Displaying items by tag: bozo schofied
Why I ain't gonna stop mentioning Wacko Schofield in these emails and many other places.
So says the cowboy from Texas, hehe.
"The Hombre from Texas", hehe.
Or, any of the other (it's crossed 1400 now, that list of names - and someday, I'll write a book on just the list of names I keep getting called, hehe) names people loveeeee to call yours truly.
But really, back in the day (it seems back in the day now ever since he ranted about my book on pull-ups) "Charles the former friend" and the Bozo himself contacted me about the Bozo.
Apparenty the Bozo sent Charles more than 200 messages all day long, all night long (which is about par for the Bozo), most of them to the tune of "Rahul is mentioning me! Boo, hoo!"
I wonder if they knew the chuckles a person Dejon, a real strongman and - me - were having over it, not to mention the world at general.
Especially the way the Bozo pronounces Chuck - for some odd reason he keeps pronouncing it as "Ch-oo-k".
I dont know, maybe thats the accent thing coming in ...
But anyway, English is hardly one of the Bozo's strong points, as his rants on Amazon show, and that sad, given he grew up in "Ole Blighty".
Anyway . . .
Why I won't stop mentioning the Bozo, you ask?
Well, bear with me a MINUTE my friend.
Yes, I get it. I've responded to him x 1000000 in ways he'd never imagine or dream of, and I'm just getting started.
I've truly rubbed his nose in the DUST, and continue to do so, and will do so.
But, bear with me for a minute. Bear with the man with a an elephant's memory talking about the Wacko with an elephant gut, hehe.
Because ...
When the Bozo started trolling me and some other people with not just trolls, but despicable memes, racist thoughts, and much worse - NO-ONE (well, certainly not "Chuck" who said "he sent me a few", but oddly enough NEVER once condemned the Bozo for doing it, instead implicitly SUPPORTING him by not doing so) .... NO-ONE Told him to stop or calm down.
No-one told him that with his various attacks on other folks.
No-one told him to calm down when he posted those rants and reviews on Amazon.
If anything, he played the "poor Bozo being blamed" female blame game (given what he is i.e. a cuck at heart, that doesn't surprise me one damned bit) and got away with it on the Chuck and a few other fronts.
The only person man enough to tell the Bozo to go straight to hell was Dejon.
A bonafide Gorilla himself, hehe.
Maybe the reason Charles never told me himself is because "he deep down inside felt the same way about me".
Or, maybe it's what the Bozo said.
"Ch-ooooooooooo-ck created the memes!"
A claim I found specious then, and find insane NOW.
Charles has some strange thought about pull-ups, sure, and does all he can to convince me that he's "big", not fat.
OK, great.
But that doesnt mean he's a troll.
Quite the opposite.
But anyway, THAT is primarily why I will not stop - until I deem it the time to stop (or until the groveling apology comes, and it will).
I'm sick and tired of these idiots (they tend to be Nazi feminist for the most part - either male or female) that do all they like when they're on top, but when someone turns the tables on them x 10000, they whine and moan.
If you can't take the heat, stay out of the goddamned kitchen.
Come to think of it, making sandwiches and staying out of the kitchen barefoot is exactly what Bozo Schofield does NOT want to do . . .
Poor chappie. (pie).
(as the Bozo would pronouce).
But inanity aside, that is why.
It's not so much the sales the Bozo makes for me, especially the ADVANCED book on pull-ups which he trolle dby saying "Rahul is a super stud" (even in the trolling, the truth and jealousy sparkles, as it did when he said the book was the jewel in the Mookerjee CROWN of fitness books).
It's because, as the Trumpinator once famously said, "we will never forget".
And it's because actions have consequences, and some people need to learn that the hard way, and so they WILL and are.
And thats why, for those wondering. Hehe.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Oh, almost forgot the "ending pimp" to this - Animal Kingdom Workouts is THE course everyone BE Talking about now. Check it out here.