Life (242)
Over the past couple of days, I’ve been receiving messages on WeShat (China’s premier messagin app which has been blocked in pretty much every rational and CIVILIZED country in the world) about being “concerned for my safety”.
Or, (and this is less bothersome from a certain angle) my social media accounts etc (the Chinese ones) being blocked.
Apparently although the Chinese law states that “political discourse is allowed”, it’s still not.
Really? I didn’t know that! ?
Jokes aside, what do I think?
Well, a few years ago I started a WeChat group in mainland China titled “Keeping it Real”, which discussed many of the same things.
Everyone was happy to discuss what we are now as a GLOBE globally but within the privacy of the chat room (which was a small private chat basically, so it flew under the radar).
But no-one was willing to take the plunge and actually set up the group and administer it.
Same thing for my employments groups.
While people LOVE the group for being a no-nonsense group where rules are very strictly followed for the benefit of ALL (and while a lot of people castigate me for enforcing the rules, and while I do NOT relent in that regard, hehe) – and in fact, people have offered to BUY the group from me (remember a certain Linda? ?), NO-ONE is willing to be the “bad guy” and enforce the rules with an IRON hand, NO exceptions.
Believe me, it isn’t easy for most people to be unpopular.
Most at the end of the day do care about what the rest of the “people” (sheeple) think of them.
And that’s precisely why MOST do not rise to the level of a Gates, or Buffet, or Ford, or Jobs, or who have you.
These people didn’t care two hoots about what people thought my friend.
And while I ain’t putting myself in that category (as yet! ?), I’ve always been the guy who would care FIVE hoots (if not more) else about what people think.
If WeChat doesn’t like me calling them WeShat, maybe they should take a look at their crappy app and the bloatware and spyware pre-installed on it.
Bloatware that fills up your phone within days of starting the damned app, and of course the regular CCP surveillance for the app, and everything else.
If folks that agree with me on certain things don’t have the balls to say it publicly, well I’m sorry – but you’re not a man (or woman) that TRULY agrees.
If you TRULY do care, take a stance my friend.
Way too FEW people do that, being content to drift along in the “Oh, but I’ll be hammered” bubble.
Guess what mi amigo.
Chances are excellent and second to none you’ll be hammered even more if you sit and do nothing (and by that I don’t mean the sort of hammering that the nail that sticks out the most sometimes gets, but another more insidious form of hammering).
So long story short – I could care less.
I WILL make posts of a political nature if I see fit to. I WILL Write emails of a political or OTHER nature if I see fit to.
I WILL comment on world issues and talk about LIFE in general.
And as my buddy Vincent once said, “I refuse to kneel”.
A true warrior dies, but he does NOT kneel.
He never has in the countless WARS he has fought, and neither have I.
I still remember us talking about being in a WAR right NOW (this was back in 2017) of a different nature than what most people think.
If something is right, then it’s right. If something is wrong, it’s wrong. That’s as simple as it gets, and despite my NOT agreeing with my Dad on MOST and any things, that was one lesson he instilled in me from an early age, and it has (for good or bad, and to brutally honest extremes) nigh on STUCK WITH ME.
I don’t plan on losing it anytime soon!
And fitness is the same.
YES, pull-ups work your entire body way better than the idiotic lat pulldown machine ever can, will and HAS.
Think you’re strong if you can pump out bench presses while you’re “flat on your back”? Well, try handstand pushups – the REAL test of REAL MAN strength, and THEN GET BACK TO ME.
Think pushups don’t build muscle?
Try some of the ones I’ve got in Pushup Central, and then get back to me.
And if you’re thinking “gym shym” or pounding the pavement will get you the “animal like level of fitness”, “V shaped back”, “six pack” and all the other things that you really do want then you’re sadly mistaken my friend.
Very sadly so (and yoga shmoga isn’t gonna do it either)(.
If you want the sort of RAW animal like physicality I refer to so often, you TRAIN LIKE ONE.
Like a true BEAST.
To turn into a true BEAST, and a force of Nature to be reckoned with, and indeed as Mother Nature intended you to be, get on the stick NOW.
And last, but not least – rememeber.
Rise – UP! Never be afraid to take a stance – on anything. As Alan once told me, “unpopular is often times exactly what is needed”, and if no-one took a stance, nothing would ever change (mine!).
Rahul Mookerjee
PS. – Animal KingDom Workouts was written in the same BRAZENLY UNAPOLOGETIC style as I refer to above. Find out more here –https://0excusesfitness.com/animal-kingdom-workouts/
P.S #2 – Charles, you were dead on RIGHT about not giving the group to a certain jackass that eventually got it. Trouble is, the dude I gave it to was too busy to bother with that B.S, hehe. Ah well.
If you say you want to or will do something . . . THEN DO IT, my friend.
Rahul MookerjeeIf there is something that pisses me off no end, it is people that say one thing and do the exact opposite (or quite another).
I’ve made no secret of my distaste and dislike for those I consider to be grade A hypocrites (for instance, the dude from Hong Kong who complains up a storm about the mainland day in and day out and yet LIVES there).
Continues to live there despite his (very valid indeed) complaints.
Like dude. It’s not like someone’s forcing you to live in a place you hate . . .
Charles, a friend (or perhaps former friend as things stand now) of mine never shied away from telling me how much he wanted to visit India one day.
“Well, just do it buddy”, I kept telling him (along with advice of WHERE to go).
(Since he asked. Yours truly is hardly the sort to dispense unwanted advice!).
Has he ever followed up?
It’s been five years since I know him, if not more, and NO. He hasn’t.
“Uh, I didn’t get the chance”.
Yeah. Right.
The real reason which of course is the 800lb gorilla in the room is the Chinese distaste for anything foreign in general and the intense dislike they have of “dark skinned people” (including their own).
And curiously enough (or maybe not given the rogue nation’s way of thinking) this is viewed as NORMAL in China.
Racism is normal, and even encouraged (albeit tacitly) by none other than many expats living there . . .
I’ll never forget, for one, how a Chinese property consultant picked at me skin once and exclaimed “But you’re not of Indian origin or Indian anyway! Your skin is yellow!”
Huh? Yellow?
But you get the picture.
And being his girlfriend is Chinese, well . . .
For those that don’t know, he’s of the same bent of mind as my Dad (who I obviously don’t agree with on anything) and is a firm believer in the philosophy of “keep the wife happy, and the family will be happy”.
My father never tired of telling me that growing up, and internally, I remember thinking what a crock of BS it was.
I mean, why does just ONE person have to be happy?
Unless you’re a masochist, of course, and funnily enough most . . . ah, but I best not go there ! ?
Anyway, that’s pretty much the reason he’s never visited, though he’ll never admit it.
I mean, dude.
He tells me that “it’s not because of her! She will do it if I tell her!”
Well, it doesn’t quite seem that way!
Back in the day, he once sourced some stuff from India, ostensibly for her and himself as well.
I still remember that night in September 2016 I believe it was . . .
“Are you sure you can trust me to do this?” I asked before accepting the money his girlfriend sent me (apparently he was too toasted to do it at that point).
We hadn’t met at that point, so it was a perfectly legit question, I’d say . . .
“Of course I can!”
And then we decided upon what exactly they wanted and if I could source it (after tutoring his girlfriend on how to “send the money” – don’t ask – long story).
We got everything he wanted. My wife did most of the shopping and when we met months later, I handed his stuff over to him.
And as expected, all went well. At that point, at least it did.
A month or so later, what happened was EXACTLY what I thought MIGHT Happen when I accepted Charles’s cash (which is why I was leery of doing so in the first place).
Apparently his girlfriend thought I “skimmed off the top” when getting them stuff.
God knows why, but that’s what she thought.
Actually I DO KNOW why, but we will get into that later!
There are few things that offend me more than being called a cheat and dishonest, my friend. Because if there are two things I ain’t, it is those two things!
And plus.
EVERY time some of his money was used, I sent him a PROPER accounting. I still remember navigating in the car through the cows on the road, hehe, and sending Charles a message about it on wechat . . .
And funnily enough, the guy himelf told us that “don’t worry about it! We don’t need an exact accounting!”
“If there is something you want to do for yourself with the money, do it provided it’s a little bit!”
(what he was indirectly saying is feel free to charge commission)
And I didn’t. What we did was use probably 7-8% of the money and use it to buy groceries etc instead of “splurging on a nice dinner” as Charles suggested (and he was right to say it, actually; at that point he was doing the right thing) so as to be as economical as possible. For obvious reasons.
And so, when months later this girl got back with her bombshell, I told my wife about it.
“Hmmmpph! If she thinks it’s too expensive, tell her to come here and buy it herself”
I don’t agree with most of my family on many things (as you know!) but I HAD to agree with my wife on this one.
