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Yo uchoose.

But a couple of years back, or maybe before that, I dont know, I remember my wife mentioning this to me.

Well, she made the “infamous” (by now) comment.

Two, actually.

One was “you look taller now!”

And two, of course, the Mr. Handstand Pushup comment.

Which received a lot of hate, and a lot of love, much like yours truly does. Hehe.

But I believe somewhere around that time, my little girl made the comment about “Pull-up champion Papa”.

(or, if you're Bozo Schofield on speed reading this from "Oxford Shocksford" (so he claims now!) ... a STUD. A SUPER STUD, actually at pull-ups) 

That I AM, my friend.


Very unabashedly so.

Even folks that could knock my ass out in the boxing ring, out wrestle me, our write me (nah, not that one) – or KNOW a way more about things than I do in general would admit that much.

Conditoning champ.

And pull-up champ.

And ardent LEARNER and student at what I dont know, and firm believer in “being good enough to best your guru someday – and then giving HIM credit for it!”

Giving credit.

In 0 Excuses Fitness, I freely mention Matt Furey as the source of the Hindu pushup and squat (I mean, not where I first heard about these exercises, but the man who brought them to light).

Until he did, in my mind and perhaps millions of other people, they were just “some exercises those wrestlers did (and do)”.

I was cautioned not to do this by a certain “jill ass” who claimed it would lose me sales.

Did it?

I think the opposite, actually.

Hey, if someone is better at you at something – and if someone DID something – then you give cREDIT!

And ditto for you.

Now, point of this?

Two, actually.

One, you decide which name is better, hehe.

Ill choose #2 but #1 is a close runner.

But now, hark back to THAT time.

While doing those pull-ups, for whatever reason, I was goin “OOO RRAAAAAAAAAAAA!”

like the Marines do.

Like probably a lot of serious trainers and trainees do in their own way and lexicon.

And ... a way that gets RESULTS.

It fires you up.

It pumps you up.

It FREES you up.

And as I told my little girl, “When you’re faced with a problem or enemy? ATTACK, ATTACK, and ATTACK – and never give up!”

Attack, bro is truly the best and only form of defense.

The Trumpinator, for one.

He’s being PILLORIED right about now.

And Mike Pompeo is continuing down the Attack China road via the new Taiwan policy, and more.


Mike Pompeo. Mike Pence. Bill Barr. Lots of others.

And most of all the TRUMPINATOR.

Men that get it. Men that just DO the thing. Like our great soldiers in the Marines etc. And special forces everywhere.

OOO ... RAAA!!

And I’m out. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Those pull-ups did feel easier that day!

Published in Exercises
Tagged under
Friday, 01 January 2021 19:58

The paved expressway to “el GRAVE”.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions, or was that the other way around?


In this case, NO.

In this case, the “paved expressway to “el GRAV-O” like I said is paved with nothing but ... well, stupidity!


Anyway, what am I talking about you might ask.

And you’d be right to!

A few days ago I sent you guys an email about how a long term customer of mine from the UK was being told “that he should have stopped working out years ago and that he shouldn’t do it now or he’ll get a heart attack”.

You guys likely remember that.

And the dude made one of those CLASSIC comments.

“I’ve given up trying to explain it to her. Its like talking to a brick wall except the wall would likely make more sense if you know what I mean!”

Now, that ain’t a verbatim quote – the verbatim version is on the site a few emails back, but thats the sum and substance of what he said, and I must say I concur. Hehe.

And here is what Charles Mitchell, another long term customer and friend had to say about this - -

Happy New Year Rahul.As far as the conversation with your friend and customer is concerned, I am the exact same age and to stop working out is surely the express lane to the grave!  Nobody can stop the clock but exercise is the only real way we can slow it down.

People tell me I look younger than my actual age and I say thank you, but that doesn't really matter to me. What matters is what I am still able to do physically. Maintaining or even increasing strength in later years is the best thing anyone can do for themselves! Looking good as a by product is just a plus and shouldn't be the main objective.(of course that's just my opinion)

As far as bodyweight vs. weights, this is a silly conversation! Both have their pluses and minuses. Few bodyweight athletes can bench press 400 pounds, and I have yet to see a 400 pound bench presser able to do a muscle-up! Or 50 finger tip push ups for that matter!

Un fortunately, too many heavy weight lifters that lift monstrous poundages are pumped full of steroids which is not healthy. But the bodyweight exercises will build strength ( how many lifters can do hand stand push ups?) and keep you feeling and looking good and healthy for as long as you're alive. I hav done a mix of both most of my life and hope to continue to do so. And if anyone thinks that bodyweight doesn't build real strength, then they haven't done any of your programs!

