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Friday, 09 April 2021 05:44

Work vs "drink beer and send an email"

I've never forgotten (or I should say, I'll never forget what my one time student Carol told me repeatedly about "work"). 

Every time I asked her to do something, I'd get many answers, but the following was #1 most of the time. 

"But I have to work!" 

Apparently she was always "too busy" because she had to "work" (unless of course it was something she really wanted in case she made time, and how!)

But this isn't about her so much as the statement. 

A girl we both know once made the following statement to me. 

"But we need to work! Not like you, drink beer, send email, make money!" 

Um ... thats a nice, indeed great way to describe it, but I wouldn't quite put it that way! 

Admittedly on occasion I'm drinking a cold one as I send emails, but not "most of the time" by far. 

But yes, I'm usually at home when doing so, of course. 

And yes, the mentality behind what she said is why I want to bring this up. 

Not so much to Tom Tom my own workin techniques, but the thing is this - people have this idea of work being a "dreary slog" that you "must go to the office for" and "put in your 8 hours or 12 or 15 or whatever". 

And then the overtime and what not ... (and remember to fill out the forms for that, if you do that. I remember I constantly would forget when I did it back in college, and then I'd rush after the deadline to do it - but they let me do it, hehe. CSC department was the best!). 

But either way, I've never had that above idea about work, even when I worked at a office. 

Therefore, my ONE hour work day - or actually, half hour in the morning, half an hour at night usually plastered which got me such great results that I mention about in the 10 Commandments of Successful Sales (no, you dont have to plastered in order to do it, but it might help, hehe). 

(And YES, the tips will work in any economy including this one - truly "secret" tips you most likely haven't used before, yet so amazingly easy to do after you read, you'll say VOILA and then smack yourself on the back saying "why didnt I think of this before") 

(The simplest things work the best, as I've often said). 

As Thomas, a great buddy of mine from Germany until this date once told me about a "job shob". 

"We need people like you that can drink!" 

Admittedly my drinking prowress is legendary. Always has been! LOL. 

But the point, again is the following - 

People have this same idea about exercise. 

That it's supposed to be a slog. 

A boring, dreary "pound the pavement or treadmill like" routine. 

That you "need to put in X number of hours at the gym for Y results to show". 

Extreme diets. 

Paying attention the latest protein shakes and supplments out there. 

Looking at the Jassy's doing yoga, hehe (OK, I made that one up, but I actually was - that was very rare for me, by the way! - looking at her one fine day when hiking, and remember, that, despite what Bozo Schofield and his cronies keep asking, is something Rahul Mookerjee DOES NOT DO. i.e. workouts and women do NOT mix for the most part for me! SOLO!) 

It all boils down to this bro. 

Living life like a wild cat. 

When it's time to get the job done, BAM. You get it done. 

The rest of the time, you relax, and do whatever it is you want to ... 

I see nothing wrong with that either, do you? 

Especially not when results pour in as I've mentioned here, and here ... 

Back to the we need to work thingy. 

Uncle Bob once famously made the comment about the General too in that ... 

"Some of us need to actually, you know, WORK!" 

Yet, the General made more than me and him combined while doing his beer drinking, work one day a month routine, hehe. 

Truly a man for the ages!

And on that note, I'm out. 

Back soon. 


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - The amount I write, I'm surprised the keys on the keyboard haven't given up. Come to think of it, they HAVE. I can barely see the letters!

PS #2 - Remember the discount. Still there, but it's going - BYE BYE - sometime very soon!

(After I ask a lady what the mirror answered after she asked it "whose the most beautiful"). 

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In my first email dispatch to YOU this morning, I wrote about two things. 

One about nonsensical advice being given that isn't applicable to the current day and age, and yet, so many people persist with giving and dispensing it for "easy money" (because the suckas believe it anyway). 

And part of that email was about why relying on any one source of income is just STUPID. Well, maybe it was that or the next email I sent ... 

Part WAS (I'm sure!) bout relying on the ole "jim" as a training "be all and end all" that so many people do. 

The OP is here, so check it out if you're so interested. 

But, I was so caught up in writing that new behemoth I've been talking about that I forget to share an email from a DOER! 

A great guy, and great customer John Walker wrote in - 

Hello Rahul

Training in a gym? Now that's something I haven't done since I was in my early twenties (I'm 64 in July) and even when I did train in a gym I still did training at home at the same time.
You cannot rely on the gym always being there, outside of the "Wuhan Flu" gyms have been known to go out of business especially the small privately owned gyms that aren't in a large chain.
Over the years I acquired more and more training equipment until there wasn't any need to go to the gym and given that all of my "so called" training partners had fallen by the wayside I made the decision that I would train alone in my home gym and I've never looked back.
I would like to purchase one of the last remaining Fast and Furious Fitness books, because as I've stated previously I would like to own all of the (fitness) books that you've written, please will you let me know how I can purchase a copy, thank you.
Warmest Regards
All great points, my friend!!