“I can’t”, I laughed. “That’s not my job!”
“Why is she on your wechat anyway”, my wife fumed.
“Uh, because she sent me the money” . . .
And before it led to a fight I deleted the lady off my list, which is fine of course, since I didn’t know her from Adam other than the fact that she was a buddy’s girlfriend (and didn’t think highly of me to say the least, hehe).
Funnily enough, if you’d ask me if I was upset at her for thinking that way?
That’s just how the Chinese are, my friend.
John McIntosh, a past client of mine once told me that there was a time in his life he was a real estate agent and he closed a deal (to sell a large house).
“Done deal”, he told them.
“Cool! Let’s go to dinner!” the female half of the couple said.
They did, and guess what.
All throughout dinner these guys pestered John to lower the price even more, though it was a done deal!
There is a saying in mainland China which goes somewhat like this: contracts are worth nothing, maybe less than toilet paper.
And they ARE worth less than that!
Anyway, as I told my wife, the girls’ never been out of China most likely other than a trip or two to neighboring countries.
But for a man like Charles to not say anything about it was just . . . WRONG.
Given the very proper accounting he got.
Given everything HE SAID HIMSELF about it to me!
And so forth.
And given the current mess going on between India and China, you’d think he’d bother to “support the country he claims to love so much and wants to visit”.
Nothing doing. Lips sealed. If anything he’s probably even more vocal about saying the rogue nation is always right, and to hell with the rest of the world.
And being this is a dude that calls the Global Times China a “reliable source of information” (it’s about as reliable, or maybe even less than The Sun in the U.K. to say the least and has been designated and rightly so a propaganda outlet in the U.S.) . . .
Oh well. I rest my case. But really, dude.
If you really want to visit the country then quit talking and back up your talk with ACTION.
If you love the country, and you think, like you said all those years ago “The Indian are the ones who really have their shit together!” - - then PROVE it – NOW.
Crickets, I’m sure, but oh well.
Anyway, lest you think I’ve not been on this side of the equation, think again my friend.
Think several times!
Back in 1999 (long time ago, I know, hehe) my gym going roommate once got back from the gym.
And yours truly was lounging about with a beer in hand, lazy as usual (that was me back then! Hehe).
At the age of 19.
“I need to get in shape too”, I began half heartedly before I was cut off by my roomie.
“But you’ll never do it, will you”, he said.
And the excuse I made was so stupid that I wont’ mention it here.
Lets just say it makes what Charles says look like the most logical thing ever.
In fact it was so silly that I didn’t even say it outright, but my roomie KNEW . . .
Anyway . . . !!!
Point of me saying all this?
IS the obvious, for one. If you’re saying you want to do something, then do it, and fitness is the same damn way.
Don’t say you want to lose weight or “really need to lose weight” and then by your actions do the exact OPPOSITE of what you need to be doing.
If you really want that X shape to your body, or V shape to your back, then just DO WHAT needs to be done.
If you want to do pull-ups, then quit making excuses about being a so called big guy. Get your ass in shape and start to DO PULL-UPS!
And so forth.
And . . . before I finish this very lengthy piece off, it would NOT be complete without mentioning a person who is the exact opposite of the person(s) I’ve mentioned above.
A true WINNER in life, and a true FITNESS afficiando.
And I mean that!
Charles Mitchell, a long term customer of mine often tells me he’ll buy a certain book from me.
And without exception, he does it. In fact he’s probably bought the vast majority of my books already!
And he doesn’t just buy the books.
He does what I want MORE people to do i.e. actually DO the exercises, and get back with REAL feedback on them!
Let’s fact it, folks.
Simply buying the book doesn’t “walk the talk”. You have to DO what the books say, or there is no point.
And he does it, and then some!
Truly a man that MEANS what he says, and backs up his talk with REAL ACTION, and I commend you for that Charles! ?
And last, but not least, believe it or not, HE is the one responsible for me finally (after the space of a couple of months) getting my next book off the ground.
Sure, I’ve been busy. Sure, that other biz is eating up time. Yada, nada, schnada.
No excuses tho my friend!
And it was after his second email urging me to DO IT (and he’s RIGHT!) because I’m the real deal, and so forth, that I finally got around to getting some real work done on the book on isometrics.
And being I live in the flow, Animal Kingdom workouts is what came next!
THAT book will be the next one out, and believe it, it will have elements of isometrics and STATIC holds to it - - as well as plyometrics.
Alright, my friend. I’m almost at 2000 words again I see. Lets see how many people jump ship after reading this one, hehe.
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – If you haven’t already, go HERE to pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness System. But remember. ACTIONS count, and if you’re just going to buy the product and do exactly squat all with it, then you might as well NOT invest in it. I only want people that are SERIOUS and COMMITTED To making a change in their life and fitness - - for the BETTER - - to have this, or any of my other products!
P.S #2 – As for Animal Kingdom Workouts, it would be DONE by now, but I’ve been wrestling with a mighty annoying problem all afternoon. My computer froze every time I right clicked on anything, and took forever to start back up. Don’t ask, hehe. More bugs in Win Blows. And I’m damned lucky I’ve got an I.T background or I wouldn’t know what the heck was going on!
(Edit – since this was written BEFORE the book was out - - and it IS out now - - HERE is the link for the book. If you got through all of what I said above, you deserve it! ?).
P.P.S – All seems to be on track now, including workouts, and I got done with a super one today. More on that soon! ?
On brazen effrontery, Zhao Lijian and much, much more . . .
Rahul MookerjeeOh boy!
I got the idea to write this to you as I was working out today.
As usual, a solid workout that left me sweating and burning FAT for way longer than it should have (or shouldn’t, hehe, depending upon what and how you look at it!).
And before I start, let me warn you. This is a LONG post, and much like the last one I did up will probably offended the “drooping lilies” and “wallflowers” amongst you. As well as the liberals, hehe. Big time.
And the China tom tommers. And probably just about everyone else with no sense, hehe.
Disclaimer out of the way, let me sink my CHOPS into this. YEE- HAW!
(Sorry, couldn’t resist! ?).
What should we start with, I’m thinking.
Let’s start with the Chinese foreign ministry and it’s most vocal “spokesperson” (read hired stooge).
Zhao Lijian.
This joker probably needs no introduction to those of you that have been following the news and his stupid, asinine and ridiculous tweets which place him right up there with the Grade A Hannibal Lecters (minus the physicality and BRAIN) locked away in Baltimore, MD. Hehe.
Some of the stuff he tweets is just so stupid that it begs you to say “WTF” (even if you don’t swear!).
And his latest tweet on the India-China situation, and the Chinese being “concerned” over the Chinese app ban in India as the latest step towards eliminating the rogue dragon from everyone’s life (as well as his demand that India be “responsible for Chinese apps” or some such B.S.) really led me to think he’s on speed (in addition to being an obvious paid stooge not to be taken at face value, or at all).
Unless fraternizing with or otherwise listening to self righteous pompus (and self ENTITLED) jackasses bray on is your thang . . .
China calling India out.
I mean, give me a break.
China complaining as usual about being the “victim” and attempting to play said card yet again.
The above x2.
China calling the kettle black. Par for the course.
And the latest is just so idiotic I couldn’t help but goggle.
A country that blocks pretty much any and all the whole internet is getting their knickers in a twist about their neighbor very rightfully blocking some of their spyware.
For those that don’t know, I’ve been a very vocal critic of Chinese apps since the start. WeChat, for one, is loaded with irritating, schooboyish spyware and buggy design etc that causes it fill up your phone space rapidly.
As opposed to more sane apps like Whatsapp etc (I’ve been using it for years and it’s yet to fill up 1 GB. WeChat fills up several gigs just in DAYS).
And that’s one reason (other than the obvious) that I said the app ban was a good thing.
And of course the China tom tommers jumped on the “nutjob” bandwagon almost instantly!
“Whatsapp sucks!” was the first comment I got . . . (and no, it doesn’t. Use WeChat for any length of time, and you’ll see what I mean!).
Anyway, why do I bring this up?
For the sheer brazen effrontery and the lunacy behind what he said. The obvious lunacy. And I don’t mean the person who said Whatsapp sucked!
But then again, that shouldn’t come as a surprise to those of you that have been in or otherwise dealt with the vast bulk of mainland Chinese.
Think it’s just politics, as the Chinese like to say when attempting to deflect blame?
Think again. In fact, think several times.
“Self entitled” is an adjective that describes the vast majority of mainland Chinese to a T, my friend (not to mention “brainwashed” and the “money is God” mentality which I referred to in an earlier post and for which Deng Xiaoping is WRONGLY blamed).
