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Thursday, 15 December 2022 04:01

You're FIRED!

I still remember the 'General' during one of our public spats on Dongguan Expat, hehe - I still remember doing something very minor (in hindsight) to a post on there - initially configured so that only Michael, Rahul and Uncle Bob could post to it - and then disappearing off to a company party where I had WAY too many drinks - enjoyed a certain "V" who seemed to be dancing especially for me, with all the winks and all she kept giving me during the factory dinner - damn. 

Not that she didnt do it all day long in the office anyway ... 

Those were the days, Freddie eh. Hehe. 

I quit that job later - but thats another tale - but coming back home, I fell asleep - next morning I woke up to two things - one, the guy who I drove to office with wasn't showing up or something (he got pissed when I called him out for some BS in front of some girls, apparently his ego got hurt, hehe - he was a "senior manager" or some crap and from there on in, things were NEVER the same between us - neither would I really want them to be - though I gotta say, that factory had weird rules with not giving all the managers their own cars, Uncle Bob's factory was different in that regard...) and two, well a note from uncle Bob saying "Michael has done something downright nasty". 

I logged on, took a look, and almost spit out my coffee which I drank back then. 

First off, a post in response to mine about "who unlocked this post yet again" 

"I unlocked it. Next time, you guys do something with TDG and try to promote for FREE on DGEX, get your *&^% together ... " came the angry response. 

Then, something which befuddles me till this day. 

Yours truly was partying it up at that time. 

Certainly on the puter, I doubt Bob was either. 

"Right now, only Michael, Rahul, and Uncle Bob can lock this post ... 

I unlocked it and then one of us locked it back up AGAIN! ⚠

This is NOT a pissing contest . . . can you PISS farther than me ❓

You are BOTH FIRED as Major Generals and Site admins. Public posting to follow shortly. 

If you have any problem with this, feel free to flame me publicly". 

This was just so hilarious, coming from Michael, I just goggled. Remember, this was supposed to be and was a community website for expats in Dongguan at the time! 

It was even more hilarious considering I never worked "for" Michael - rather "with him". 

We basically founded the damn thing ... Bob, well, no, but he didnt work "for" him either, but the funniest part - the colors Michael put in there which I can't show here - and the "can you piss farther than me" drunken note he left. 

As a site admin, that certainly wasn't on! 


And I still cackle about it - and miss those days. 

2003 - 2020 .. The General is still going strong I hear, though after a couple of his heart attacks he stopped downing cases of beer daily. Hehe. 


Thats a trip down memory lane. 

Now over HERE - recently, I (truly) fired an affiliate a while back - and I suppose the reason I bring this up again, is because like an annoying mosquito or something, he's never really stopped "buzzing around here". 

This guy - well, a brief "background" - 

He's fat - and claims to workout when in reality its two minute Tik Tok bursts, and then the guy goes back inside the house and "crashes on the couch". 

He's almost 40, has never worked for a living, lives on his wife (poor lass) - basically she wears the pants and he's the house husband, except he doesnt even do that correctly. 

It's just pathetic, the guy sits at home all day and does nothing but 2 minutes bursts of exercise which is fine if he's actually do some WORK for a living rather than be self entitled and mooch off others ... typical trailor park trash basically. 

Anyway - he's basically tried to be an affiliate for every fitness guy under the sun. 

They've all - myself included - given him the BOOT - not so much for him being a fat fucker, but because he can't sell even $8 ebooks worth a damn. 

And no-one - no sane businessman or woman wants that sort in their lives. 

Same thing for the jobs he's applied to in the past. For whatever reason he's been summarily booted from all of them ... until one fine day this ass clown decided "working wasn't for him", so he sat at home, mooched, and grew even more fat, despondent and melancholy. We all know someone like this, dont we? Haha!

He's one of these whiny liberal sorts who deep down inside hates himself because of the loser he knows he is, because the mirror tells him uncomfortable truths daily - because he knows he makes no money and is, at the end of the day, dependent upon a woman (poor girl) for even the most basic of his needs like the 12 pack he looks like he downs every night. 

All of that for me, well ... 

My systems here work very well. 

And when that system put his application in "junk" for six months - well, I should have left it there "in the trailor" as it were. 

But you guys know me, super helpful for everyone. 

Perhaps it was an angel on my shoulder who said, you know, give the guy a chance, maybe he'll actually DO something if you help him out. 

Of course, after he thanked me up and down for mentioning him on my website - and how he "was really enjoying my writing and so forth" and other sycophantic stuff - his whining started. 

First thing you know, he wanted free copies of my books to ostensibly "review". 

Nothing doing pal. 

Some rules are there for a reason, they dont get broken for ANYONE. 

Then he whined a bit about ...well, I can't quite remember, I asked him about sales, how he was getting along - basically what I ask all my employees - and left it at that after he claimed "he needed time". 

At that point I thought maybe I was right - maybe he was actually DOING something for a change and thinking long term. 

Of course, liberal whiny self entitled trailor park trash types - thinking ain't their thang, neither is business - just look at Glyn Bozo for one. (their business is mooching off desperate women and in Glyn's case of course, bottom of the barrel scum considering his thoughts and actions with underage people - just horrible!). 

This guy "Benny Boy" doesnt quite fall in that category but trailor park trash - yes, and mooching off women, well, yes. 

Anyway - you try and be nice to some people. 

Oddly enough, they refuse the very help you give them. 

I mentioned the dude on my site, tried to give him a leg up (which was hard, he's so damn FAT! Hehe) - but seriously, I did it. Indeed, I remember him writing back saying "no-one's ever done that for me!"

Then I even put a photo of him on the Gorilla Grip (ADVANCED!) page, since he was selling that at the time, I figured despite his obvious deficiencies, lets me at least try and help the guy the best I can, maybe it'll help him sell something and get him started. 

Nothing happened, month later he sent me a lengthy whine about prices and other rot, and then I simply gave him the almighty BOOT, the heave - ho - what not - it was hard, my foot done got stuck in layers of phat dripping off his frame, but it had to be done. 


It did. 

And it was. 

Since then of course being the liberal hypocrite he is who can't seem to decide, much like with Glyn, which gender he is, he's been doing his best to attack the business. Hehe. 

Which is fine, and equally hilarious as the initial message I posted above. 

Like dude's not in - or near - the big boy's league. 

(think about it, a thoroughly unprofessoinal horse and buggy so called cheapskate "wanting it all for free" affiliate with all the "skills" and character traits above and below (no pun) - and the Rolls Royce, the bodyweight exercise guru - the whole comparison is just ludicrous whichever way you look at it. Which world do these people live in?? Venus? Seems so, hehe - certainly not "Mars", that would require you to be a man at least in SOME regards!)