The reason people buy your books is because you can do things that they can't, myself included, and they want to learn how.

So keep doing what you do and hopefully those with a reasonable intellect will see the benefit in it.


You’ll see my reply to him in a New York minute (minus the COVID ;)) but I gotta say one thing I forgot to say in my response to him.

He is SO right about the “those with a reasonable intellect part”!

No sense trying to make a horse drink in other words if it doesnt WANT to in the first place.

Anyway, here is what I had to say - -

Hey Charles 

Thanks for your email, and Happy New Year! I was actually thinking of you a short while ago - thoughts DO transmute! ;)

Yes, I regard most of my regular customers as "friends" as well - you included, hehe. And YES, stopping working out makes no sense whatsoever at any age (unless one has a REAL medical issue which prevents them from doing certain things - - but, there are always ways to work around that as well). But then again, wives and S.O.'s usually don't either beyond a certain point ... if you get my drift ... ;)

(Edit, and I gotta say this - LADIES - yes, we know - neither do husbands and "male halfs of the relationship. HA! Men are indeed from Mars, and women from Venus, or perhaps the other way around sometimes! But yes, nothing against either "gender" or a mix thereof. Just how it is :D)

YES, it's never about looks in that regard either! I'm the same as you in that people are generally shell shocked when I tell 'em my real age - but hell yes, it's about HEALTH from the inside out - and real strength and fitness, first, last and foremost!

Yes, the eternal debate isn't it - with regard to bodyweight VS weight lifters. Actually lifting weights can be GOOD sometimes (por ejempelo, the overhead press is an immensely useful exercise) but it's the pumpers and toners (and like you say, the "freaks pumped full of steroids and selfies, hehe") that I really rail against. Nothing wrong at all with REAL weightlifting DONE RIGHT - - hey, those old time strongmen did a lot of it! But yes, bodyweight will always rule in a certain regard - even the old timers would be the first to say that. (Doug Hepburn, Reg Park etc) ... (just a few examples - Jack La Lanne is another very notable example).

I've seen a LOT of people actually improve their weight numbers by STOPPING the weights entirely for a while and focusing on bodyweight only. . . I'm sure you have too! I haven't yet seen the reverse though ...

How many modern day lifters can do handstands or a handstand pushup (and thats just the start)? Well, we both know the answer to that is a gigantic, big ZERO. LOL again. And that, my friend, is proof right there for the "naysayers" in terms of "does bodyweight build real strength", but of course then there's the excuse "I'm a big guy" (when most are really FAT). And so goeth the endless "convo" with the "brick wall" !!

And last, but not least, definitely going full bore on books etc. Let me know what else YOU would like to see - ah, but wait. You DID tell me -plyometrics and one arm work. Note to self for 2021! ;)

(I'm doing some one arm/leg work myself these days - its a great, great thing to do if you can do it - and again, if someone works up to it, they can - YOU included!)

.... along with "mace and club" training and a host of others. Stay tuned. Lots to do, and I'm "loving it"! ;)




Well, my friend, thats about it for the day then. Straight from the horse’s mouth - - and in terms of books and courses – two things.

ONE, as always, please, please leave genuine reviews on the site – or Amazon etc (wherever you buy from) – or email them direct to me – it really helps.

And two, of course, shoot me an email if there is something you think I haven’t covered as yet, and I’ll be happy to make a note as I did for Charles (and actually a few others too!) and put it on the “to do list” for 2021.

And of course, Windoze – Linux should be the #1 thing on that list too!

But anyway, write back – let me know – we’re always happy to hear from you guys!

And so goes it. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Notice his comments about “how many lifters can do a handstand”. He’s spot on again. Charles is one smart dude! And here is where you can pick up the course on handstand pushups – and LEARN how to do ‘em – Shoulders like Boulders.

Once you’re past elementary stage you might want to pick up Battletank Shoulders!

And I FINALLY put out that shoulder compilation, so you can pick BOTH up in “one package” right HERE - - Barnstormer Shoulders! (Gawd only knows why it took me so long to do something so elementary, especially considering the other compilations have been out there for a long, long time, but hey, “dats” life!).

PS #2 – Pushup Central is probably the course that challenges Charles the most, and he loves it! Pick it up right NOW – it WILL get you int he best shape of your life – and remember - - Animal Kingdom Workouts is another BARNSTORMER of a course- be sure and grab!