Right down to what he calls the flu, hehe. The Wu(han) flu. So damned true!

I prefer the "plague from china" though. hehe, but Kung Flu and Wu(Han) flu ring TRUE! 

And they rhyme. 

Anyway, all this aside - my reply - - 

Hey John -
Thanks for the e-mail! Yes, that is so true with regard to the part about training partners not showing up etc "because they're too tired", or the wife got pissed at them for some inane reason, or ...well, you know what I'm saying, hehe. Training alone, and at home - with equipment you own, yes, is so much better than waiting for your turn at the "Jim" and of course in the current environment it's probably safer too.
Not to mention you have no excuses left NOT to train i.e. when the weights or what not are staring you right in the face (for those that train with weights), then you either just do it, or you dont!
Spot on too about a lot of the gyms going out of business, and importantly, the ones that stay open are promoting openly unhealthy practices for one. I was once told "this gym isnt for guys like you! We want people with muscles!" . (I had just gone in there to take a look).
They had pictures of Mr Olympia with bloat plastered all over the place, so you can bet your bottom dollar, rupiah, or RMB I got the HECK out of Dodge as soon as possible, hehe.
Now on to biz - - just go HERE - Fast and Furious Fitness (0excusesfitness.com)  and select the "collector's edition" option on the checkout form, and then click "checkout" , and pay, and it will be done. I will personally ship it to you once I receive the funds (Amazon won't do it this - this will come personally from me, as those particular books with the cover I mentioned are no longer on Amazon and will never be either once these copies I've got personallyrun out).
Remember too, that 0 Excuses Fitness "derived" from that book as I keep saying, so if you (which you do) already have 0 Excuses Fitness, then you've already got most of what is this book. But, it's a collector's item nonethless if just because of the style it's written in, the cover, and some of the exercises therein aren't there in 0 Excuses Fitness yes, so .. And it's really where all of this started, which alone is probably a great reason to own the book as you can then say "you were then in at the very beginning!".
You should be able to pay directly with your card on the site. Remember the coupon code that will show on the pop up when you checkout for the auto 30% discount! ;)
Let me know once you order - and I'll get things rolling!
Rahul Mookerjee  (I dont as yet have an address option on the checkout form, but in your case I will send it to the address I've got on file right now obviously).
(Oh, and in case you're interested in the 0 Excuses videos as you said you were (and I'm sure you are!)  - you can get those via https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/ - - let me know, and I'll tell you how to do so, as there is no videos only option there right now).
So, several takeaways from this as you can tell. 
And the most pertinent one is why you should grab what is truly a RARE gem - right NOW
Do so here, my friend (while copies last - no, I will NOT change my mind and print more books with this cover and content, so hurry and get in while those 4 copies last). 
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Takeaway #2 should be obvious. And in case you haven't noticed it, THIS one course was put out specifically to counter that madness (I even include a picture of bloated buffoons on the sales page!). 
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So sage, my friend, so sage! 

But anyway, where did I get this one from? 

Well, I recently chanced upon a "hoodie of sorts" that I just "liked" for no reason and bought. 

It's grey in color, and has a bunch of writing on it. 

Oddly enough, for me, I did not even read what was written. 

It was right, I knew it, and I bought it. 

As I laundered it (yes, men, I do my own laundry whenever possible! - why? Well that will be in upcoming BEHEMOTH of a book I'm writing NOW - more on that later) . . . I read the words. 

And found on the top of the Tshirt the following (what I just said). 

And it's so true!

There's other stuff written on there too, including a bit about "finding the KIngdom of God FIRST, and all else later". 

Oddly enough, though I'm not religious, I couldnt agree more. 

You find SELF and SELF EXPRESSION freely FIRST, and it THEN follows from there. 

Anyway, religion and God (or Goddess, hehe, for those familiar with my other writing) aside, I've often seen fathers, for instance, take their sons under the wing and teach them to do certain things. 

Changing a car tyre, for instance. 

Or as I saw in THAT job, the boss getting his HIGH SCHOOL son to sit alongside the three "leaders" of the company at the time (yours truly - sales , HR manager and general de facto, and Operations Manager). 

He was literally getting an education for free listening to me talk on the phone. 

And watching the Operations Manager do what he was. 

Smart guy (the father). 

He understood that you do NOT, as I was told, tell your son that you're not going to amount to anything and start at the very bottom of the ladder or else. (and stay there permanently most likely).  

You put him in a TOP management position and tell him that is being GROOMED for that very position. 

Look at what Donald Trump's father did. 

Look at what OTHERS fathers DO. (I mentioned one case above). 

Look at what Napoleon Hill says in Think and Grow Rich about the advantage of starting off in a position where more people that MATTER can see you and where you actually have some authority, as opposed to "being a monkey" at the bottom. 