40 years old (or damn near), has ZERO confidence  (And the voice of a 16 year old school girl, you can literally see the heart thudding out of his chest as he attempts to talk on camera, just GUTLESS to the extreme the guy is, ugh) - hates himself deep down inside for being a complete loser and too lazy to do much about it - and lives on his wife - while doing exactly NOTHING productive with his time all day other than goggle at PS4 or whatever she buys for him. 

He could change this, of course. 

Sadly, he's too lazy to do so, which is fine. 

But deep down inside he can't stay away from here - he knows who the leader is, and who the followers are. Hehe. Much like Glyn does. 

And it's fine by me.

His trolling centers on what most of these price wanking Bozos do i.e. try and tear down books they havent even read in the first place, so giving them negative reviews and whining about "how much he charges for them" - hehe - it just shows their own desperation and complete lack of any sort of initiative. (and the desperation at not being able to sell despite desperately "trying to" Hehe).  

Like what sense does it make from ANY standpoint to review a product you have not even bought, read, or owned - beyond me, but these Bozos live in liberal la la "Brittney lovin" land ... 

Hey, I can see an idea forming already in Bennys fat brain as he reads this, snacking on yet another nasty pack of Cheetos ... 

Anyway - all of this is fine by me. 

And Benny and the rest of them are more than welcome to do so, but the home truths stated above - they apply to a LOT OF people. 

Look, dude, running a business costs money - it takes acumen - skill - and many other things. 

I run three of them, fourth in the offing. 

And your comments just show you'll never be able to even GET a business going, much less run it. 

Copying, apeing, and being cheap ain't the way to run any sort of business my friend - not that you even have one. 

Life doesnt work by just "throwing it against the wall and seeing if it sticks" - shit always "sticks". Just not in the way you'd think it would Penny ... 

Life doesnt work by running to the wife every time you want money for your daily necessities my friend. Just sayin, end of the day, you gotta at least make enough money to support your copious and very voluminous food requirements eh? I mean, I'm not a huge supporter of my Mom and neither is she of mine (fair enough) but her comments about the "washerwoman's son" who "looked like he eats all the family food" - well, I hate to say it, but that applies more to you than him. Hehe I'm just sayin, my friend... 

Really, these people that want everything in life for free boggle the mind, how can someone even be so shameless and pathetic (loser basically) is beyond me, but hey...

Not to mention a borderline scam artist considering he sells dodgy supplements that could really fuck up people's health SERIOUSLY. Not that he has any idea of how to use them himself beyond anecdotal so called "evidence" - or copying sites I mention here, hehe - like I said, this sort would pull their pants down and happily bend over for $10 more for their six pack that might - does $10 even get you a decent six pack these days btw? Hehe.

Actually, "flat out liar" is a better way to describe this sort - pretty much in the above guy's case, what everyone picked up on sooner rather than later, and then booted him summarily - like dude's clearly never for one done any sort of high rep movements beyond 20 second Tik Tok bursts - which is fine - but at least dont lie about it and fake rep counts etc like everyone knows and says you do - even if they wouldn't - it "showeth". Ahem. 

Thats not the way to run any sort of business - let alone a successful one! 

Yours truly delivers - above and beyond. 

The 0 Excuses Fitness videos - truly the "icing on the cake" as a great customer - several - have put it - were originally meant to have 100 pushups and some more things, I did 250 because of the nature of the beast of that product. 

The newly released videos for Squat 101 and Pushup Central have quick and dirty workouts - both ending at over 100 reps, exactly 12 plus minutes ... and with variations that would make most advanced men (Benny doesnt fall into "man" category, let alone advanced, so not him) puke their guts out if they even tried it. Hehe. 

I dont HAVE to do this, of course. I could well do what I promise, and be justified in charging my prices, but that ain't me - that ain't my own life - that ain't what I want for people - especially my loyal customers. 

And that ain't how to be a success either. Therefore... 

Anyway, the Point here isn't that Benny Boy should attempt not to be a complete loser - point is this - don't LIE. Liars and scam artists, yours truly - and anyone with any sense - simply cannot stand 'em - and in their lives, this shows - as it should.

And enough said on that one - but thats a lesson for everyone in terms of what sort of affiliate - or customer - or partner - we want on our site. 

A perfect example of the polar opposite of Benny Boy is HERE (before I'm done with him, this sort will be mentioned in Profit Troll - you'll want to grab the pre-order before the price goes up again - and this sort, my friend, is so gutless they can't even mention you by name. I've mentioned him by name so many times, but he's too gutless to mention me by name because he knows ultimately it doesn't pay to "cross the boss", hehe, and much like what happened with Glyn, the SAME thing awaits him if he does so - but still. What a loser, gutless!) ... 

This lady is just awesome - I have never once seen an affiliate so dedicated!

She's even created her own website despite NOT being an IT person (she's taking classes) to promote my books on the other business - exclusively

Every morning I wake up to status reports from her, and new and innovative ways of promoting things. 

When she takes off, she tells me for how many days - despite the fact she does not have to. 

And she's back at it - like clockwork - when she promises it. 

Her dedication has amazed me so that I do all I can to promote HER too. I've even made a partner in some regards in the biz! 

And, I keep giving her suggestions to grow, she takes all of them - and it's been a month and a half since she got started, and is she racking it in as yet?


But the signs are there. 

She's laying the ground work. 

She understands life, success -how real success only comes after laying the groundwork, thinking ahead, planning ahead, DOING the thing, and so forth ... 

All things I mention in Zero to Hero! and Gumption Galore in one way or the other. 

THIS is the sort of affiliate I want! 

And as I come across yet another email from her ... well, I had to write this - if just to give you an example of what sort of person to avoid in your life, what sort of person to KEEP - what sort of people you do BUSINESS with - and so forth. 

Of course, only a real business person would understand any of this. 

Not wankers that are so addicted to me that they despite throwing several hissies about "I'm leaving!" - cannot actually leave. 

Again, this sort hates themselves deep down inside. 

And they know who the boss is - ultimately. Hehe. So they follow along, tails wagging ... 

Why just affiliates? 

Lets look at customers, a certain John Walker for one, a stellar son of the soil that worked in the auto industry all his life, never asked for a quarter, never got anything in life for free like these entitled Bozos I mention up there did - never once complained about it. 

Does his best to get EVERY product I put out here. 

And so dedicated is the guy to his workouts even at age 64 - that I do my best to extend him a most generous discount every time he makes a repeat purchase. 

He is the sort of person - and Paula is the sort of affiliate - that makes all of this so worth it! 

Anyway. Lots of life lessons here. 

And please don't do butterfly pull-ups - I knew when I was going to write about it last night - some idiot would get back saying "but they work!". 

Well, if you think they work, do 'em - but dont come whining back at me is all I ask. 

Really, all I ask from this sort - continue on your merry way - just leave me alone and out of it, I want no part of it. 

And thats that. Lots of life and business lessons for those that care to pick 'em up ... 


