Displaying items by tag: workouts

I’ll admit it.

Oh YES, I will.

I’ve been in one of my foul, foul moods as of the last couple of days. Day and a half, actually, ever since .  . .

Even since, ah, but wait.

I wrote a post about the FACT that ignoring the negative in your life won’t necessarily make it go away, and in some cases will even excaberate the problem.

That caused a few people to unsubscribe from the list. One person (well intentioned) even sent me this “Can’t you be a little less grumpy at times?”

Well, she was right in a way, but she was WRONG in a bigger way.

I wasn’t being any grumpier than my normal “el groucho” self. I was stating a fact, which with all the hoo haa about everything going on, people choose to ignore these days, and “just think positive”, thinking it will “draw the positive” to them.

And the so called goooorrooooosss don’t help either, my friend, by propogating  stuff that flat out don’t WORK.

As for proof?

Look around you, my friend. Look at what is happening not just to you on a macro level, but globally.

And as for this damned COVID19, don’t even get me started on the stupidity again. Apparently it’s gotten to the point where even normally sane people are buying into the insanity of “the world needs to stay locked down indefinitely” and to hell with why or the repercussions and consequences.

Deep breath ….

Anyway …

So you have probably noticed my two sites (at least the fitness ones) beiong up and down over the past day or so.

Actually, you probably noticed an OLDER version of the site yesterday without the most recent blog posts, and today, a BLANK page when accessing the site.

My host done moved servers for what seemed like the umpteenth time, and in typically professional manner and by their own admission they never bothered to inform any of their customers about it.

And for what seemed like the billionth and one time, 2-3 days of blog posts and site upgrades were LOST during the transfer, and the host could care less despite this problem occurring not once, not twice, but damn near every month.

If anything, their response is “so what. IT happens”.

And one fine gentleman on the support team took the time and initiative to rename the site main file to “hello world”, and then claim it was working when 0excusesfitness.com showed nothing but “hello world”, something my six year old could probably have done eyes closed.

And for those that didn’t know, they call this “tech support”.


Some will no doubt ask why I don’t move hosts given all these fools have put me through in 2020.

But I did my friend.

And the last one was just as bad, and in these times of lockdown and what not (indeed, they have a ready excuses “we’re working from home! Please understand!”) I am not sure a move would be the best idea.

What infuriates me is their stock “We’re sorry for the inconvenience” response to everything, which they just generate by pressing a button on their customer service app. They’re anything BUT sorry, and this problem reoccurs every month, so if they WERE truly sorry they would have fixed it, but nothing.

A law unto themselves a lot of these web hosts are, and while I’ve shortlisted another one, I’m not hopeful. But we’ll see.

In the meantime if you have any suggestions on this front, feel free to pass ‘em my way and we’ll go from there.

And on other fronts, and grip workouts …. Napoloen Hill correctly stated that every situation, every negative occurrence has a positive – and the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit if you look for it.

While I’m not sure this situation has any benefit whatsoever, I was feeling 200 on a scale of 1 to 100 on the grumps scale this morning, and I’m at 70 now.


Well, the only way I know how.

A hard, hard workout in which the jump rope darn near slipped out of my hand, and not because of the sweat either.

IT was because I couldn’t grip it any longer at a certain point during my workout.

That’s right.

The Gorilla grip fanatic could barely grip the jump rope!

Would you believe it if I told you that my workout involved nothing but this, and the numbers 1600 and 20?

A 20 minute workout for 1600 jumps, and a slight change in hand position that left me fried.

A small change that torched my entire chest and core, and upper back, and my grip … and that explains the numerous typos in this here email, more so than normal, hehe.

I’m not going to reveal what it is HERE, but rest assured it’s BIG my friend – it will work your entire body and fry that unsightly lard off in ways you never thought possible – in record fast time.

And I’ll reveal all on my groups and inner SHIP (circle) once the site is finally back online. UGH!