Sorry if that offends, but it’s nigh on TRUE.
And it’s no surprise that the “little emperor” mentality (i.e self entitled KIDS) is also a huge problem in China. Guess where those kids learn from.
Don’t believe me?
Try this one on for starters.
In my last apartment in China, I had a problem with the neighbors parking their shoe rack RIGHT OUTSIDE my apartment.
And while I politely told them at the time of moving in to move it, they didn’t.
Now it wasn’t “right outside” the apartment. It was a few feet away, so I still had space for my own stuff.
But, they were IN MY SPACE, and INTRUDING upon MY SPACE.
Something I paid rent on a monthly basis for, and amazingly enough this continued for a couple of months until I got “the red ass” and complained to my landlady.
Her response was that she would go to the management and “hope” that the problem got resolved.
Hope?? Huh?? I mean, lady, I’m paying RENT here, and you hope that the neighbors don’t intrude upon my space??
When asked, their stock answer always is “He’s not living with a huge family so he doesn’t need the space”.
Um . . . first thing you know, it hardly matters whether I’m a single man living in a palace or a shed.
If I paid for it, its MY SPACE. End of story. I Could care less which neighbor feels entitled to more space that they did NOT pay for (and didn’t bother asking me politely for, in which case funnily enough I’d probably agree!) and need for whatever ridiculous reason.
Anyway, then landlady tried to coerce me to “pay the utilities for that month first before we went to the management office” (despite said utils being due at the end of the month).
I refused, of course.
And pretty much told her I wouldn’t pay her any more rent either if the damn problem wasn’t fixed.
And it was the next day.
Think that was a one off?
In the apartment BEFORE that one, same problem. And same issue, except in that case the landlady tried to support me, but the management wouldn’t.
Apparently lady next door could hog all my space for her stuff but I couldn’t even place a potted plant outside my door or my workout shoes out to dry . . .
And again, I dug my heels in.
Refused to budge.
Balaam’s ass I can be at times!
And the lady eventually got pissed off when the management decided there was no point badgering me and started to badger her, saying if she did the right thing first, then I’d do it too.
My own space. No I wouldn’t!
And in a huff, one fine day she moved out.
Little does she know, of course, she has an entire book dedicated to her (not fitness obviously). And I’m making GOOD money off that book, hehe. Always on the outlook for an opportunity I am ain’t it?
How dare he, I hear the righteous nutjobs saying.
Well, I DID DARE, and I did it. Brazenly.
But hold on. On to story #2. Get a coffee, my friend. This is a long one!
So, I’ve spoken at length about the travails I’ve been experiencing with the last web host and just how brazenly unprofessional these guys are.
Not to mention scammers and BULLIES, but we will get into that below.
These guys, FWIW, would take my site down EVERY few days, and leave it offline for hours. When it WAS up, it would be slow as molasses. Think more than a few people accessing it, and the whole damned thing freezing up.
When I’d contact them about it, without exception, every time they would get back with “don’t get on chat with us! We’re busy! Send us a ticket!”
Huh?? Busy?? For live chat which is THERE to listen to customers and their complaints or reports??
As for tickets, they would never ever get back before a day or two, if even that. In an industry where 15 minutes is the NORM, not the exception . . .
The final straw came when they brazenly up and redirected my domain to a competitor site in the guise of fixing a problem.
And when they claimed for the nth time that “Data loss was no problem!”
Yes, that’s what they said!
“Oh, it’s just 2 or 3 days worth of data lost during the move!”
(this when they’d move servers willy nilly without bothering to even inform the customer. And data loss while moving servers, and it not being their problem??)
But wait. It gets better. I won’t expound more on the past here, but for those interested – check out the post HERE –https://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1811052&p=10241613#post10241613
I moved away from these guys, of course, and the current web host is the exact opposite.
I’ve got nothing but good words to say about them and their staff. So amazingly professional and courteous they are that I find myself sometimes wondering if they’re for real. Maybe Ive just been out of the US of A for too long and forgotten what REAL customer service is like!
These guys are based out of the US of A, yes, and I cannot say enough good things about them. In fact, it’s been a few weeks since I’ve been using them, and I’ve already given them a LONG testimonial - - a glowing one, something I never ever do in that short a time frame, and rightfully so!
As for the last host, I still host a client site with them.
And today, as usual, it was down. As it has been for the past 3 days.
Red ass again, folks.
Got in touch with them. Asked them to read a ticket I sent, and their response was - - you keep bringing up old issues! We resolved that months ago!
(and it was just a couple of weeks ago to be frank).
And it wasn’t that issue. They didn’t even bother reading the ticket.
Asked them to fix the problem, which was to be honest such a schoolboyish issue that even yours truly could have fixed it if I had the necessary permissions etc.
“You know everything, don’t you!” was their response.
“Oh that’s right! You know everything!”
And amazingly enough after this, they wanted me to upgrade to a more powerful server despite their stunning lack of service!
All I was doing was trying to back up my site, and their system wouldn’t let me.
Hmm. Their hosting would be “due” in a month or so. Coercive bullying, anyone? I wonder if they’re Chinese owned . . .
And when I asked them to back it up, something that can be done with a mouse click and takes nary but s few minutes, they took more than 20 minutes to even start.
I got aggrieved, and tried again.
And got this from them
“Who do you think you are? You’re backing up your own sites!”
I couldn’t believe I read that right, so I re-read.
And I did read it right the first time!
Venkat (their rep) probably has no clue, but I emailed the entire chat transcript to myself, and it’s been saved for posterity on my hard drive and elsewhere as well.
Lets forget for a minute I’m a paying customer.
And I am.
Let’s take into account the hassle these guys create for their customers and the brazen nature in which issues are ignored when brought up!
And when they’re confronted about it, that’s the response they give. Now you understand why I wonder if they’re Chinese owned, hehe.
My friend (or perhaps friend before) Charles had this to say about ‘em the last time this happened.
“Get used to it! There’s nothing you can do! They took your money, and . . . “
He DID say he felt my frustration, of course, but this sort of response is the exact reason why people and companies are getting more and more brazen about lack of service (those that don’t give a rip about customers that is).
Um, no, Charles, there IS plenty I can do . . .
(Curiously enough Charles had a similar situation where his landlady gypped him out of some money and he moved heaven and earth to get it back as opposed to resort to the “there’s nothing I can do” thing. OF course, in that case he wasn’t the one who had to actually resort to EFFORT to get it done . . .
But still . . . I mean, Jesus. I’m paying, and there’s nothing I can do?? Get real, man. Seriously).
And now that we’re past all this, why do I bring it up?
Well, first because being brazen is something I highly advocate in terms of marketing.
And if done right, it can reap rich dividends. HUGE ones in fact. (and I should know, hehe).
But ONLY IF done right.
And most people don’t do it right.
Simply copying someone else’s style doesn’t make you right, my friend. It has the potential to actually drive people AWAY . . . Just look at what is happening with mainland China as a prime example!
(And Donald Trump’s soaring approval ratings).
And the main fact is this.
You can be brazen, but end of the day, what is right is right, and what is wrong is wrong.
It’ sjust as simple as that.
And if you’re on the wrong side of the equation, expect your brazenness to cause YOU trouble down the line, not anyone else!
Lots of people have asked me how to market their stuff the way I do, and my answer has always been (until now) – easy as pie.
And it is, if you know how!
But as of late, I’ve been thinking.
Since so many people want to know, I’ve been doing that as part of my coaching program, and currently I’m communicating with no less than FIVE people that are interested in these services.
Drop me a line here if you so choose,and we’ll go from there.
Whoa. The first marketing link in over 2000 words. So much for Rahul just “sending emails to make sales”.
Which he does, to be frank!! Heh.
And on that contradictory note, I’m out. Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S – Does the landlady situation I mentioned above sound like the current China-India situation? Intruding and being brazen about it. Bullying. And so forth. You be the judge!
P.S #2 – Client site will soon be sitting on another server. The hosting company there knows about the last host, and in one word, this is what they said “absolutely outrageous!”.
P.P.S – We are supposed to be taking the pictures for “Animal Kingdom Workouts” today. See how that goes, or if! ?
This morning I was engaged in some “silent” meditation while pouring out my Chinese puh-er tea.
This afternoon, I should really say, being that yours truly woke up at the grand ole hour of 12 noon, and then jumped straight INTO IT . . .
And what I was thinking about was the people that (in general) when told to do something (something that is good for them) will naturally balk at the advice.
The human mind truly DOES look for a bazillion and one reasons to NOT do the thing as opposed to the one reason why you CAN and SHOULD do the thing. Napoleon Hill wrote about this in Think and Grow Rich, and he is right.