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - A lady just told me something I already knew - well, she told Twitter - about inspiration striking "at any time". So true, Madam. It struck me as I dropped into the best damn exercise ever for the lower body - the SQUAT!! Hehe. 


Published in Success
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Lots of guys get pissed about people copying their stuff - their themes - their ideas - their work - rightfully so. 

The last thing you want is for someone to shameless ape you - and lots of people will send in angry copyright notices, threaten legal action and so forth. 

Yours truly does the opposite though - and encourages them to do MORE. Hehe. Which they all gladly do, especially the trolls. 

Now, I've covered this topic so many times before I wouldn't even get into it here, but this morning, I had this thought - of a certain Major General Michael, Rahul Mookerjee, Uncle Bob - and sometimes, "Ziv". 


We (Michael and myself) started Dongguan Expat (well, he started it, but the bulk of the work in many regards was done by me) - then invited Bob and Ziv into it, then competition grew, Bob started his own competing site with me doing the programming stuff, and pretty soon, it was hilarious - downright hilarious - the "Competing" aspect of this which I never got into. 

Bob would advertise something, the General would follow suit. 

General would do something on his website - Bob would follow suit. 

Yours truly just chuckled at it all - like ole Clint in "the Dollar series". 

No, I wasn't playing both sides. 

I was being pretty honest about it all! 

But either way, I was being SMART is the best way to put it really - either way, ultimately, it was DG Expat that "won" in all regards, while Uncle Bob, bless his souls site never really took off in any regard. 

You can't ape an original, my friend. 

you can try. 

But being a shameless ape (in some cases parading your bitch tits while doing something so horrific I wouldn't even call it a toddler pull-up -ugh - believe me, there was an ape I saw last month doing such a belch - or puke worthy version of the pull-up that I didnt just block him from all my communications - I did that a while back - I even deleted cookies from my browser so I NEVER go to that page again by mistake. Ugh!) ... well, it does two things my friend. 

Unlike with most people, it makes me "giggle". Which is always good, more amusement. 

Not to mention it only proves these ape's loser status - which they themselves are parading in front of the world for all to see. 

What I find really hilarious about these bozos? 

I do something on the site, a day later - like clockwork - they attempt to do the same on their sites, or excuse for sites.

I use profanity in some of my emails, sure enough the next day some of these goggle eyed trolls eagerly haunting the site for "whats he posted next" - will use the exact same wording. same terminology ... 

I get reviews from people telling me how my products and writings have changed thousands of lives, how we continue to motivate, uplift and inspire, and Bozos will parade around the next minute saying "we both do so!". 

It's hilarious, the way people try to "learn for free" here. 

It's even more hilarious how in all cases, bar none, these nuts have been blocked off the site, communications etc - yet they haunt the sites to see "what he's posted" - like a toddler anxiously waiting for Mommy to get back with chocolates - or what not - heart pounding away nineteen to the dozen. 

Its sick in a way, they get off on the humiliation - but hey - to each his (or her, for some of these Liberal "I can't decide my gender" nutwads) own ...

Its sick how (in some cases like Glyn, fat boy, a certain "Keith" and so forth) - they will do ALL they can to get my attention - from whichever perspective. Hehe. 

And it's just hilarious how in many cases they dont even have anything to sell, and what they do have they can't sell. 

Not to mention the hypocrisy of some of the liberal sorts signing up as affiliates, tails wagging, and then claiming ... 

Well, take a look at this -

"Hi! This is <chopped> from Affiliates! Could you change the tenor of your words please? My girlfriend gets really offended at some of your writing about ... <chopped>

... <personal info chopped>


This was, believe it or not - or maybe if you're into the Brittney Griner crap going on (come to think of that - are there any depths of stupidity the Biden Admin won't plunge to?? The Russians, I can hear them cackling at the idiocy, so they should!) a 40 year old WOMAN SAYING THIS!

Look, honey, if your girlfriend dont like it, tough shit, you were well aware of what you signed up for. 

Of course, the girlfriend loves the fitness bit ... Hehe. 

And of course, these liberal sorts are hypocrites that will gladly take it up the ass if it means a few extra bucks for dinner that night. (even funnier, a lot of these guys, gals, in betweens couldn't sell a $5 fitness ebook without whining about price if they tried. Truly. these sorts are just SICKENING. The world has WAY too many losers!). 


Anyway ........................ 

These losers truly do disgust me, but in a weird way, like I mentioned before, it's just another indication of whose star is rising continuously, and whose never rose to begin with - pun not intended, especially NOT on that latter part. Hehe. 

Anyway - back to sanity - I've been receiving RAVE reviews from people already on the Pushup Central workout videos - although it's just been a day since we got it up. I've no doubt the same will happen with Squat 101 too very soon ... but MORE people have bought Pushup Central (for now) than the latter, which makes sense, the latter only came out this year - and so for all these people, I'm back to creating MORE discount codes - and remember, those of you that have bought the book - you're entitled to the video part of it - and no, you dont need to "pay again" for the book - hence the discount. 

And, remember to place the pre -order for Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness while you can at the current price, something tells me that long overdue project will be out next. 

Thats that!


Rahul Mookerjee

Published in Misc.
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Friday, 09 December 2022 04:34

Habits, habits, them darn habits!

"Old habits die hard", goes the saying ... 

Yet do they really if one sticks to what one wants to do, and does the thing regularly? 

I dont know why, I've been thinking about this since I woke up - for some odd reason, the thought popped into my mind that a certain point in my life, stepping outside the house in the morning without my morning shower seemed utterly unthinkable - much like going to bed without my (at that time piping hot) shower did. 

It just didnt feel right. No why! 

(as they say in China, no why, hehe). 

Upon arriving in China at the age of 23 ,I was nigh amazed to discover a brand new world out there. 

I wont get into the more salacious aspects of this lovely new world ? - you guys get the drift. 

But, one of the things I found insane at the time was the Chinese took a shower - or bath, whichever - at NIGHT. Never in the mornings. 

To them it was as alien as it was to me to NOT take a shower in the mornings. 

And no, they didnt all smell terrible - the ones that did never took care of personal hygiene either way - which could happen anywhere in the world. Ugh, that stench you get coming off some people, especially in the winter "its too cold to shower". Pah! 

I thought about it. 

And it made sense. 

The Chinese are particularly fastidious about the nightly "bath" or rinsing or shower - I remember a certain Carol once telling me "you sleep in different bed then!" when I was rebelling against her telling me to go shower (we hadn't done much that required it anyway that day, I think or maybe we had). 

That never happened. LOL. 

But, think about it, if you bathe at night, unless you sweat buckets for whatever reason while sleeping, it makes sense in an odd manner - you wont be "dirty" upon waking up. 

In any case, it's physical exercise that really cleans the way it matters - the body - from the inside out. 