PPS – All this Spanish talk in my emails reminds me I never did tell you ONE thing. LOTS of our courses have been translated into Spanish and Portugese. They’re not on MY sites for logistical reasons, but in case anyone’s interested, let me know – and I’ll have a link etc sent over.

IF there is a language YOU would like to see our books in other than English, let me know and I’ll see what I Can do!

(In other words – feedback rocks – and rules!)

Published in Exercises

Puff and buff.

Huff, puff, and blow the house of cards down but nothing else.

I’ve seen a LOT of that throughout my life!

And I continue to see it via inane messages and Bozo like rants I get in my Inbox. I’ll get into that later, but for now, flash back from the past, and one I’ve written about before.

Back in college, I took a “physical education 101 and 102” class amongst other things.

101 was great. I loved it!

And it was EASY too.

I remember having a paper or something to turn in at the end of the semester, and the instructor’s only requirements were – workout – and tell me about it!

And to be honest.

Being I was at 60 pushups at one go there ... I wrote abotu that.

I asked Rueben, a friend of mine. 

“What if he doesnt believe me”.

His response was apt.

Said with a shrug.

“Just get down right there on the floor and show him!”

And he was right. But the instructor was a smart, smart dude and a BULL of a man who likely did a lot of bodyweight himself too.

I passed I believe. With a B or something.


Had a pretty young instructor teaching the class. 

Yours truly remembers telling “Vince”, an Italian friend of mine (I love Italy, btw!!) the following.

“She alone makes it worth it”.

But she didnt.

Her version of teaching was to get everyone in the gym.


And while I did manage to get my ass seated on one of the inane machines, I just couldn’t figure out how to use it, and even back then, when I used it, I remember saying OUT LOUD – (and I didnt mean to offend – it just happened) – what the hell are these useless things??

I mean, even back then, when I didnt have much knowledge of fitness, they just seemed like the most BOZO like contraptions ever.

Something that Bozo Scofield would use, for instance, especially the seated chest press.

Ridiculous, especially considering the last version of the class 101 and the beefy police officer like STEELY STARED MAN - REAL MAN that did the class.

(nothing against ladies, this email ,by the way. But she was a bimbo!)

And she made the following comment to me and I was irritated as hell at that point.

Came over to me, rubbed my shoulders of all things.


I’m not Jassy! Hehe (although Jassy and I wouldn’t meet until YEARS later).

And then she said it.

Comment for the ages.

Said with a tinker and giggle.

“We’ll get you puffed and buffed right away”.

(something about “pumped” as well)


No wonder I still rant about the puff and buff routines and the bozos, weight tom tommers, and puff duffs that sit on their asses and pretend to be bad asses type of thing ...

If you’re really a bad ass – do this in the gym, my friend.

Get down ont he floor – and get into a handstand – and then pump out 10 perfect HANDSTAND pushups.

Or, 10 perfect pull-ups at ONE shot.

Or something like that.

THAT is BAD ASS, and the puff duff’s know it!

And thats why they dont do it, hehe.

Anyway, to end that story Vince ran after me.

We were in the truck together, figuring out if we should grab a beer to calm yours truly down. I had an exam later, but being I often showed up for Calculus exams half drunk it wouldn’t matter.

And it was Friday.

“you can’t be better than everyone else in the gym, Rahul!”

Hmmm ....

Thats what Vince THOUGHT I was upset about. You see, he loved the gym! And probably the lady teaching the class too, heh.

But that wasn’t what it was about.

I wasn’t trying to outdo anyone. I was simply saying it was BS.

And it was.

As for outdoing others, here is what Charless Mitchell, a customer (he owns both Shoulders like Boulders! - and Battletank Shoulders! - - smart dude!) had to say about my wife calling me “Mr Handstand Pushup”.

“Thats a name to be proud of! Less than 0.01% of the population can even do a handstand pushup!”

This is NOT verbatim, of course. As always , from memory, but being I have that of an elephant, I believe it’s accurate enough, hehe.

And he’s right, my friend. He’s right.

Better? Or not?

You be the judge!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – YOU TOO – can get to super stud level at these exercises, my friend. Even if you’re a DUD right now that can barely hold on to a chinning bar (believe me, most so called men these days CANNOT) ... you CAN get to stud level – and then SUPER STUD. Just DO the thing, and you will.

Here are the two courses you need to be looking at (in that ORDER, by the way!) -

Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD within a matter of weeks!

Pull-ups – from STUD to SUPER STUD within a matter of WEEKS! Hidden secrets that have NOT been revealed until now!

