Displaying items by tag: success

Sunday, 21 June 2020 14:04

Keeping up with the Joneses

 I don’t know if I’ve written on this before but keeping up with the Jones (or as the Brits from what I understand said it) – the “Joneses”, hehe, is a habit that the vast majority of sheeple out there have and is best AVOIDED.

I HAVE written about it before, I think.

Anyway, for whatever reason, as I watched my wife boil eggs this afternoon, something came to mind.

Wayyyyy back in the day in 2009 I believe yours truly bought a flat screen T.V. (those were apparently the rage back then).

45 inch IIRC or I think 58. I really can’t remember, even though it’s sitting right in front of me right now!

Now, you on this list know the sort of relationship yours truly has with his parents (and as for my wife, apparently ZERO relationship after we got married against her family’s wishes – boy I Could write tomes – and an entire “Bollywood” movie probably on that, hehe) . . .

But at that point, the relationship wasn’t -5 on a 1 to 10 level as it is now. It was at 1, perhaps . . . for a reason you will understand soon.

So when talking to my Dad I tell him we bought a T.V.!

“Great”, he says.

And nothing else, and then the conversation ended shortly thereafter.

A few days later, he calls me up out of the blue.

“We bought a new T.V too!” he triumphantly said as if it were a competition.

And as if it was a GOOD thing. I can tell you one damned thing the TV in my apartment right NOW is NOT working, and I have NO plans to get it repaired. Ugh, if there is something I hate more than anything it’s the inane nonsense that goes on all day long on the boob tube!

Sure, it does on mobile phones as well, but at least those have headphones (when my beloved wife actually uses them, hehe).

“Ours is 2 inches bigger than yours!” I still remember him saying

My first instinct was to tell him – Dad – who CARES?

Way back in the day when I was a kid, I was afflicted with this syndrome as well. Growing up, we had like one air conditioning unit at home, while friends had three.

Those old window A/C’s . . . hehe.

And I told my Dad once “Their house has three A/C’s! Ours only has one”.

Being I was seven years old at the time he got back with a sage response saying “It doesn’t matter how many A/C’s they have! What matters is how well you do in your studies!”

OK, fair enough. And yet, years later . . .

Back to 2011 (or 2010?? Can’t remember?), when yours truly bought a dishwasher for his wife, it was something UNHEARD of in India at the time. Literally.

It had just come out on the market at a reasonable price, and to yours truly whose been using ‘em for years (since I was 19, actually) going out and picking one up was no biggie, even with the extra expense.

My Mom showed up, of course, to tell me otherwise.

“IT’s a huge investment! Don’t buy it!” she cautioned.

“Um, why?” I asked.

And there was no reason given than the above, and a few years, later, guess who bought a new dishwasher.

And the most mind boggling part of all this?

Is not the keeping up with the Rahul’s part (I still remember the “you have more money in your bank account than I did at my age!” comment my Dad made at the age of 23 as if I didn’t deserve it, hehe).

It’s the part about when I needed help financially, they were never ever there.

And yet, when we  DO NOT need help financially, they’re throwing things at us left right and center despite being politely requested not to do so, and if we say anything?

Crickets, or angry, meaningless baritone yells of “This is how it’s gonna be!”

If there is anything more weird than this, let me know! Or if you guys have family situations like this . . . truly mind boggling.

And fitness wise, same damned thing.

When you GET fit, you’ll have the all those that previously laughed at you jump over to your side and shake your hand, and ask you to participate in their workouts.

Which I never did when it happened to me . . .

When you LOSE that weight, you’ll have the nutzos that told you about “belles hanging down ponderously beyond your nether regions (ok, my Dad didn’t say it that way, but he DID say it despite having a bigger belly on him himself!) . . . “yes, you’re the fittest you’ve ever been!”

And yet, when you needed their help back when you started where were they?

This holds true for life, fitness, or anything, and is a prime example of what Napoelon Hill once famously said about NOT telling the world about your goals.

Tell the world what you’re going to do, but show it first!

And that’s today’s tip. In terms of pushups, if you’ve got a goal to bang out a 100 without stopping – a worthy goal indeed – as many of you DO have – then go for it.

But don’t announce it just as yet - - except to yours truly if you do want to ?.

Get it done first – and watch the world follow you thereafter!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Pushup Central is a relatively new course, but judging by the feedback and sales, it looks set to surpass Gorilla Grip as the #1 0 Excuses Fitness bestseller. Grab it right here – https://0excusesfitness.com/pushup-central/

P.S #2 – Oh, and if you’re looking for a community to discuss your fitness goals with – or simply free access to ALL my products and courses for a certain term – then sign up for the 0 Excuses Fitness SHIP  right here – https://0excusesfitness.com/groups/0-excuses-ship/

(As a subscriber recently said, I truly AM the real deal, and as I myself say – that free access is definitely worth it, not to mention if just because I’m planning on coming out with a lot more starting July!).

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Thursday, 18 June 2020 05:52

The harder you work, the luckier you get

I just saw an interesting comment on one of my recent posts (I believe it was the one about listening to your body) on my WeChat account (which is slow as molasses for whatever reason these days, and being I rarely use social media unless I have to, I hardly check) . . .

It was in Chinese, and the lady that commented said the following

“The harder you work, the luckier you get!”

Considering this was posted in response to a picture of me doing pushups (one of the exercises in Pushup Central) and a toughie at that, you’d probably think what she said applied to working out, and youd be right, but it applies more to life – an overall perspective as it were.

And the REAL import of it was “Persistence pays off in spades”.

In Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, he mentions that we see the scores of people that are aiming at something give up after “the obstacle they just couldn’t surmount – or so they thought” – go down – never to rise again.

But he also writes of those that DON’T give up, and “keep on fighting against seemingly insurmountable odds”.

A one man army as it were against the world.

“Do we see the silent but IRRESTIBLE power which ultimately come to these men’s aids when they keep fighting on against all odds, LONG AFTER the war has been lost?”

The above is not verbatim, but is close enough though.

And this power, my friend is the POWER OF PERSISTENCE, which Hill clearly and rightly goes on to claim is the main different between men like Edison and Ford and the average quitter.

Most people are ready to jump ship at the FIRST SIGN of trouble. Or any obstacle.

And to these people, Nature CLOSES the doors of true success. The guardian of success whose job it is to test men through one heartbreak after the other, one tough situation after the other, one seemingly UNSOLVABLE problem after the other finally flings the doors wide open when he has determined that YOU, the SEEKER of whatever goal it is you are pursuing has PROVEN that you can take enough!

And then you get rewarded in spades and then some.

I can relate.

A few years ago, and not so long ago, I was facing a tough situation at home. Financially as well due to business strife.

My own family was unsupportive (which isn’t a revelation by any means, but they were jacking up the pressure by margins daily – so they thought at least and so it seemed outwardly), and one fine night matters came to a head, and I was FORCED to agree to an ultimatum of sorts.

The specifics of the situation do not matter here, but I acted PURELY ON GUT feeling when I gave them a date.

And once I did, it was like all obstacles magically melted away, even though I had less then $0 to my name at that point.

Later on that night, out of the blue, a friend who I had NEVER expected (although he was a very good friend) to help me out offered to help out with some cash I sorely needed at that point.

That ballast wasn’t the final solution though and I went through another very tough phase until . . . BOOM.

Suddenly, I found a way to get the cash I neeed. It had been there all along, and I had not noticed it, but ONE idea caused it to flow into my account, and how!

And life dramatically changed for me after that.

Earlier on that year, I was in a similar situation business wise. I did NOT have enough money to keep the fires burning at home, let alone finance my biz – yes, this was a while back, but not so long ago!

And guess what; despite all this, I kept going.

Kept getting in workout after workout. Kept doing my thang regardless.

One fine evening during a 50 pull-up workout in the park, I felt “oddly at ease”.

It will come! An inner voice assured me (I needed money to keep the biz going).


And I completed the workout at ease, feeling oddly relaxed knowing something good would happen.

Later that night, I made a sale -the first of MANY over the next few months, and things went back to normal (somewhat as this was before the other incident I mentioned).

Key takeaway from all this?

Is that persistence is what truly wins all battles, my friend.

I don’t care if your Ford trying to build the 8 cylinder engine, Edison with his lightbulb, or if it’s YOU trying to get in the best shape of your life – it is PERSISTENCE that will ultimately cause the gates of success to be thrown wide open to YOU – if you can prove that you can take the hardship before that!

And that’s how it works, my friends.

Life’s winners aren’t lucky. We MAKE our own luck.

The spoils don’t just get distributed randomly.

It takes a select few to get ‘em – and if you’re one of them – you know what I BE talking about.

And so it goes, my friend. More on this later!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. 0 Excuses Fitness and Pull-ups – From DUD to STUD within the space of a few WEEKS have motivational workout stories like this to share with you. Be sure to pick ‘em up today!

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Wednesday, 17 June 2020 11:57

Accepting (or not) what “is”

All my life there has been one outstanding bone of contention between my family and myself – and indeed my friends as well ( a ot of them).

That being, accepting “what is”.

Case in point being a shitty school system that apparently contains my daughter’s holiday HW login and that apparently doesn’t have a “reset” password link anywhere on it.

My wife asked me yesterday morning if I could open my Whatsapp to check if I had the password.

“No I don’t”, I replied. “You never sent it to me. No problem though; send it over, and we’ll see what we can do” . . .

Apparently the issue is that the homework can (for whatever reason) not be downloaded (and can just be printed).

Which is insane in this day and age, of course .. .

And truth be told, if you can print, you can download – if you know, but of course, my wife wasn’t in a mood to listen to that.

“I don’t use Whatsapp for the most part”, I replied. “I don’t want to open it. It slows down my phone, and too many idiots and morons with nothing better to do are constantly sending barrages of messages all day long on it. I’ve had it, and I almost uninstalled the damned thing a while back”.

And it’s true. Due to the lockdown where my wife and daughter are, the schools are still all shut (which is pretty much the new global normal for the sheeple now, of course!) and so they’re doing their own version of shitty online teaching (and in my daughters case, apparently cooking classes and national “patriotism” infused nonensical song classes at the age of 6 no less).

Hey, I get it. Online teaching doesn’t work, period. It’s been tried, and it’s failed, and I’ve said this long before it was tried anyway. Some things just lend themselves better to in person!

Anyway, this led to a massive argument and fight over me saying “what a crappy system, and why they don’t improve it” (apparently my wife didn’t want to check her own Whatsapp, or her Whatsapp as she said “mysteriously disappeared” – wtf again?) and my wife making a face saying “that’s just how it is!”

And this aint just my wife. There are several aspects of life in India which to me make NO sense in this day and age.

For instance, you don’t have the ability to throw your own trash outdoors. Some guy shows up *(whenhe feels like it) to collect the trash, and when he’s sick, or not there, guess what.

Trash sits there, piling up like the proverbial “mound of Jehovah” (sorry, that’s an expression I’ve been using since my college days every time I come across something utterly ridiculous) and woe betide anyone that DARES to say “dumpster”.