Martin Farmer Burns wrote about that in his sage manner in "Lessons of Wrestling and Physical Culture" if I've got the book name right - I suspect not, hehe - "lessons in"- that the average laborer sweating it out all day is likely far, far cleaner than the average Joe preening himself or herself and lathering on fancy lotions or what not while being sedentary all day in the office. 

And it's true. 

But back to habits. 

That habit changed for me ... when? I can't even remember, I think after I started climbing the hill? 

No, maybe not then - I think it was after I stopped working for other people at the age of 25?

No, not even then ... 

I have no idea when it changed. I honestly cannot remember, but for years now I've been showering at night - but never in the mornings no matter what. Or post workout if it's an especially sweaty one - in summers etc, but otherwise, never in the mornings. 

And it seems as natural to me as breathing does this habit. 

In the Middle East, the shower is done in the afternoons apparently. 

They sleep for two hours in the afternoon, much like in Spain (do they still do it there??) 

They also have Thursday and Friday off as weekly holidays, not Sat and Sunday ... 


Dr Maxwell Maltz wrote about habits in Pyscho Cybernetics, I believe for most people it takes 22 days to form a new habit and stick with it? 

(the subconscious gets the picture?) 

I dont know. 

For me, it takes but a day once I decide on something. 

And while I sometimes find myself reverting back to old habits - some of them die HARD, hehe - for the most part, for yours truly chameleon in every regard, it's as easy to pick up a new habit for me as putting on a new sweatshirt, perhaps. 

Anyway . 

(and it will be for YOU too if you learn how to do it). 

Habits, my friend, are key not just in terms of your personal life. 

They come into play in EVERYTHING you do - business included. 

Por ejempelo, yours truly thinks years ahead in terms of everything - you guys already know this (or you should, at any rate). 

Jeff Bezos was once asked about his stunning results (for Amazon) in 2017 I think. 

He sagely replied by saying "it was baked years ago". (or something to that effect, but you get the gist). 

Thats how I think too. 

And baking means you form a habit, and do the things daily which might not be generating results NOW, but they WILL in the future if you keep at it, have faith, et al - but only if you make repetition of that thing a priority which can only happen if it becomes a HABIT. 

Fact, my friend. 

Anyway - in terms of fitness, once you get the fitness HABIT locked in, it's nigh impossible to shake it - or kick it. 

You can kick nicotine addiction, alcoholism, or drug addiction if you really try. No need for idiotic fancy counseling either, set your mind to it, and just do it (sorry, I know certain people get pissed off at just doing it, but at end of the day YOU have to get down to brass tacks and DO, or it will never ever work long term or at all). 

But when you get the natural high from exercising the right way - and doing deep breathing like I advocate, why would you WANT to kick it? 

In fact even if you programmed your subconscious to turn you back to "el lardass" - I bet it wouldn't accept the command. Hehe. Neither would your conscious mind want to give it, neither should it. 

Moral of the story - FORM the fitness habit. 

Start small, build from there. 

Rome wasn't built in a day - but built it CAN BE. 

Follow along with me in the 0 Excuses Fitness System, and see what is possible for yourself, my friend. 

Follow along with me in the videos I put out regularly, and FIND out that what might seem impossible for now may just be possible quicker than you think. 

And start forming positive habits today - NOW - in EVERY regard. 

Thats that. 

Back soon. 


Rahul Mookerjee

Published in Life
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In the world famous 0 Excuses Fitness System, yours truly breaks things down and gives you the "10 Commandments of Physical Training" (success at it) before anything else. 

Before the exercises. Before the workouts. Before all of it, because the mind is always the most important. I've made sure to really emphasize this in the first book on pull-ups as well, one of the most notably tough exercises for people to do right, and also in "Shoulders like BOULDERS!" for obvious reasons. 

These lessons and commandments apply not just to fitness, but to life. 

And today I'll give you three golden rules of manifestation which most gurus wont agree with - yet those same so called gurus have either knowingly or unknowingly followed these paths, and are not telling YOU because they're telling you what you want to hear, not what you need to KNOW in this regard. 

Works for fitness - and life both. 

Here it is, if I were to break it down into "three". 

There's more, but these three are core tenets of any sort of successful manifestation which I've struggled with at the start my friend, and it's effortless now.

One, let me tell you what it does NOT involve - saying "I am". 

It doesnt involve becoming a hermit or standing on one leg in the Himalayan mountains, or meditating for days, or growing a long beard like I am right now. 

And any of that self help rot they tell you. 

It aint about the so called Law of Attraction. That is a crock if there ever was - it works, yes, but only in its purest form. 

It's about a lot of hard work first off. 

Second, more importantly. It's about the right WORDS. And FEELING. 

Third, and this is MOST important. 


Thats the three commandments in ascending order, my friend. 

Not sexy, not what most self help gurus tell you. 

Look at the lives of most following those self help gurus though ... 

This, my friend - is how you manifest success in ANY Field - fitness or not. 

I'll have more on this subject later, but as I literally live a life of "think and it WILL happen" - remember one thing. 

There is no magic involved. 

It is a rational art and science both. 

Dont think you can go out not having done any workouts in ages and think you can start sprinting up hills like Walter Peyton for one. 

It aint gonna happen. 

Dont think a million dollars will land at your doorstep tomorrow if you just think about it. 

It aint gonna happen. 

Other hand, you do the work, use the right words, most importantly, focus like a horse with blinders on and have FEELING behind not just your self talk but your bloody actions too - and it'll happen like "magic" almost. 

Trust me on this one. 

That, my friend is that . . . 

Zero to Hero and Gumption Galore are but the tip of the iceberg on this one, those that can break down, dissect and analyze success will get it ... 

I'll have more on this in the future as well. 

Thats the update for now. 

Back to the bearded pard doing handstand pushups . . . 


Rahul Mookerjee

Published in Success
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I will never forget the experience I had climbing the hill once in China - when a gaggle of schoolkids stopped me before I was even halfway up. 

From a distance, the chorus started. 

"Mei Guo Ren, Mei Guo Ren!" 

(American, American in Mandarin Chinese)


If you've seen the scene in the famous movie Bloodsport where Van Damme and his pal enter the "Walled City" where they are stopped at the entrance by people checking - their guide ushers them in, but not before one of the guards chimes in with this ...

"USA! OK! ?" 

Right down to the thumbsup. 

Its hilarious but true - that is how it is often in China. 

"Hen duo Qian!" was the next chant. 

(a lot of money) 

For reference, at the time - this was years ago - I was hardly even at the financial level I am at now. 

(which I'm hardly a millionaire now, neither have I ever claimed to be one, nor is that goal - though I probably to be honest will be one someday. Hehe).

I found it interesting, I told my wife, who was ranting as usual. 

"No money, yet they look at you that way and think so highly of you". 

I didnt reply, but I grinned. 