And they haven’t bro, they haven’t.

Or, if you’re really smart, you might check out the compilation. Your eyes might pop upon looking at the price...

Published in Exercises

Yours truly “caveman” doesnt really get into news at all these days.

Well, Ikeep myself informed, but thats about it.

On the important things.

And one of the LEAST important things for me, if you can even call it that is “celeb gossip”.


I do NOT want to keep up with the latest celeb breakfast, or how their dog is so cute, or other “cutesy details they share” (Priyanka Chopra, an Indian actress recently shared something about her husband “wants to see her face before she puts make up on- first thing in the morning after waking up).


Not the act itself. But this sort of idiotic, inane news ...

But anyway, I wrote about cricket before.

And Virat Kohli, say what you might about him otherwise is at the very PINNACLE of his batting career, and how – and he’s fit as a fiddle (unlike most others in the Indian cricket team).

(well, at least of yore, but even now to be honest) ...

But Kohli is a FITNESS MANIAC!

Anyway, it doesnt surprise me that his wife a Bollywood actress (who is recently pregnant) shared a picture on social sh-media about ... her doing a modified handstand – and that while pregnant!

Quite the baby bump she’s got. I’m assuming at least four month or perhaps 5. I ain’t kept up ...

But Kohli was supporting her, while she in her own words “it was perfectly safe and used the wall for extra support, with my very able husband helping me” 

And very able indeed he is!

Carol a student of mine often wanted my help in doing handstands, and I’d often support her like that at the top of the hill as she did it, and then I would (without help of course).

But while both the ladies are holding static poses, the FIRST lady is pregnant!

And she’s doing a modified forearm version of the handstand at that.

Somewhat easier given the support she’s geting, but still, while pregnant!

Just goes to show where there is a will, there is a way!

So now, where is your excuse?

Write back – and tell me!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – HERE is where you can get on the Shoulders Like BOULDERS! Train.

PS #2 – Her pose is called something in “yoga shmoga” but for the life of me I can’t remember the name of the pose.

PPS - If you needed any further reason as to why I call my fitness system - truly a LANDMARK and NEVER seen before system in many ways - the ZERO EXCUSES FITNESS SYSTEM!

Published in Exercises
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Sunday, 29 November 2020 10:37

Wolf workouts, and building momentum!

It’s often said that once you’ve got momentum BUILDING – or BUILT up – at anything – you’re unstoppable.

Could be a cricket match (currently we have India vs Australia where India is chasing a mammoth score that the Aussies pulverized India for – btw – a shout out to the Aussie cricket team – I’ve always loved ‘em - - great, great “barnstormers” if I may borrow the term John!).

Especially Smith and Maxwell, but of course, Kohli and Rahul may have something to say about that! ;)

(Edit - just checked, and the "King" of one day chases is out, hehe). 

We’ll see how it pans out.

In the meantime though ... I’ve been feeling weak today. That stomach bug left me a bit weak it seems, and though I slept most of it off, and woke up feeling fine, I wasn’t sure what to write to you about.

Guess what I did.

I (and I know many are going to hate me for saying this, hehe) ... JUST DID IT!

Built momentum with a few sentences and though today was supposed to be a writing free day, I’m back at it!

Same thing for workouts, bro.

You just do it. Despite the hoo haa that Charles, a friend of mine made about my “just do it” approach ultimately it’s what WORKS – in life – biz – fitness.


And then YOU JUST DO IT, bro!

No whining. No whinging No Mama’s Boy Scofield drama.

You get down to it.

And you just do it!

Anyway, wolves.

I’ve written before about that, hehe.

How an Uncle of mine often called me a “wolf” for my lifestyle.

And he was right, of course. I prefer “caveman”, but lone wolf works fine too!

(The Bozo got that part right, although he used the term “loner” as if it was something to be ashamed of. Yes. Figured he’d say that. Bozos generally make those judgements!

Guess what – when you cut out bozos out of you life and become a “loner” and associate ONLY with those that are aligned with YOU and lift you UP as opposed to drag you DOWN – is the day your life will improve, and how!).

(You wont believe it – it’ll seem like magic, but it’s true. Cut what you dont want out of your life, and scary though the thought might be, guess what replaces it!)

And for a brief while there, I thought about becoming “Denzel” in Training Day and putting out “Wolf Workouts”, hehe.

Thats a rooster, dawg! Give me a wolf!


I love ole Denzel. Training day is one of my favorite flicks. Right up there!

And ... it’s workouts like I advocate – WOLF like workouts done on your lonesome without the bros primping and preening and posing and looking at the girls next to you.