In all the jobs I DID stay with to an extent, guess what sort of position I STARTED OUT in. Those that put me int he position above, rightly so, and that COMPENSATED ME for it WHILE I was in the position. 

Anyway, my own life aside, that is why I bring this up (and it's what I do with my daughter). 

From a young age, my own daughter has been involved in ALL I do, even when she doesnt understand it. 

The books. The pictures. The "why's" The wherefore"s - ALL of it. 

It's a REAL LIFE education, my friend, and one that down the road will benefit her FAR more than the shmuck or lack thereof taught in schools these days. 

Dont even get me started on the latter. 

Tell me, I forget. 

Show me, I remember. 

INVOLVE me - I understand - and then DO - myself!

From handstands to books to pull-ups ... THAT is why my little girl "does". Not because I forced her to! 

Or even asked her to. 

I involved her, so she does. 

(and she built up her own interest in it because "Dad does it"). 

THAT is what YOU should aim at if YOU Have kids of your OWN, my friend. 

But anyway fitness wise, that is why Mr Caveman put out not one, but SEVERAL videos for the Rolls Royce of Fitness, because for once, I wante dto SHOW you how to do it - and INVOLVE you (especially the workout video) in terms of doing WITH ME!

Please do write back if you've seen the workout video and let me know if you did indeed follow along (many and most have!). 

It's why I take so many pictures for my books, even though they're all done in my man cave, hehe, and even though some think sometimes they're overkill and redundant. 

Because until I do in person seminars (very soon) that, along with my coaching calls are the closest thing YOU can get to "in person" from me, my friend. 

And that, my friend, is truly that. 

If you ain't yet partook of the videos, then do so NOW. 

So says Mr Cowboy from TX, and he's loving it, and so will YOU, hehe. 


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - Be on the outlook for a MEGA book on combating Nazi feminism and BENEFITING from it in ways you never thought possible. Believe me, this will be WORTH the wait. No more details now - but if you're interested, let me know - its one of those silent afflictions people deal with all the time, and I'm determined to end it to whichever extent I can myself. 

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Monday, 05 April 2021 08:27

Internal cleanliness

In an increasingly fake up, made up world with unnatural fads (the latest being that Chinese girls apparently have to fit into Tshirts and corsets meant for girls that are KIDS, not adults) and if they dont, they're fat - I gotta say this. 

I gotta be honest about the above too - Chinese women, and Asian women in general seem to be under even more pressure to fit to the "skinny" look more than other women globally though this idiotic trend of starvation is there everywhere for both guys and gals, but more gals from what I have seen. 

DOnt get me wrong. 

There is no excuse for being a lardass, either female or male, and having too much Schofield like man tits or junk in the trunk or what not (I mean Glyn in the UK - that dude I write about often - the troll - if you newbies on the list dont know, check out the blog for "what he be yammering on about" in that regard) . . . 

But unnaturally thin?


Not for me, but apparently I'm the only one out there too. 

Doesnt bother me though. 

But anyway in his 1914 course on Wrestling and Physical Culture "lessons in Wrestling and Physical Culture" (no, Mr Tai-PO doesnt sell it - and has no plans to) he mentioned something very interesting - aside from the deep breathing part that yours truly talks about in Corrugated Core too - something which most people MISS. 

That being, that (as he says, I'm paraphrasing as usual) ... the office worker dressed in all their finery and nice soaps and what not may appear to be cleaner than a laborer working in muck and grime all day. 

But are they?? 

I dont think so, my friend. 

Neither did the good Farmer. 

When a man that can survive a hangmans drop (20 foot neck they say!) speaks, you better listen for one. 

And when the bodyweight guru speath, Rahul Mookerjee, you better listen too! 

Like I said, I'm nothing if not humble with a very capital H ... 

Puerile comments aside, I feel great after that workout - I took a cold shower immediately thereafter (no, I didnt ease in - I just turned it to freezing COLD). 

My heart rate went up again. 

But the SWEATING I did before that, my friend, was really what got things "feeling clean internally!" 

When you have a good sweat, your skin CLEANS itself - and so does your BODY - better than ANY soap,lotion, gel, or what not gizmo can. 

There is a reason the Finns, hardy people - sit in a boiling sauna for hours, then immediately thereafter jump into the ice cold Arctic. 

And workouts have much the same effect as the former, except perhaps BETTER in a way - definitely better in most ways - though saunas benefit you immensely too. 

No, I'm not going to end this by saying if you dont have a sauna do Jump Rope Mania!. 

That you can do anyway. 

But the point is, yours truly does not ... 

Use hair gel (despite having long hair). 

I dont get it trimmed at regular intervals. 

My face hasn't seen a proper razor for years. 

I dont buy clothes until my closet bursts. I dont even have any formal wear lying around!

I dont have formal shoes. 