And so it goes for now, my friend. I’m so pissed I haven’t even turned on the air-con and I’ll do so now and might as well take a shower too, hehe.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Napoelon Hill wrote about being tested, did he not? In his own words, there seems to be a hidden guide whose job it is to test men through all sorts of discouraging circusmstanes and heartbreaks to ascertain just how much they can take. The men that succeed are those that keep picking themselves back up  and keep on keeping on, until they finally “reach” – and the gates of full blown success are thrown wide open – and in terms of hosting – and some other things right now – I sure do seem to be going through it!

P.S #2- Nothing new for me though, hehe, so rest assured. We’ll be back with a bang very soon – and how – and on that note, I’m out. See ya later!

P.P.S – And while I won’t name and shame the web host for now, I’ll tell you this – stay AWAY from companies that pretend to be based out of the U.S. and have their support sneakily and entirely based in India. I’ve written about how tech companies and BPO etc in general is quietly leaving India, and THIS level of service is one reason why, and believe me, with my I.T. background and work experience here, I KNOW (back in the day I actually worked for someone, hehe).

No it aint racism, so please get off your soap box(before you start). It’s me stating a FACT, my friend. Customer service in anything (or most things) in India atrocious if at all existent … Amazon India being the one exception to the rule.

I’m sure there are good companies there, but they are very much the exception I’d say rather than the NORM!

Published in Jumping Rope
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I was back to an old favorite this morning after knocking out 200 squats and isometrics this morning. 

I finished the first part of my workout by 8AM which is more than what most people can say about themselves by 8 PM... 

I dont know why - but despite my dislike of waking up in the AM's, workouts? I've always done best in the morning - hills, bodyweight, whatever it is. 

No disturbance, or minimal at least, and then the calm that occurs around 8-9 when even those folks that raise cain in the mornings seem to "take a break". 

Over the past few days I've been dealing with a bit of tendonitis - or tennis elbow, whichever it is - I suspect the former more than the latter, since it doesnt hurt "tennis elbow style". 

Perhaps too much time at the computer, or could be too many pull-ups as well. I've been busy as a bee putting out a lot of courses for the other business - and busy doing tons of pull-ups too. 

All in strict form, focusing on the BACK And grip, not biceps which most people focus on when doing pull-ups (big mistake as I've said in the book). 


I felt my form slipping a bit today around rep #20. 

And instinctively, without thinkin about it, I moved a chair aside, and shot up into a handstand!


I did 5 handstand pushups, slow and easy - stomach touching the wall as I tell you in "Profound 70% Gorilla 30% Human Handstands". (currentl being translated into Spanish as well!!)

Lots of people think that is just an extension of Battletank Shoulders, you couldn't be more wrong. 

The latter course is #2, the former is #3, the workouts in #2 are probably tougher. 

But #3 preps you for FREESTANDING handstand pushups, my friend, and the workouts - well, try them on for size, by no means even approaching "easy" even for me. 

And that should tell you a lot. 

When doing handstand pushups, another mistake people make is not focusing and pushing up with  mostly LATS and again - forearms. 

People focus on "shoulders". 

Which is fine, shoulders are an integral part of the movement, but your LATS - again, that pesky back of the body I be talking so much about do - or should do - most of the work, as with pull-ups with grip taking over when it has to. 

The above might sound strange, but it's also a great way to work kinks etc out of the upper body (not "kink". Kinks. Hehe). 

I remember Uncle Bob once asking me after I got off the plane in China and made straight for the hill, posted about it on FB or something ; he saw it. 

"I See you've already climbed the hill! Great way to work the kinks etc out after that plane ride". 

So it is, my friend. 

So it is!

Life's good!

Back soon. 


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - The above email contains a LOT of tips. Read carefully!

Published in Exercises
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Yours truly, pull-up stud - pushup monster - Mr Handstand Pushup - Mr hill climber - and many, many, many more (including the well deserved "bodyweight exercise guru" moniker I've gotten over the past few years). 