Especially when the person in front of you isn’t a millionaire and giving you advice.
It matters not, of course, that he lives on his own terms and he’s doing (obviously) better than the person who is receiving the advice (which while free is often worth as much if not more than paid advice!).
Well, I take that back . . . somewhat.
What you’ll get from the 0 Excuses Ship, for instance, is unparalleled value in all regards and it ain’t something you can just get from my books and courses or the daily newsletters (which are all GREAT, don’t get me wrong, but there is always a next level, and this is that!).
But I’m saying when I talk to friends, or perhaps customers that have now become friends , and perhaps some of the closest friends I have . . . I just say what I would to a PAYING customer (in that regard).
And if that advice is ignored, well . . .
And on that topic, it brought to mind the following.
How do YOU want to be remembered when you depart the world on a physical plane?
Or, death, if you prefer that word! I prefer the former as I don’t believe the soul ever dies. I used to be PETRIFIED of dying when I was young, by the way.
I still remember my Dad consoling my 4 year old self when I was watching a movie of someone dying in the hospital.
I was worried that I’d “die very soon”, and “someday”.
And my Dad said don’t worry, there is a long time yet for you!
Indeed, my friend. And over the past few years (since 2017 actually, back when I really diversified my ventures and really got going on 0 Excuses Fitness) I have completely lost any and all fear of death.
Like Napoelon Hill said its nothing to be feared. You don’t fear sleeping, do you?
Then why would you fear death?
It’s an eternal sleep, filled with dreams galore as your soul waits to be “reincarnated” on a physical plane.
No, I am not wearing saffron robes and standing on one leg when saying this!
I’m drinking my very Chinese tea (yes, the antics of the CCP doesn’t mean I hate the country in general, which might come across as mind blowing to many, but it’s true).
If I hated it, I’d never spend as much time as I have in in the country and its just that simple.
Anyway, so when Napoleon Hill was talking to Carnegie about his mission in life, Carnegie informed him that the mission was to study 500 successful people from all angles and regards, and compile the world’s first exhaustive manuals on SUCCESS.
No-one had done it before him.
And, as Carnegie told Hill, the job wasn’t easy.
IT would take at least 20 years, and towards the end of that 20 years, he’d find out what his OTHER SELF is (something I’ve written about galore before).
And he’d have to earn his own living while he went about this work, as this sort of work is rarely, if ever, profitable at the outset (Carnegie’s words).
And perhaps most tellingly, he wouldn’t receive any recognition for his work until YEARS after his death.
And astoundingly enough or maybe not, all of that came true!
Napoleon Hill (along with the lesser known Claude Bristol who is really my all time favorite) is THE source of inspiration and motivation that most people look up these days when you talk about self help.
Sure, we have Tony Robbins. Donald Trump’s pastor. A host of other motivational so called “gurus”, but while not all acknowledge WHERE they learnt their stuff, some do.
It’s Hill’s work, without exception, which years after his death has left a legacy most people would struggle to even begin to match.
That brings me to another point, which is sometimes a bone of contention with me for folks.
I’ve often been called “spiritual” and very motivational (these are the kinder names on that list, hehe).
And a lot more along those lines. The real deal. And so forth.
And . . . I’ve never once shied away from mentioning who I learnt my stuff from.
We all learn, and constantly keep learning, and for the life of me I can’t understand why people are scared of losing business if they give credit to the person they got the info from (who has probably given credit to the person HE got the info from!).
If anything, it’s the opposite.
Anyway, the question begets.
How do YOU want to be remembered after you go?
After you “depart”, as I like to say?
Write back - - and let me know!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – I could tell you how I want to be remembered, but that would defeat the very purpose of this email which is to ask YOU your thoughts. Let me know!
P.S #2 – Here is where you can grab our highly inspirational and motivational products that WILL turbo charge you along the path to success in both life and FITNESS -https://0excusesfitness.com/products/
P.P.S - At the time of writing this, I'm 70 percent through with writing Animal Kingdom Workouts - the NEXT book out from yours truly. The book on isometrics is also "in the works" as we speak. But the former will be the first out. Now it's time to get the pictures taken, edited etc before I can get it online. See how that goes! ;)
I’ve made very little secret of the fact that Donald Trump is, in my book, one of the best damned Presidents ever.
Ever, if not THE BEST (since Raegan, who is also a close contender).
And with good reason.
Of course, this invited criticism from many quarters, most notably the China tom tommers, an idiotic group (and usually made up of losers incarnate) that find every opportunity to tom tom the evil CCP regime, and IGNORE the evils it has perpetrated (and continues to do so) all over the world.
And while there were a fair bit of these in my own personal contact list (given my long history with mainland China that is to be expected, I cut them ALL out of my list early on this year).
Well, my piece on CUTTING losers OUT of your life should explain it . . .
As well as my piece on China tom tommer and why they IRK the heck out of me . . .
It’s insane, but some people still get pulled into the “Chinese girls are easy” and “cheap beer” lure and think that’s the way it’s going to remain forever!
Anyway, I could wax lyrical about all that, but the above two pieces do a pretty good job of explaining exactly who the tom tommers are, and why you should cut ‘em out of your life pronto (and btw, this goes for tom tommers of any nature!).
Anyway . . .
Donald Trump is known and has been known for saying it like it is – a trait that I much admire, and something I’ve lived my entire life on the basis upon.
The nail that sticks out often gets hammered the most, my friend.
So said Uncle Bob, a close friend of yore . . .
So be it, Uncle Bob (but you’re right!).
My friend Vincent, a U.S. (former) Marine once made the following comment to me when I asked him this.
“If there was a competition between Trump and myself in terms of SAYING it like is - -who would win hands down?”
“Probably Trump”, I continued, laughing.
My friend laughed too.
“Maybe, but it’s by no means a foregone conclusion”.
The year was 2018, I believe. Yes, 2018 . . . or perhap the end of 2017. No, was 2018 . . .
And we hadn’t heard of a certain Mike Pompeo by then . . .
This guy (especially as of late) is emerging as a very strong contendor!
Not only does he say it like it is, but he says it like he MEANS it.
One look at Pompeo (and one read of what he says) is ENOUGH to convince you that THIS MAN truly says things he feels strongly about, and believes in!
He believes in a cause, and while so does Trump, the sheer candor and verve (not to mention the WRITING STYLE) with which Pompeo expresses himself, boldly and unafraid is what endears him to me.
I’ve often been noted for my brazen and UNAPOLOGETIC style in terms of saying it like is.
And as Pompeo (as of late, again) launched into factual yet scathing criticisms of what is wrong with the world today (notably a certain rogue nation), I have this to say – if the man wanted to be a writer, he damned well could be!
HIS writing is one that really impresses me, as his statements do.
While Trump issues off the cuff comments (and don’t get me wrong, he too says it like it IS) – Pompeo takes things to another level in terms of keeping it real and really BACKING up what he says in terms of FACTS!
And those facts make it impossible for people to argue with him, especially the Chinese and the tom tommers (pretty much the only people left in the world now along with certain leftists who are still CCP apologists).
Those FACTS also make it easier for him to be hated.
The Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson (an utter nutter if there ever was one) once made a comment along the lines of “We want Trump to get reelected since you unite China against Trump”.
An idiotic and inane statement if ever, but if there is one person they can’t say much about or against, it’s Pompeo.
And it’s the same thing with me.
It’s NO secret that a LOT of people don’t like me.
It’s NO secret that a lot of people hate my guts (as Michael once told me all those years ago, hehe).
And it’s no secret that I piss a lot of people off for saying it like is (I once made a comment about a restaurant in China being expensive - - at the age of 24 - - a long, long time ago, and I still remember the hate directed at me for making what was a FACTUAL statement).
True hate only comes when you’re saying it like is, my friend, and those facts hit home.
And in terms of fitness, I’ve been known for saying it like it is as well.
Here are some FACTS that make people want to “pick me up” and “throw me out of the window” :
- If you’re fat, you’re FAT my friend. If you’ve got a massive belly hanging down over your pants, and can bench a somewhat decent amount, that doesn’t make you fit or even strong in all regards. You’re FAT. It’s just as simple as that, the same as if you were skinny !!
- I’ve written about that before, of course. And on that note, YES, big guys can do pull-ups, and if you can’t chances are excellent and second to none that you are a bonafide lardass bar NONE.
- Bodyweight exercises DO build strength, and a ton of it. The fact that you can’t do them in high reps doesn’t mean they don’t and for FACTS to back this up . . . well, I believe I’ve written about that as well before, no?
- If you’re sitting around doing nothing with your life, and making no attempt to change “what is” (and instead be content with a life of mediocrity in all regards), then you are . . . well, mediocre. There ain’t no two ways around that!