I dont wear suits and ties. 

I dont use perfumes. 

I dont use fancy idiotic lotions, face washes, body scrubs and what not ... 

The closest I get to any of this is a simple body wash or soap - shampoo - again, the simple type - and a bit of lotion fo rmy uber dry skin (I dont apply it where Schofield prefers i.e. front and back, and no "JO" jokes either, because that ain't what I be talking about) ... and DEODARANT. 

That last bit is what I Cannot live without if you were to ask me, hehe. 

One of those things, like beer. 

And sunglasses!

Point being, internal cleanliness. 

If you're constipated for days, for one, all the deodarants in the world wont mask a nasty stench and scent coming from you. 

If you haven't worked out for days, have indigestion andt he like - same thing. 

You know the healthy, glowing look when you see it, and it requires very little, if anything artificial. 

Alright, enough of this. 

Some of the best stuff to clean you out internally is right here - Isometric And Flexibility Training, unlike anythign I've ever put out before. 

And some of the best workouts? 

Well, Battletank Shoulders is one! 

Getting more and more rave reviews by the day, and even with the recent price rise, it's WAY TOO CHEAP, I still think. 

You might not think so. 

But if you think about the money you waste on a cup of coffee at the store daily, cigarettes, daily booze, fancy shmancy dinners out, accrouements for the car you dont need, the latest Apple phone or what not ... think about this (and mostly the Jim memberships getting MORE expensive and burning a hole in your pocket daily and monthly which you hardly ever USE) . . . 

Thinking, my friend, is the hardest job as Henry Ford rightly said! 

Do so, if you so choose. 

In the meantime, I'm out. 

Back soon !


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - Please do not write back complaining about price. When something delivers results that are out of this world, then it WILL be priced accordingly, and like I said, I still think it's a bargain for what it is being offered at. As a customer once said "I have no doubt they are worth every bit!". 

I mean, lets see, you wouldn't complain about a tiny dinner at a 5 star hotel being sold for what it is, would you? Or fancy shancy nights out at the latest pub? 

Then why my products

Point made, I believe . . .(I could of course end this with yet another whiny rant on price I received while working out, but I wont!) 

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I mean , really. 

Normally he's up in arms sending me inane rants, comments etc about him being a "blow-innaire" or what not (the terms he comes up with, I've gotta really stop and wonder!) - but this time? 

When he's getting literally money tossed at him (dancing monkey style)? 

Which of course he believes is the epitome of professional jobs and what not, so I dont get it - Ada and I dont either. 

I believe this Ada also helped the Bozo would with 5000 bucks once - which for the life of Charles, me and several others couldn't figure out why - but that was the Bozo pulling the "sorry ole me" trick on her, I'm sure. Hey, even I fell for it initially and I ain't an easy man to fool. 

But I also only showed him what I wanted to in terms of the fitness and other businesses, hehe. That GUT is never ever wrong!

Anyway, Glyn, if you're reading this ... 

All we're trying to do is get you a job. 

We hope you'll straighten your life out, though truth be told, if Ada hadn't badgered me up and down I wouldn't be writing this or saying it as I have on WeShat etc (ask those in the know, and they'llt ell ya). 

We hope, but it might well be a vain hope! 

(Ada is the recruiter, for what its worth). 

Anyway ... 

If yall hear of the Bozo, let me know! 

But beyond that, the main reason I'm writing this is "getting back". 

LOTS OF you still have not gotten back with your review of Isometric and Flexibility Training - one of my most revolutionary courses as yet jam packed with info that has never been put together in the format I'm putting it in now. 

And lots of you have NOT gotten back with the Animal Kingdom Workouts review ... and many more! 

And, if you have questions in general - remember - Bozo or not - I'm always here - for YOU!

And that, my friend is that. 

Back soon


Rahul Mookerjee

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Sunday, 04 April 2021 07:03

Who am I?

Rahul Mookerjee


"Mou Hua The". 

And many other names, of course (that list, remember) - mostly uncomplimentary, and some uber complimentary. 

(Mystery is another that comes to mind!) 

(So does Velocity, hehe. Thank you, Vince!) (He didnt give me the name - long story, but ...) 

Its interesting. This morning I had a lucid dream with "numbers" so prominent that for a minute I forgot I was dreaming! 

Some dreams ARE that real! 

But anyway, the specifics of the dream are something I'm still trying to decipher. 

But as I sit here, writing this ...it's interesting. 

Some of the emails that I send you (from the other site) are not "visible" - to the general "public" as it were. I dont know if logged in customers can view them, but if you're logged out - what was happening this morning was that the posts were not viewable. 

Admins can view, of course - but only when LOGGED in. 

And being the login to the Rahul Mookerjee vault is controlled probably more strictly than Fort Knox is to keep Bozos out (it's only for paying customers and those I approve to sign up) - some of the posts weren't viewable for whatever reason by the "outside world". 