Little did she know. 

The secret I've been using before dumbphones and so forth . . . before all the so called motivational videos came out, before a lot of the crap passing for "self help" came out - a lot of the crap these lunatic Nazi feminists live and swear by. 

And it's simple - I THINK rich. 

Most of these idiots on their videos think they think that way too, but their reality shows otherwise. 

Anyway, it wasn't just one time, I've often been taunted in the past this way by the lovely wife who when she's in a good mood sends me long odes of "I want to sit at your feet forever" (true story my friend, I've got the emails if you're so interested) and bad, well you read it. HEhe. 

"You're a business man! You are rich, you have money, you travel to so many countries!" 

And it's people supposed to be closest to me that have done it but you know whats funny?

This whole "you're soooooooooooooo rich" thing I keep getting. 

(not to mention the sheer impotency behind the comments - these usually come from women, because they know, as a certain Charles said "you wont smack 'em in the head". And coming from my dumb ass wife whose day consists of being Buddha in the bed on an old creaky laptop with an external HDD attached so she can hammer her brain with meaningless videos all day - I can sort of understand the frustration she has about "me going here, there, and her precisely NOWHERE". Well, my dear, if you'd stop being a complete cunt for one ... ah, but wait. That isn't part of their lexicon!). 

And of course, the business is great when the money rolls in, when it doesnt, according to the wife "it's an useless biz". 

For reference, she was referring to the trading business which we were literally rollin in money before COVID hit, of course, once it did it was my fault. Hehe. 

We - or I, rather, am back up to steam there, but thankfully without my idiotic wife (the first time I was forced to depend on her for deliveries, now I just pay someone to do it). 

When these same people watch motivational *so called* videos all day long - which tell them to affirm "I'm rich!" to themselves, but yet those riches never quite materialize - when these same people affirm to themselves "I'm happy" - yet stay in "three days foul mood, one day so so, then the mood swings back to super jubilant the next ..." 

I did a brief talk on this here - a must watch, but in short, affirmations only work if you use them right and understand them, most do not, never will (because they're too damn lazy for one). 

I can almost predict it, hehe. Come to think of it, I can predict it like clockwork, and I play these people like fools all the time. Hehe. 

Look, it's all about the subconscious mind and activating it at levels that most people dont. 

And empty affirmations backed up without any sort of emotion for one - or fake emotion - doesnt work. 

Your mind isn't stupid, and it knows the reality of the empty bank account staring back at you, my friend - hehe (to the Nazi feminists). 

And thats how it will be unless you do what is REQUIRED. 

Anyway - point of this? 

Lots of you deal with this on a daily basis, and feel trapped, but you dont have to my friend. 

You dont necessarily need to go full on MGTOW either though that wouldn't be a bad thing. 

If you want to profit and benefit from these Nazi feminists and others of their ilk at unimaginable levels in manners even you didnt dream possible - well pick up "How to not only COMBAT - but profit from Nazi feminists BIG TIME from the Nazi feminist disease PLAGUING modern day society NOW. 

And that, my friend is that. 

Back soon! 


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - The male equivalent of the Nazi feminist is usually a loser troll - of which there are tons in this world. 

Learn how to benefit at levels hitherto dreamed IMPOSSIBLE by investing in the one and only book of it's kind HERE


Published in Success
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The vast majority of people live life "scripted" - and never go with the flow. Never on auto pilot, and therefore, they will never even BEGIN to feel the sheer freedom and joy - and more importantly results from living life unfettered - by the boss, wife (are they the same, hehe) - or "you should be more responsible" taunts by idiots - and so forth. 

And it shows. 

Man, I still remember ole Steve Austin getting the "Hall of Famer" award at the WWE ceremonies. He had pages worth of speech ready, yet, first thing he said getting up on the podium - - ? 

"I've got these speeches, but..." 

And then he launched into extempero mode. 

Sign of a true genius, a doer..

I still remember the first time I did a video in public - on my channel for all to see, the introduction to the 0 Excuses Fitness videos, I had a script - sorta. 

And I hardly even looked at it, though I was kinda nervous being filmed for the first time. 

Nervous, me, you might ask? 

Well, I might not have looked it, but I was - sorta. Not really, but sorta, but it passed within a minute or so ... 

Man, looking at a certain fat boy's Youtube channel replete with his nasty pics of gyno and boob jiggling and stuff he calls workouts - getting past all that (I think we all know which fat boy is currently haunting this place) ... 


To say "pukeworthy" would be doing it a disservice. 

I mean, the dude looks like a nervous 16 year old girl - a fat one - in front of her high school crush or something, yammering, stammering, and constantly looking down at either his wanker, or more likely a "script" someone prepared for him. 

I mean you can literally see his heart pound out of his chest!

Now, not to be down on such folks but ...given he just can't stay away from mentioning me in some weird drunken rants he keeps posting on his youtube channel (I wont mention either him or the channel here) and claiming "I hate HIS rants too" (another real man I wont mention here) (I hadn't really heard of that dude until fat boy mentioned him, but reading his blog, I can sort of understand why liberal "sucking on government teat" (or the wife's bank account) fat boy" wouldn't like him. Different philosophies in life eh) ... 

.. Well, given that, I had to call a spade a spade. 

And ,well, this time I'll just let some of the commenters do the talking. 

"His carer has disappeared again it seemes". 

Man, I thought those guys were trolls on his site. 

Viewing just a few seconds of that was enough to make me almost spit out my beer, but that would be a waste of a perfectly good brew. 

I did 25 slow pushups to get it out of my system. 

But really... 

Benny truly seems to be LOST. Hehe. And thats being very kind, Benny Boy, those comments he keeps deleting are all spot on. 

Anyway ............ 

In life, in business, in politics, I'd rather a Trump  - or myself - or a Steve Austin "off the cuff" (most of the latter's success was achieved exactly that way, Vince gave him a free hand on RAW pretty much within certain very broad and flexible guidelines - nothing, including shoving catheters up nether ends in hospitals was "off limits". Hehe). 

Biden, Obama, these script readers - Ugh. 

These liberal wackos are all the same, but Benny takes the cake, I must say. 

Not to mention the amount he praises himself, then looks at the script anxiously "did I miss something", and then you can almost see the tail wagging for approval. 

Look, dog, UGH. Thats just ... cringeworthy. I mean, if you gotta praise yourself to the high heavens and beyond, well, that explains why most real men want NOTHING to do with a Bozo of this nature (and the system was right in "spamming" his affiliate application in the first place. Ugh! Really, not just his fat or his training or what not, I can stomach all this, but someone this pathetic? I'd rather engage with a Nazi feminist woman than him, at least she's female... Hehe (so called)). 

(with this dude, who knows. Ugh). 

Then again, I'm sure we've all seen someone far more pathetic? Bozo "drunken" Schofield being one ... 

