all the beasts out there, despite having the strongest bite force (per sq inch I believe, but I'm not sure, butI think thats right).
It will do All it can to avoid a fight.
But when it's cornered – watch out.
There is no animal more vicious than said hyena!
And given a wildlife explorer in Africa of all people said this, he must have known something about it.
Same is true of all big cats, including my favorite, the tiger.
They dont go looking for fights. They don't go trying to prove something, even when they can.
But when it's time to get that job done, you wouldn't bet against that tiger would you?
I'm the same way my friend.
When it really, really matters – I'll find a way - - and usually, I'll doing so by giving it my all and then some.
Throwing the kitchen sink at it.
Donald Trump said it best and right,I believe, when he said th efollowing.
“If you're being attacked, then fight back with ALL you can and have NO mercy! ”.
(paraphrased, but that is the gist of it )
And as I recently told a friend of mine “ If people don't screw with me, and leave me the hell alone, I'll leave them alone – in DUPLICATE. If someone comes after me, I'll come after them – in TRIPLICATE.”
Lesson to be learned right there my friend. Two of them!
And despite the bozo like “Oh, Mama, why is he doing this to me” responses you get from the crowd that delight in BULLYING (Bozo Scofield being one prime example, but there are others), you give it all you can.
And you hit 'em – where it hurts – the HARDEST – and you do it over and over again until they BACK DOWN.
So it goes with fitness occasionally.
When that fat refuses to budge, I went on multiple climbs up that hill.
Sometimes to the tune of SEVEN, not kidding, times a day!
Extreme? Hell yes!
Crazy? Hell yes!
But did it get results, lasting results, and then some! ?
Hell YEA!
And thats the way you gotta live life my friend.
Attack every day like it's the last you live – and you'll like live a very long and fruitful life as well!
And thats that for now. Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – HERE is where you can pick up the take no prisoners, give it your ALL 0 Excuses Fitness System (and no I don't cater to wusses and sissies that “are too fat” but can't lose weight because of XYUZ Reason, so please, if thats you, do yourself a favor ... and ... stay ... away!).
PS #2 – Neither do I PANDER, my friend. It is what it is. Take it, or LEAVE IT!
On building new habits, and letting go of old ones ...
I was talking to a friend “Becky” the other day.
She was down and out ... almost.
And the reason for that is understandable. Her Dad, who she is close to “close to passing on”, and in one of the most painful manners possible.
No, it isnt the China plague we are talking about here. It's cancer, and ... well, its a long story, but I understand her pain.
Remember that Uncle who I wrote about who always (despite my many faults as a kid) had nothing but POSITIVE things to say about me?
He truly did look at the positive, and try to amplify that ...
... and he was a man that LIVED LIFE. On his own terms for the most part.
Smoked. Drank. Quit jobs when it took him. Didnt give a rats ass to what anyone thought ...
... Sort of like yours truly.
Minus the smoking, which of course I quit at 25, because I was getting to the point I coul dbarely climb a flight of stairs without wheezing and being out of breath).
(Forget climbing hills or doing pushups!)
(I did do some weightlifting back then, but it never got me the results I wanted. But you on this list know that! ;)).
And anyway, as I spoke to her (Becky) I had this to say.
“Hi Becky! I'm so sorry to hear that! But take heart – he's going to a better place!”
(where he will be ETERNALLY HAPPY).
We never die ,my friend. A lot of you might scoff at this, but what Becky told me?
“I've been comforted by a lot of my friends, but this one sentence really helped me the most”
(I'm paraphrasing).
I've got no idea if she believes in the Almighty. I do know she's not a Christian, and neither am I.
But we all “move on” for a purpose, but never “die!”
It's as simple as an “eternal sleep” and for the life of me I Cannot understand why a lot of people are petrified of death.
As Napoleon Hill wrote about, it is indeed one of the primary fears that STOP most people from achieving their best in life ...
.. And it shouldn't be.
“You sleep and have dreams, don't you? Are you scared of sleeping?”
'Then why should you be scared of an eternal sleep with nothing but peaceful dreams??”
Death is something yours truly has been scared of ever sinc ehe can remember . My first memory of that was crying at the age of 4 when I saw a movie or something of a person dying and asking my father “when I woul dgo too”.
He tried to comfort me.