I have no idea why this is happened, and am sending a few emails about it right as of now. 

For now, I seem to have "hacked" the problem temporarily and the last email I sent y'all should be visible on the other site. 

Golly, I can just imagine this though. The Bozo wondering what is being written about him that he cannot see, hehe. 

(Actually, the 0 Excuses Ship has a LOT on him). 

But anyway, (and no, the ship isn't public either) - as I was "hacking", I was thinking. 

Who am I. 

At the sage ole age of 40, that question is still interesting to me! 

Writer. Fornicator (according to a certain idiot who coined the phrase last year for me, apparently). 

IT guy. 

"Expat worker in China" (back in the day with expat salaries etc). 

I'm trying to think ... ah, erotica writer. 


Bodyweight exercise FANATIC and GURU. 

Coach - both fitness wise and life wise. 

Motivator. Inspirer. 

Poet (it seems to started a few days ago!). 

And many, many other things ... 

At the age of 40, I still can NOT nail down who I am. 

Perhaps that is why I get so irritated by jobs etc, and the Bozos at interviews that ask RETARDED questions like "who are you". "What do you want to do with your life". "Where do you see yourself ten years from now"

And so forth. 

Perhaps these jackasses would be better off focusing on what I can do for THEM as opposed to ask idiotic questions because "oh, look, a guy with all those skill sets is coming to US!" (and then of course low ball on salary etc). 

(And really, it ain't like those idiotic jobs were planning on keeping me my entire life. Like, dude, none of your damned biz, is what I've wanted to say and have often SAID to such nimrods). 

Anyway, that was a long, long time ago. Jobs and job interviews - I cannot remember the last time I went to either! 

Quite literally, hehe. I was canned from one for not showing up, and though the story was long there too, the point begets - Rahul Mookerjee doesnt do jobs, and won't do them, and never has managed to stick with jobs, much to the detriment and consternation of those forcing him to (trying to).

I'm an uber philosophiical mode (mood) today as you can tell ... 

Now, where was I. 

Ah, yes, employment. Freddie. That job. My FIRST job. Now those employers are ALL people I've gotten along with like a house on fire! 

And indeed, thats because they looked past the bullshit and hired the PERSON, not some meaningless moronic HR like resume. 

And of course, they didnt low ball. 

As Freddie told me, "You dont work cheap, do you". 

That I dont. 


Anyway, where am I going with all this. 

I suppose to tell YOU that to nail down who you are is an exercise in futility if you're a DOER. 

You are, as Dr Maltz said in Pyscho Cybernetics, YOU. 

Thats all!

And therefore, comparing yourself to others is an exercise in FUTILITY, in any way, shape or form. 

Look at doers down the ages, and you'll see the same is true for them. 

Ole Benjamin Franklin, the so called womanizer and guy who said there was nothing wrong with older women, and the guy you know most for being on the dolla bill.

It would surprise most to know that he could probably do a workout out of BattleTank Shoulders if I gave it to him. 

Most of his writings have not made it to the public eye. 

Same thing for Emerson. 

Napoleon Hill. 

They may be known for ONE big thing, but there's much, much more to these men than just one thing. 

Perhaps that is why they are truly the greats, and never really got along wth much of the world, much like true and real leaders never do. 

Anyway ... 

End of the 800 plus word philosophy session, hehe. 

Lets get BRUTAL and down to brass tacks now - my BEST product ever is right here - Animal Kingdom Workouts

Grab it now, and remember that the two things I spoke about above - physical and the metaphyscial - go together. 

There ain't no way you can seperate the two - it simply isn't possible. 


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - We should be done with the glitch on the other site soon, I dont know. Depends upon what happens down the road. Gash, first the emails, now this, hehe. Anyway, always a new peak to conquer!

(And sales are working normally, so buy away).  

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Thursday, 01 April 2021 08:21

More on blocking ... OUT the Negative.

I write about it often, dont I? 

Tell the world what you're going to do, but show it first. 

Keep your TRUE goals - your real goals - to yourself, or a very very select group of people, maybe your Master mind if you have one. 

Do NOT, in most cases, tell sposuses, "friends", significant others and so forth. 

People deem this as being "overly paranoid". 


Ask Marconi for one ,that invented the wireless who was almost "certified" by his friends for they thought he was a loon, so forward thinking was he. 

Or, ask the Wright brothers before they built the airplane, or Edison before the lightbulb, or Einstein, before the theory of relativity. 

The great Jeff Bezos (I was recently talking about NEVER doing business with anyone on a very large scale other than Amazon, for obvious reasons - for the most part) said it the best when he said that the greatest ACCOLADE an inventor - any inventor - can receive is when people yawn and say ", ok, not this again". 

Speaks Volumes as to some of the reactions yours truly gets, hehe. 

But anyway, this morning I literally "heard" bad news from the old homestead.