Anyway .......... 

Look, bottom line, grow a pair man. 

And thats really all I got to say on this one, pure rant, but man, is it well deserved or what ... Hehe. 


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - REAL man workouts, not sissified Youtube "glory shots" or whatever they're called are what build confidence from the inside out, that swagger that shows even when it don't, boyo. And a Corrugated Core is a MUST for that, if you're fat, you're not only fat, but you wont have that swashbuckling confidence, my friend, and thats a FACT - Jack. 

Deny it all you like, but it shows. 

Along with the course above, the 0 Excuses Fitness System is an absolute must. 

And thats that. Oh, life isn't scripted, "natural" is what works best, pally, of course, try telling that to utopia dwelling nutcases and Bozos...

Not to mention, these liberal fools - it's truly pathetically mind boggling how hypocritical and far up their own fat backsides their pea sized "heads" are. 

please dont use your imagination here. Hehe. 

But really, this fool here that was rightly put in spam for six months, there's a reason why he jumped at it even after six months (and that was only me being generous enough to email everyone that had slipped through. Sometimes, like Rueben once told me "I need to stop being so nice"...) 

And he, despite claiming "he hates what I stand for" (and presumably from his latest woozy rant - every real man falls on his "hate" list) ... he was more than happy to play ball here because his greedy beady little eyes saw a way out, MONEY, unfortunately like most liberals, he didnt pass the test of persistence - he didnt even start. 

Pathetic, dude, really, but I done forgotten all that a long time ago, but GAWD, that god awful wanker video ... ugh! 

Liberals = utopian (the worst kind) hypocrites, and thats being kind, but then again we all know that about these LGBBBBTTTTQQQ (maybe thats why he parades his gyno does Benny Boy) lovers dont we ... ugh again.

I mean, the minute he saw he'd have to put his fat butt to - ahem - WORK - he threw a hissy, and that was that. 

He seems to hate Johnny grube too, which I get, being "wild" isn't exactly up his alley. Hehe. 

Anyway .................. for posterity's sake while he is wacking off to "wacking me into oblivion" or whatever his latest (I gotta say, I read it thrice, I couldn't understand what he was yammering about) rant is ... 

(like dude, being a keyboard warrior ain't exactly an example of "tough guy", but then again, what do I know. Hehe. Like I said, get in the ring with me, and thats that - except I wouldn't with women  or "in between's".. Hehe.)...

Anyway, for posterity's sake, here is who this guy is - https://0excusesfitness.com/2022/06/30/did-i-ever-sell-many-of-my-products/

Logic to the rescue, not that these fools will understand the L of logic... 

Published in Success
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Wednesday, 26 October 2022 09:25

Where is Glyn Bozo when he's needed, hehe.

Thats the problem with introducing him to one of my current significant others who also goes by the term "wife", it was, I believe ... 

He is NEVER around when he's needed - else they'd make a perfect couple. 

Lets see, both worship maids like they're gold on Earth, both LOVE doing - or complaining about - or both - well, I should say the SO doesnt like doing it, but Glyn loves doing it - housework - Glyn especially loves doing the cuck things, like giving her massages for ages, rubbing her feet, and all this other LGBTQ crap that females go on about as "awww so sweet" ... while secretly checking out other alpha males, hehe ... 

But he's never around when needed! 

Always in ass as it were! 


Back in the day, when he was still infesting China, every time he'd move into a new apartment - it would be a running joke in the "Keeping it real" group - because you knew a drunken Glyn rant, replete with throwing "beer bottles off 11th floors of Chinese dorm rooms" (poor China, hehe) was coming. 

Not only that, he seemed to attract the worst luck when it came to washing machines - they'd never work, or he'd get the semi automatic kind assigned to him in the monkey jobs he so loved. (well, needed, I should say). 

Dont believe me - ask any of the dudes in that group - or a certain Josie, or any other chick, hehe. 

They'll all happily affirm to Bozo's lunacy, whether or not they agree with me on other matters, or anything at all, is a different tale. Hehe. 

"The Washing machine doesnt work!!!!!!!!!!!!" 

"Damn thing wont work!" 

"I can't wash my clothes!" 

The Bozo would rant about this sort of thing forever - all night long if you can believe that while swigging cheap roadside Chinese liqor and god only knows what else. 

But today, as I read this - and why do I bring this up, well, it perfectly - or it gives you a nigh perfect example of the "cucked male" I spoke about in my last email to you - as I read this on Twitter from no-one in particular... 

I am dating a nerd uncle. Partner woke up at 8am to do extensive research on our washing machine to make it more “efficient”???IS NOW WATCHING YOUTUBE VIDEOS TO ENSURE HE ISNT MISSING OUT ON FEATURES WHILE I WAIT FOR HIM TO MAKE BREAKFAST ugh
its been 2 hours... and he is still doing this...apparently we have a weird washing machine as it top load machine with a detergent dispenser????


"Princess, you need a certain Glyn Schofield (aka #bozoschofield) by your side", I went. "He wouldn't just look at the machine for ages, he'd live in IT - and more". Hehe. 

But really, think about it. 

This c*** should be PRAISING the man, you'd think. 

The ideal man, you'd say? 

Cooks, cleans, provides, even wakes up at 8 to fix the washing machine - and make it more efficient, whatever that shit means while her lazy ass does exactly F all ... I mean, dude even makes breakfast, doing both the so called manly and womanly things... 

And yet. she's complaining about it on Twitter, talking to other men, happily taking the husband's money ... 

And crowning glory, or not, the c**** is basically "looking on Youtube to see how else she can supervise him". 

Hmm, let's see, the chickie knows nothing about it herself, yet wants to supervise him. 

I see this all around me daily, women - even Nazi feminist ones that think they have control, and then end up, both ironically and paradoxically messing it all up anyways. 

Like I've told my own wife when she badgers me about things I "ought to be doing" - "dont supervise me hun, I dont need it, if you do, it aint getting done". 

She seems to have learnt - sort of. Do they ever? 

Height of lunacy I'd think though in that above situation. 

And he's happy about it. Hehe. 

Much like Venus's husband was when she literally asked him to DRIVE me to my apartment for ... I better not go there. 

Ugh. Sure, it was good for ME, but thats not the point I'm trying to make here, it aint about me, its about being "pussy whipped to an extreme" as the term goes, if I might use it...

That sort of delirium is what men in general need to wake up from, once they do, if they ever do, this lunacy will end almost instantly. 

Women need to be explained - in practical terms, as I just asked my daughter to write the word "practical" - hehe - that you cannot have your cake and eat it too. 

And it's true...

Unnatural routines and practices dont last, though they might seem to for years. 

And thats that. 

No prizes for guessing which part of the spectrum I'm on, I've always BEEN on it ... Hehe. 


Like I've always said - get fit - the rest will follow. 