People angrily yell back saying “this is how it is!”

Ummmm … but why can’t we CHANGE it?

Why do we have to always accept shit for what it is?

That’s probably one reason I never could stomach living in India for lengthy periods of time. China has it’s faults for sure, and I’ve made no bones about that, but BASIC hygiene and sanitation (while NOT ideal there) are still miles ahead of India, and at least when you bring up problems there (at least ones such as this) people listen.

Unless we’re talking the COVID, of course . . . and uh, I best not go there. How dare I, eh.

“That’s how it is”, I can just hear a Chinese person tell me angrily!

Well, I’m here to tell you this my friend.

That is NOT how it is.

And that ain’t how it’s “supposed to be”.

Its about your THINKING.

If you think, then you are (as you think, then you are was the original saying).

And so it is.

If Henry Ford had accepted that “you can’t ever build a motor car”, then we wouldn’t have it today.

Neither would we have the wireless, telephone, airplane, dumbphone, and all these other things we take for granted (and the idea of a garbage dumpster too at that).

Shooting the messenger doesn’t work, my friend. You might THINK it does, but all it does is cover and excaberate underlying conditions that YOU need to fix as opposed to go on lengthy rants about the other person pointing it out.

Fitnesswise, the same doggone thing applies.

It ain’t how it is, my friend. You do NOT have to be doomed to a life of being fat and feeling unhealthy, and SCARED every time you step out of the damn house.

You do NOT have to worry about getting fat with no gyms (or hills) around.

Where there is a will, there is ALWAYS a way.

But that way can only be shown to you once you STOP accepting the “that’s how it is and will remain “ dogma that is being shoved down your throats (funnily enough those shoving it down your throats DID NOT accept things for as they were themselves!).

Last, but not least, there are SOME things yes where “that’s just how it is”. Learning a new language and it’s nuances is one for instance (for example, there is no “why” when you say “Ni Hao” which translates into “You how” in English, and yet means “Hello”).

But note I said some things.

NOT the vast majority of things.

And the sooner you learn this truism, my friend, the better off YOU will be.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – If you’re with me, and part of the very small and ever thinning minority that REFUSES to accept life for what it is – sets HIGH standards in terms of fitness, life and everything he/she does – then in terms of fitness, I’ve got just the program for you – (and indeed, this sort of thing will help you in LIFE as well if just for the sheer DISCIPLINE and FOCUS it will INFUSE you with) – right here – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

P.S #2 – They often ask (and rant) about why I don’t stay put in any one place for long. Well, long story to be honest, but here is why – in short – I don’t accept things for “as they are”. If I find a certain nation to be NOT to my liking, I DO something about it. I leave. It’s that simple. And the same thing goes for life, my friend. I’ll wax lyrical about this later, but for now, the point stands . . .

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Sunday, 07 June 2020 08:52

Chances are it ain’t just YOU

As I grapple with an increasingly annoying web host who is seemingly doing all they can to (try and) RUIN the 0 Excuses Fitness biz (there’s a reason I use the term “ruin”, and I’ll elaborate on why beneath) – I’d like to talk about something else.

I don’t know if it’s a trend these days or what, but every time I bring up a problem with regard to anything – I’m given the standard stock response of “Sorry for the inconvenience” (I can almost see their grubby little fingers typing that response out as I type!) – and then after that this little gem!

No-one ever has any problems with us! It’s just you!

And lest you think it is just this web host, think again,

Think SEVERAL times.

I’ve been through a lot of web hosts, good and bad – and the ones for the fitness biz have always started out as great, and then (after they had my business) became the exact opposite and worse.

But I must admit THESE guys (and I won’t name and shame them for now here – but I’ve done so elsewhere) – take “poor service” to giddy limits.

Some guy at their customer service center coolly re-directed the domain to a competitor website – amazingly enough (or not!) with NO prior authorization from my end.

That’s right. They didn’t even bother asking!

Like a schoolboy doing all he can to “get the issue resolved as quickly as possible before the customer finds out”.

Before that, they renamed a few files on the 0 Excuses Fitness website to “Hello World”, and got back to me claiming the issue was fixed.

When I raise tickets, try and talk to them – the works – you guessed it – crickets.

I just wrote a lengthy two page post on this so won’t get into it again, but here’s the point I’m trying to bring up.

MANY companies are like this. It seems to be a “shame the customer” technique that may work for idiots, but it don’t work for anyone that has half a brain.

In China, my internet service provider often tells me the same thing when I complain about spotty internet at times.

“It’s just you! No-one else has complained!”

And yet when the dude who fixes it comes to my house to repair the connection, his phone is ringing off the hook with dozens of customers complaining about – you got it – the same damned issue.

And my Chinese internet service provider is not nearly, nowhere NEARLY as bad as these web hosts I’ve got now.

Anyway, end of rant there – and I’m not sure when the 0 Excuses Fitness site will be back.

We might just have to move hosts – YET AGAIN. Last major move was in 2014, and it looks like 6 years down the line, another one is in store.

No big deal. Happens. Hehe.

But the point is this, my friend, and it holds true for fitness too – it ain’t just you.

There are tons of people trying to get in shape – just like you.

There are tons of people dealing with the nonsense spouted by the so called gurus and experts on fitness that are getting nowhere quick – just like you!

And there are tons of people that don’t know how to engage in routines like the ones I wrote about yesterday on this here site . . .

It ain’t just you, and that is why I created the members only forum on 0 Excuses Fitness. Go right HERE to become a member (once the damn site is back up again that is).