Turned out a gift I gav emy daugher a while back - something which had HUGE sentimental value attached to it for reasons I won't get into here - something which I've been keeping with me forever, and wanted to pass for a while to my daughter "broke".

The annoyance I felt - was - INDESCRIBABLE.  

It ain't about the money either. 

For the idiots and morons who claim that "I gave my old laptop" away to a charity because it was worthless - well - think - again. 

Same thing with that laptop, which worked so well for me for NINE YEARS, on which I created many a product, which stood thet est of time and travel, and was a Toshiba, and so forth. 

It ain't all about the money, my friend. 

SENTIMENT is priceless, and while this wasn't a laptop I gave her, from the minute I gave it to her, I felt "negatiive forces" working against me and her. 

Obviously the idiots reading this will call me paranoid, but those that call me and rightly so a "modern day Gandhi" or seer or pioneer and so forth will get it. 

"Rahul, if your gut tells you something - nine times out of ten it is RIGHT". 

I knew this from an early age, way before my buddy from the MArines made this statement about a certain landlady I was renting from in 2017. (temporarily). 

Same thing here. 

The people being negative don't even KNOW it, but they hated the "gift" from the get go. 

Indeed, a lot of people hate what I do - hate me - hate my relationship with my daughter (the only real family I have) - - and do anything to complain about it and wreck the relationship, but never quite succeed. 

When your up against the subconscious, my friend, few things can succeed. 

Maybe inanimate objects cannot, but I never put much conscious thought into the gift after I gave it. 

Big mistake. 

Anyway, fitness wise, same thing for YOU. 

Do NOT tell anyone your goals of doing 500 pushups at a go - a very worthy goal many of you have - especially if you're at less than ZERO now. 

Do not, for instance tell anyone you will go down from 120-60 kgs - except perhaps your coach with your best intentions at heart. 

Do NOT - never - tell anyone your BUSINESS PLANS. 

And most of all, never, never let that wall you build around YOUR MOST SECRET AND INNERMOST desires ever be penetrated. 

That, my friend is the takeaway from this one. 

And I'll be back soon/ 


Rahul Mookerjee


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So says the cowboy from Texas, hehe. 

"The Hombre from Texas", hehe. 

Or, any of the other (it's crossed 1400 now, that list of names - and someday, I'll write a book on just the list of names I keep getting called, hehe) names people loveeeee to call yours truly. 

But really, back in the day (it seems back in the day now ever since he ranted about my book on pull-ups) "Charles the former friend" and the Bozo himself contacted me about the Bozo. 

Apparenty the Bozo sent Charles more than 200 messages all day long, all night long (which is about par for the Bozo), most of them to the tune of "Rahul is mentioning me! Boo, hoo!" 

I wonder if they knew the chuckles a person Dejon, a real strongman and - me - were having over it, not to mention the world at general. 

Especially the way the Bozo pronounces Chuck - for some odd reason he keeps pronouncing it as "Ch-oo-k". 

I dont know, maybe thats the accent thing coming in ... 

But anyway, English is hardly one of the Bozo's strong points, as his rants on Amazon show, and that sad, given he grew up in "Ole Blighty". 

Anyway . . . 

Why I won't stop mentioning the Bozo, you ask? 

Well, bear with me a MINUTE my friend. 

Yes, I get it. I've responded to him x 1000000 in ways he'd never imagine or dream of, and I'm just getting started. 

I've truly rubbed his nose in the DUST, and continue to do so, and will do so. 

But, bear with me for a minute. Bear with the man with a an elephant's memory talking about the Wacko with an elephant gut, hehe. 

Because ... 

When the Bozo started trolling me and some other people with not just trolls, but despicable memes, racist thoughts, and much worse - NO-ONE (well, certainly not "Chuck" who said "he sent me a few", but oddly enough NEVER once condemned the Bozo for doing it, instead implicitly SUPPORTING him by not doing so) .... NO-ONE Told him to stop or calm down. 

No-one told him that with his various attacks on other folks. 

No-one told him to calm down when he posted those rants and reviews on Amazon. 

If anything, he played the "poor Bozo being blamed" female blame game (given what he is i.e. a cuck at heart, that doesn't surprise me one damned bit) and got away with it on the Chuck and a few other fronts. 

The only person man enough to tell the Bozo to go straight to hell was Dejon. 

A bonafide Gorilla himself, hehe. 

Maybe the reason Charles never told me himself is because "he deep down inside felt the same way about me". 

Or, maybe it's what the Bozo said. 

"Ch-ooooooooooo-ck created the memes!" 

A claim I found specious then, and find insane NOW. 

Charles has some strange thought about pull-ups, sure, and does all he can to convince me that he's "big", not fat. 

OK, great. 

But that doesnt mean he's a troll. 

Quite the opposite. 