And follow the best damn fitness system in order to do so - the 0 Excuses Fitness System


Rahul Mookerjee

Published in Life
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It really, really is - and he's a REAL guru - yours truly - unlike a lot of posing fools out there. 

Anyway I remember writing this a while back, around 2 months or so ago - https://0excusesfitness.com/2022/09/05/well-since-rishi-sunak-looks-set-to-lose/

And today, 44 days into her so called Prime Minstership, as Liz Truss officially steps down - all I gotta say is two things. 

One, she's a grade A hypocrite and that ultimately TOLD (not to mention her rubbish policies - as for the hypocrisy, see what she said about the monarchy a few years back and then now the reverse, polar, exact opposite to get votes - much like a certain idiot Kamala "sometimes Indian sometimes black "sometimes mixed"" Harris) ... 

And two, I told you so. 

I'm pretty positive my man Sunak will win the PM'ship this time, very well deserved too as I believe I said before. 

And as y'all are very well aware that showl as fuck ain't the first time I've been right, or predicted things correctly, and it damn sure wont be the last (in fact, I cannot remember a time I predicted something wrongly - right down to predicting what trolls will tell me and visualizing it. Hehe. And it happening!). 

Time, of course will tell - fitness wise though, one more - yet one more reason - a reason nobody in their right mind can ignore in terms of listening to me? 

It isn't so much the praise my customers heap on me, or the hate the trolls do, or my books truly being the best out there by any standards (well, thats part of it) - or my workouts being the most brutal (again - part of it) or any litany of reasons you might think of or come to mind...

It is this first, foremost and always - well, other than being in the trenches in a way few, if any people ever have - 

That PROOF is what counts. 

Solid numbers and results are what count, and lets leave mine aside. 

Lets look at proven - even more so - world class DOERS. 

From Herschel Walker to Iron Mike to even probably Michael Phelps (pushups etc) - or any doer, male or female, you might insert. 

They ALL did bodyweight exercises, and workouts, and high reps, in perfect form, and a hell of a lot of them. 

Could be Walker and Tyson (damn, if the two ever duked it out! I'd give it to Tyson in the boxing ring, but probably Walker otherwise, but they're both legends, kings of their chosen fields!) - (politics included, Walker literally blew away the idiot Warnock in the debate for one -- it was nigh hilarious to watch him bring out the facts as Warnock avoided any and all direct questions. Hehe) ... with their legendary pushup workouts. 

Could be the Gama with 1000's of squats damn near daily ... 

Could be ... well, you insert YOUR favorite doer. 

But they've all done what I promote, and in the - and this is important - FANTATICALLY DEDICATED way I do it, and continue to promote, and always will. 

Because guess what, regardless of how nice it is, how pretty is it, how much it hurts, and all the other bullshit, that - above all is what brings results, and stellar ones at that. 

Not everyone wants stellar results eh? 


The sun just rose in the West as well ... 

Lets be honest here, fellas. 

And if you want to be honest with yourself, do what truly works - learn from the "Master of the Game" (again, not mine, customer feedback that) - then pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness System and some of our products now. 

Start experiencing what others have been nigh very rigtftully raving over - starting TODAY! 


Rahul Mookerjee

Published in Exercises
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he's just an English speaker, a dumbass one

A predictable, yet such a lovely response from Gorilla Girl who was pestering me, as usual to learn English for free - as well as her kids. 

Ugh - on the last part, not so much because I dont teach English, but because of her tendency to constantly label all expats as English teachers, and more - what we (me and her) talk about is definitely NOT for kids. I hope she hasn't shown her kid the whole conversation for one! 

"I was punishing him!" she went. 

And in typical Nazi feminist style, of course, "because he was bullying girls at school" - then I asked her what if the girls were at fault? 

And he just responded like a man should ... 

Of course, "teacher said he bullied girls and Mother knows her son" was the only answers I got. 

Reminded me of me in seventh grade when a girl was constantly irritating me and taunting me, bullying me, I had enough, all I did was to push my chair back forcefully and it hit her desk, knocking her damn lunch off the desk - but thats it. 

The beating I got at home from that - and being forced to stand outside class (with another dude, for another reason) I'll never forget, much like the brutal beatings handed down to us boys while the girls got away mostly scot free (with the male teachers trying to flirt with them if you can believe it). 

True story, my friend, if you're a fat "VD Agarwal" - "let the climate come in" Bozo, you know it as well. Many of your cohorts do too! I'd name and shame, but nah - I'll leave that for the ... but anyway, Sophia. 

(I did tell her how much that made me hate my father, like in Rocky V, the boxer that says "I just think of my Dad when I get in the ring", and all the rage just comes out, and ... well, he hit hard for one!) 

(I was slightly more descriptive, but I was being factual, but I'll spare ya'll the details, or victuals. Hehe)/

So she was punishing him, then I asked her if I was a dumbass ... well, let me copy and paste. 

you really said in that language (english) to your son? Or Chinese? 

One question for you, Sophia, for the person that learns from a dumbass, what are they? Dumbass learning from dumbass? LOL

In the midst of that, I sent her a dick picture - again. LOL. Anyway, she replied after the picture. 

I know this many years ago, she said. 

Then I asked for a direct answer, which I never got ... 

well, the stupidest thing ever, satisfied?

(and all this is all true, screenshots - and I'm happy to provide some, hehe minus the "pic") 

not me be satisfied , that is not the point

I want to know, what do YOU think. Hehe.

So, for example (since I'm a dumbass) - all these people that buy my books, leave me reviews, etc - in many cases, these guys are rich - physically, they have been in the Armed forces, Marines etc - they are martial artists, former wrestlers - these girls (and guys) that learn from my other books etc - all of those people, what are they? Hehe. The stupidest ever to pay money and learn from me, despite their many accomplishments otherwise?

Another example - one that you can understand better, all those Chinese that pay to learn English from me ... then in many cases they become my <chopped> - also all dumbasses?

I dont care if the answer satisfies me. I'd like you to think and tell me your honest opinion, that is all.

Third example, Sophia learing English (when she can ) from me. Wait, how can that be possible. SHe is so smart. but she does it anyway ...

There was more. 

And I love Gorilla Girl, I really do. HEhe. 

I never did get that direct answer, of course.. 

And thats fine. 

Gorilla Girl and I have an unwritten agreement to troll each other for reasons the average Schofield will never understand, though he'll try. 

But she's a woman after all ... HEhe. 

Anyway - it reminded me of the idiots who call me everything from "cunt" to "narcissist" to "egotist" - all because I point out clearly evident facts about them. 

In some cases, the word "obese" is enough to trigger a flood of tears, completely ignoring the rest of what I say. Hehe. 

I've been told many times my words HURT - or UPLIFT. 

To an extreme in both cases. 

They HIT HOME - and the proof on all sides of this debate - well, enough said on that one!