- If you’re wasting time all day on social media, and yet have no time to improve your OWN life, or at least START ,then you’re even more of a loser.
- If you’ve got a weak grip, then you’re not strong my friend. TRUE strongmen have grips of steel, and if you don’t believe me, ask whoever you DO believe, and you’ll see what I mean.
And so forth.
Oh, and pushups DO trump the bench press any day of the week, hehe. That should probably be #1 up there! ?
Last, but not least, what next, you ask?
Well, perhaps I’ll ask Vincent who would win the “3 way in terms of brutal honesty between Trump, Pompeo and myself”.
We’ll see how that goes, hehe.
For now, it’s adios - - and if you workout today - - make it a super one!
Rahul Mookerjee
So, as I was working out with my daughter in the park today, a gentleman made the above comment.
I believe I made a comment in the last email (or one of them at any rate) that I was NOT going to let the “sheeple”, or other members of my family dictate to me how to interact with or other take my daughter out for exercise (sorely needed to be honest!).
We already workout together doing a lot of Kiddie Fitness, and over the past few days I’ve been taking her for my workout #2 as well.
Along with me.
This plan threw a snag due to some going on’s with my S.O., but not for long.
And as an Indian gentleman walking nearby saw us (he shows up there daily for his evening walk I believe), he made the above comment.
My response?
“Hell yes! Finally, and it’s much needed! After all we have to stop being scared SOMETIME!”
He nodded in agreement.
“Ive got two young ones at home”, he said.
“Yes, and these young kids are going BONKERS sitting at home”, I said. “Going berserk more like it!”
And they are, my friend. They ARE.
“The *bleep* Chinese willingly spread this all over the world”, I continued. “Maybe if they had actually bothered to stop it when they first discovered it instead of willingly and knowingly infect everyone” . . .
“And now what” I continued.
“At some point people have to STOP being scared”
“How long are you going to buy into the panic”, I asked.
The gentleman was listening intently, hanging on to my words, and agreeing as well.
“I completely agree!”
And we bid “adieu” to each other as he went home with his wife, and I hope he’ll bring his two kids out to play tomorrow night too. In the meantime, I was getting my daughter doing timed holds on the pull-up bar . . . a makeshift one, hehe.
Basically she was hanging on to the rod that joins the swing set, and Papa was doing his pull-ups, slow and steady, up and down.
And after I took her home, I returned to the park, and had another great rope jumping workout.
Another personal record. Another day.
Spain, and a few other countries are starting to open up.
Eventually, so will the rest of the world - - there will be no choice!
And in a funny quirk of fate, the rogue nation that knowingly released the damn virus into the world is seemingly NEVER being able to get rid of the virus fully.
They tom tommed their successes galore, but the fact is that it spread from Wuhan to Harbin and now apparently Beijing again.
Good news, although the so called “second wave” is apparently rising, panic is falling in general.
And ANGER towards the PERPETRATOR of all this is rising, and not just in Asia. Not just Japan, ‘Nam, India, or any of the rest.
Anger is rising globally, and provided we USE that anger CONSTRUCTIVELY, it’s a good thing.
Don’t get mad. Or rather, do . . . and then get EVEN!
And that’s the only thing I have to say on that front.
Alright, my friend. I’m out for now. Back soon!
Best ,
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – Here is where you can pick up some superb stay-at-home workouts for your kids that they CAN do at home, and that will leave them feeling great, and full of PEP, vigor and ENERGY – https://0excusesfitness.com/kiddie-fitness/
P.S #2 – More and more people are DITCHING their silly little face masks.
When my daughter was about 3 (I believe, or maybe 4), there was a guy in her class that was repeatedly “harassing” her and a lot of other students (as much as a slightly older 4 year old can harass)
One fine day, I went to pick up my daughter from school.
The two were talking, apparently happily so.
OK . . .
Suddenly, out of the blue, the guy whacked my daughter. Hard.
She looked at me and started crying.
His father was there, and he stared at me, and did nothing. Didn’t even reprimand his child.
I just had to speak up.
“Honey, slap him back”
“What” my daughter wailed.
“Hit him back. Now!” I said sternly. “Papa is right here with you!”
She stepped forward, hit the much bigger guy, and HE started wailing, and his dad took him away.
And that was the end of that. I’ve never heard any complaints from here about him again!
I was bullied a lot in school myself, so when I see something like this happening, especially to my daughter, my hackles rise. And rightly so. Bullies should not and cannot be tolerated!
This sort of bullying when the person grows up leads to OTHER and more serious crimes as an adult.
If you were to look at the histories of most psychopathic killers, you’ll see one thing.
They were either bullies in school, or (in some cases) they GOT bullied repeatedly. Not good either way!
In terms of yours truly and the bullying suffered by me in school, unfortunately I didn’t receive much support at home. If anything, my mother often put me down (when I was trying to get stronger) with statements like “He thinks he’s too strong!” and while that wasn’t her conscious intention to do so (in her mind she was just making a remark which didn’t affect me), the result was the same.
Zero confidence in many regards growing up, not to mention my family has never been the physical sort. Always the “solve it via non-violence” sort, and that’s not a good thing always. IN fact, I can remember a coupla instances where I really got it at home for striking . . . BACK at someone who was badgering up and down and taking him to the cleaners.
I still remember that gorilla grip around his neck, hehe, that caused his Dad to show up at school and complain.
Of course, when I got my eye busted in school did anyone show up to complain?
No way, Jose.
Anyway, enough of that.
In Rocky V, the upstart boxer gorging on Adrian’s sphagetti the first night in Rocky’s place had THIS to say when he saw his kid come back from school with massive bruises on his cheek (from a school bully that punched him, took his jacket and lunch money).
His mom was the pacifist sort.
“I’ll go to school and complain!”
“No, Mom, don’t” replied the kid irritably and I can understand why . . .
And the upstart pipes up.
“Just hit him. Pop him like a balloon, and he’ll go away”.
What do you mean, asks kid.
“Well, when I was growing up my Dad once beat me so hard I could barely walk for two days. And every time I got into the boxing ring thereafter, when I see my opponent in front of me, I see my Dad. Kinda sick, but it works for me!”
(That’s the sum and substance of it, and for the verbatim comment, you may want to check out the movie, hehe).
But the point stands.
Pop the bullies, and hit them where it hurts, and they usually go away in a hurry, never to return.
Other hand, if you take it, and don’t fight back, guess what happens.
You get more of the same.
And as a certain rogue nation continues to act like a rogue with its neighbors, most notably India, this is something the Indian think tank should bear in mind when finally replying to them (which they will - - matter of time now if the rogue actor – well said Pompeo! – isn’t brought to heel soon).
And that’s that for this post, my friend.
In terms of fitness, if you want to get in the sort of SHAPE it would take to whip bullies into submission, go right here to get on the 0 Excuses Fitness System – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/
Lots of men think that “it’s the modern day world” and they don’t need to be strong and fit like their ancestors. And if you’re part of that think tank, I think - - and know - - you’re WRONG.
I wrote about 2020 being the year of the survivor, and the way events have transpired until now? You be the judge!
September will truly be a month of reckoning though. Let’s see how it goes!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – The best damned course on pushups has been getting rave reviews. Go right here to grab it -https://0excusesfitness.com/pushup-central/
I don’t know if I’ve written on this before but keeping up with the Jones (or as the Brits from what I understand said it) – the “Joneses”, hehe, is a habit that the vast majority of sheeple out there have and is best AVOIDED.
I HAVE written about it before, I think.
Anyway, for whatever reason, as I watched my wife boil eggs this afternoon, something came to mind.
Wayyyyy back in the day in 2009 I believe yours truly bought a flat screen T.V. (those were apparently the rage back then).
45 inch IIRC or I think 58. I really can’t remember, even though it’s sitting right in front of me right now!
Now, you on this list know the sort of relationship yours truly has with his parents (and as for my wife, apparently ZERO relationship after we got married against her family’s wishes – boy I Could write tomes – and an entire “Bollywood” movie probably on that, hehe) . . .
But at that point, the relationship wasn’t -5 on a 1 to 10 level as it is now. It was at 1, perhaps . . . for a reason you will understand soon.
So when talking to my Dad I tell him we bought a T.V.!
“Great”, he says.
And nothing else, and then the conversation ended shortly thereafter.
A few days later, he calls me up out of the blue.
“We bought a new T.V too!” he triumphantly said as if it were a competition.
And as if it was a GOOD thing. I can tell you one damned thing the TV in my apartment right NOW is NOT working, and I have NO plans to get it repaired. Ugh, if there is something I hate more than anything it’s the inane nonsense that goes on all day long on the boob tube!