But nothing dispelled the fear quite like the words Napoleon Hill wrote above.
And at the age of 36 at that, when I first read 'em.
Is it any coincidence I got into the best damed shape of my life then? I think not!
Anyway ... habits huh.
I tried quitting smoking TWICE before I finally did.
When I finally did, I just put my foot down and did it.
I ignored the headaches, the stress, the “temptations” and just iron willed my way to do it. And here I am, decades later, smoke free.
Not “booze free” though. Hehe. I love my beer!
But really, though that is an effective manner of quitting smoking, it doesnt work well all the time.
What do I mean?
Well, as of now, my emailing on these sites has been put on hold temporarily (as you know) as we are figuring out a new method of making sure the emails hit your mailboxes as opposed to “bouncing back”.
And while that happens, there has been a lull in posting.
For yours truly, my trigger fingers literally ITCH to email the way I used to, but I stop myself.
Because there isn't much point.
And I focus on something ELSE.
It was the same thing I did when I started writing, and was Not in the habit. Except in opposite, and before I knew it, well....
... They say it takes around 21 days for the human mind to “accept” a new habit. I have no idea if this is true or not, but making new habits – and quitting old ones isn't half as easy as it's made out to be my friend.
Just doing it is part of it.
The other part is “eating a bear at a time”.
And it applie sto fitness, business, writing, emailing, habits, anything you can think of.
Anyway, enough on that front. If you're currently unfit, and in the worst shape of your life at 30 plus, or 40 plus, or indeed TWENTY plus a many are, then NOW is the time to change things my friend.
Start by investing in a good program right HERE.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Make sure to pick up Corrugated Core right here – it has exercises you've probably never HEARD OF!
Blocking out the noises that really dont matter ...
And that you want to, and should ignore.
Kind of like associating with the type of people that help you GROW – not stagnate (which means going backwards anyway) – and not NEGATIVE minded people that just drag you down into their morass along with them.
Which is pretty much the majority of people out there these days, and sadly, sometimes, and a lot of times indeed, due to no real fault of their own.
That pesky conditioning, beliefs and so forth.
But anyway, I wrote about this on the other side today from a “meditation” (or even “focus”, really, if you choose to call it that) standpoint.
And I made a breakthrough in that regard!
Yes, you never stop growing, and neither does yours truly and some of my current fitness routines, or not would nigh ON AMAZE YOU, my friend. No questions about it!
On that note, a lot of you have been signing up for the newsletter, but not getting my emails on either site.
And while we're currently testing all this, rest assured it should be fixed by next week or so (the delivery service I'm going to use is a professional indeed service, and by next week all subscribers on BOTH sites should be getting my daily emails as a matter of routine).
(But it's still a very good idea to sign up for both sites anyway if you're truly into what I say daily ...)
(And of course, as for site #3 – well – that should be online too shortly. Stay TUNED! Hehe).
Now, on to it!
Fitness wise, it ain't no secret that I hate being interrupted, bothered at , ooh aah'ed at, or :asked for selfies” as it were while working out.
And it happens all the time. Especically in China (but it happens elsewhere too).
And the most annoying part aren't really the lookie lous that are there to waste time and will never, ever for instance GET to doing bodyweight exercises regularly.
Remember the guy I wrote to you about in 2018?
He came over to me, asked me a ton of questions about pull-ups, and (being he couldn't do a single one) – I figured he was actually serious.
I re-directed him to the book, which he never bought.
(He did end up buying green tea though, but only because he thought it was a "quick fix" for losing weight, and once he saw it wasn't - he never bought again. UGH!)
OK. No problem, and I gave him some very valuable free advice indeed.
Two or three days later, I saw this same dude.
Asked him about his progress
“Oh, I'm sorry! I gav eup!”
And off he walked trilling away to the gym of all places as if it was no big deal, and indeed, to him, it probably was not!
To him, it was probably “oh, so what”.
But it ain't to me.
What I do is to me, sacrosanct. And it's precisely THESE people that come up to me and badger me as I've written about ...
.. in the past, I'd laugh at them, but they wouldn't go away. It seems the barrage of buffoons with nothing better to do than take selfies and badger people while doing squat all themselves has increased exponentially, much like the plague from China has everywhere ...
I'd go elsewhere.
I'd show them my back (like I did with dude who pestered me about “using my brain” when I was doing pull-ups).