And on that note, it’s off to deal with the increasingly recalcitrant web host . . .


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Contact me directly in case you’re on the outlook for products etc, and I’ll have to process the orders manually in that case. No problem though – go for it – I’ll be happy to serve ya that way too! ?

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Amidst the rising animosity between the US and China (and no, I’m not going to use the term “superpower” for the latter half of that equation, hehe) – something came to mind.

Something that everyone knows, and precious few people actually SAY it – mostly because they’re too SCARED of censure – or worse.

Something China related. Though I love the country for the good things it has, I have to be fair and call a spade a spade, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do today. If that ain’t your cup of tea, go elsewhere, but this needs to be said, and I’m damn well going to say it.

Every time the U.S. or any other country makes a mistake – or does something right, or does anything, for that matter, we have dozens of people yelling up and down to support either side of the “Argument” or what was done right – or wrong.

And that’s great. Such as it should be in a democracy.

But yet, when the topic comes around to CHINA, and when (for example) I as a foreigner say or post something about China that doesn’t fit in with the “bleating sheep” mentality that the Chinese have instilled in their own populace and that the current crop of expats there seem to have happily picked up – what happens?

The exact opposite of what you might expect.

Apparently its “kosher” to say anything – either positive or derogatory about ANY country – but when it comes to China, somehow we need to treat the rogue nation with kid gloves?

Let’s get this straight folks, the current mess all over the world was created by ONE country, and we all know deep down inside regardless of our political affiliations WHO created it (and if you don’t then you fit the “bozo” category to be honest).

And as Donald Trump has been saying all along (actually, people with any sense were saying it long before he did) – China has been systematically looting, copying and pillaging the world’s resources – physical, digital and otherwise in order to make gains for itself, and no-one else.

Take the current border stand off with india.

The Chinese go apeshit when the Indians build roads inside THEIR OWN territory and amass troops and make silly, bellicose claims of “humiliating India again” (newsflash – there were REASONS for the 1962 defeat of India, and it ain’t what most people think i.e. the PRC didn’t necessarily have military superiority even back THEN).

Same thing with Vietnam and their water. Or the disputed islands near the Phillipines, and ditto for Tibet, Hong Kong, Xinjiang and all the other regions they’ve forcibly or otherwise crept into.

And it’d be one thing if they did it for the common good. It’s a fact, for example, that people shy away from – is that when the U.S and West in general does well, the rest of the CIVILIZED world does well.

NOT so for the People’s Republic, my friend. Not so at all.

And the most irritating part is that when someone says something about it, the Chinese as a whole, and indeed the foreign parrots there (stooges it seems to me, some of them, the way they denigrate their OWN nations that are HELPING then and blindly tom tom the Chinese) rise “up” (I use quotes for a reason).

“How dare you say anything against China”

And funnily enough, this isn’t just Chinese people we’re referring to here.

Hey, by all means say what you like about my country or any other. Have your own thoughts and opinions, and what not.

But if you throw a hissy when the other person responds in kind – then there is ONE term for that- hypocrite – with a capital H.

OK, enough of that.

But it applies to fitness as well if you think about it.

The gym bros, for instance, see fit to strut up and down tom tomming their show muscles all day long “for the girls” (that don’t really care, hehe) and that’s fine.

But when you do the same, and go to a gym, for instance, and sieze a vacant spot and start doing your pushups, for instance, what happens?

You’ll have everyone and their Mama coming up to you offering you advice – mostly all unsolicited as I’ve written about before.

And God Forbid you talk about their gym. Their holy grail as it were (much like the PRC seems to be for most of the expats still there).

And that’s today’s rant, my friend.

Might not be a “pretty” thing to say, but it’s TRUE.

Anyway, here is where you can go to grab the best damned fitness system on the planet - - The 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Jump aboard now – and let me know how you do. I’ll share your story with the world!


Rahul Mookerjee

Published in Life

So this morning (afternoon), actually I woke up to a message from a friend with this.

“Hi Rahul”.

And nothing else . . .

A few days ago, I got this message on my WeChat (the above was on my WhatsApp).

“Rahul Rahul. Do you have a few minutes?”

And then . . . CRICKETS.

NOTHING at all after that.

If there is something that I ‘hate’ (actually I hardly use the term so I should say “is a pet peeve of mine”) it is THIS sort of “phishing” communication.

And most of the time, if not ALL the time, the person is looking for one of two things.

Freebies. Could be free advice. Free “try your product before I buy) (sorry, but as I’ve stated multiple times in the past, there are NO free trials for either Rahul Mookerjee or 0 Excuses Fitness products). Or free something.

Or, “unloading their negative energy on you”.

I have written about this a lot on the old site HERE and also a lengthy piece on Medium, but given THIS site’s move towards more “life oriented” topics and the other site more towards fitness (but we’ll see – I write about what I like as I like where I like, hehe and can’t nobody stop me – as ole Stone Cold once famously said!) I figured I’d write about it here too.

MOST of the time it’s people that want to suck up your energy on long, meaningless phone calls with rants that make no sense.

In other words, they want to find a “complaint box” and given the polarized world that this is turning into, the fact is most people have nobody to really talk to about THEIR own things.

And when they see someone that is writing on the Internet, an outwardly friendly person that HELPS others, guess what happens.

The energy leeches show up. The energy DRAINS show up. As do the freebie seekers, and energy suckers, and if you don’t watch out my friend YOU TOO will become one of this herd and lose the positive vibes that KEEP these people coming to you.

I’ve written about a person before that wanted free training from me, and who said my exercise poses looked “gay”.