Sure, it does on mobile phones as well, but at least those have headphones (when my beloved wife actually uses them, hehe).
“Ours is 2 inches bigger than yours!” I still remember him saying
My first instinct was to tell him – Dad – who CARES?
Way back in the day when I was a kid, I was afflicted with this syndrome as well. Growing up, we had like one air conditioning unit at home, while friends had three.
Those old window A/C’s . . . hehe.
And I told my Dad once “Their house has three A/C’s! Ours only has one”.
Being I was seven years old at the time he got back with a sage response saying “It doesn’t matter how many A/C’s they have! What matters is how well you do in your studies!”
OK, fair enough. And yet, years later . . .
Back to 2011 (or 2010?? Can’t remember?), when yours truly bought a dishwasher for his wife, it was something UNHEARD of in India at the time. Literally.
It had just come out on the market at a reasonable price, and to yours truly whose been using ‘em for years (since I was 19, actually) going out and picking one up was no biggie, even with the extra expense.
My Mom showed up, of course, to tell me otherwise.
“IT’s a huge investment! Don’t buy it!” she cautioned.
“Um, why?” I asked.
And there was no reason given than the above, and a few years, later, guess who bought a new dishwasher.
And the most mind boggling part of all this?
Is not the keeping up with the Rahul’s part (I still remember the “you have more money in your bank account than I did at my age!” comment my Dad made at the age of 23 as if I didn’t deserve it, hehe).
It’s the part about when I needed help financially, they were never ever there.
And yet, when we DO NOT need help financially, they’re throwing things at us left right and center despite being politely requested not to do so, and if we say anything?
Crickets, or angry, meaningless baritone yells of “This is how it’s gonna be!”
If there is anything more weird than this, let me know! Or if you guys have family situations like this . . . truly mind boggling.
And fitness wise, same damned thing.
When you GET fit, you’ll have the all those that previously laughed at you jump over to your side and shake your hand, and ask you to participate in their workouts.
Which I never did when it happened to me . . .
When you LOSE that weight, you’ll have the nutzos that told you about “belles hanging down ponderously beyond your nether regions (ok, my Dad didn’t say it that way, but he DID say it despite having a bigger belly on him himself!) . . . “yes, you’re the fittest you’ve ever been!”
And yet, when you needed their help back when you started where were they?
This holds true for life, fitness, or anything, and is a prime example of what Napoelon Hill once famously said about NOT telling the world about your goals.
Tell the world what you’re going to do, but show it first!
And that’s today’s tip. In terms of pushups, if you’ve got a goal to bang out a 100 without stopping – a worthy goal indeed – as many of you DO have – then go for it.
But don’t announce it just as yet - - except to yours truly if you do want to ?.
Get it done first – and watch the world follow you thereafter!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – Pushup Central is a relatively new course, but judging by the feedback and sales, it looks set to surpass Gorilla Grip as the #1 0 Excuses Fitness bestseller. Grab it right here – https://0excusesfitness.com/pushup-central/
P.S #2 – Oh, and if you’re looking for a community to discuss your fitness goals with – or simply free access to ALL my products and courses for a certain term – then sign up for the 0 Excuses Fitness SHIP right here – https://0excusesfitness.com/groups/0-excuses-ship/
(As a subscriber recently said, I truly AM the real deal, and as I myself say – that free access is definitely worth it, not to mention if just because I’m planning on coming out with a lot more starting July!).
Dear Reader,
So I was bitching about my second job wayyyyy back in the day after I was laid off from the first.
A job that offered better pay and perks than the first in many ways, and was certainly a step up in many regards, but also a job where (at least I felt) yours truly was being asked to take on a lot more than the pay warranted.
That’s of course something that is no surprise to the employers (most!) that have employed me in the past, hehe.
I’ve made no secret of my “If you want that amount of work - - then you PAY - - and do so FIRST” .
My Dad had a different take on it though.
“You have to do the work first, and do it for years BEFORE you’ll get commensurate pay”, he contended.
Oh, really. I remember thinking. Well, that ain’t happening.
And a quick look through my very storied job past (when I DID work for others) will show the veracity of what I just said.
“You have to show leadership FIRST”, my Dad continued.
Although I disagreed with him at that point, over the past few years, I’ve come to the realization that that above statement is ONE (of VERY FEW INDEED) thing I do agree with him about (we don’t talk, so . . .).
Cindy, the lady that took the 0 Excuses Fitness videos and with whom I recently had a spat about her insistence on my products “should be cheaper” (I don’t think so!) said this about me once when I asked her for help.
She was unable to offer it at that time, but then said this.
“You’ll be fine! You’re a writer, and a fighter . . . “
Vincent, a friend of mine and the U.S. Marine (ex) I have referred to so often (and the person that headlines Gorilla Grip, and rightfully so!) once told me the following.
“You’re a goddamned survivor!” (And that comment rang SO true to me that I was compelled to write a post on it, hehe).
When discussing fighting and other related topics, I made it very clear that HE Had way more knowledge on any of that than I did.
“Man, you should put some products together on your knowledge and sell ‘em”, I remember saying. “I would help you get the writing and marketing part done if you needed it, but you probably don’t!”
He said he didn’t have the confidence to do it (at least back then).
Remember this man has been through countless wars, and is a true survivor in EVERY sense of the word. He’s got physical skills that the average man or gym bro can only DREAM of. And that isn’t me saying it because he is, as I’ve often said, a brother from another mother, but because it is TRUE.
“You know more than you let on”, he once laughingly remarked.
But the RING of truth as he himself once said was there in what he said, and the rest of the above comments too.
The RING OF TRUTH, and doing (and saying) the RIGHT THING . . .
Anyway, all of these people were spot on; in fact MORE THAN they KNOW (or knew at the time of saying it). Quite literally.
The pen is mightier than the sword, they say, don’t they?
Not always, my friend.
While the pen can indeed cut swathes through minds and THINKING (the most important), there comes a time when the SWORD must be wielded, and done so with CANDOR, VALOR and VIGOR.
If the pen was indeed always mightier, India, for one, would never have won its independence under Gandhi, who is often touted to be the father of the nation.
Men like Subhash Chandra Bose, Shahid Bhagat Singh and countless others are the FORGOTTEN heroes that went to BATTLE and actually laid most of the groundwork for what Gandhi did post-their work.
As the world grapples with an obvious crisis, or several in the making, I have this to say.
It isn’t about me or you necessarily (though it IS if you think about it).
It isn’t about my products for sure (hence there will be NO marketing link in this email).
It’s not about business.
IT’s about doing the right thing.
What is right is right, and what is wrong is wrong, my friend. There are no two way around that!
If you were to ask ANY world leader right now (sans perhaps TWO), including Trump, Modi, Pompeo, or any other nation, they’d all tell you one thing.
“Do the right thing”.
Unfortunately we cannot say that (any longer) to a certain rogue nation that has taken advantage (stunningly so) of the world’s kindness and leeway in allowing it years and years years to do the right thing, and it’s done the precise and absolute opposite.
With impunity at that.
It stops now, but this piece is not necessary about confrontation.
It’s about asking YOU, the reader, no matter where you’re at . . . to STAND UP - - be COUNTED - - and to DO THE RIGHT THING.
I don’t need to spell out what that right thing is, I’m sure. If I do, I’m talking to the wrong people.
Back last year in December I pointed out and realized that something that had been brewing for ages was going to come to a head, and my actions leading until Jan 8, 2020 (which I ain’t gonna detail here) PROVE it.
Guess what happened two weeks later.
I wrote about the year 2020 being the year of the SURVIVOR, and was roundly laughed at and lambasted.
What does he know, most people said (not all, but most).
And yet, right now, what is happening?
I’ve said for ages that Sep 2020 is going to be a time of reckoning for the world at large in more ways than one.
People still laugh for whatever reason when they hear this . . .
No problemo.
Laugh all you like, my friend.
But all of this (and to a lot, it might come across as incoherent babble; so be it) wouldn’t be complete without saying something that a friend of mine Charles once told me when we were discussing how (damn near) it’s impossible to TRUST people these days on anything.
“Why can’t people just all get along?”
“Why can’t everyone just do the right thing?”
The first statement was made by him w.r.t something I cannot recall now, but the second was made when I state it was.
And as I close this one off, there is NO better note than to close it off. I know NOT where he stands on the current issues, and he probably won’t tell me either, which is fine.
Do the right thing, my friend. You can never go wrong that way.
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – My heartfelt condolences (along with an entire nation) to the Indian soldiers recently martyred along the border. May God (of whichever hue) be with your souls.