Exercise champ, fitness freak, fanatic - and more ... and yet ... 

Despite all that, despite all the reps, the sweat, blood and tears, gumption, heat, cold, everything - you know what taught me a hell of a lot about exercising that nothing else ever did? 

Writing books. 


No, not just the writing part. That, for me, was easy. 

It was the "taking photos" part - and not because I couldn't find people to take the photos. Hehe. I found plenty! 

It was because, my friend .... 

... Well, take what I have on the homepage of www.0excusesfitness.com as an example. 

Me doing a one arm reverse pushup (at one point, I was going to put myself doing it on fingertips there - which is in the book on reverse pushups, of course). 

Just getting into a reverse pushup is hard enough for most people, let alone hold. 

If you do a one arm - and one leg hold like I am - to DO that itself is tough enough. 

And just holding the pose long enough for Cindy to take it ... Gawd, Golly, and everything rolled into one, I still remember shaking to the core as she got it right. 

And she was a good photographer. 

With my daughter, it often takes more than one take - usually four or so - that is if Madam doesn't zone out in the middle of a photo!

You can often hear me HOLLERING. 

"Honey, HURRY!" 

Are you DONE as yet already??

I mean, its hard enough getting into some of those positions, let alone hold for time long enough to get a perfect photo. 

Some may not think it's a big deal. 

Well, I have this to say - the next time you do a TOUGH Stretch and come out of it - try getting a picture taken of it - a perfect picture showing the onlooker via pictures alone, "how it's done". 

And you'll quickly start hollering Uncle yourself, hehe. 

Seconds will pass - interminably slowly!

You'll wonder "just why the heck doesnt this photographer be DONE with the picture!" Hehe. 

And more. 

Pushup Central, for one. 

Try the extended arm pushup on for starters!

In the book, youll see me doing it on fingertips. 

Try HOLDING that pose - let alone the actual pushup. 

Then, holding it perfectly for time as someone takes the picture. 

It ain't easy at all, friend. 

DOING the actual exercise is often easier than holding the isometric. 

And thus my contempt for all the bozos out there who claim (despite the plethora of evidence out there stating the old timers all did the so called easy stuff to build incredible strength and power, despite the "easy stuff" being the most important ie basic stuff always being the most important) "it's too simple" 

Just static stretches, an idiot once wrote about my great book Isometric and Flexibility Training. 

It wouldn't surprise me if this bozo couldn't bend down to tie his own shoelaces. 

But anyway, there it is. 

Isometrics, my friend, I've often said gives you a workout from hell, and if you dont believe me - just TRY some of what Ive got - not just in the initial book, but the advanced one as well. 

And then get back and tell me. Hehe. 

As for me, I'm yet to master the clapping pushup - WHILE someone takes a perfect picture of it in "slo mo" hehe. 

That'll be in the Advanced Plyometrics book. 

Well my friend, I'm off for now. 

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - Only those that have DONE the thing will truly grasp the truism of what I say here, the rest, well..

PS #2 - One of my best books ever, and a book that will make you feel like a billion bucks even if you're long past what some consider "spring chicken" stage? 

Well, go HERE and find out!

Published in Exercises
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Monday, 13 December 2021 06:22

Lets suit up - and BOOT up - ladies!

Interesting how thats often used for the most alpha of males you'll ever see, the most macho, virile, rugged and so forth . . . 

I don't even mean "hidden desires" here - this email isnt' about that. 

It's just about when MEN - real men - such as in the Expendables, maybe - now there's a movie with very little romance, although the second movie had a wee budding bit of it! (I still remember my friend Jay watching Rambo II in 1990 something, and telling me "great movie, little bit of romance, great body (sly) - and lots of action!) ... 

Sly is nothing if not SMART. 