And it is precisely this sort of person I try and avoid. In the beginning I’d dignify their comments by responding (at least initially) before I realized playing the nice guy wasn’t going to get me anywhere.

This also ties more into what I keep saying about NOT offering free products.

These people that take the free products and advice will NEVER EVER value it enough to actually use it, and down the road, they will turn around and bash you for being a “so called fitness guru” or whatever it is they want to say when the FACT is that they never actually got down to brass tacks and DID the thing.

And I wrote about that on the other blog the other day . . . so for those interested, head over to the 0 Excuses Fitness site and check it out.

And while there ain’t nothing with a good rant every once in a while and being the shoulder that others can cry upon, what happens when YOU NEED the SAME?


I cannot tell you the number of times I’ve tried to talk about my OWN stuff, and the person in front of me could care less about what I’m saying - - but is MORE than happy to rant on about (if we’re talking expats in China which to be honest are the category that keep contacting me the most for obvious reasons) their own life, and how everything sucks for them, and how they’re doing precisely jack squat to change it all.

Like the person that was jumping up and down about his thoughts on “red China”. Sent me a bazillion damned messages daily. And so forth.

All the while while LIVING in China.

Like dude, get a life. CHANGE your country of residence (and believe me, he had the cash to do it) if hate your current one that much.

Stop being a hypocrite – and feeding off others energy and dragging them down (or trying to) to YOUR level.

I’ll write more about this later, but for now, the point is this – if you feel “negative energy” come on as soon as you see a certain conversation – or communication or feel that it’s “useless to try and talk to this person because he just flat out ignores what you say” (or gets away with, or tries to, as a person recently told me “I read everything, but I don’t reply!” rubbish) then just don’t TAKE that conversation any further.

Yeah. Right. Reads everything but doesn’t respond, because a lot of it paint him out to be a a hypocrite . . .

Anyway, enough of this. Point is, cut negative energy and energy drains out of your life as soon as possible my friend. You’ll be all the better off for it!

And that’s that for now. Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – and yes, these naysayers are just as active when it comes to FITNESS as well. Remember the case of the guy who showed up at the park one day demanding to know why I was doing pull-ups, and not “working my mind”. Uggggghhhhh.

P.S #2 – By the way, our courses on pull-up have been going GANGBUSTERS. From the initial “Pull-ups from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS” (by itself immensely popular) to an ADVANCED course on pull-ups – and more . . . be sure and check it out!

P.P.S – Be sure also to check out the 0 Excuses Fitness System right here - - truly the nigh on MOST comprehensive HOME fitness system you’ll EVER need!

P.P.S #2 – If someone’s actually looking to do business, chances are they’ll SAY what it is they want and not just “Hi Rahul”. Bear that in mind as you go about your dealings with others, my friend. And it’s true – nigh on EVERY time someone’s actually wanted to do actual biz, they’ve SAID it.  It’s the “Hi . . . “ and then crickets sort you want to AVOID  like the bubonic plague. Trust me. Ain’t worth it by a long shot!

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It isn't so much their accomplishments in life - or otherwise - or in the Octagon in the former's case, and the football field (and now the Republican Party - GO HERSCHEL!!) - or the boxing ring in the latter's.

It isn't so much just their physical prowress, their never say die spirit, their gumption - its actually ALL of that - but it's something MORE.

With all the bitching and moaning about tough times these days, this is yet another great time to point out that tough times begin - and end - and germinate - and pass away - in the mind of MAN.

Bottom line, period.

Not to forget the fact that any great DOER - accomplisher - anyone that has accomplished anything of note - has usually done so "with the entire world and then some against him multiple times " - and NOT "Elon Musk" style with a silver spoon in his mouth (no, it ain't a rant against Musk either, I just dont like the guy for reasons I have spoken about before, I'll take Jeff Bezos anyday).

That is how they developed not just their iron bodies - but their nigh indomitable WILL AND SPIRIT!

Their gumption, persistence, never say die attitude.

Their desire to keep going no matter what. Their desire to achieve - which ultimately broke through all - and achieve they did.

Walker, perhaps most of all exemplifies this email to a T - or the reason I'm writing it - there is a reason 0 Excuses Fitness opens with a quote penned by him (or said by him in an interview).

Grew up in the era of slavery, despite what my friend Chuck keeps saying, did NOT have the sort of genetics which made muscle stick to him like "shit on a stick" - was bullied galore in school - was one of many kids growing up dirt poor ...

Mike Tyson - similar things, except slavery wasn't there when he was born.

Problem child, constantly bullied, until Gus D Amato took him under his wing, he was "going nowhere".

Once he found a purpose in life -voila!

And again, there's a damn good reason he's mentioned on the sales page for Pushup Central - I dont think anyone can argue with or better either Bruce Lee's or Iron Mike's (2000 per workoout) pushup workouts, and the results show don't they??

Anyway, lets get to the real reason I admire these homies - or good ole boys, hehe - and anyone thats a real doer.

Not once do you hear them bitch and moan about how tough they had it (compare this to the average Joe or Jane who rants all day about exactly that, accomplishes even less, and is way more concerned about hurting people's or their own, to be honest, feelings than being sensible, logical, frank and upfront).

"What happened to the Dunkirk spirit our grandparents had!!"

John Walker and me were discussing all this, and more, and he's right.

I mentioned my take on it - years of easy living, government handouts, getting soft, and well - we are where we're at TODAY. Other than a select few of us, few believe in the axiom of "we keep learning even when we're on top".

There's a whole Chapter dedicated to that in 0 Excuses Fitness.

