Life (242)
Growing up, I'd imitate my heroes - all the time!
I'll probably never live down, at least in my mind - the time I took my favoite (at the time) actor's picture to the barber salon and asked for a haircut "just like him".
Barber looked at it curiously.
To his credit, he didnt laugh - that would have embarassed my 13 year old self even more!
But he told me that "wasnt for me" and that wasn't a real hairstyle "just fluff it up".
I'm not sure till this day. Hehe. I do know a lady once at the age of 21 gave me a haircut - probably the best in my life, that middle aged lady in MS (the haircut!) - and even my Mom and Dad, perennial "naysayers" - looked at it and said that was a nice haircut (or Dad did at least, getting Mom to say anything remotely complimentary about anyone is a chore, let alone yours truly "headstrong". Hehe)
Then she wonders why she has no friends ...
(Dad too, but thats a different thing!).
Anyway - in Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill wrote about how he never truly, despite being well past the age of hero worship "outgrew it".
I can understand!
If I like someone, if I admire someone, I'll study every damn thing about them - I'll do my best to emulate THEIR actions in my field - I'll take a look at my life and theirs, and compare how the goods and bads "eerily" match up in many regards - and so forth.
They always have for me, because I've always compared myself to real achievers, those that have done it on their lonesome despite all odds, those that have picked themselves up by the bootstraps - REAL DOERS, in other words.
This afternoon, I was exercising in the park.
And a little baby was gazing at me curiously, while the parents were lazing around in the park.
I was stretching.
Doing the downward dog, then the splits, back into the former, then the front splits, and so forth.
And the baby kept looking at me.
She - or he - was only like two, or maybe four months tops!
And it was cute, the way the baby was trying to imitate me - she couldn't even walk!
"Kids", I laughed, looking at the lady. "The best imitators!"
"Yup", she laughed back.
Anyway - point of this?
Is that kids, young children - and even adults - EVERYONE to an extent "imitates".
And especially kids and young children - if you're in front of them as an adult, they will notice EVERYTHING.
One reason I have always done what my heart told me and my gut told me - despite all the hard times, despite all the neighsaying, despite all the idiotic trolling, despite the not so idiotic occurences, and much more this post won't even skim - - isn't just because I'm a doer, achiever, and because I won't stop till I get what I want - it's also because NOW, I've got someone OBSERVING.
She might not say anything during the tough times.
She's too young to (or was).
She might not notice the exhiliration that comes when good times re-appear - for her "it's always good" (so it should be, although unfortunatly that isn't the case with many a kid growing up).
But what she WILL remember, down the road when she grows up, and trust me "her time will come" is when times really got rough, when it was back against the wall, when it was DO or die, when it was about GUT and split second decisions, when it was buying her that little chocolate she so wanted despite not having the cash to do so, and many other things - she will remember how her Dad reacted.
An example I never had.
And it will be worth it all just for that.
Anyway .............
Fitness wise, same thing.
If you're a tub of lard, and refuse to change, belching and farting away like the Bozo in Brum (Schofield, who claims he's a world famous "in ass" philathropist or some rot - I think he swapped it for scammer, hehe) - then guess what example your kids will follow (thank heavens Bozo ain't got no kids - ain't no lady crazy enough, and he can't keep it up anyway unless he's tongue in ass, but ah - I'll let that one be!Hehe).
If you're a fitness freak, ditto.
If you're someone that does squats all day long, kicks all day long, same thing.
And so forth.
On that note, my latest book the "Isometrics Compilation" is trending at #17 on Amazon, and there is only one way for it to go now - UP.
If you ain't got your paws on this world class, once in a lifetime compilation - do so NOW.
I'll be back!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. - My next book, half done, will be "Advanced Plyometrics". Havent gotten into the writing mood as of yet to finish it up, but it'll happen soon!
The last time this permutation of numbers happened date wise was, well, 2/2/2002. I believe I was in NY then, during an unusually warm winter (I still froze my BOOTOCKS off tho, hehe. I'm used to the South!).
(from Mississippi before moving to NY).
Today, I chanced upon this at 1 PM.
Now, apart from the physical most of you on this list know I'm huge on the mental side of things - the Universe - esoterism- andso forth.
And today just seems to be a special day, not the least of whch being the numbers add up to - well, 10 - and then 10 + 1= 11 - 1 being the number of "regeneration", "new" etc - and it being chinese New year, th e year of the Tiger, or Tigress, what have you (maybe thats why the tiger style loosening movement an other tiger like movements, I've been doing them so much over the past month or so!) - it just seems to be, along with the very POIGNANT dreams I've been having - make it a special day.
Not to mention, Feb 12 is a special date for me, or should be, at any rate (no, romance ain't got nothing to do with it).
(not to menton the email I wrote yesterday, "two sticks being better than one, and the number of clicks it got, also in the range of "2....")
Repeating numbers to me - and certain numbers in general - has always meant the VIBE strengthens - you move closer to your DESIRES.
I truly believe the Universe communicates with us all the time, we just have to be receptive to listen- recieve - not in that order - and then dO.
DO being most important, without getting off your arse, the Universe ain't gonna move it for you.
And so, fitness wise ... (yes, back to terra firma and hard physical training).
All the excuses people make about not having time to train, being too busy and so forth.
There is a reason the sales page for 0 Excuses Fitness mentions "do you know what the biggest reason is for people not training? "
I centered an entire business around abolishing just that - excuses.
If you dont want to train, just up and say it, at least dont make excuses!
Man up, in other words.
"I dont have time".
Well, how about starting with - and ending at - TWO squats today.
Or, TWO pushups.
Or, simply two minutes gently jumping rope.
Something. Anything.
Dont tell me you're too busy, everyone has two minutes, no?
Trick being, after that two minues you're likely to want to do10.
Do it daily, and you'll turn into a fitness phenom before you know it if you keep at it.
The road to good intentions is paved with excuses, so I say.
Avoid those like the plague, my friend.
DO something today.
And watch your life start to change for the better.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Same thing for purchases you've been putting off, theres never a better time to get to it than NOW. Putting anything off never works.
You know, I put all the above into the same broad idiot category along with a host of other "descriptions" if you get my drift.
I'm sure you do.
But really, as I finish up - or, actually, I'm halfway through to be honest - the work on Advanced, Profound Isometric and Flexibility Training, some of the idiotic responses I've been getting as of late, and I get plenty - surprise even yours truly "hard ass" hardened to all this nonsense a long time ago so much so that I actually enjoy being trolled with this inanity these days.
Hey, it leads to more sales for one.
See the video on that for more.
But recently ...