And so forth.
All of this worked to an extent. I even got into an almost fight over it once.
But really, NOTHING worked until the following -
- until I well and truly started to IGNORE these people.
Yes, I still look at these people and laugh, but I “really” laugh now.
And they can feel it, and off they go. Whereas when it was just a “superficial laugh”, and I meant it, but really didnt, they stayed and pestered me.
Anyway, it ain't the easiest of things to do for sure.
But it can be done, if you truly have to, and if you work at it!
Ditto for ignoring noise etc while you're engaged in visualizing or what not (and truth be told, I'll have to write more about that soon. So much to say, not that much time to say it in – here!).
And I'm off. Remember to pick up the much vaunted course on pull-ups HERE – truly the best course ever on it!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – And remember what I said about emails. We'll be back full speed from next week most likely, but until then, you gotta check the blog(s) as I post everything there as well. And keep signing up – you'll never regret it! Never a dull moment, hehe, not with yours truly is there.
Those that TRULY WANT TO – will find a way no matter what
“Life finds a way” (from Jurassic Park, the scientist “Malcom” I believe).
(and I DO KNOW that the book was far better than the movie, hehe. Ditto for the Bourne series ... but I love the movies anyway!)
But you know this of course.
“Where there is a will – there is a way!”
No introduction needed there is there?
Anyway, the background – or “skinny” behind Malcom saying what he did is this.
Jurassic Park was obviously a theme park (fictional) populated by and full of (some scary, some not) massive dinos from the Dino Era.
Cloned dinosaurs. Apparently they “found a gene somewhere and blew it up”.
And part of the security of the park, and to ensure these monsters weren't really as harmful as they looked was this – they couldn't reproduce.
So even if one did get out – and with all the security they had, they NEVER thought it would be possible – it wouldn't really matter long term.
Because they “all had a female gene” or something. Or a male one. Can't remember. But they wouldn't be able to reproduce. That is the way they were engineered in that lab. (see “Lost Island”).
So they thought ...
... and they were wrong, of course.
“Life finds a way! I don't mean to be philosophical, but there is it”.
When they were doing a routine check of the park once and the security smugly told Malcom “there was nothing to be worried about” - everything was safe – and all the other BS – that is what he said.
“But look at the animal count”, laughed the person doing it. “They're the same!”
Theyre not reproducing, and ...
Great, said Malcom.
“Now why don't we check for a digit higher than the number”.
Person looked at him incredulously as he spat out one of those ideas that just “came”.
And presto, they found the extra animal. And a lot more!
Turns out that frogs for one (I believe it was frogs) have this curious ability to “change gender” (or the males have it, at any rate) if there are no females around.
Apparently the male sexual organs turn into female ones so they can procreate.
Nature is nothing if not resourceful and inventive my friend.
And of course, the beasts di descape eventually. They led to three books for one, hehe.
My point being?
A while ago, (on Oct 22, to be exact) one of my sites got taken down due to one of those “amalgamation of circumstances” which I believe will work out for the better in the long term.
Curiously enough it was a site where I wrote almost as much as I do here, but did little to NO marketing.
And curiously enough, I make the MOST sales from that site.
Curiously enough, although I thought the loss of ability to write my emails and send them to my list and of course have them on the site like on this one would lead to a dip in sales, guess what happened.
The sales actually ROSE.
(pun for those that know th ebiz, hehe)
Scarcity thinking for one.
But the main thinking isn't that.
Point is this.
When people really want something, they'll find a way to get it from you, and these people sure did.
And THAT is the type of person I cater to my friend.
If you're truly a 0 Excuses Fitness person fan, you know it. You know why I dont cater or even give the time of day to the lookie lous', wannabes, non believers, liberals (hehe!) , sheeple, time wasters, “on the fence'ers” and other such bozos for one.
Because I simply don't care.
You attract not just what you thik about.
You attract what you ARE. In all your (its) shapes, forms and guises!
And that, my friend is that. Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Truly want to get good at pull-ups? Well, invest in my course right here my friend.
And if you don't, and complain about the cost, or some other BS – well – I hate to say it, but it ain't gonna cut the mustard w/me. You truly do NOT want it in that case!
(and I DO mean that).
Why Donald Trump is such a RESOUNDING SUCCESS At all he does, even his so called failures.