I dont think it's a coincidence that Expendables II had " a little bit of romance" like Rambo II, and none of the others did!

The tough guy with a soft exterior. Or was that interior. 


Sly, you're a genuis and legend, I'll never stop saying it. 

Because it's true. 

But anyway ... 

You know you're in good shape when non faggotty (the polar opposite of Bozo Glyn, for instance) look at you with women, or just in general and they notice YOUR shape more than hers. 


As Carol once told me. 

The boys are looking more at you! 


And they weren't gay either. 

This, of course, reminds me of Bozo Schofield ... another one of those anecdotes, before I tell you what I was originally goin gto tell you. 

Bozo apparently salivates over memes such as "if you look at this, and not me, you're a faggot". 

With sneering women showing their boobs on one side, and a huge fat "member" if you get my drift on another side. 

Bozo apparently (from what he once drunkenly told me in a 3 AM message) "meditates" to that daily. 

Truly a lunatic, yet, for nutjobs like him, I guess if thats what he wants, thats fine, but at least stop being faggotty about it! 

Be open about it, at least, not a perv, of course, expecting Glyn Bozo to learn all that is like asking a brick wall to make sense (it probably would, more than him). 

Anyway ..............

Suit up, ladies!


Yours truly is NOT the type to wear suits, or formal attire. 

Or to own or wear excessive jewelry. 

The other day, my friend made the comment about my dumbphone (in an era where most people change their dumbphones as often as their underwear) .. 

"Youre STILL using that!" 

Showl am, hehe. 

There was a period in my life where I had two pairs of jeans (light blue, dark - both STRAIGHT cut, tapered - showing off the body) - and THREE pairs of polo Tshirts, and I'd recycle those till they were threadbare. 

Nothing to do with money either. 

I just didnt need anything else, except my workouts!

I'm minimalistic in most regards, my friend 

You don't need a lot, especially the crap constantly shoved down our throats, oddly enough what you really need is never mentioned. 

Anyway ........ 

Im about to suit up and boot up for a long workout. 

I invite you to join me. 

And if there is one course that imbibes that spirit, that feeling, it is Eat More - Weigh Less. 

I Dont know, I just feel INSPIRED and raring to GO when I see that on the cover - that being me. hehe. 

But it's true, YOU too can feel the VIBE!

I'm out. 

If you ain't gotten the course, do so NOW


Rahul Mookerjee

Published in Exercises
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This one's yet another one thats sure to cause a lot of angst. Hehe. 

But, it's true - and one of the off the cuff, yet TRUE comments made by a friend of mine "Prem" - who much like "Tan" (who very kindly took the pictures for Battletank Shoulders, one of the most awe inspiringly brutal trainingt courses out there - ever) - took a great little "snippet" video for Gorilla Grip that some of you have asked for (specifically, a bit of grip work on the monkey bars). 

The last video I took in that regard during Chinese New Year, well, that was done on my Xiaomi, and I ran out of space, hence the "tiny" video. 

But I've gone one better this time, you'll see when I finally get it up. 

For now though - three great new videos up here (0 Excuses Fitness - YouTube) for "Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness" - which you really need to place a pre-order for NOW ... 

And join the legions that are doing so/have done!

There is a damn good reason the pre-order process has stretched out as long as it has. 

Anyway, he was telling me about pull-ups, and how, much like in 2018 - he's unable to do a single one, or hang on to the chinning bar. 

"Because you never got your ass down to seriously trying", I gently admonished. 

And he didnt!

I remember, the day after or so, he never did any - and he was off to the gym a few days later. 

He was telling me about how these days he does 30-40 pushups daily - in sets of 15, the regular pushups, he says he does them in proper form along with squats, a 100 at a go. 

Let me see you do the squats, I asked him. 

He showed me - but he barely went "almost" halfway down on each rep, so I corrected him. 

"Hmm", he said. "What benefit does going all the way down get me?" 