"How dare I just put out offers to the sHip and not the whole list".
Well, as I've explained before, I got tired of idiotic responses or no responses when I spent hours putting together great offers to the entire list, so now, I make sure I only send it to the people that I know will at least be interested.
Which includes people I send it to personally too (i.e. those not in the Ship, but doers regardless).
I could, of course, tell you "my site, my choice".
I'd be perfectly justified in saying that, not even my greatest detractors would have a response to that.
But really, the "entitlement" mentality ... like, I can't send offers to who I want?
Damn skippy I CAN. And WILL.
And those that agree NOT can kiss my righteous booty - and uh, dont let the door hit you in the backside, or ...
... where the sun dont shine, or Bozo Scofield hides/makes deposits (his, not mine, UGH) ...
Derriere, for those with a bit of French in you, pun not intended.
GROW up is what these folks need to be told.
Then ..
"You say you want to help, but the prices are so high! Who on God's green earth would pay ..."
I believe we covered that whine in a prior email.
But really.
YES, my prices are what I consider reasonable, and they will only go up in the future.
But here's the thing - is price WHY I do what I do?
Hell no.
Do we all gotta eat?
Fuck yeah, bro.
I'm the same.
But when a DOER emails me with a request for a discount, for one, I'm MORE than happy to give one out.
The sheer thrill and JOY I experience when a true doer buys my product, it helps him or her immensely, immeasurably, some things are beyond money comparisons .. when they leave GENUINE feedback - everything pales in comparison to that.
If it were just for the money, I'd never have come as far as I have.
If it just for the money, I'd never spend so much time giving y'all offers to SAVE a buck and then some (really, these idiots that complain, were they at the back of, or even in the line when "God" handed out the grey fungola?).
Sure, money is damn important, prices will stay "high" but it ain't why I do this whole shebang, or anything I do.
Its a passion.
A passion that helps YOU immensely too. Bottom line, and if I do all I can NOT to get shortchanged, well, all I got to say about that - anyone with half a brain would, could and SHOULD be attempting to do the same.
If not DO IT.
Anyway ....
Back to Advanced, Profound Isometric and Flexibility Training.
We still have plenty of pictures to take for that one, so this book will take at least two more days to be ready for release.
In the meantime, remember that YOU would do good to get in on the pre-order NOW ... because the price will only go UP my friend.
And remember - this book has a special section on how Alexander Zass, the great old time strongman trained.
Idiots will diss it as too simple, but before dissing, DO the thing, then tell me.
If it doesn't kick your ass from here to Timbuktu I'll be a monkey's uncle and horses ass rolled into ONE.
That section alone "stick isometrics" is, to me, worth the price of admission, not to mention all the other great benefits the book has.
Since this is another email Im typing out of the shower, I better go get clothed.
TMI, hehe.
Back soon!
And get in on the pre-order NOW.
Rahul Mookerjee
My honest, unbiased opinion of the great Matt Furey, and why I respect him no matter what (but don't agree with him on many things too).
Rahul MookerjeeThis email might get me pillioried from several, indeed, many quarters - so be it. Hehe. Let the fun - BEGIN!
Most of you on this list likely have heard of Matt Furey.
Most of you that are reading this "on the internet", likely have no clue who the dude is.
Well, he wrote a bestselling book years ago, and he is the guy I freely credit in 0 Excuses Fitness, Pushup Central, and a few other of my books as being the guy who while he did NOT (and credit where it's due, Matt never claimed this either) - "invent" some of the exercises he taught and (apparently) made millions from, IS the guy who "brought them to the mainstream".
That don't mean he's the be all and end all of bodyweight fitness.
In my case, I believe it was a case of the student besting the teacher at a lot of what he did - and then bringing that to the world.
I dont think Matt would mind at all - that is the goal any good "shifu" should have.
No, I was never training under Matt directly, and as he once said years ago, "unless you're in direct contact with me, you're NOT being trained by me".
I think he said "Im not your mentor unless.."
And again, he's right.
But I've followed the guy with much interest for years, and I've discussed him with my list, and people in general ...
On the internet, and even with family etc (I remember my wife once saying it, I remember some people on the list saying it) -
"Fat" seems to be the #1 gripe people have with him.
Admittedly he's never looked in super shape - even when creating that bestselling book.
And of course, you've got bazillions of fools doing the same as they do with my books, i.e. whining about price.
Now, me, if you were to ask me in one word?
I'd reply thus - LEGEND.
Then I'd tell you this too.
"That don't mean I agree with everything he says and does".
What do I mean?
Let me explain.
First off, guy's got WAY too much weight around him - not necessarily "now" (he's pushing 60 now) - I'm talking back in the day to be considered a serious bodyweight enthusiast.
That said, he could still do things with his body flexibility wise with all that weight that supposedly "fitter" people couldn't, so he's got it right there...
But really, some of the stuff he's put out in the past, he looks like a lard ass, and has admitted as much in his own emails.
But that ain't my main gripe with him.
I get it.
Matt got married, and stopped being "wild" - if he ever was.
Read THIS post.
It happens!
I dont know if its just he eats too much or what it is though ... but the weight is an issue.
Anyway - that ain't my concern, never was.
What I really don't agree with him about - or didnt back in the day was his constant insistence on "China being the be all and end all of everything".
Several folks have noticed this too, and if you've followed the guy, you'll know that "if it wasn't china related, it wasn't worth it, period".
He literally took the "ancient Chinese mystique" thing to giddy limits, and it was laughable.
A customer of mine once asked me this.
"I dont know why Matt is so China centric either, I know he married a Chinese lady, but he's a rich man, he can live anywhere he likes, but yet he choses to live in the good ole U.S.A,so China must not be all that great a place to live, maybe? I dont know about you, but if I had a choice, my vote would be from the U.S.A. anyday".
My vote would ALWAYS be for the U.S.A, I think everyone knows that. Dont get me wrong, China has some great things about it, but overall, good ole Texas and the USA , nothing beats "home" as it were.
Matt from what I understand does have a home in China too, but it's more like a vacation apartment or something ...
I dont know, I could keep putting out stuff on, and I'd be from a certain perspective justified, given all the stuff I get about "you look like a movie star!" - or "you're an Indian porn star!" - or "is that a cock ring for your 10 inch..." (Marc, you'll never live that one down, LOL!) (he was referrng to a bracelet I was wearing in the boxing ring) ...
... I could put out a book on (with justifiable techniques) "ancient INdian Baba techniques to sport a 10 inch monster you know what and have the ladies SCREAMING for more" or some such rubbish (Matt put out something about "Chinese culture secrets" which used to be marketed the same way) .....