It’s the WOLF like workouts that give you gumption – strength – character – and the DESIRE, WILL and power to face ANYTHING in life!

Ever wondered how most prisoners are in such kick ass shape? Charles Bronson for one?

And I’ll leave you be on that note!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pushups and Isometrics were part of Bronson’s routine. Dont believe me? Well – read his book – and no, I get nothing for promoting it, but what he said was true – and thats precisely what I have been saying !

PS 2 – NO, I do not advocate breaking the law to get in shape, hehe. I know that sounds silly to say, but trust me – with some of the nimrods out there on the Web readin gthis via Google or whatever – well – I had and have to say it! Hehe. Like I tell people to be “careful” when doing handstands. You would be nigh on surprised at how the elementary things need to be drilled into the vast majority of people!

Published in Exercises

…. that you need to avoid at all costs, I should say.

What do I mean.

Well I've written tomes about the “how dare he!” thoughts I get and pick up from TONS of people out there familiar with my writings. And my work. And more! ;)

 You truly ARE defined more by your haters than thos ethat love you and buy from you, and if you have any doubt on this, just look at any successful person my friend (anyone you consider successful) and you'll quickly see the TRUTH behind this statement.

 Now, back to it.

 Ever notice when people make the following statements …

 "Oh, those politicians! They're all hand in glove! They're all in cahoots!”

 "Oh, those big business men, they're all way out of our league! All in cahoots!”

 And so goes the mournful chant, accompanied by a “deflated” feeling on the part of the person saying it, and then of course IRRITATION.

 And ignorance of the fact (well, consciously, but not subconsciously!) that they themselves are as far from said person's success as I am from Mars right about now at the time of writing this, for one …

 Now, note two things.

 The above is correct.

 And the above two statements … well, in theory they may or may not be right.

 That ain't the point though.

 Point is the emphasis on the word “them” (or those).

 People making statements like these put themselves into a different bracket from the above subconsciously.

 Am I saying dont use the word?

 Not at all.

 It's there in the English language for a reason.

 But it's the WAY in which that word is used!

 As if these people are God, or someone the mourners can't emulate!

 Of course they can.

 The fact is, most people are too LAZY to buckle down to brass tacks and DO what it takes to get to where they want to be, rather preferring to focus on social media shmedia, “follow” their favorite people, and in general do everything but that what is required to get THEM to the point that THEY can …

 …. ah, but they don't even believe they can!

 And therein lies the crux of the issue, and why most people in this here world do NOT succeed (and no, it ain't their “fault” either in many regards).

 We've been fed a crock of shit my friend.

 We've been all spoonfed the crock of “getting a good job”, for one, and living a steady life, but what about the virtues of “doing your own thing” and the satisfaction you get from finally getting there, not to mention being able to make LIFE MARCH TO YOUR OWN TERMS?

 How often do we hear that?

 No. We don't.

 We hear “oh, you have no ambition! You can never do it!”

 And being our minds believe anything that we're told enough number of times, (subconscious mind that is, and therein lies the SEAT of accomplishment and true power) …

 Hey, look buddy.

 These guys were the same as YOU once.

 Donald Trump for one has been broke and has FAILED way more times than he has succeeded and sit down with him and have a chat, and he'll be the first one to tell you.

 Jeff Bezos was nothing but an unemployed office worker who was told NOT to create Amazon when he first started!

 And this holds true for ANY successful person. I cannot remember the other example I had in mind this morning, but the above two should suffice.

 It aint about you're not in their league. Anyone can be, if they try!

 When I hear statements like the above, incredulousness jumps to my mind, not because “they aren't in cahoots” necessarily.

 They might be.

 But because of how the person says the word “they” …

 As if they themselves can never get there.


 The human mind if harnessed correctly can perform MIRACLES my friend. Nigh on miracles, and this is as true as the sunlight shining outside the window in the late afternoon as I sit here writing this …

 (Nah, not really. I'm in my cave. Hehe)..

 And yeah, it applies to FITNESS too.

 “You look like am ovie star!”

 “You're super fit!”

 “I wish I had great genetics like you!” (newsflash, the idiots who say this have NO clue; it's the exact opposite!)

 And while I've written about all that before, the MENTALITY of the person saying this is something I wanna mention today.

 “I can never get there”, person is subconsciously thinking (if he's the lazy loser slob type).

 The DOERS, on the other hand look at me. Or anyone they consider to be at a high level.

 They say NOTHING in most cases.