Well, so I told him about all ths "ass to grass" benefits i.e. improved flexibility, flexor strength, far greater work load on the hips and thighs, therefore, greater work done by the lungs, all in all, a far superior workout. 

And he was doing regular squats, not Hindus. Which is fine, of course... 

Pushups, I dont know. He says he does them in proper form, so we'll take his word for it!

"I could do 40 of these at one time:", he told me - wistfully pointing to the dipping bars. 

One set, I asked? 

Yes, was the answer. 

Which that, now if he could do them at one time, thats pretty good!

Right now, of course, he's not doing ANY. 

But anyway ... 

He made the above comment about gyms - and I laughed - more than "music to my ears"- I'm so used to people telling me this when they see me do bodyweight!

"Machines, etc - all USELESS" - I told him. 

And then I Told him about the "Stand on your feet" training done in the gym or elsewhere with weights - if you do that right, now that will get you places. 

Still doesn't hold a candle to bodyweight training, of course, but its real training if done that way - either Lumberjack style - or military presses etc. (or overhead presses). 

Anything that requires you to stand on your feet and hoist. 

Now, Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness features NO weights. 

None that are easy to grip like barbells and dumbbells. 

The machines, well, those are for buffoons - Ive always said that!

But anyway .............

Great to hear my friend say that himself!

And it just shows you the POWER bodyweight training has - the sheer appeal - and the sheer results. 

Here is a review (for Animal Kingdom Workouts) that comes to mind in that regard. 

From John Walker in the UK - - 


This is one of your best books to date, clearly you understand what it takes to create the perfect beast.

Mastery of one's own bodyweight is so much more important than some random goal of adding 10kg to your bench press.

Moving your bodyweight with strength, grace and power is how the human animal was built to move.

People, do yourself a favour and buy this book and learn the lessons in it so you too can join the ranks of the superhumans. Yet another masterpiece Rahul.

Glyn Schofield, you're a clown and quite clearly you've never worked out in you pathetic little life, because if you had you'd know what's important in a "training book" which is the training information it supplies not whether it has typographical errors, "I mean come on man training books are about training not writing style".

Warmest Regards

John Walker.

The bolded part sure is KEY!

I'm out. 

Be sure and pick up the CORNERSTONE of alll bodyweight training right here - the 0 Excuses Fitness System - if you have not already (and many of you haven't at the time of writing this). 

And, leave a review, please!


Rahul Mookerjee

Published in Exercises
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Actually, my friend, it isn't so much just me that has pioneered what I am talking about, or any of what I talk about. 

I've learnt from MANY people either directly or indirectly - and I've gone on to better some - and some not as yet, but I will. 

Not that it matters. 

I will still give credit to each and every person I've learnt from and that has truly helped me for as long as I live - because thats how it should be!

But anyway, the W.H.O - one of the most profoundly USELESS and SPINELESS "we love kow towing to China commies" organization (and even they've come out and pretty much said China spread the plague - I mean duh! Now that took a while! Wonder if the Bozos there actually you know, THINK and have a brain and some common sense. Those of you and us with the above have been saying this forever, and it's only now some of the world is STARTING to wake up) there ever was, is, and will be - which I like to call the C.H.O - China health organization has woken up to some things health and fitness wise. 

I did not know of this before, of course but I received the following from John Walker, a DOER And a great customer in the United Kingdom today - - 

Back to training, in this month's Men's Fitness magazine there is an article about how the W.H.O. is now recommending what is being called "exercise snacking" in which you take small "bites" of exercise throughout the day, to combat our "sedentary lifestyle" seems I've heard this somewhere else "ah yes" now I remember, isn't it how you've been exercising for awhile now, must be nice to have W.H.O. finally catch up to with you and underscore what you are doing as a great way to keep fit.

Now I must admit, I didnt know that. I believe I once sent in an article in 2017 to Men's Health and Fitness or something in Oz, I dont know if it was accepted (I never heard back) but thats all I know about them. 