But,well, I never have, it doesnt seem too keeping it real to me!
Maybe marketing wise it worked for him.
Hell, what do I know.
But here's why I really respect the dude -
He's been through some dark, dark, times and he PERSEVERED to see (finally) the light.
Both financially, life wise, and otherwise...
He knows what the word "struggle" means. A lot of people really dont.
He's spoken about being so hungry in the past he;d look through boxes of old coins - hey. I get it. I've been there too many times!
I respect the guy for that - and just because, despite all his flaws, and we ALL have them, I find him INSPIRING.
He'd no doubt read some of this and say "Well, Rahul, I made a million dollars - you haven't - YET".
Yet being key.
Hehe. (not that that was ever a goal for me, I dont know if it is now)
But anyway, some other things I dont agree with him about ...
One being his constant insistence on pushups - which is great.
In one of his videos he says ...
"I'm not saying pull-ups are bad. They're great, and you need to figure out a way to include them in your own training" - but then he goes on to say "you dont see the Hindu wreslters do pushups! All over the world, wrestlers and boxers do nothing but pushups, squats and bridging".
TRADITIONAL Hindu wrestlers don't, yes.
The modern day Olympic wrestlers in India do tons of 'em, and look at their cores.
Traditional Hindu wrestlers do plenty of other stuff though, digging with a hoe in the mud pits of India, climbing ropes - doing monkey runs - and so forth ...
And Matt, and I've always said this - this is a huge "no no" I've always had about the guy.
I've never seen him, despite being a self proclaimed bodyweight guru, do ONE single pull-up.
I think there was a picture of him doing a half pull-up in one of his newsletters. But thats it.
i've never seen him do ONE pull-up.
Or a dead hang.
I truly believe the excess flab around his midsection is what prevents it.
In his books where he references pull-ups, his webmaster Eddie Baran (in super shape) does the pull-ups, which to me is not keeping it real, if I'm writing a book, I want to be the one doing the exercises and workouts, simple as that.
Now dont get me wrong.
Matt's a college level wrestler.
For that alone, I tip my hat off to him - that is one of the hardest things to do, period.
I dont know so much about the "shuai jiao" championship he won in China - I'll let that one be, but college level wrestling in the good ole USA, and I believe Matt at one point had Dan Gable, a verified, bonafide LEGEND as a trainer ... well, that alone demands RESPECT.
More than that, the way he sold his books, has been in the trenches, etc ...
But pull-ups?
Sorry to say it, but Matt ain't got it, and as a customer whose opinion I'll always respect once told me.
"I have to agree with your assessment of Matt, I dont think he's in any condition to do pull-ups".
And if you're not doing pull-ups like a stud, you're not a fitness expert, period. Sorry to say it, but it's true ...
That doesn't mean he doesnt have other skills. He does.
But, not doing pull-ups, not being in shape to do them, putting out lousy videos i.e. form of pushups etc...then doing pushups on boards, with implements etc "because it's tougher" - no it aint - the humble pushup done on the floor is the toughest, period, while pushup boards might be great, I've found they end up emphasizing the stronger muscles of your body more and increase imbalance ...
Those are the reasons I dont agree with him.
Overall though?
In one word, and again?
And I freely credit him in my books and courses for much more than just the "royal court" he brought to the world all those years ago.
I truly do believe you can respect someone greatly, and yet disagree with them on many things.
OK, thats finally off my chest.
BAck soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - The 0 Excuses Fitness System has been turning weaklings into wimps, studs into super studs, gurus into super gurus and more - if you're into fitness, and since you're on this list you are, you'll want to invest in this NOW.
As I woke up this morning, the song "We Shall Overcome" was playing in my mind - from a "kiddie" standpoint
I laughed.
Kids these days, they've got the opposite problem, too LITTLE to overcome as opposed to when we were growing up.
But I mentally made a note to tell my daughter about practice.
Not that shell listen - she will scoff. Hehe.
But she'll listen too.
And this is what I wanted to tell her.
"Someday, you'll look back - and realize the value of what I told you".
i.e. the 10,000 hours I keep talking about ...
Now, what do I mean.
Well, just this -sometime in life, these kids have to grow up, and when they face the real world, in whatever shape it is now ...
Is when a lot of them will remember these words - if they have been told that.
And when they will HAVE to do it - a lot of them will do it.
Even more won't.
Sink or swim, basically, as it was at THAT job I write so much about, where the boss kept telling me (a year later) - and my wife too.
"We don't train. We just throw 'em in, see if they sink or swim!"
Its the way I've lived my entire life (no, I'm not discounting the value of training, but sometimes, you have to learn things yourself too).
(use what you've been given naturally, a mind and physical tools).
But anyway later on while doing my meditation - a practice I highly recommend, something else came to mind.
"I cannot be defeated!"
This kept playing in my mind in various shapes, forms and guises.
Now, you guys might think it's all about fitness and working out.
i.e. if you go through a SOLID workout - blood and tears - and you're lying SPENT on the ground in a pool of "blood and tears", sometimes literally - and you THEN find it in yourself to do a 100 pushups MORE.
Then you do it.
At the time of doing it, you might feel you've died an gone to hell.
After this, after you do it - and you sit back and realize you got to that goal again- is when you realize the feeling is "you cannot be defeated".
You did it no matter what.
Training wise, this is exactly and precisely what yours truly did out there on the hill!
Those long, long workouts I did ...
Its the feeling of CANNOT be defeated, yet, is is just the physical that makes this up?
Incredibly, even if you're fit enough to be a Navy Seal or what not, or you go through the training daily - - what bout the MIND?
There is a reason ancient marital arts, when you look at them, you might think "they're not training the hard stuff".
Oh yes they DO.
And physically too.
But mentally is what they focus upon the MOST.
And mentally is what needs to back up the physical, as I wrote about the other day.
They both go together, and they both COMPLEMENT and energize each other.
As the world moves towards more and more "astrology", and other rubbish of "your life number is this and that", and learning from Youtube and other nonsense (from guys that ended up getting it from some other guru that knew exactly squat all) - and try and impart the same so called knowledge to those who dont want it, ie the silent DOERS ... how many times do we see people understanding this truism?
Barely at all.
And the mental part, the mental part where you can truly wake up in the morning and say - or FEEL, more like it ... "nothing can defeat me" - is when you know you've living life like it's meant to be lived, i.e fearlessly!
Lots of people TALK About it.
How many actually do it?
Its fine and dandy to wax lyrical bout all this when the chips are up, what about when it's the other way, so far down youd never imagine things could do this wrong?
Yet, if you're there, bloodied and undefeated, with the feeling of "nothing can defeat me", then you're already halfway there, my friend.