 They get down to brass tacks. They invest in the PRODUCTS they need. And they just DO IT.

 Pretty sure, they're at the same level themselves, or better in some ways!

 And thats what it's truly about my friend.

 You have to stop making excuses to yourself my friend.

 You have to stop trying to convince yourself that you “cant”.

 And most of all, you gotta stop bickering and JUST DO IT (one reason I love Trump so muchj, and one reason that while I didnt even mention politics etc before 2020, I do now, and a lot, because he's a goddamned businessman, not a politician, and he gets thing DONE – high energy, high OCTANE!!)

 If you're too fat to do pull-ups, then just lose weight my friend.

 I dont care if that means you starve or don't drink beer. I don't care if it means the latest keto-sheeto diet, or what not. I don't care if you feel tired and rundown. I don't give a shit about any of that.

 What I care about is you getting down to brass tacks and just doing it my friend.

 Believe me, simple approaches work the best, and this one approach will reap RICH dividends, if you just let it!

 And thats that for now. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

 PS – Again, make sure to GET ON THE fitness train right HERE my friend. Truly the best fitness investment you'll ever make and one that just flat out works!

 PS #2 – Ah, I just remembered. I was going to talk about Herschel Walker!

 Charles who moaned about my info being useless said the following about him.

 “But he's got great genetics! Muscle sticks to him like shit on a ...”

 (Um no it doesnt brah. And he's said it himself plenty of times. He's a hard gainer with terrible genetics!)

 “He's 75 lbs bigger than you!”

 (This when doing a discussion on how according to Charles big guys couldn't do pull-ups.)

 (I mean, really. Not only does it have nothing to do with the price of fish in Germany for one, but it's a ridiculous statement to make anyway in the context of the discussion. Big small, yada, nada, schnada. Who cares! Just get off your ass, lose that weight, and then just do it BRAH!)

 … And Yes, you CAN get to his levels if you believe, but you won't, but this is not for you, it's for the others reading that can, and WILL BELIEVE!

 PPS – Be sure and pick up the PATHBREAKING course on pull-ups rigt here. The latest edition is PEPPERED with tips that will BLAST your performance sky high and right through the gym roof. You'll never want to gym shym again once you get good at PULL-UPS!!!!!!!!!

Published in Exercises
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Thursday, 04 June 2020 14:11

Doing something everyday

Last year was a time I was guilty of not devoting as much time to this here business as I should have.

And for good reason in ONE way, I suppose. I was involved in a new venture at the end of 2018 which took off pretty quickly, but as they say and as a client from THAT job way back in the day once told me (I think I was 27 at the time, and my web development business, something I was into at that time was going OK).

“Good to know your business is going ok, Rahul! Far better to be slow and steady than be the rocket ship that takes off, crashes and burns . . . “

There was more, but that was the gist of it.

That client taught me a lot (I should say dealing with that client, actually) about life – sales- communication – and while a lot of my writing ability was obviously something I’ve honed myself as well as my unique style (as a subscriber recently pointed out) – SOME of my negotiation skills were learnt on the job – by negotiating with a person who was BETTER at it at that time than yours truly was, hehe.

Or was he?

He once told me,

“Rahul, you were the only one that could SELL me the project!”

‘Tis true, my friend. ‘Tis true and there are more details in the book right HERE.

Now, on to last year (again).

I was giving my friend Dwayne a bit of background on the fitness biz and he was giving me some real world useful pointers on it, which I gladly took on board.

Dawyne’s a sensible man that has been there and done that, and any advice he gives you has been “tempered” by the fires of life - - and you KNOW that if a man has been there and done it, and then talks about it (much like I myself do) then I’m more than willing to be the ear that listens and learns.

We never know everything . . .

Anyway, I was not devoting as much time as I should to this here business and Dwayne gave me this little bitty wisdom that slipped through the cracks as it were.

Just post something everyday, Rahul.

Even if you’re not really going full bore, that’s fine. Just keep posting, and eventually . . .

Curiously enough this was advice I was following FULL TIME since 2017 for 0 Excuses Fitness (and back in the day for rahulmookerjee.com) but yet, despite it having brought success, I “put it on the back burner” temporarily.

We often stop doing those very things that make us successful, my friend. In an insidious and “back door” manner (no pun intended) something else creeps up that takes center stage, then something else and something else, and before we know it, we forget that we’re not doing what we were cut out to do.

Napoleon Hill said the same thing when his inner voice told him he was being a stubborn student, and told him that the reason for his recurring disappointments were his lack of persistence in following through with what was truly his “mission in life”.