But yes - I've been doing and advocating brief "mini workouts" forever!

And I have been doing them forever too. 

YES, even when I climbed the hill all those times per day, I'd do bridging as a mini workout at night before dinner!

And these days, stuck or chained to the keyboard as I am? 

I do these as a primary means of not just keeping fit, but keeping the motivation and ideas flowing. 

Lots of people get their great ideas in a shower - so do I sometimes - but I get most during my workouts when I'm focusing on something else which is how the subconscious works anyway. 

And of course, it's a great way to keep fit. 

Dont get me wrong - you can do one MASSIVE workout per day and then nothing that day other than maybe gentle walks and errands around the house, stretching and isometrics or what not. 

And you'll do GREAT. 

But mini workouts hit you differently, and cannot be beat either. 

Heavy lunch, you say? 

Well, do 50 pull-ups two hours afterwards, and tell me where it went ... 

And so forth. 

Not to mention they're TIME effective if you do it right. 

It' amazing I gotta say this, you know. The entire world has nothing but time at home right now and people still complain about having no time, but anyway, time effective as well. 

So where is YOUR excuse, my friend? 

Hell, even the WHO - or CHO has endorsed the Rahul Mookerjee way now!

High time, hehe. 

"About time" as most people would say. LOL. 

On that note ... 

I was telling John he's an incredibly articulate and erudite person - unlike most other people these days. I think we were discussing Wacko Schofield or something, and how he got left behind when they were "doling" the brains out (on the dole - pun intended, heeh)

Here is part of what he said. 

Erudite, now that's a word that you don't hear often these day's, in fact I doubt many people even know what it means, why do I say this? Well in an interview for a job I was applying for there were many tests to see if you were worth employing, one of the tests asked the question what does erudite mean, according to the HR Manager who was interviewing me, of all the hundreds of people she'd interviewed over the years I was one of "four" people that actually knew what erudite meant, one wonder's what people are being taught if only four people out of several hundred know what erudite means.

Now, he's right on that one!

And it's a pity. 

Much like REAL old school training producing real results, same thing is happening with language and everything else around us (society included). 

Anyway, for those of you staying sane during the hen basket madness going on - check out one of the very best books I've writtten on exercise - that will literally make you join the ranks of the super humans  if you do it right. 

Animal Kingdom Workouts. 

And I'll be BACK!


Rahul Mookerjee

Published in Exercises
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Holy Mary. 

Which one should we start with first? 

Well, lets start with the first first. 

Remember the nutjob who claimed my book on isometrics, the "missing link" that connects all my other great books - and an awesome book in it's own regard (indeed, this book will teach YOU the SECRETS the old timers used to build their prodigous strength beyond belief) was "too expensive" because the "quality of pictures was poor"? 

Or some such rot ... 

Here is the comment again - 

Honestly, one of the worst fitness ebooks I've ever read (and I've read quite a few); it's a simple bunch of static stretches and bodyweight exercises. A shallow recommended programming, and the photos quality is simply unwatchable. And never, never all of this for € 46!

Not recommended

Well, well, well. 

As I said before in another post - how dare I put out a book on isometrics that does just that i.e. talk about isometrics. 

Lets take the definition of isometrics again ... 

An isometric exercise is a form of exercise involving the static contraction of a muscle without any visible movement in the angle of the joint.


How dare I, hehe.

How dare I put out information that was good for the Great Gama, Alexander Zass, Bruce Lee, and many others... 

But his main beef wasn't with the course. 

What he really meant was this a) too expensive and b) "you took the pictures at home and didnt hire Sylvester Stallone's make up artist, producer, director, and an entire crew to take the pictures, make it purdy and so forth". 

What a joker! 

Now, we've covered the price part before. 

(btw - I dont know where he got the "46 Euro" price from!) 

Simply put, as an awesome customers, one of the very BEST, John from the UK said . 