And that is the lesson for this one. For mental tips and techniques, NOT from the spiritual bent, since many seem to think "its only work that matters" - pick up Zero to HEro And Gumption Galore NOW.
In the future, I'll put out more on meditation, and mind power.
For now, those books bove, and the 0 Excuses Fitness System are the ticket to build mental toughness like never before.
And physical too...
The kind of combo that cannot be beat, no matter what.
Rahul Mookerjee
The old man that looks sometime 13 years old, sometimes not a day more than 25 or 26- mentally, he never progressed beyond kiddie status, hehe, in many regards (hence his achievements) - is now 41.
And always as the lovely Irene, timeless and ageless once told me.
"You're always helpful, Mystery (my nick on a certain forum) - and you're wise beyond your years!" (I was 26).
She had me pegged - pun intended, and NOT - hehe - so right.
The square peg that refuses and never will fit into the round hole. Hehe. Again, pun intended, maybe not ...
What a journey,especially the last two years.
The last somewhat normal birthday I had was by my lonsesome out there on the hill hitting it hard and heavy.
Of course, that was pre-Show Vid.
And two years down the line, oh my.
Yet, here I am again - caveman by my own in a dark room.
Some things never change.
As David Goggins, pull-up super stud and more once rightly said, "in that dark room, you really come face to face with yourself".
And if you're knocking off 250 pushups daily, and more, you become a man, and find out what you're truly made of when it's all said and done.
"If you're like me, when your body wants to quit, but your mind won't let you" - John Walker, Pushup Central.
So true!
Like yesterday, this is being written during the workout.
100 pushups, and I barely felt it, yet, I'm sweating.
THAT is training - hard training at it's absolute best i.e. Pushup Central again. BRUTAL.
And yours truly caveman doesn't get wished Happy Birthday by many people.
I dont want to either, I think.
The best gift IC ould give myself is pushing myself to the limit daily - fighting - surviing - at an age and in circumstances (no, not just money for those of yo uwondering) that would have most men on their knees and beyond by now.
Stallone would know!
It's about being accountable - daily. Goggins would know!
About knowing it's not always the physically toughest man that wins, the man with the strongest MIND does.
Mike Tyson, ole Iron Mike would know!
And Michael Moookerjee, as Alan once famously called me, says this.
The best birthday gift I could give myself is not so much the pushups I'm doing now i.e. the exercise, but the ability to do 'em - that I've built on the back of plenty of years of hard work, sweat and toil in the trenches.
The sort of gains that don't go away, period.
How many people can do 250 pushups at any age, lets say 19, or 25?
How many can do ONE?
How many can get in position?
Case and point, friend.
And I'm grateful - super grateful.
As if on cue, a long overdue tax refund from Uncle Sam ie. the IRS finally is "on it's way".
I've no doubt it will show up soon, much appreciated!
But I'm grateful - again.
To have customers like friends, old friends, really.
John Walker, Charles, Panourgias, all these guys you keep hearing about are more like old friends than just customers!
Ditto for the two great hosting companies I work with, they've both been and continue to be so helpful and accomodating that sometimes I even neglect taking backups.
Not recommended, always have a backup plan.
My point though is this - these guys are like old friends too , I know I can always count on them no matter what.
It's never about money.
It's about caring for the customer.
it's easy to switch to AWS etc, but I would never get the feeling of being "cared for" as I do with these guys, and I will stay with them - period.
The best ever, and my reviews reflect that!
So thats the bottom line, friend.
The best gift I could give myself!
And as for you, friend, if you're reading this, pick up some products, and leave some reviews, thats the best gift you could give me!
And down a cold one or two for me, hehe.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee (back to the remaining 150 pushups, more than that if you count 20 handstand pushups and pullups to end the whole damn thing - for now - before I jump rope!)
What Mark Twain knew about spelling words - and getting ahead.
Rahul Mookerjee"The secret to getting ahead is getting STARTED".
"I have no use for a man that can only spell a word a certain way".
I might have semi-butchered the last one a little...
But those quotes explain it all (from Twain himself).
Lets address the first one first.
Lets say you're in a position where doing ONE pushup right now is an impossibilty.
Yes, there are many people in that position - they can barely hold the start position of the regular pushup for any length of time before the arms quiver, lower back gives out etc.
(Though NOT most people are as batty as Bozo Glyn is, LOTS are in as bad shape as he is).
Going down for the pushup?
Forgetttttttt about it - for many people.
Yet, getting started - getting that first rep is key -once you get the first rep, you'll do more naturally.
You will progress - naturally.
Same thing for pull-ups.
Once you can finally get your chin over the bar, you'll naturally do more, and progress much quicker.
As opposed to if you never got started, or looked around the gym or park thinking "what will people think if they see I'm unable to do it", or "half my life is gone, I dont need to do anything great now!" or so forth.
Twain may have missed "and keeping on going" in that quote, but I'm sure he knew the value of persistence. Here, let me look it up -
“That is their way, those plagues, those scientists – peg, peg, peg – dig, dig, dig – plod, plod, plod. I wish I could catch a cargo of them for my place; it would be an economy. Yes, for years, you see. They never give up. Patience, hope, faith, perseverance; it is the way of all the breed.”
Plagues indeed.
I can almost hear a certain Gaby telling me "well done!" for looking it up. Hehe.
She did when I looked up a Brit actress that she's apparently attracted to ...
Anyway, Bozo Schofield is getting famous in the UK - more on that later though - but back to it - yeah.
Get started NOW, my friend - that is indeed half the battle WON.
Now, the next thing - spelling.
With all the idiots complaining about tai-pos in my emails, and Schofield himself, King of all trolls "writing style is very poor" (oddly enough, Glyn Bozo himself once read a piece I wrote about Balboa International School in China, and his first comment - "very well written!") .
Even Schofield has to admit the obvious. Hehe.
But really, tai-pos or lack thereof aren't important my friend.
Especially keeping in mind the Twain quote above
That don't mean my books are littered with them, in fact, my books usually have NONE as opposed to my emails.
But if the odd one snuck in, well, as John Walker said in his review for Animal Kingdom Workouts ...
This is one of your best books to date, clearly you understand what it takes to create the perfect beast.
Mastery of one's own bodyweight is so much more important than some random goal of adding 10kg to your bench press.
Moving your bodyweight with strength, grace and power is how the human animal was built to move.
People, do yourself a favour and buy this book and learn the lessons in it so you too can join the ranks of the superhumans. Yet another masterpiece Rahul.