But anyway, THAT is primarily why I will not stop - until I deem it the time to stop (or until the groveling apology comes, and it will). 

I'm sick and tired of these idiots (they tend to be Nazi feminist for the most part - either male or female) that do all they like when they're on top, but when someone turns the tables on them x 10000, they whine and moan. 

If you can't take the heat, stay out of the goddamned kitchen. 

Come to think of it, making sandwiches and staying out of the kitchen barefoot is exactly what Bozo Schofield does NOT want to do . . .

Poor chappie. (pie). 


(as the Bozo would pronouce). 

But inanity aside, that is why. 

It's not so much the sales the Bozo makes for me, especially the ADVANCED book on pull-ups which he trolle dby saying "Rahul is a super stud" (even in the trolling, the truth and jealousy sparkles, as it did when he said the book was the jewel in the Mookerjee CROWN of fitness books). 

It's because, as the Trumpinator once famously said, "we will never forget". 

And it's because actions have consequences, and some people need to learn that the hard way, and so they WILL and are. 

And thats why, for those wondering. Hehe. 


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - Oh, almost forgot the "ending pimp" to this - Animal Kingdom Workouts is THE course everyone BE Talking about now. Check it out here. 

Published in Misc.
Thursday, 01 April 2021 05:35

The odd tale of "Medam" Cicy and "Madam" Andrea.

Back in 2019, I was on one of my numerous factory visits in China - this time for green tea - or so I ... THOUGHT! 

This factory was a new one I hadn't worked with before, and when I found them online, I contacted them - and then quickly got the contact information etc of the salesperson handing my "case". 

Which was a certain lovely indeed 23 year old girl "Andrea". 

I really should title this email "why the idiots who think I'm jumping every girl's bones I meet are pretty much dead on wrong for the most part", or something like that. 

Actually, they're not wrong so much as they have "no clue". 

And hence the Bozos wanking around with wankers and beer bottles in hand late at night pestering women about "can I be your servant". 

Anyway, Glyn the public welfare nutjob will LOVE this if he's reading. 

Glyn, my little fella, ears perked please!

*pat on head* 

Anyway, pats aside (ugh) this lady seemed OK to deal with initially until when crunch time came. Before that, she was friendly as ever, and I flirted a little with her "business wise", but I always had the feeling of "something wasnt right in terms of the professionalism standpoint". 

Something wasn't right, and sure enough, when "push came to shove", there was an argument. 

I hate to say it, ladies, but business is business, and on that one, she was WRONG. She promised somthing, and didnt do it. Bottom line. 

And she was BRAZENLY unapolegetic about it, which you'll understand later why. 

Or part of why. 

Anyway, when it all came to a head, she introduced me to her "lao ban" (manager). 

And there we're introduced to "Medam" Cicy as she prounounced it, a lady who I've disagreed with on just about everything, but yet done and do business with, yet at the end of the day have a cordial and functional relationship, a lady who HATES what I say and think about China, yet doesnt hate ME, and has done all she can to help me ... 


Maybe, but also a lesson in two things - one, business is business. And two, there's always room for compromise and moving ahead. 

Lest you think there was any romantic whatever in all this? 

You'd be dead WRONG. 

Every time either she and I have brought the topic up indirectly even for OTHER People, it was like a "dead fish" feeling. 

I never thought of her "that way". 

And Cicy, for her part, could truly care less about it. 

Well, I wouldn't say that. She does care, from what she told me about being fat, and (when I was gypped out of some money by a woman in China, the comment about "is she beautiful"?) . . . 

But for the most part, talk anything like that to her, and she flat out doesnt "care". 

She isn't necessarily offended, or not. 

To her, it's "so what". 

What really lights her BRAIN UP and why I love her? 

It's MONEY! And the chance of making a new biz deal, which hey, I get it. I have the same excitement every time I make a new biz deal too ... 

Anyway, Madam (so she loves to be called) Andrea deleted me off her list, and later when I saw her profile picture one day - the WORK picture? 

Believe it or not, it was Andrea with her "man" - literally - on a leash. 

And if that doesnt make Bozo Glyn Schofield whose currently pestering Dominas in the UK to do inane things for free JUMP straight out of his chair, Cheetos flying, beer crashing, I dont know WHAT will! 

And if that isn't enough of a lesson on why I ALWAYS keep, for the most part, business seperate from pleasure, and why YOU SHOULD too, there will never be enough reason. 

(And enough for the idiots who claim "he cheats on his wife"). 

True, I've failed in the second last regard occasionally. 

Sometimes, those girls get past your defenses, which in my case were never ever up anyway. Hey, my wife did! 

And the only time I've been involved in business with either my wife, or other women where "feelings" of whatever nature were involved. 


Dont get me started. 

Massive disaster x 1000 ... .(in some cases, that disaster lasted for YEARS. Super UGH). 