You may not agree. But it's true.
I recently saw a quote from the Trumpinator himself along the lines of “I've played to win all my life”.
The actual words were different.
I believe he said “I've succeeded at everything I've done all my life”.
But if you read between the lines ... notwithstanding his “grand failures”, you'll see he's right. And for those that care to read on (liberals not included, hehe), you'll see this ain't just a “Trump” piece.
A long time ago, Uncle Bob once famously told me the following (which he sometimes didnt do, hehe).
Easier to just do it than ask permission!
Can keep asking for permission later ...
This was with regard to the erstwhile “Major General Michael and Rahul's spats” ... which were infamous in bonny DG back in the day.
Still are to the old timers, hehe.
And he was right, actually.
When Trump wants to do something, or say something, he may be right or wrong.
He may be inviting a catastrophe, or he may be doing something RIGHT. REAL RIGHT!
But one thing is for damned sure.
He doesnt sit around vacillating and thinking what if.
He doesnt think about “what they'll think of me”.
He just says it and then does precisely what he says.
End of story!
And THEREIN, my friend, lies the key, which amazingly enough the very people that complain about no freebies are missing.
Some don't lay it out straight for you.
They want you to buy marketing books to learn it (my wife recently bought one on “Internet Marketing” of all things, and oh boy. A glance inside shows it's SO BORING and utter bilge that even the most desperate of marketer would be hard pressed to use it, but of course, my wife, and ... well, enough said.)
(I'll see if I can find the author. LEt me know and I will, but I believe the name of the book was "Fundamentals of Internet Marketing")
(A prime way NOT TO title a book, any book ...)
Men are always “wrong”, hehe. Aren't they?
But jokes and jibes aside The secret behind Trump's successis simple.
Follow thy gut.
And just do it.
Now, the former entails being WRONG a lot of times, but guess what.
You have to lose in order to win even bigger, and be WRONG in order to be RIGHT later.
A while ago, a friend of mine was in a situation partly created by his actions, but the mess he landed in was a nightmare I wouldn't wish upon even “Bozo” scofield to be honest.
Something most people wouldn't be able to cope with or even imagine the specifics of.
It ended in six months, though no-one gave it a chance of ending before THREE YEARS.
In another month, it started again.
And presto, right now, as we speak, he's in a far far better place today than he was then.
And if he didnt take the actions he did then, he wouldn't be where he is now. Everything DOES HAPPEN FOR A REASON!
And it only happens because you follow your gut.
Could be Trump and the way he is. Could be Ford and his insistence on making the 8 cylinder enginer no matter. Could be Edison with his 10,0001 tries. Could be Jeff Bezos. Could be anyone!
But you take a decision – change it slow – and then just do it.
Don't muck around!
The Universe has a way of throwing it's weight behind the person who knows what he or she truly wants, and is willing to go to any length to get it, even when it seems IMPOSSIBLE and then some.
Not mine.
Napleon Hill. (I mean the part in bold)
From that same guy.
The Universe truly knows NO SUCH THING AS THE WORD “impossible” or “permanent failure”!
The Trumpinator was recently asked what if he didnt win the election.
I believe he will. So does the ROW ...
But, if he didnt.
Sage answer as always.
Crisp, and to the point.
From the heart.
From the gut.
“Ill do something else!”
And if this doesnt make you understand, I dont know what will.
Fitness wise, lifewise, marketing wise, relationship wise, biz wise, same damned thing.
Just do it.
There are those that spend time vacillating over “will the 0 Excuses Fitness System really work” despite proof in front of their eyes. (same thing for Advanced Hill Training).
Then the bozos who can't do pull-ups, and yet question the efficacy of methods from a man who DOES IT ...
(on that note, be on the outlook for the next email, and workout that truly shake your BOLLOCKS up, hehe).
And we have those questioning the efficacy of the humble pushup when champ boxers and wrestlers all do it ...
Stop vacillating my friend.
The time for talk stops NOW.
Just do it – and let the results flow – and if you adopt this method to LIFE IN GENERAL, well watch out. You might well be surprised and then some!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Plenty more such nuggest in Fitness Pioneer – Volume 1. Pick it up right NOW, right HERE. (bozos not welcome tho, sorry, hehe)
Why I laugh at people that say “Go away!”
It's hilarious ... to me at least.