Glyn Schofield, you're a clown and quite clearly you've never worked out in you pathetic little life, because if you had you'd know what's important in a "training book" which is the training information it supplies not whether it has typographical errors, "I mean come on man training books are about training not writing style".
Warmest Regards
John Walker.
And that, my friend says it all.
Get started NOW, my friend.
The time will never be riper...
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - To get to SUPER STUD level at pull-ups - check out Pull-ups from STUD to SUPER STUD within WEEKS! now.
What would you regret (if anything) at the end of your life?
Rahul MookerjeeBit of a strange, and somewhat philosophical note to start off the email day on!
But it's something that popped up in my Inbox, and caught my eye.
I never read the article. But the question it posed is pretty genuine!
If today was the "last day on planet Earth for you" (I dont mean for those of you going on space travel, hehe, apparently Japanese billionaries have joined that race too!) - I mean, if today was the last day you know you'd be here on the physical plane - what would be your regrets, if any?
Answer honestly, my friend.
Lots of people say "no regrets" but thats an off the cuff remark, not well thought out.
For me, I thought for a good two minutes or so, which is way longer than I think about for this sort of thing.
No regrets.
IF today were to be that last day, which it most certainly isn't - none at all.
I know I've done my best - given my best - in and at everything I've done.
I know fitness wise, I've done everything I wanted to, and then some - and while I have goals right now, most notably the jump rope goal I wrote to you about - - I'll get after those too.
If I wanted to start a business, I just up and did it regardless of the neighsayers, admirers, encouragers (usually none) and so forth.
Regardless of the falls I'd take, if I wanted to do something, write something, say something, no matter how outrageous, no matter what the consequences, I've always done it.
That to me is what its all about .
When Jeff Bezos was asked this, he said "his only regret would be not trying".
And, with regard to space, and his ownership of the Post - "when I'm 90, those are things I can look back and be proud of".
Which I agree with Jeff on both.
What about YOU, my friend?
Fitness wise, have you done - and been - all you CAN BE?
It isn't an indirect push to buy products.
It's a simple question.
If you had a goal to do 100 pushups per workout -have you got there?
If you were once in super shape - and you keep looking back at that picture saying "I used to be like that" and wistfully wanting to be more - HAVE you done it?
Have you honestly given your best at all- business, and everything else?
Have you done the right thing as far as possible?
These are just questions from my end, I highly encourage you to think of them for yourself!
Anyway, that's an interesting note on which to start things off.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S - Fitness wise, if you want do something - try something - buy a product - then just DO IT, my friend.
Pushups wise, for instance, think about it - would it not be nice and satisfying to look back at the age of say 80, and say "I did (or do, if youre Clint Eastwood) one arm pushups willy nilly - or, 500 pushups per workout)?
Similiarly for pull-ups ...
I know a lot of you on here want to buy certain products, but you aren't "saying anything" for some reason.
Seize the day, my friend. It's the "Yuletide" time, if I got that right, hehe (my agnostic / atheist self sometimes does get these things right!) - GET something for yourself, DO something for your fitness.
Trust me, you'll feel great once you get on my workouts, which is really what makes it all worth it!
Why all the doom, gloom, VROOM and shoom won't help you one damn iota.
Rahul MookerjeeFriend,
There has never been a better time for two things.
One, it is my belief that Depressions, or "so called" depressions are some of the best times to make money, or set the foundation for doing so.
Before you throw bricks at me, take a look at a certain Henry Ford, or Marshall Fields, or ... countless others. Yes, times have changed, and no, they haven't. The basics remain the SAME. In any economy, any "world"!
And two, it's never been a better time for the Bozos, neighsayers, moaners, pissers, whiners, and perhaps most of all the "I told you so's".
"I told you this business wouldn't succeed, you gotta get a jobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" go the idiots who have never done much of anything in their own life, never faced hardship THEMSELVES etc - yet, dispense advice on how to deal with willy nilly to all and sundry (usualy those who do NOT want it).
I've seen this sort of thing upfront - in the past Ive experienced it personally, these days I'm seeing more and more of it in the third person.
PIcture this, a guy running what you'd think is an "essentials" store i.e. selling utensils.
He was forced to shut down.
And whether covid had something to do with it or not is NOT the point.
The point is ... well, covid did - that was part of China's grand plan, inflation, lockdowns, they know how the sheeple globally would react, and if all else fails ,make "essentials" or the procurement of the same more expensive for the average guy, middle class, what not.
But the point is, he was getting so called "advice" from some idiot who kept telling him "I told you, Amazon is the death of us all!"
Now, Bozo is not necessarily wrong (not Schofield, he doesnt have the brains to mount any sort of argument beyond asses, both male and female and their innards - but the Bozo above).
But really, picture this - other dude has to survive. Literally.
You might not know it, or hear about it, but a lot of small business owners at some point live hand to mouth - a lot of them will never tell you about the hardships THEY face, but will listen to YOU all day.
Thats just successful business, you help others FIRST.
It's successful LIFE, more like.
Relationships 101, or should be ...
But really, with all else going on, the LAST thing that man needs to hear is "Amazon is the death of us all".
(I wonder if other dude told him about all the benefits of Amazon, most notably selling on there...)
(finding new customers, Amazon marketing products on auto pilot, Billpay's, much more!)
Like Jeff rightly once said, has anyone ever focused on how people Amazon has made and continues to make RICH - not just stocks wise?
He needs to be focusing on what he WANTS i.e how to stay afloat - rather than the panic nonsense being spread about - thats good for alcohol fueled discussions at night or rants or what not, but real life - it ain't gonna do you a SMIDGEON of good focusing ont hat rot.
He needs to focusing on making his offers, albeit in person more attractive - especially given the current situation.
Customer service.
And more ...
But the LAST thing , if at all, he needs to focus on is this inflation rot. True, he needs to be AWARE of it - but thats all!
People are just idiots, my friend - the ones dispensing this free advice.
Pretty much why I never listen to anyone anyway ...
Anyway, had to say that.
Maybe there's a message in there for YOU somewhere, I dont know.
And remember the Tuesday 50% offer I just emailed you , my friend. ONLY for yo u on my list, and no, it ain't gonna last beyond Tuesday, so get in NOW while you can.
Save big - remember, only applicable on ONE order, so get all you can i.e. "load up".
Rahul Mookerjee
The "interesting passage" the CBSE in India "seems to have dropped" ...
Rahul MookerjeeWell, well, well.
Seems my rants (all very well warranted) on Nazi feminism and the lot aren't just being read - they are, as I've been saying all along what a lot of (non cuckolded and simped) men FEEL - on a damn near daily basis - especially if you're born after the year 2000 or so.