And therefore, if there is one thing I caution everyone to do, even the Bozos if that makes sense, is to keep business SEPERATE from pleasure. 

Believe me, the two do NOT mix. 

Anyway, where am I leading up with all this you might think. 

I dont know ... 

Maybe as Panourgias, a great customer once told me "Sexy legs and hills!" (I think he said "mini skirts", hehe). 

So maybe it's a pimp for my Rolls Royce fitness system, which of course has (interestingly enough) an entire chapter dedicated to nothing but training - on hills - and an entire one dedicated to MASSAGE as well (sorry, for those thinking, there ain't no hanky panky there either). 

Or maybe it's a pimp for Advanced Hill Training ... 

But to be honest, it's just one of those "gut spills", or brain dumps, whichever you call it, and I felt compelled to share it with you, so I did. 

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - HERE is where you can pick up Pushup Central - a "cold and SOLID" course that will keep you BRUTALLY HONEST if I might say so. I realize the wording makes no sense, but get the course, and it will. Nothig hammers you quite like pushups do!

PS #2 - I was supposed to write a book about Cicy and Andrea, especially her typo of "kissing a foot" (I honestly have no idea where that came from (one of those "she'll never live it down" comments, but we were discussing books, I believe, of a certain nature that Andrea loves - and I believe I do too in the right environment - and of course the Bozo does too, but NOT Cicy. It was a typo, I really think it was. yet, the typos are who we ARE, hehe, without even knowing it). Anyway, that book never got written. Maybe in the future!

For now, we'll stick to fitness on THIS here site, haha. 

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I woke up thinking of the HILL this morning, and the intense LEG workouts I often have on the hill!

Last night, I was looking at my body - in a "non praising" sort of manner if that makes sense, with an ULTRA critical eye, because I haven't hiked in a while, and I often do this check to see "how things are going" without hiking with regard to the lower body. 

Amazingly enough, or actually NOT ... my legs are the SAME as before. 

My waist has actually gone DOWN a little from what it was, and it wasn't fat before either. 

And while I was thinking of the fact that nothing, my friend, can replicate tough leg workouts like HILLS can (the effect) - the fact is they CAN. 

Proofs in the pudding!

And I'm not even talking Hindu squats here, which is the very best out there in terms of leg training, and give you even more of a very brutal workout than the HILL every did me! 

Sprints are the only thing that come close, but not quite! 

Really, those squats are brutal, but I haven't been doing very many as of late at all. 

Pull-ups - yes. 

Handstand pushups - yes. 

Walking - a bit - yes. 

Yet, my legs you ask? 

Why and how the super leg workout?? 

Well, my friend, the key lies in ISOMETRICS. 

In the book on isometrics, I give you TWO stretches that the Bozos diss as being too simple, and the doers comment upon as and they're RIGHT - "it looks simple, but it's anything BUT if you DO". 

One is the "Rahul Mookerjee" style squat I teach. 

The second? 

Well, it's a STRETCH I teach in the same book - NOT taught by anyone else out there. 

And that not only works the entire leg area - butt -hamstrings - hips - but also the UPPER body if you do it right. 

And that, my friend, more than anything else is responsible for the effect I'm talking about. 

As for the title of this email? 

Well, I keep getting these inane marketing emails that have tripe subject lines like that. Big companies at that. Makes me wonder! Hmm. 

(Of course, its those big Bozo compaies that claim writers should be paid a pittance. HA!). 

And companies in general. 

"Writing is easy". 

Double HA! 

I wonder why the idiots don't do it themselves if its so easy. 

On that note, perhaps they do, hence the TRIPE. 

And I didnt answer that email but do I feel stuck indoors - with or without the plague? 

Well, I live in China where it rains all the time for one! 

I've never let that stop me - as you can tell from 16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections, Ive never let extreme weather of ANY NATURE stop me. 

But lets say theres no hill nearby. 

Do I feel stuck? 

In the past I used to to a degree, but now? 

No way, my friend. 

Because with workouts like Animal Kingdom Workouts - - and of course the great book on isometrics "Isometric And Flexibility Training" - you literally never need to step outside. 

Dont get me wrong. 

I walk outside in Nature all the time, but I do it because I WANT to. 

Not because I need to!

There is a difference. 

That, my friend is the key ... 

And yes, I highly recommend walks outdoors for reasons mentioned before. 

Ill get more into that at a later date, but for now, grab the two books above. You, the DOER and real trainee will love 'em!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - And the Bozos might as well unsubscribe in droves. Thank you! 

(Ditto for the people who are "just on the list" for free stuff. Thanks, but NO THANKS). 

PS #2 - Lots of folks do NOT know that when creating the Rolls Royce of Fitness - -my FLAGSHIP product, I didnt climb the hill for not just a while, but months upon months. And yet, the results. Trust me, my friend, just trust me ! 

(I know the doers do already). 

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