Think about it, Walker. Tyson. Blacks have historically been treated the WORST when it comes to real oppression - even more so than say the Indians were in India by the colonial Brits (dont get me wrong, there were horrible atrocities happening there too, but end of the day, the Brits didnt hate India to the same extent that blacks in general were back in the day, treated worse than chattel almost) ...

.. and these men, real men never mention it.

I'm sure they had HUGE struggles growing up.

And throughout their lives.

Yet, they forged ahead -and just DID - and ultimately succeeded.

THAT is the hall mark of a winner in life, or anything else.

Think this is just about people of color?

No my friend.

Henry Ford for one (we all know him , eh) did not even finish middle school. Edison, I believe dropped out due to his teacher's taunts and ultimate "expulsion from school" (though his Mom it was later revealed always supported him through all that) ...

Modern era?

Someone like a "hell raising Stone Cold Steve Austin" wrestling and traveling great distances - for no more than a meal of uncooked potatoes daily for months on end (yes, true story - times were that tough back then and this wasn't even a Depression Era).

Or the Rock, evicted routinely from apartments during his childhood, almost gave up on his dreams, but didnt ...

My point simply is this, the next time you hear these "feel good touchy feely comments" about "be niceeeeeeeeeeeeeee" and "not offend anyone" - and "sooooooooo sad" - and I've had it sooooooooo tough - seperate the wheat from the chaff, my friend.

Tough times cut across race, nationality, ages, John said it so well "we all have our own cross to bear".

And we do

The less we bitch and moan about it and use it as a CRUTCH - the better!

And thats what I wanted to tell you, yet something else a lot of y'all need to hear ...

Anyway - fitness wise, get on the 0 Excuses Fitness train NOW if you have not already, truly one for the ages and DOERS, the best book on bodyweight exercise out there - bar NONE, nothing even "comes close".

And thats that.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - Want more? The Great Gama of India who earned that moniker DURING, not after, colonial times ... I'd rather someone like him than Gandhi, to be honest!

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Friday, 29 July 2022 10:10

Memories that last - a lifetime!

This is going to be another LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG rant - or thesis - or crankiness - or straight from the heart talk as always, what have you.

Gotta say, this here cantankerous cranky bastard would make ole Clint wring his hands in despair (he probably already does anyway, hehe).

Gruff Gorilla or cranky bear, I've been called both, and I am both.

But like I keep saying on another business, life is NEVER black and white.

Shades of grey.

yin and yang.

Two sides to every coin says a T shirt (vest) I wore when I was called Twiggy (no problem there, hehe) ...

And indeed, some of what YOU guys read here might come across as so emotional and soppy (not really, hehe, I'llt try and remove the sop from it, but I might not be able to fully) that you might not even think it's Rahul Mookerjee saying it (or writing it).

Then again, if you know my history with the gals you might think it is. Depends, hehe. All depends!

Anyway ................

Dude that I've been "bickering with" (as he puts it) back and forth over some trivialities - I call it banter, hehe - sent me a "truce of sorts" on Twitter again.

Along with some photos of him preening and posing he said he was proud of what he's accomplished, that weve both got good things going, that the ONLY thing we have in common is we inspire a lot of people ... and then he asked for a truce, or he "put it out there".

Since he did is so nicely, since it's the SECOND time he asked, since yours truly spiritual has been seeing 2's damn near everywhere, since today is the 29th (2), maybe even because it's his birthday today so I'll go easy on him (I got the "phat phocker" note on one of my own birthdays, but thats OK - that was the best damn thing I could have heard that day John - and I MEAN EVERY WORD!! Hehe. ) ...

(and I mean that because it kicked my RUMPUS into high gear coming from a doer. You know me bro! hehe).

...  I dont know what prompted me to reply on Twitter, something I rarely do. Maybe an angel on my shoulder?

Look, maybe he needs support, whatever it is, but so I said we didnt have a war going on in the first place - it's all banter as far as I'm concerned. hey, just look at any Aus-Eng cricket match. Hehe.

I didnt get into the preening, posing, pumpin, toning, I simply said we see FACTS differently .. Hehe. Which we do. (and I'll never shy away from saying it like it is either).

And then I ended it saying I'd be glad to help him out IF he ever needed it - and thats that hopefully. We'll see, hehe.

But anyway - that isn't why I'm writing this.

As I was tweeting a video of me doing fingertip pushups memories flooded back, as they have all damned day today.

WHAT is so special about today, I kept wondering.

And a short while ago, it HIT ME.


(sop story starts, y'all might wanna bring out the handkerchiefs, hehe)

We met each other on this date ... lots of you on this list know that girl.

My buddy from the Marines would recognize her anywhere probably from the photo he's seen of us together.

"Once I see a face, I never forget it!" (when we first met). (we had "passed each other" training out there on the hills before, but had not spoken)

I think I knew him by name from a group first online.

Anyway ..............

She came into my life when I was low, down, depressed, when NOTHING was working for me, everything was working against me - seemingly.

I mean nothing.

I was broker than a broken gramophone record. Hehe.

My wife was bitching up a storm as usual about something or the other (which she always did when times were tough) (no wonder the so called relationship is what it is today) (but to be fair to her, I'm not exactly the easiest of people to deal with either, especially these days) ...

And - just in general - everything seemed like it was collapsing big time.

I've had this happen to me a LOT during my life - more times than I can count.

NO-ONE would help, NO-ONE was there to help anyway.

So I did what I do best - I tackled it head on myself.

Along the way, I continued to do a great job teaching English (something I absolutely detest doing, but if I'm paid well for something, you can be damn skippy sure I'll do a good job of it!) at the center I was, where I first met her.