P.S. – Carol, a long time . . . well, I better not go there ended a “relationship” because she wanted to “do the right thing”. She is Chinese. There was probably NOTHING more dear to her at that point than the relationship (in many regards). There are good people everywhere, and then there are the morons that attempt to control the already weak minded . . .
I just saw an interesting comment on one of my recent posts (I believe it was the one about listening to your body) on my WeChat account (which is slow as molasses for whatever reason these days, and being I rarely use social media unless I have to, I hardly check) . . .
It was in Chinese, and the lady that commented said the following
“The harder you work, the luckier you get!”
Considering this was posted in response to a picture of me doing pushups (one of the exercises in Pushup Central) and a toughie at that, you’d probably think what she said applied to working out, and youd be right, but it applies more to life – an overall perspective as it were.
And the REAL import of it was “Persistence pays off in spades”.
In Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, he mentions that we see the scores of people that are aiming at something give up after “the obstacle they just couldn’t surmount – or so they thought” – go down – never to rise again.
But he also writes of those that DON’T give up, and “keep on fighting against seemingly insurmountable odds”.
A one man army as it were against the world.
“Do we see the silent but IRRESTIBLE power which ultimately come to these men’s aids when they keep fighting on against all odds, LONG AFTER the war has been lost?”
The above is not verbatim, but is close enough though.
And this power, my friend is the POWER OF PERSISTENCE, which Hill clearly and rightly goes on to claim is the main different between men like Edison and Ford and the average quitter.
Most people are ready to jump ship at the FIRST SIGN of trouble. Or any obstacle.
And to these people, Nature CLOSES the doors of true success. The guardian of success whose job it is to test men through one heartbreak after the other, one tough situation after the other, one seemingly UNSOLVABLE problem after the other finally flings the doors wide open when he has determined that YOU, the SEEKER of whatever goal it is you are pursuing has PROVEN that you can take enough!
And then you get rewarded in spades and then some.
I can relate.
A few years ago, and not so long ago, I was facing a tough situation at home. Financially as well due to business strife.
My own family was unsupportive (which isn’t a revelation by any means, but they were jacking up the pressure by margins daily – so they thought at least and so it seemed outwardly), and one fine night matters came to a head, and I was FORCED to agree to an ultimatum of sorts.
The specifics of the situation do not matter here, but I acted PURELY ON GUT feeling when I gave them a date.
And once I did, it was like all obstacles magically melted away, even though I had less then $0 to my name at that point.
Later on that night, out of the blue, a friend who I had NEVER expected (although he was a very good friend) to help me out offered to help out with some cash I sorely needed at that point.
That ballast wasn’t the final solution though and I went through another very tough phase until . . . BOOM.
Suddenly, I found a way to get the cash I neeed. It had been there all along, and I had not noticed it, but ONE idea caused it to flow into my account, and how!
And life dramatically changed for me after that.
Earlier on that year, I was in a similar situation business wise. I did NOT have enough money to keep the fires burning at home, let alone finance my biz – yes, this was a while back, but not so long ago!
And guess what; despite all this, I kept going.
Kept getting in workout after workout. Kept doing my thang regardless.
One fine evening during a 50 pull-up workout in the park, I felt “oddly at ease”.
It will come! An inner voice assured me (I needed money to keep the biz going).
And I completed the workout at ease, feeling oddly relaxed knowing something good would happen.
Later that night, I made a sale -the first of MANY over the next few months, and things went back to normal (somewhat as this was before the other incident I mentioned).
Key takeaway from all this?
Is that persistence is what truly wins all battles, my friend.
I don’t care if your Ford trying to build the 8 cylinder engine, Edison with his lightbulb, or if it’s YOU trying to get in the best shape of your life – it is PERSISTENCE that will ultimately cause the gates of success to be thrown wide open to YOU – if you can prove that you can take the hardship before that!
And that’s how it works, my friends.
Life’s winners aren’t lucky. We MAKE our own luck.
The spoils don’t just get distributed randomly.
It takes a select few to get ‘em – and if you’re one of them – you know what I BE talking about.
And so it goes, my friend. More on this later!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. 0 Excuses Fitness and Pull-ups – From DUD to STUD within the space of a few WEEKS have motivational workout stories like this to share with you. Be sure to pick ‘em up today!
All my life there has been one outstanding bone of contention between my family and myself – and indeed my friends as well ( a ot of them).
That being, accepting “what is”.
Case in point being a shitty school system that apparently contains my daughter’s holiday HW login and that apparently doesn’t have a “reset” password link anywhere on it.
My wife asked me yesterday morning if I could open my Whatsapp to check if I had the password.
“No I don’t”, I replied. “You never sent it to me. No problem though; send it over, and we’ll see what we can do” . . .
Apparently the issue is that the homework can (for whatever reason) not be downloaded (and can just be printed).
Which is insane in this day and age, of course .. .
And truth be told, if you can print, you can download – if you know, but of course, my wife wasn’t in a mood to listen to that.
“I don’t use Whatsapp for the most part”, I replied. “I don’t want to open it. It slows down my phone, and too many idiots and morons with nothing better to do are constantly sending barrages of messages all day long on it. I’ve had it, and I almost uninstalled the damned thing a while back”.
And it’s true. Due to the lockdown where my wife and daughter are, the schools are still all shut (which is pretty much the new global normal for the sheeple now, of course!) and so they’re doing their own version of shitty online teaching (and in my daughters case, apparently cooking classes and national “patriotism” infused nonensical song classes at the age of 6 no less).
Hey, I get it. Online teaching doesn’t work, period. It’s been tried, and it’s failed, and I’ve said this long before it was tried anyway. Some things just lend themselves better to in person!
Anyway, this led to a massive argument and fight over me saying “what a crappy system, and why they don’t improve it” (apparently my wife didn’t want to check her own Whatsapp, or her Whatsapp as she said “mysteriously disappeared” – wtf again?) and my wife making a face saying “that’s just how it is!”
And this aint just my wife. There are several aspects of life in India which to me make NO sense in this day and age.
For instance, you don’t have the ability to throw your own trash outdoors. Some guy shows up *(whenhe feels like it) to collect the trash, and when he’s sick, or not there, guess what.
Trash sits there, piling up like the proverbial “mound of Jehovah” (sorry, that’s an expression I’ve been using since my college days every time I come across something utterly ridiculous) and woe betide anyone that DARES to say “dumpster”.
People angrily yell back saying “this is how it is!”
Ummmm … but why can’t we CHANGE it?
Why do we have to always accept shit for what it is?
That’s probably one reason I never could stomach living in India for lengthy periods of time. China has it’s faults for sure, and I’ve made no bones about that, but BASIC hygiene and sanitation (while NOT ideal there) are still miles ahead of India, and at least when you bring up problems there (at least ones such as this) people listen.
Unless we’re talking the COVID, of course . . . and uh, I best not go there. How dare I, eh.
“That’s how it is”, I can just hear a Chinese person tell me angrily!
Well, I’m here to tell you this my friend.
That is NOT how it is.
And that ain’t how it’s “supposed to be”.
Its about your THINKING.
If you think, then you are (as you think, then you are was the original saying).
And so it is.
If Henry Ford had accepted that “you can’t ever build a motor car”, then we wouldn’t have it today.
Neither would we have the wireless, telephone, airplane, dumbphone, and all these other things we take for granted (and the idea of a garbage dumpster too at that).
Shooting the messenger doesn’t work, my friend. You might THINK it does, but all it does is cover and excaberate underlying conditions that YOU need to fix as opposed to go on lengthy rants about the other person pointing it out.
Fitnesswise, the same doggone thing applies.
It ain’t how it is, my friend. You do NOT have to be doomed to a life of being fat and feeling unhealthy, and SCARED every time you step out of the damn house.
You do NOT have to worry about getting fat with no gyms (or hills) around.
Where there is a will, there is ALWAYS a way.
But that way can only be shown to you once you STOP accepting the “that’s how it is and will remain “ dogma that is being shoved down your throats (funnily enough those shoving it down your throats DID NOT accept things for as they were themselves!).
Last, but not least, there are SOME things yes where “that’s just how it is”. Learning a new language and it’s nuances is one for instance (for example, there is no “why” when you say “Ni Hao” which translates into “You how” in English, and yet means “Hello”).
But note I said some things.
NOT the vast majority of things.
And the sooner you learn this truism, my friend, the better off YOU will be.