Before that the effects of the World wars were still there, when (right after the wars) men were at a premium in most places (indeed, today, look at places like Russia, still the case! I heard they used to give Russian females awards for those that pumped out 10 babies - such was the paucity of people in general - quite different from today's vastly over populated coddled world!).
Anyway, from CBSE Drops 'Sexist' Passage form 10th English Exam, Students to get Full Marks (news18.com) ...
Since I couldn't copy and paste from that link, I googled, it's all over the place.
According to the contentious section, "women acquiring independence is the primary cause of a wide range of societal and household difficulties." It further stated, "The wife's emancipation damaged the parent's control over the children." It added: "By lowering the male from his pedestal, the wife and mother robbed themselves, in reality, of the instruments of discipline."
Essentially, this was there in a question paper or something for some exam for students in India, therefore, had to be studied first in some textbook (I'm not quite up to speed in that regard, especially nowadays!).
But what people felt was what was put into the text, and of coure, there was a massive hue and cry about it, now it's been taken down, students get full marks for the question whether they got it right or wrong, everyone is bashing the leading BJP for it (true, I'm not exactly enthused by what they've accomplished in India over the past few years, but neither has the opposition, at least, end of the day, BJP took a STANCE!) ...
Thing is though, that is how a LOT of men - and quite a few REAL women feel.
This "emancipation of women" is all well and good, but it has been taken to extremes.
Female rights and equality dont mean the men have none practically speaking, yet, the liberals everywhere have made it that way, and / or are doing their damndest to make it that way.
No matter where you might fault the ruling BJP in India, there is ONE silver lining - a huge one for me.
They're NOT liberals in any sense of the word.
Sigh of relief ...
But anyway, I'm not for teaching this sort of thing to kids either.
But, point being this - they're being force fed Nazi feminist idelogies damn near all over the place everywhere else, so I dont blame someone for taking a stance and saying it like it is (like I do, and no, I could care less about lost sales in that regard).
More to the point - anyone notice the disaster single mom families are - in all regards - both economically and otherwise?
When you turn over any and all decision making power to the woman - it is an UNMITIGATED disaster.
That is not support patriarchy necessarily, but men are a very vital cog in the wheel of parenthood and family for one.
The trend these days is to marginalize the men to whichever extent possible (of course, in my family, that has been going on since birth).
But how does that work out - look at the stats for one.
Then you take goose and gander.
What say unequal divorce settlements - downright unfair ? What say "if women are truly independent, why do THEY get alimony, and mammoth amounts of it - while the man gets zero or less?"
What say visitation rights?
Even in the families where men do live with their kids, taking the man out of the decison making process has never ended up well for anyone.
If the man has any brains, he'll do what I did and go mgtow.
Trouble is though, the kid can't do that.
And a father is essential for kids, my friend - any kid.
Ask even the most coddled and Nazi fem spoon fed kid - and they'll tell you wistfully how they wish their DAD was with them.
That ain't theory I'm spouting, it's FACT.
And of course - not a word has been said, even in India, about men being on the hook for everything financially.
And the rare cases they arent, it's only so the woman can "do it her way or the highway".
That ain't the case with a male head of the family.
The woman often and almost always STILL has her say and decides on matters that are "female domain".
Yet, the opposite case - females decide damn near everything, the men nothing - not even the "male domain" issues.
My take on it remains the same - real woman, feminism, all OK and well and good. But when it morphs into Nazi feminism - or anything morphs into Nazi anything - THAT is where one needs to take a stance!
Anyway, it's great guirella marketing for the politicians too, hehe.
If it was intended to be that, of course. I dont see how it could be anything else (CBSE is national level education, so I'm sure they anticipated the hue and cry).
Anyway .............................
For those of you stuck dealing with Nazi feminism, remember - you can not only combat it, but BENEFIT from it.
And unlike the CBSE - my book on it ain't going anywhere anytime soon, neither is mgtow.
Get this book NOW, my friend.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - I'm off to do handstand pushups now but before this - there has been an EXPLOSION of interest in the great course "Shoulders like Boulders" which gives new meaning to the phrases "power packed" and "pocket dynamite" and "good things come in SMALL packages". Truly, this course offers more value per WORD than ANY OTHER fitness course out there. Grab it yourself NOW, and see what people BE yelling about.
(and if you have already bought it, please leave a review. Thank you!)
Use it - or lose it.
As I was working out this morning, I saw a baby - or a toddler, rather, clinging on to "Mama" for dear life - much like a baby monkey does to its mother.
They were on the swing together. The way the lady was talking to her son (I think) reminded me of my own "wife" and daughter ...
Anyway, sentiments and "the look cute" factor aside (or not) - the point isn't so much that, as it is "use it or lose it".
Last night, I read a story about astronauts - or a "relation of the facts" actually.
When I write fiction of any nature, I make it so real that I call "reality mixed in with a dab of creative license" as opposed to the other way around!
But anyway, that was a set of facts about astronauts in space.
How they eat - shit - sleep - workout - all of it.
And "seperate tubes for #1 and #2 aside" (use your imagination, hehe) - Glyn Bozo would have a field day, not to mention the lack of gravity would make his lard float so much easier - how they workout was interesting to say the least - and for how LONG per day.
Like 2.5 hours a day - daily - no excuses, no breaks.
If not, they lose a ton of bone density and muscle mass - that takes up to FOUR years to rebuild.
I think it was >10% of bone density lost in six months (stay in space) and perhaps more in terms of muscle.
Kinda like premature ageing ... or oesteoperosis "early" if you get my drift.
To counteract that, they workout for 2.5 hours daily, so sometimes, these days, they end up back on terria firma fitter and stronger than before!
But it's another great example.
Use it - or lose it.
And if you lose it, you lose it QUICK. But it takes donkey's years to gain back what you lost, and not in proportion either!!
Same thing for monkeys, and their insanely strong grips. On the Animal Kingdom Workouts page, I believe, I write about how chimpanzees can kill full grown adult crocs outweighing them by almost a ton - with their bare hands.
If a baby chimp grabbed your finger - you'd SQUEAL for mercy, period.
Same thing with caimans and jaguars, grizzlies and moose - the animal kingdom rarely stops to "rest" or "recover from their sore lats" or "not walk becaus their forepaws and hindlimbs are too sore" or what not.
Look at captive animals and how MISERABLE They are, and you'll get the picture.
Miserable... we'll get to that soon!
But anyway, for human beings - in terms of fitness - CORE fitness is the first to go - and the LAST to come.
Think love handles, obliques, once you do lose 'em - make sure they STAY off.
It's very easy to Get out of shape - or spend money for that matter.