Who was to know - I certainly didn't! - that a few short conversation later and a short text I sent her about finding me a housemaid (I didnt want to ask Glyn to do it, hehe) would lead to one of the most intense, romantic, and ... again, just bloody INTENSE four month "relationship" if you can call it that that I've ever had.

Trust me, I've been with so many girls I've lost track.

But this one was different.

"This relationship is beautiful, like these trees, but I can't continue!" I still remember her saying.

It almost killed me to hear her say that.

Some of the other stuff she said made me ANGRY.

And at that point, I had two choices - buckle down - or BUCK UP.

I chose the latter, channeled my fury and emotion into my FITNESS - into BUSINESS - and a short while later, I emerged on top again.

She came into my life for a reason.

And while we were going on that LONG trip together, in itself an adventure given I hadn't even driven in China before embarking on a 17 hour long ass drive (believe me, driving in China is easier than in India, tons easier, but if you're comparing to the US, you've got several thinks coming, hehe).  .  . she said the following.

"Maybe we will be together in the future, maybe we wont but we'll ALWAYS have these memories!"

Although she didnt know at the time, she hit the nail on the head.

Those memories, those romantic memories, those GOOD memories - exactly what is needed for YOU to recharge, and take a break - and emerge rejuvenated.

Napoleon Hill writes about this so often in Think and Grow Rich i.e. "retreat into the recesses of your mind and bathe yourself in the memories of the past, romantic memories" - and who knows, when you emerge - solutions to problems that have been eluding you might emerge! (or they might not, but his point stands)

It's something I talk about in a different form in Zero to Hero.

EMOTION is key to accomplishment or not.

And she truly sparked that emotion in me (although admittedly, without even trying I sparked it in HER - or else it would have never gotten to the point it did - I certainly wouldn't be cavorting around with students - well, maybe sometimes, hehe - but business is business for the most part) ...

Anyway, maybe thats why I've been seeing "her" on social media in all shapes, forms and guises.

Maybe it's why I remember helpng her do handstands on the top of the hill.

Maybe it's why I remember her slapping  my thigh and saying "NOT like this, Michael!" when I was doing a stretch wrong.

Maybe it's why I remember that sweet smile, forever smiling and "happy" ...

Maybe its why I remember her telling me to "go easy on the pushups" (I was doing the floor huggers, hehe - or floor pumpers, or humpers, or - hehe - extended arm pushups with an injured shoulder) ...

Maybe it's why the DATE kept coming to mind.

Good things come in pairs?

So say the chinese.

But either way, I remember, it was on Jul 29th that I first started to chat with her, I believe.

"Hi Carol. Do you have any idea where I can find a decent ayi"?

And that one comment sparked it all. Hehe.

Not to mention, along with Ann Lee, Carol is probably the woman responsible for me WANTING To get into kick ass shape that I did shortly after meeting her. (or after we left each other, or whatever it was).

She ain't responsible for the business, success, failures, but I still remember the RAGE and FURY that drove me to do what I did, the RAGING EMOTION, the . . . I dont know how to put it, anyone thats ever been in that sort of an intense relationship knows how it's like!

And that, maybe is why I'm writing to you about this?

I dont know.

Carol was supposed to review 0 Excuses Fitness too - all she did was giggle at the photos.

(note some of you might not have seen 'em, I believed I removed them from a few drafts of the book, but they might still be floating around out there, I dont know. Doesnt matter either way).


Gotta love women ...

Anyway, I'm out.

Had to get that off my chest.

I have!

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - YOU too will build memories of a LIFETIME by training in the 0 Excuses Fitness manner - try it - and you'll see what I mean, they'll be some of the best "me" times you've ever had.

PPS #2 - If you're currently struggling with excess flab and blubber around the ole core, the "belly button getting too tight on the shirt, buttons popping off or what not, hehe, as the great PG Wodehouse says", then extended cardio ain't the answer.

BRIEF bursts of exercise are the answer.

So are pushups, my friend, and if there was ever a no nonsense one of it's kind book on the oldest exercise out there that will CARVE that core into granite - it is Pushup Central. Along with squats (book upcoming soon!) - and Corrugated Core - truly what the ole Doc ordered in that regard. Get 'em NOW.

PPS - Yes, she's not the only one for those that are wondering. Hehe. But it sure was one of the most intense. Like I said, the best things happen when you aint expecting them, that might be a message some of you need to hear TODAY.

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Saturday, 09 July 2022 11:30

Never say die, my friend.

Or, the word "never". I cannot point out the number of times I've said "never" - in fact, even in terms of China - and there bang I am a few months down the line - back in good ole Chna. The Middle King(k) dom, as they say, NO pun intended!

But this isn't about kink, it's about keeping the spirit ALIVE, not just alive, but kicking. 

What am I referring to, you might ask. 

Well, as the majority of the world drifts more towards pessimism and doom and gloom than ever before, NOW is as good a time as any for me to say this - especially given the backdrop of looming war everywhere (please dont say I did not warn you WELL in advance, hehe) - as I get done with 100 squats, 10  pull-ups, and a few lumberjack swings, and thick bar work - as I'm fixing to get BACK to it soon - "never say die". 

It's true, my friend. 

In the vast majority of cases, even those you might consider seemingly hopeless, there is ALWAYS, I repeat, ALWAYS something you can do - though often times, that something might not be easy at all to spot. 

Napoleon Hill's story in Outwitting the Devil of following his gut, spending money he didnt have on a fancy hotel - having faith he'd FIND the right financier - illustrates this perfectly when he says he "gave up all hope" and paused to rest (not in those words, but that is the gist) after being EXHAUSTED after doing but think, and search for the better half of a day and a half for the right person, not to be able to find it. 