Years ago,I knew a dame named Sophia.
In the city of Shenzhen, I so believe ...
And this girl was a nice person, actually. Well, pretty nice in most ways, but of course, that ole thing about Chinese girls and money ...
(and no, for the record, I don't buy into the “all chinese girls are gold diggers” myth. What I DO and WILL say is this – Chinese girls are some of the most PRACTICAL I've ever seen. That isn't always good, but it is what it is eh)
Anyway, we knew each other for a while. And one fine day, she messaged me out of the blue wanting a quote for a web site of all things.
Apparently she wanted me to build her own website (Something I occasionally do, by the way...but IF AND ONLY IF I'm compensated well for it).
As ole Freddie rightly said all those years ago.
“You don't work cheap, do you”.
No, I don't. And not for free either, but let me continue.
So first thing I told her was “huh”??
This girl is anything but a biz woman. Practical as heck yes, but she ain't n obusinesswoman, and I could tell she just wanted a quote to take to a competitor company and she did all she could in her “sweet” manner to get a “professional” quote out of me (that she could then copy)
And I called her out on it from the word go.
“Sophia, come on”, I laughed. “Lets cut the BS. We both know that ...”
I didnt need to say more.
And I DID give her the quote for shits and grins, but mostly to get her off my case.
A month or so later, she contacts me.
Of course, she's gotten her site built by someone else on the cheap.
Great, I say. And then I talk to her about the weather, I believe.
I could care less, for those that might be asking me. That wasn't the reason I contacted her in the firt place (or she added me, or whatever).
And while I may have lost biz in that regard, she was inspiration for more than three books, so ... ah, but we'll let that go! ;-)
Anyway, she asked me to write some free reviews for her. I declined.
“Sophia, stop badgering me”, I said. I was kind of irritated at that point I do admit because of other things I was dealing with.
One thing led to another, and she deleted me.
Of course. Practical gal. No freebies, so ...
Months later, I contacted her to see if the anger had died down. Just for grins again ...
Her response?
“Go away! Just go away!”
OK ...
A few weeks prior to writing this (perhaps months), I got a similar response from a clown who voluntarily signed up to my list, and apparently didnt catch on that I email - - a LOT.
“Stop sending me emails!”
“Just go away! Please stop sending me emails!”
“Go, go away! Stop! Go away!”
'Tis hilarious, considering these bozos dont even notice the unsubscribe link in the emails they sign up for voluntarily.
Ah, the irony.
Crowning part of all this is they don't know they're getting me more biz, and if I tell them, they don't believe me, and (by their acts) give me MORE fodder.
Like a certain “Glyn Scofield” I write so much about ... Hehe.
But really, when I see these statements I think the following (in no random order).
Joker. Joke job (is that even a term, hehe).
Idiot. Bozo. And so forth.
I mean, really. How hard is to unsubscribe?
Or get the message for one that I ain't here to dole out freebies?
Pretty hard it would seem for most people, hehe.
And the vibe I get off it it this.
A “crying” vibe that says Mama's boy didnt get what he or she wants, and so ... (or, they're offended by something or the other).
And this is precisely the sort I don't market to.
And precisely the sort I do NOT want on my list, or anywhere near me.
Some folks have questioned me why I remove dthem from social media etc, making my circle even smaller.
Simple bro.
When you cut out energy drags and idiots you do NOT Want in your life, guess what replaces 'em.
What you DO WANT!
And on that note, fitness wise. If something ain't working for you, cut it out – NOW. No point doing it to appease the brahs at the gym, my friend. We all know that belly fat ain't going away for one by doing nothing other than gulp down supplement after supplement and do curls to show off those massive mammoth biceps that disappear a day or two after said supplements do, and then it's back to ...
They actually did a movie on that. “English dog in Bangkok” or something. Hilarious movie, but some of the gals were pretty hot, I will say that! ;)
And thats probably why they made the movie in the first place.
OK, enough on that front as well.
To pick up the most “unbozo like” fitness system that truly does work, and gives you results you can only DREAM about, go right here - - The 0 Excuses Fitness System.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS : - For those interested in getting rid of fat – and QUICK – follow the techniques outlined right HERE – Advanced Hill Training.
(And yes, before you ask, it works without access to hills or slopes as well. As I said in the last email, stop arguing (and asking meaningless questions) and just DO the thing, my friend. You might well be amazed!).