It's much harder to earn it back - both things!
Trust me on this.
Good news, if you keep using it - you won't lose it - and if you do lose some, you'll gain it back pretty quick too.
Same thing for your FREEDOM, my friend.
I was ranting about the latest Biden nonsense forcing everyone to get vaccinated or trying to (thank God for Florida and the Southern U.S. - there's still freedom left SOMEWHERE! - drop in the ocean I know with Bozos globally, b ut still! THAT is why I'm a huge supporter of the NRA, this government overreach is just intolerable, PERIOD!!!) to my Jie Jie Maria, and of course, her first comment -
"You're just like Americans, freedom is the most important".
You're miserable with all this going on!
So it is, yes.
And I wasn't aware which pundit in the Universe deemed freedom to be an uniquely American concept for one?
Freedom of speech, thought, expression, end of the day, when it's all taken away from you - a man's got his freedom, and thats all, my friend.
You can rail against this fact and say "nuts like us take things to extremes", but it's the nuts on the other side of the spectrum that take thing sto extremes. I mean gee, it's been like two years into this panicdemic, and schools aint opened in some parts of the world - travel is still all mostly closed despite people lining up to get panixated - who is being extreme here???
End of the day, freedom is what it's about.
And the more you get used to losing it, the quicker you lose it - and the LONGER IT TAKES TO GET IT BACK!
Anyway, I told Maria the following.
"America must have done something right, Maria", I laughed. She's a great girl!
Very helpful, great girl, really. I mean it.
"It's the numero uno country in the world".
Americans must have done omething right - I dont think people as a whole woke up one day, proclaimed themselves the number one country in the world and just became that.
FREEDOM at the end of the day was what allowed it to happen - along with a whole new country "for their own".
Some idiot was ranting recently about Thanksgiving (a Chinese guy who is normally quite sensible, to be honest) and how its all about slaughtering Indians that gave the white colonizers turkeys, and not "enjoyng the bounties of the harvest"- which is the real reason Thanksgiving is celebrated (this idiot also got it wrong in that the US and Canada don't celebrate it on the same day at all)(.
I mean really, the jingoistic lengths people go to, and this whole "anti white" bullshit, I dont know if I'm the only one, but isn't it really now being taken to giddy limits
I mean geez, let Jim Crow stay in the past where he belongs.
Anyway - use it - or lose it.
I'm out.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Same thing for the great offers we have going on, USE the discounts - or LOSE them. All the whining int he world ain't gonna get it back later either!
PS #2- And what Biden, liberals and sheeple in general are doing to make peoples lives more miserable - or try to - is just a DISGRACE, my friend. Period!
Believe it or not, some of the greatest, most succesful and deepest motivators need support too.
Oddly enough or maybe not, the people closest to them hate them the most - closely followed by the legions of trolls eagerly hanging on to their every word, thought, action ... hehe.
Which is fine.
As Jeff Bezos once said,
"You gotta be willing to be misunderstood for long periods of time to be an entrepreneur".
Bezos put it in his own manner.
I'd say it differently!
I'd say "the bozos that understand all, but pretend not to". Hehe.
But anyway ... here are a couple of quotes - old time quotes - NO videos, no inanities, just quotes - that have picked me from the depths of darkness - yes, I've been there too! - when I most needed it in the past, when no-one was there for me - when the whole world was against me - or so it felt - when NO-one had faith in me (a lot still dont, and I love it!) ... when people called me an idiot for doing ebooks instead of paperbacks, when people called me stupid for daring to start a biz, and so much more.
Edison, with his famous quote on the problem most men have is GIVING up too soon. Most men when they reach the point of giving up do not realize just how close they are to success when they do give up - as it told in the great book "Three Feet from Gold" by Napoleon Hill, I believe.
Or, the HIll quote.
"No man who has achieved anything worthwhile has done so without at one time or the other, having one foot hanging WELL over the brink of failure".
In the modern day, perhaps the Bezos quote of "never give up on your goal no matter how hard it gets".
I know all this myself, of course.
But sometimes, it pays - and helps - to read - the greats!
Precious few people DO though.
Anyhow, why do I say this.
Because last night, I watched one of those Amazon Prime movies - something about "dark side of life in Mumbai".
A run of the mill movie, fairly so, but I love Kay Kay Menon - one of the actors in it - along with Emraan Hashmi, one of my favorite actors and one who unlike Hashmi doesn't seem to quite get the dues that should be given him.
It's about six couples (I think) in Mumbai, all going through dire, tough times - the toughest - this was pre covid obviously - and how they handle it.
One couple, hemmed in by financial woes all around them, contemplates suicide. They even get the pills to do it!
"Easy to find the illegal stuff", laughs the husband when asked by his wife if he "got the goods".
Since it's their last night, they eat up, drink up - they even give the delivery boy a ton of change (like three spare meals) because he didnt have change, and told him to keep their phone too, they wouldn't need it!
They have it out with their rude landlord, they tell their old bosses to piss off, and so much more.
All the hidden feelings - animosities - they get it all out!
End of the night, they discover living life "carefree and fear free" wasn't so bad after all.
They never do commit suicide.
Then, there are others that do.
Some survive, like a young boy who was homeless in Mumbai, falls in love with a girl that takes him home, introduces him to an old "Uncle" who sort of adopts him, the story goes on and on until the girl OD's on drugs, the guy is devastated, commits suicide, survives, six months later, he's a succesful singer...
And many others.
Including an impotent (apparently) cop - and the barbs he gets from his girlfriend on a daily basis.
"You forgot the bullets!"
"Your lock is permanently jammed!"
Glyn Bozo of course would have a field day listening to all of that, but I was thinking, what if the GIRL had a problem - do we ever talk about that - and if the guy dared to say half of what the girl was?
He'd be labled abusive in an instant, whereas the girl gets away scot free?
"No fair".
But anyway, cop dies heroically in the end - saving another damsel from a terror attack.
And his woman at home is devastated and distraught, but thats a lesson unto itself.
Words hurt and matter - whether or not people admit it or not.
ALWAYS be careful what you tell the other person, my friend.
As Napoleon Hill said, your words can plant the seeds of either success - or the OPPOSITE - in other people's minds - subconsciously.
Some times, like in Glyn's case for instance, harsh words cannot be avoided, but in most cases, its best to do what HIll says ie write the words out either on the beach - right before high tide - or, on a sheet of paper which you then burn up later.
Anyway .............
The movie, and the reasons for "ending it all" - were to me, frankly - LAUGHABLE.
But then again, I've been through a LOT.