... then in a flash, VOILA!

Against all odds, the name came to him - much like the plan to go Philly did. 

You'll have to read the book for more - again, I get nothing from that. YOU DO! 

It's one of Hills lesser known books, so controversial in his time they didnt even publish it till years after the great man passed on. 

He still lives - through his books, the most well known of which is Think and Grow Rich, but thats hardly the one I admire the most, though its a gem and masterpiece in itself. 


Many times, business wise I've logically "all but given up". 

Situations have seemed UTTERLY hopeless sometimes, literally so. 

Yet, I found it in in me to keep the faith and keep going "one more round" as Rocky says!

One more round is indeed what makes ALL The difference!

And the way Ive done it is by knowing there is ALWAYS something I can do - and you can do. 

Now, some idiots will no doubt (and this has happened!) get back with history about the Holocaust and other horrors from the past and say "what in those situations"? 

Well, sorry to break the news to you - but SOME people survived even back then in the direst of circumstances. 

Human spirit can only be broken if you LET it be broken. 

Most would prefer to bitch, moan and give up at the slightest hint of misfortune, which is fine, hence ... well, do I need to say more? 

But those that survived even in those horrible circumstances - I'll bet they did what they had to do at any cost. 

I'll bet they never gave up - even when they didnt know it - in their MINDS. 

Far too FEW people are willing to do what it really takes, to keep going aganist all odds. 

I'm proud to note I'm one of the very few in that regard. 

And YES, despite what people say about "not everyone has that capacity!" - well, I'm sorry to tell you, but thats a false statement if there ever was one - we aint talking beer drinking capacity here for one, hehe, which admittedly not many can match my prowress at. 

We're talking gumption, a quality ANYONE can build and develop if they choose to. 

Look at the strongman with no legs and an upper body most people can only dream of - I'm sure you know the dude? Hes been going viral all over Twitter and such ... even wechat in China! 

Fitness wise, same thing. 

There is always something you can do, if you WANT To do it, and if you DO - the second being KEY, the first COMES. 

If you dont DO - nothing will happen despite your best intentions my friend - if you combine pure, solid, utter DESIRE with DOING - that is when and how mountains literally MOVE for you, both life wise and fitness wise and in every regard. 

Do what you will with that message - but it's all very true. 

And - rememeber - my workouts, the WIDE panpoloy of workouts I give you in the 0 Excuses Fitness System make sure even the most ardent of doers and the laziest of lazy phockers - have something to do - anyday, everyday, anytime, any place. 

Get on this system NOW - truly the best and most RESULTS producing. 


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - IF inspiration of this sort is your thang, all my books are for you but specifically Zero to Hero! - and Gumption Galore!. Trust me on this one, friend. 

When the going gets tough, the TOUGH truly get going. 

DO you have it in you? 

Only you can answer that question - if so - welcome ABOARD!

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Monday, 20 June 2022 09:13

Old man failure and more...

An old, wise, and TRUE Napoleon Hill saying goes as such - 

Failure is a trickster with a keen sense of irony and cunning. It takes great delight in tripping one up when success is almost within reach.

It's so true!

In fact, the way I say "old man failure" in this post is also his writing speaking to you NOW. 

There are so many similariities between his life and mine - right down to the sexual transmutation, to the making of a business from scratch - to the "doing what I was truly meant to in one way or the other whether I consciously wanted to or not" to unsupportive family - to many, many other things including travel - and his physcial workouts i.e. walking 10 miles daily, usually UPHILL if he could, that I wonder if I'm Hill reincarnated. 

Given what people say about me and my ethnicity, despite "facts" seeming otherwise - I might well be!

But anyway - the above quote. 

So true. 

Ive seen so many times when people think they've got it made in biz - slack off - it all comes tumbling down to WORSE than what it was when they started. 

Lesson learnt? 

Sometimes, it's something people can't avoid. 

Sometimes, it's other things. 

I've had a combo of all the above, yes, including the first - happen to me not once - but multiple times. 

Remember, it's a privelege to be at the top. 

It can all be taken away, and some day, the wheel WILL Turn - in the meantime, what you can do? 

Is to keep working at it. 

Is to keep being prepared. 

Sometimes, failures are inevitable - indeed, if you're a real doer that succeeds on his own, you wont make it without 99 failures and that ONE big hit - period. 

Life, business, relationships, customers, all holds true. 

That ONE , that 10% as Sylvester Stallone likes to say about his life "90% being a mistake" - makes all the damn difference. 

And it does!

Not many get it - that is why not many truly succeed at the highest levels. 

Anyway - this isn't a life coaching class... 

But it applies to your fitness too. 

I cannot tell you the number of times I thought "I didnt need to do anything more" - or slack off - and all came tumbling down there too. 

You have to keep working at it - period. 

If someone like Bruce Lee could walk around all day with a dumbbell despite his elite status - what makes you think YOU can't - or shouldn't - do your own equivalent? 

Keep trying to break another barrier. 

Keep aiming higher. 

Keep pulling that chin up higher over the pull-up bar. 

Keep getting DEEPER stretches in on pushups, more squats ................. and the list goes on!

As Claude Bristol rightly said in the Magic of Believing

"Success is a fickle bird, the minute you rest on your laurels is the minute it takes wings and flies away". 

Amen, I should say. 

Lesson learnt for all readers, I hope. 

End of "sermon". 

Back soon (but that sermon BE true). 


Rahul Mookerjee

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