PS #2 - Ole Freddie was one of the BEST bosses I ever had, bar none. I did mess up leaving the way I did. Mea culpa ...
Why “one size fits” all doesnt work when it comes to training – or life in general
If you look at the results most people achieve from their lives (I mean in an overall sense), then they are ... to say a word, AVERAGE.
I don't mean the size of a person'a bank account necessarily. Or how many houses, cars and other Bozo like “to fit in with society” accrouements they pile up.
(although that is a marker for many, it never has been for me)
What I mean is overall.
How satisfied is the average person really with their lives my friend?
How FULFILED are they with their lives?
Can they really look back and say “No, I wouldn't change a thing about the way my life is” or if you look deep down within yourself, is there that little voice saying “I wish I had done things differently”.
That little thing you know you were good at.
The things you missed. The things you really wanted.
And so forth.
And while this isn't a push to “break out of the mould” and do what you really, really want (although you should!) - the fact remains.
We are all unique my friend.
We all have UNIQUE skills and talents, whether we realize it or not.
Most of all stop realizing the immense talent and potential we're ALL born with a few years post “birth”.
The subconscious mind picks up enough negative vibrations from society in general around it (unless you have parents that KNOW how to raise a child, of course, in which case it's different) and pretty soon it's the usual humdrum “do what the rest of the sheeple do” and (when you're an adult) “keep up with the Jones”
(Which was pronounced “Jonses” when I was growing up. WTF?? Why would it be pronounced that way? But then again, not all English words are pronounced the same by everyone and certainly not the way they're spelt a lot of times, hehe).
School. College. Get a job (which you may or may not want). Get a job that “pays well”. Marry. Have kids (the last two are changing in certain parts of the world, but not to the extent they should). Buy house. Buy car.
Ad infinitum.
Of course, we have the few “misfits and outcasts” such as the great author O.Henry I believe it was ... who ended up in prison before he could finally display his immense talent to the world.
Or Abraham Lincoln who was a nothing and nobody before the age of 43 before the love of a woman inspired him to the great heights we know him to be at ...
Strange indeed are the machinations of that “power” -- that “hidden force” that tests those that HAVE it via all sorts of trials, tribulations, temporary defeats and such until it decides that the person can “take it” and opens the doors to success!
The lesson above is clear enough, methinks.
And fitness wise, perhaps you don't realize it, but it's TRUE. (that the one size all approach fits all).
In my daily emails and teachings I tell you to do something DAILY.
And it's true. You should!
But I also tell you not to train to failure daily. Not to burn out daily. Not to shoot for max reps daily.
And guess what.
For years, I did just that, and still made gains.
Now, people have tol dme “I'm exceptional” and perhaps I was. But the person who said that (at the time) also said this.
“Thats all youdo! It's your life! You train!”
And for a period therein, while I was pumping out books and courses galore, it was.
It was my LIFE (well, one part of it, and the other part was the other business I shall not reveal here, hehe).
And a pretty damn good one at that.
But would I advocate this method to all and even myself today?
Another example – pushups.
I'd do at least 500 pushups a day wayyyy back in the day.
Sometimes it took me forever, but I'd do 'em anyway. Sometime sI didnt feel like doing 'em, but I'd do 'em anyway.
Would I recommend this toe veryone? NO.
YOU, my friend, have to take a fitness program and then see how YOU CAN ADAPT best to it!
“It truly is what you make of it”, and that axoim holds true- - both for LIFE - - and FITNESS!!
This is why I don't pay much attention to the clowns that show up and tell me that my (already very well) structured books should be “more structured”.
i.e. Tell them what to eat, what to drink, when to piss, when to take a dump, when to go to sleep, when to ... ah, but you get my point.
In 0 Excuses Fitness I plainly state I ain't intereste din handholding.
Workouts? Well, I provide plenty of those for you in all my books.
But even those need to be tailored to an extent for each person (at least, that is what the wise amongst us would be wise to do).
And thats just how it is my friend.
There is no one size fits all to life – and fitness.
Emblazon this in your mind, and say it to yourself daily every time you encounter any form of “doubt” w.r.t “why is this not working the way it does for him”.
We're ALL different!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Gumption Galore contains plenty more such motivational tips, for thsoe of you that love 'em! ;)