You have been a stubborn student! Learn this lesson once and for all, that you will find happiness only by helping OTHERS find it!

And there’s more to that story that I’ve gone over before so I wont get into it again now. Maybe another email.

Point being this.

Doings something everyday IS what it’s all about.

The little gains do add up over time.

PERSISTENCE, truly IS to man’s character what carbon is to STEEL!

And if there is one major quality that seperates the true achievers from the rest, it is this.

The SAME principle applies in terms of fitness.

I’ve often said that it’s like putting money into a bank account.

One excellent workout after the other. Or perhaps 5 excellent workouts in a week, and that one day you don’t “feel like it” you go light – feel great later – and you still put something in the bank.

You wouldn’t stop putting money in the bank would you?

Well, then why not do the same thing with fitness my friend?

Believe me, the gains DO add up over time – with compound interest at that!

And that’s today’s message. For more such wisdom – hark on over here and get the 0 Excuses Fitness System NOW.

No, it ain’t “free”. No, there aren’t any discounts (unless you’re really serious and in that case shoot me an email and we’ll see what we can do). But it’s stuff that WORKS, my friend. Truly does. For the doers only though, as I’ve said many times before!

Right here – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Have you checked out our latest product “16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections”? I almost forgot to tell you about that. Go right HERE to check it out - https://0excusesfitness.com/16-inspirational-fitness-recollections/

Published in Exercises
Monday, 01 March 2021 09:01

Sun drenched workouts . . .

What a pain Win-Blows is! 

I had this post nicely typed out (email) and then the computer chooses just this time to crash. Hehe. 

Lets try another time (I'm still on a hunt for that Toshiba I want!). 

Anyway, sun drenched workouts - and spoiler alert - this ain't what you might be thinking. 

No sun drenched beach, warm sand you can feel, sparkly water right next to yo uthat you want to DIVE into (even if you just saw the Meg, hehe) ... and certainly no girls lying on their tummies with their posteriors pried tightly SHUT so that leering Bozo Schofields can't even try and pry 'em open. 

Now, admittedly the Bozo looks harmless from a distance, but he ain't. 

Appearances can be deceptive, and believe me, not even the most desperate of old women would want the Bozo anywhere near her posterior. 

Unless he flashed "wads" of cash but beign those are usually given to him by women, gullible ones in China he dupes, and being he's "stuck" in Mom's basement for now in the UK, that ain't happening either! 


The lovely Bozo. 


But he's great fun in some regards as you can tell! 

Anyway, sun drenched. 

I just got done with a sun drenched routime myself out there - a 100 pull-ups in the park and the sun literally "bathed" my back and "kneaded it from the inside out" as I worked out!

Great, warm feeling, and my calves are still BUZZING with that buzz you get from great workouts. 

But it brings to mind some recollections - and this one - I have NOT posted in the workout memoires - workouts, if you're the nut job reading this - for "salacious memoirs" you'll be redirected to the right site, LOL - truly one of the best fitness memoirs EVER - and a book very dear to my heart (and trolled roundly, since it's just so damn inspirational, just like Pushup Central) - 16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections

Golly, those memories! 

Anyway, back in the day I'd often workout at 1PM or so - outdoors. 

Remember this is Southern China, my friend. The sun would be BLAZING and BASHING down on me as I trained. It's so hot in that part ofthe country that it would rain one minute - tropical style downpour - you'd be SOAKED to the bone. 

Next minute, sun would show up, and you'd dry out, and be soaked again within a minute - with sweat. 



I completed many a tough hill climb in those conditions, tons of 'em! 

Not for nothing they call me Mr. Ironman, hehe. 

But the time I'm talking about, I climbed the hill at the end of my routine. 

First, I would do Hindu squats out there, out by the lovely lake int he park as the cool breeze blew across my face. 

I loved that lake - still do! 

Then I'd do 150 pushups - once done, I'd dust off, and do MORE - with feet plonked on a bench. A style I believe I popularized in Pushup Central ... 

Then, it was on to the park itself - unshaded area, and I'd bang out pull-ups and more pushups. It was so hot that the thick bars felt like molten steel, and my hands used to literally feel like they were BURNING!

You gotta experience it to FEEL it, hehe. 

And I'd do those 100 handstand pushup/pull workouts out there in that heat. 

The park used to be deserted at that time. Save a few "aunties" fanning themselves under the trees wondering what the Da Xing Xing was up to, there was no-one crazy enough to be out there at the time. 

Just me, myself, and the SUN! BLAZING DOWN!