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – If you’re with me, and part of the very small and ever thinning minority that REFUSES to accept life for what it is – sets HIGH standards in terms of fitness, life and everything he/she does – then in terms of fitness, I’ve got just the program for you – (and indeed, this sort of thing will help you in LIFE as well if just for the sheer DISCIPLINE and FOCUS it will INFUSE you with) – right here – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/
P.S #2 – They often ask (and rant) about why I don’t stay put in any one place for long. Well, long story to be honest, but here is why – in short – I don’t accept things for “as they are”. If I find a certain nation to be NOT to my liking, I DO something about it. I leave. It’s that simple. And the same thing goes for life, my friend. I’ll wax lyrical about this later, but for now, the point stands . . .
Dear Reader,
My wife be a TRIPPING. Which isn’t entirely out of the ordinary, but this one really took the cake.
Big time.
HUGE big time.
Apparently one of the neighbors has been hospitalized for . . . guess what.
You guessed it. The COVID-19.
Well . . . not quite.
Apparently they “suspect” the person has COVID, and off she was, whisked off to the hospital while those she is living with are doing the rounds in their neighborhood about “others not stepping out of their houses”.
Even though this person has NOT been CONFIRMED to have the COVID.
I give up, my friend.
I’ve posted a while ago about how FEAR is the biggest enemy of mankind, and the worst virus ever, and yet, the reaction from my wife (and possibly others too if I care to speak to them) when I said this was to be seen to believed.
A hysterical “just who do you think you are? You sit in your own world”, was my wife’s furious response . . .
My own world?
Yes, to an extent to people it seems I “sit in my own world” as I work online. Of course, when the money comes in from that online work its quietly acknowledged as work, and of course, the minute it’s spent it becomes “my own world” and nothing other than that.
I reiterated the stats etc on this blasted virus.
As well as the fact that it started in mainland China (and YES, it was covered up there) and that YES – despite being right there, I haven’t got the virus.
I don’t know a single person that has it, and friends that know people that have it have ALL reported that the people that have had it have RECOVERED.
And yet, the panic continues. If anything, countries seem to be wanting to get back to full lockdown on a global scale - - India being one prime example, but I’m sure there are others as well.
And what’s next?
Whisking people off to concentration camps because they don’t toe the liberal line? Or any “government espoused line”?
Eroding away of individual liberties even more so than is being done NOW?
Simply getting a case of the sniffles, or what not, and rushing off to the hospital to be admitted because one has COVID-19?
And then when someone points out that the build up of FEAR is steady and insidious and that this FEAR is what is really killing people from the inside out – lambast that person roundly?
What is the world coming to, eh.
I don’t know – but I do know this.
FEAR never helped anyone, my friend.
And if you’re one of the very vast majority out there that is “sitting at home” (curiously enough I’m the one accused of doing that by those doing it on a regular basis themselves) and doing NOTHING at all constructive with your lives other than the latest Netflix re-reuns, soap operas, listening to the B.S. schnews about the virus . . . well, you’d be WAY better served by doing something – and in most cases something PHYSICAL.
Simply yelling at and “threatening to shoot down the messenger” doesn’t work, my friend. It never has.
Cold, hard, LOGIC is often times what needs to be looked at, even though that logic might be painful to acknowledge . . .
Anyway, enough of that.
For more on banishing the fear, negativity, and other insane vibes floating around these days, you need to arm yourself with a good exercise program, my friend.
A DAMN good one, and there is no better than the 0 Excuses Fitness System.
Jump on it right HERE, my friend – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – Rise UP, folks! Get rid of the WORST virus of them all, FEAR . . . ah, but wait. I’m in China. I’ve traveled the world. I’ve . . . ah, but what would I know, eh. ?
Well, so we seem to be finally back online in all regards – fingers crossed!
And as I started talking to a new contact on LinkedIn this morning (well, not entirely new as I’ve chatted with her on occasion before), I was talking about the mess that the current web host created (in short) and my plans to move on to a new server, which seem to be going on in full swing as we talk (type).
The new host should be a far more powerful one than this host in terms of servers, but of course, we will only know once I get the opportunity to test it out fully which I am in the process of doing now . . . once I can get the site migrated over, and once I can get the domains etc done, and . . .
Ah, but that’s enough I.T. gobbleydook for you, hehe.
Yes, my I.T background does help – as Charles a friend of mine once told me when I was tearing my hair out during the web hosting “downtime mess” –
At least you know how to deal with it! I’d have no clue . . .
And while that didn’t necessarily assuage my frayed nerves, he was spot on.
Sometimes it DOES – PAY – to be a Jack of all traders, quite literally. Hehe.
Not in terms of exercise though – and yes, in terms of exercise too! Haha. IF that sounds like a mind bender, THIS article here probably will explain more.
That’s straight out of 0 Excuses Fitness by the way – a 300 page MUST grab for any of you interested in REAL fitness routines that just flat out WORK.
And in terms of my convo on LinkedIn, the lady I was chatting to sent me a good luck message along with
“You seem pretty full on!”
Full on. I liked that comment for sure!
This lady is part of a nice little copywriting “clique” (in a good way, of course) that I often enjoy reading. I don’t participate a lot in social media discussions etc for obvious reasons, but I DO enjoy reading what these guys have to say, as I’ve been there and done most of it at a certain stage or the other!
Full on indeed. This website. 0 Excuses Fitness. My copy writing projects for other clients that pay WELL . . .
And of course, my OTHER writing which is a lot more than what I’ve done for the fitness biz.
Certainly full on, and that’s how I like it!
And enough of this – I’ll update more on server moves etc LATER once it’s all DONE.
For now, run over to this here page and get your hands on the best damned fitness system ever my friend. Home based workouts that don’t take forever. Workouts that build MUSCLE and burn FAT – plenty of it – and give you extreme flexibility too (nah, not in that way – get yer mind out of the gutter if it’s there, hehe ?).
And so it goes!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – Have you checked out Advanced Hill Training? It’s one of the courses that sell like HOTCAKES day in and day out at 0 Excuses Fitness HQ, and rightfully so. Go right HERE and check it out, my friend.
As I grapple with an increasingly annoying web host who is seemingly doing all they can to (try and) RUIN the 0 Excuses Fitness biz (there’s a reason I use the term “ruin”, and I’ll elaborate on why beneath) – I’d like to talk about something else.
I don’t know if it’s a trend these days or what, but every time I bring up a problem with regard to anything – I’m given the standard stock response of “Sorry for the inconvenience” (I can almost see their grubby little fingers typing that response out as I type!) – and then after that this little gem!
No-one ever has any problems with us! It’s just you!
And lest you think it is just this web host, think again,
Think SEVERAL times.
I’ve been through a lot of web hosts, good and bad – and the ones for the fitness biz have always started out as great, and then (after they had my business) became the exact opposite and worse.
But I must admit THESE guys (and I won’t name and shame them for now here – but I’ve done so elsewhere) – take “poor service” to giddy limits.
Some guy at their customer service center coolly re-directed the domain to a competitor website – amazingly enough (or not!) with NO prior authorization from my end.
That’s right. They didn’t even bother asking!
Like a schoolboy doing all he can to “get the issue resolved as quickly as possible before the customer finds out”.
Before that, they renamed a few files on the 0 Excuses Fitness website to “Hello World”, and got back to me claiming the issue was fixed.
When I raise tickets, try and talk to them – the works – you guessed it – crickets.
I just wrote a lengthy two page post on this so won’t get into it again, but here’s the point I’m trying to bring up.
MANY companies are like this. It seems to be a “shame the customer” technique that may work for idiots, but it don’t work for anyone that has half a brain.
In China, my internet service provider often tells me the same thing when I complain about spotty internet at times.
“It’s just you! No-one else has complained!”
And yet when the dude who fixes it comes to my house to repair the connection, his phone is ringing off the hook with dozens of customers complaining about – you got it – the same damned issue.
And my Chinese internet service provider is not nearly, nowhere NEARLY as bad as these web hosts I’ve got now.
Anyway, end of rant there – and I’m not sure when the 0 Excuses Fitness site will be back.
We might just have to move hosts – YET AGAIN. Last major move was in 2014, and it looks like 6 years down the line, another one is in store.
No big deal. Happens. Hehe.
But the point is this, my friend, and it holds true for fitness too – it ain’t just you.
There are tons of people trying to get in shape – just like you.
There are tons of people dealing with the nonsense spouted by the so called gurus and experts on fitness that are getting nowhere quick – just like you!
And there are tons of people that don’t know how to engage in routines like the ones I wrote about yesterday on this here site . . .
It ain’t just you, and that is why I created the members only forum on 0 Excuses Fitness. Go right HERE to become a member (once the damn site is back up again that is).
And on that note, it’s off to deal with the increasingly recalcitrant web host . . .
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – Contact me directly in case you’re on the outlook for products etc, and I’ll have to process the orders manually in that case. No problem though – go for it – I’ll be happy to serve ya that way too! ?