And thats how I like it. 

Thats how I'd rather it be. 

And thats how it shall always be. 

Then of course, you have the Bozos who get their knickers in a twist simply because "you talk about them with someone else" (Glyn Bozo was hallucinating about just that) or the fools that masturbate on Nanjing buses "angrily" from what it seems (that even possible)? 

Or the asses that troll this site while claiming not to and write long emails based upon my style, cite research studies from the very sites and same topics I do (I rarely cite research, so I know this idiot copied me, and is anxiously, despite me BLOCKING him several times from the list, all his ID's - waiting for the next update from yours truly, salivating rather) ... 

And a host of others. 

Then you have the smart bunch that can't get enough of me. Hehe. 

Ultimately they all come back, they all learn from me, which begets the question ... maybe, like so many people are clamoring for a new definition of normal (and if you were to believe the LGBTW idiots, that would be true) ... there should be a new definition of dumbass ... Hehe 

Anyway, Gorilla Girl and yours truly dumbass (she's not in the videos guys - sorry - and she wont be either) - bring you the 0 Excuses Fitness System, the best damn system - it will turn you into a fitness phenom regardless of whether currently a slob, beached whale, an already fit person, a gym goes, a dumbass, or anything, really. 

It does NOT discriminate, so long as you DO. 

LGBTQ as well, hehe. 

And thats that. 

Back soon! 


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - This started when Miss Dumbass, or Mrs, depending, was pestering me about doing video calls. Ugh. I've made no secret of how much I hate the dumbphone and calls in geenral, and bloody video calls and videos, I'd rather jump off a damn cliff (but I wouldn't break my legs, hehe - nah, kidding) ... 

More here - https://0excusesfitness.com/2021/04/25/why-rahul-mookerjee-does-not-and-never-will-do-video-calls/

I have a far more verbose version of this elsewhere, but I'll only reveal if the haters want it, hehe. 

Trade secrets, my son. 

Trade secrets! Hehe.


Published in Misc.
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Sunday, 16 October 2022 11:20

On "two swords not co-existing" - and more!

I swear - they're enough to drive anyone batshit insane, if they weren't already. Hehe. 

Anyway, I was recently talking to my visa agent about some business going wrong - somewhat, at least and clarifying certain things, and the way he yelled back to me without meaning to spoke tomes. 


"Forget how it is in China!" hollered this normally calm dude. 

Now, for reference, all I was doing was pointing out a FACT about China, which he wasn't getting - but claimed he did. 

I mean, he got the fact, but he wasn't getting my import w.r.t the visa deal "gone wrong" ... 

(and when I point out facts I'm dually blunt about it, it HITS HOME HARD - and it hurts - he's said it before too, "my words are hurtful". 

But facts remain facts though...) 

I wont get into the specifics here, but turns out he's right - on one front, and I'm right on most, but that one front is the one that matters, so I couldn't really fault him - although he really should have told me before I embarked on the deal ... ah, but that isn't the point of me writing this. 

I was working out when he showed up, sensibly not at the house, but at the gate. 

I dont want the lunacy that resides within to be in any way involved with my stuff, of course, if anyone comes for me when I'm here (as in comes to meet me, even slightly) all hell seems to break loose. 

Apparently one alpha male is all they can very reluctantly "Stand". 

Women, I was telling the dude. 

Trust me, two women together- it just wont work! 

He interrupted me. 

"sir, let me tell you in our language", he went. 

Ok, please do ... 

"Do Talware ek ghar me nahi tik sakti!" 

i.e. "Two swords cannot co-exist in one house". 

The very statement - while completely true, shows you how illogical females are in general, and how pointless it is to reason with them on anything, especially the Nazi feminist ones. 

I mean, two swords can be used to sharpen each other and go after the real enemy - which they ostensibly do, but behind the scenes, they're just dulling each other and getting exactly F all for it. 


Most guys, the way they deal with it - is either accept it or "dont stay at home during the day". 

"You seem to be someone thats figured out how to live life on his own terms!" 

I hear a past customer's words so clearly. He's right too... 

Not only that, I've figured out - and DO - benefit from the madness big time even when it does not seem like it. 

So will you if you follow the tips in my book on not just combating, but PROFITING from Nazi feminists at the highest level possible

This book applies to business as well - dont believe me, read point #26, and apply to anyone - Bozos, phat phockers getting their panties in a twist about being called fat, and trolls in general. 

Along with that, apply what I teach you in Profit Troll - yet to come- and trust me, you'll welcome both the categories above - as I do. 

Anyway ... 

Thats that. 

For the best damn fitness system ever go here - the 0 Excuses Fitness System


Rahul Mookerjee 

PS - And 250 pushups, 350 club swings, and 70 pull-ups later, I'm qualified to tell you this too - the sheer confidence that comes from having a body in shape - mere words dont and can't do justice to it. 

And the lack of confidence spewing from Bozos not in shape, same thing. 

A long time ago I remember three incidents, one a case of road rage (though I was right) involving me - two a case of ... well, psuedo road rage - again involving me, and I was ... well, if you were look at local circumstances, "sort of right, and sort of wrong" - and three, WAY back in the day, a dude once said my ex's "legs were beautiful" (albeit not in front of me). (and she complained about it to me instantly, though he wasn't really being obnoxious, just ... weird). 

Case #1, I still remember the other guy yelling at me, and my own lack of confidence fighting back ... case #2, ditto. 

Case #3, well, I'd probably just laugh now and say "thats my bitch" or something ...  I dont know, speak big black dude's language maybe? LOL. 

We've all had these cases where we've been humbled (well, case #3 I guess is a compliment the way it was said, but the first two, I felt sort of ... I dont know, I felt I couldn't whip the other guys ass, period). 

Right now? 

Case numero one and two wouldn't have a set of teeth left, and probably not a leg either. Hehe. And I mean that. 

Number three who knows. 

And really, that confidence, that SWAGGER that comes from being in shape, and it all starts from the CORE, my friend - core fitness. 

Get a truly corrugated core, you'll know what I mean when you will feel like "you can knock down buildings" as you walk. 

Truly, nothing substitutes core fitness my friend ...

Reminds me of Van Damme's Bloodsport, where he advises a huge dude (friend of his) to go for the far more skilled Chong Li's gut - because he's weak there. 

You wouldnt know it by looking at it, but the way someone moves, reacts, you can tell - very easily. 

And, Van Damme himself fighting a bear of a man off whom kicks just bounce off ... the way he finally betters him, dropping down into the splits, and smacking him one ... to the GUT. 

The solar plexus region, I'd probably never use that sort of thing in a fight because it can cripple, maim, or worse. (admittedly I've had practice doing it, but still!). 

But its all about the core, my friend, a weak core = lack of true confidence, and it will show no matter how much you "bulk up" in other areas. 

OK, enough for now. 

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