And I'd finish them workouts, then climb the hill, then finish off with a Bourne sprint or two. 

Some of the best toughest workouts of my life - and some of the best times I HAD and continue to! 


And .. good news is this. 

YOU don't have to be NEAR as extreme to get in great shape. 

I'm not asking you to do any of this necessarily. In fact, when you start out, I would NOT recommened this type fo thing!

But YOU, my friend - and this is a promise Rahul Mookerjee makes - -you, my brother, can get into the best shape of your life in less than 15 minutes in the comfort, privacy and AIR CONDITIONED ENVIRONS (if you so choose) of your Home . 

You do NOT need extreme. 

You can work up to it. 

But no, you do NOT need it! 

And you might just SWEAT in the air conditioned environs too - you'll see me doing that in the Rolls Royce of Fitness workout video! 

But thats all you need bro. 

And thats a promise Rahul is making to you - and whe he makes ones - he does it - and DELIVERS - and you can take his word to the BANK, my friend - and my great customers around the GLOBE know it! 

(so do the Bozos, hehe). 

I'm out. Man, that felt good!

Back soon. 


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - The hill I trained on is HERE - Advanced hill Training. Be sure and grab it now - truly the JAGUAR of fitness, and goes great with the Royce here . . . 

Published in Workouts

Not just because they’re the bread and butter of ANY business which is a fact a lot of so called business men and women do NOT realize as theyre chasing the almighty buckola, which of course runs away as fast from them as they chase it...

But because you guys are guys that GET it.

Anyway, more on this beneath.

But I still remember what a person told me many, many years ago (he was on the list when I first put out rahulmookerjee.com – those were the DAYS!).

“With a father like you your daughter need NEVER worry about getting unfit and eting too much etc”.

(This was in response to an email about how infants and kids instinctively know they have “had enough” and STOP eating, period, regardless of how “delicious” or yummy the food is in front of them (unless its chocloate, hehe)).

As adults, we could learn a LOT from infants - - both w.r.t fitness – and life – and BREATHING

Anyway, he said that in response to that post (which I’ll share to you guys probably one of these days. It’s an all time favorite! Probably second after my hill climbing workout post) ...

And as I sit here writing this to you, typo ridden or what not (and the SQUIT workout as well) .. .I think what he said was right.

Kiddie fitness proves it, for one.

And the term my little girl came up with does too!

She’s the most inventive and ingenius ever. We call her (or at least I did) “Little Einsten”, right down to the messy “lab” of hers. Hehe.

Yours truly hates disorders and chaos, but sometimes there is more function in dysfunction and more ORDER in chaos than is visible to the “naked eye”.

Now, squits. 

Is What I did today for a majority of MY workout.

What is it, I still remember asking my daughter when she coined the term.

“Dad, it’s a combo of squat and sit!”

And shes right.

And what it ALSO is a stretch for the AGES, bro.

A stretch that most in the West, and even most modern Asians could NOT get into – or hold – for any length of time.

And a stretch thats functionally one of the most useful ones.

Move over splits etc.

When you gotta take a dump and there ain’t no toilet in the woods, then it’s time for the bear to do what it does eh.

But you can only do it if you can GET into position first, and SPLIT seconds count. Hehe.

(I still remember a bus ride back from Hong Kong where all water I drank was (in Bruce, an old friends terminology) “clamoring to come out”! And th ebus ride took forever, and there was a traffic jam and I was wondering if I’d have to pull out the ole bottle, hehe).

(He didnt say clamoring, but you get the point!)

But anyway ...

One of the most functional stretches ever.

And it’ll give you a workout from hell in a way you have NOT experienced before if you do it right!

And it’s mentioned in my latest book “Isometric and Flexibility Training”.

And another most functional and NIGH USEFUL stretch to get rid of back pain, feel great, and lose WEIGHT – big time – is mentioned in 0 Excuses Fitness

And the best darn exercise which is and has gotten RAVE reviews is nothing but a solid derivative of this ...

And on yet another note, I’ve been going back and forth with a customer Charles, and he’s “impressed that I hadn’t forgotten or ignored or “dismissed” his requests for new books which he made last year”.

Early last year.

Yours truly does have the memory of an elephant, but he has it even more so for you guys.

Because y’all are what make it worth it!

And thats why I ENCOURAGE people to contact me directly in case of any questions – leave reviews – keep the feedback coming – and so forth!

All for a good cause!

I’m out.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pick up the courses above, and don’t forget Advanced Hill Training – another GEM of a course right there.

Published in Workouts
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