Which is why people call me incaring (un) - and insensitive when I nigh on tell them that their problems are nothing in the grand scheme of things.
Believe me, I've seen it all - and BEEN through dark times like no-one else has - or precious few have.
And believe me, living to fight another day is what it's all about.
As the old man in the movie said (my favorite) "even sculptures weren't made without hemming away at stone. Nothing good comes easy!"
Those old men, people in that age group as I keep saying are really the ones that have it spot on, that I identify with - ever since I was young, for whatever reason, I've always had "older friends" and so forth.
My Mom hated it "why can't you hang out with your own age group".
Gee, Mom, like it matters.
But anyway, living to fight another day, to keep the good fight going - and to convert that defeat into victory through sheer and utter persistence - THAT is what life is all about ultimately.
I dont know why I saw fit to say this now ... but I did.
Maybe it'll help some of you going through dark times right about now. Maybe it'll provide a spark of cheer to those that have "given up". I dont know, maybe someone will read these words, and feel uplifted!
As Emerson said, if even ONE person feels that way - I've done my job - regardless of sales or not.
Being grateful is something we often forget.
Often, my friend.
And its probably the best time to tell you to be grateful - again - for what you DO have - and not focus so much on what you DON'T have.
I know I'm grateful to all of y'all on here, and I'll keep doing all I can in this regard for as long as I live. (on the physical plane).
Because I know lots of you LOVE my daily dispatches, it makes your day ...
And that makes mine too!
I'm grateful, and thats what it's about!
Chin up - shoulders BACK!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Fitness wise, remember, you HAVE To be in top shape to "vibrate" at the highest levels and ultimately attract GOOD to you no matter what.
THIS is the fitness system that will DO it.
Well, well, well!
The "you look like a movie star" rears its not so ugly head again. Hehe.
Jesus, TV personalities, Habib - I cannot think of ONE thing I have not been compared to. Or person! Or "personality!"
Ironman. Triathlete. All has been said about me - even "swimming champ" back in college (when I was doing breaststroke in anything BUT the "right form" (of course, being what I was doing was survival oriented, the vibe snuck through!).
Anyway, y'al know that.
So yesterday, dude #1 - on the phone guy, you know?
I saw him from a distance first, he raised his hand later to "acknowledge me" (remember, he was on the video".
"So, how's it going" I boomed, walking up to him.
I thought it was a normal tone of voice.
"Rahul, you should be in movies!" the guy responded with.
I laughed, and told him of the movie star comments.
"Maybe not a star", he went. "But your voice, perfectly suited for movies!"
That reminded me of my what my "wife" told me when dating.
"No Director would pass up on the opportunity to hire you!"
She was probably right too.
They both probably dont know the hell I'd raise on a movie set though! Hehe.
I'd probably enjoy the ladies ...
But it does bring up an interesting point.
I dont know what dude's perception of "star" is.
But I do know, for me, and this has always been a strength for me along with my "chameleon" abilities - is the knack to "treat all people equally".
I dont care if you're a movie star, jobless guy, a cranky "Aunty" or what not - I'll talk to you the same way.
I'm polite and deferent when need be - to ALL.
And I rip ass - when need to be - to ALL.
And this is one reason I can connect so well with people across all spectrums, my friend, regardless of language, culture etc.
Now, movies - I watch plenty (oddly enough, despite my utter dislike of videos).
But, catch.
I ONLY watch the sort of movies that mirror the sort of lifestyle I HAVE - or would like to have (if there is such a thing!).
If you thought "action, plenty of beer, hot women, and PROPER workouts and bodies toned by the same" - you got it spot on.
And I dont think "those are movie stars, wow!"
Growing up and sometimes even now, I'll imagine myself in those situations - either consciously - or not.
I could do a damn fine job of being a movie star if I wanted to. Hehe. Or anything I wanted to.
But for now, we'll stick to being a caveman ...
And sending out notices about sales that a lot of you have taken action on - and some still haven't.
To the latter category, I dont know what you are WAITING FOR?
And that, friend is that.
Back soon.
Rahul Mookerjee
"Baba, aamom ekta KORE!"
My Bengali is very weak!
That said, I could speak it in a trice if I really chose to, and leave Tom Tom's everywhere that claim they are the best at it - in the dust.
Hell, right from the minute that guy in 2005 stopped me in front of Chung King mansion in 2005 (where a certain But(t)ler Bozo Schofield did drugs years later) and spoke to me in Bengali ...
... Thoughts transmute, sometimes of ten times, you just KNOW!
Earlier than year,my mother had to come to visit me (my parents and sister actually - back then we were on speaking terms - SORT OF).
They still didnt agree with my lifestyle though. Hehe.
But a Chinese lady, one of those old school ole ladies on a boat in Hong Kong (in the villages) spoke to me in cantonese, despite me at the time not knowing a word of it, she knew it too - logically.
yet, when in China?
"Your skin is yellow!"
That ain't the only reason the Chinese treat me as "one of their own".
Sophia, Gorilla Girl for one ...
When I asked her where the niceities done to foreigners were - she never did it to me - she responded thus -
"I treat you like Chinese man!"
I'd rather that than the numerous insults behind back which most expats get, I never have.
(but a lot of those dancing monkeys deserve it too).
That ain;t saying Sophia wasn't polite to me.
(I actually once had to REQUEST her NOT to be polite, if you get my drift. Hehe)
Hell, she did things with me she wouldn't dream of with anyone else.
But again ...
You just KNOW sometimes!
I remember a case when I was hollering up and down about someone pestering me at home, next day, Mom or someone showed up, well, Mom did.
And she acted like "oh my God.... you make such a scene!"
(British English for raise hell).
Oddly enough she ignored I was just apeing her own behavior. Hehe. As my wife rightly said, my mom makes mountains out of molehills - quite literally.
"Bat ka Batangar Banati hai", I believe the Hindi is
(pardon my proununcation!)
But anyway, I had a legit gripe, I just wanted to be left alone, no-one was...
But same thing when I go tearing away on a cycle, or SPRINT, or what not.
The "oh my God, so fast, move OUT OF HIS WAY!" ...
But here's the thang, friend.
It gets a reaction, sure.
But importantly, fitness - super fitness- real fitness- is the same.
You have to BLOW them valves wide open, friend.
Slow and steady wins the race, but if you want results NOW, period, you have to combine that with the "oh my god" factor.
And the course that will GIVE You the oh my God factor - and burn fat off your frame like FAT off a george foreman GRILL?
Is THIS one.
Have at, fellas!
Rahul Mookerjee (and remember - at the time - pick up Animal kingdom Workouts too, which is level numero two, I believe there is a special on both of these NOW).