"You cannot put a price on knowledge". 

And then, "fitness books are about the information, not the typos or lack thereof" 

(The first in response to the price thang, the second for Animal Kingdom Workouts) 

(both paraphrased) 

But in Mamma Mia (the commenter)'s case, he was really upset about the "looking like a movie star" guy not taking movie star pictures. 

I mean really. 

Lets get REAL FOLKS! 

These courses ain't about looking like a pretty boy! 

And hence, this comment on Corrugated Core ... 

This is functional core training, not your usual get "buffed for the beach" nonsense.
This is hardcore training for a hard core, if you're after performance above pretty, then this is for you.

Sure, some of my books - such as Advanced Hill Training have pictures taken outdoors. 

So does Battletank Shoulders

But some dont. Corrugated Core for one. 

If it can be done indoors, why go outside? 

Is that not the entire point of the 0 Excuses Fitness System for one?  (i.e. the ability to get in workouts anyplace, any time - and with NO Excuses?) 

Anyway, for those interested, no, I won't be hiring any make up artists in the near future. The girls dont seem to mind it, and if the guys do, well, thats ok. LOL. 

And in any case, getting back to it - fitness books are about the knowledge. INFORMATION! 

(not information about turning into a movie star, heh)

Anyway, lets get to DOMS now. 

I've spoken about my legs being sorer than SORE - HECK - by doing 500 Hindu squats a couple of days before? 

And it's really hitting me now, hehe. 

For some reason I get DOMS more than the next person does ... 

And this info I'm about to give you is just as applicable to heavy weight squatters (you should not be doing that in the first place) as it is bodyweight trainees, or the average ole couch potato that jumped off his perch (and hasn't in years) and climbed a hill like yours truly did with Ann Lee back in the day. 

And it left me hammered for DAYS. 

Anyway, right now it's mostly thighs

And it's nowhere near the soreness most people get when they START out with Hindu Squats, when they can barely WALK the next day after 40. 

I've seen grown men that can squat kangaroos and elephants in the gym COLLAPSE the next day. Literally! 

(dont know why the "roo" came to mind, hehe). 

Maybe because of it's prodigous LEG strength! 

But anyway, exercises #11, 12, 14, 16 and 17 in the book on isometrics address the legs specifically, and will literally stretch out any soreness you have within the space of less than a minute. 

And that, my friend is yet another benefit of this wonderful, wonderful and once in a lifetime course. 

That being - getting back to it - ASAP! 

We all hate missing workouts as much as the next person - and I'm sure you know what I mean here. 

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - Remember to pick up the perfect complement to this course HERE

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Way back in the day, at the age of 17 one of the possibly most humiliating things that can happen to a teenager happened to yours truly. 

We were in P.E. class, a class I was stubborn enough to take despite advice to the contrary to take "some study related class" if you get my drift. 

Yours truly rebellious didnt have the confidence growing up physically - and the reasons have been well outlined in posts before, so I doubt there is a reason to get into that (again) here. 

Lets say our "earliest influences" have a LOT in terms of either building/destroying confidence in any regard!

And for some of us, we pick up VIBRATIONS more than others do. 

Anyway, it was final exam. 

I still remembe the instructor making us RUN - a sum total of two rounds or so on a soccer field - in hot weather granted, but today, at the age of 40 plus, I'd jog around that damn field in my sleep. 

I could barely make it HALFWAY around and neither could a lot of my friends (though they did better than me) at the age of almost 17, and I was sore for ...DAYS later! 

FRom a gentle jog! 

But the pinnacle of humiliation was to come later when it was time to throw the shot put, and given their natural size advantage, the boys naturally threw further than the girls. 

Yours truly threw it ...and it landed ...well short of the mark. 

And it was a WEAKER throw than many of the other girls! 

Rajinder a friend of mine nudged me "desperately". 

Come on Rahul! You gotta throw further than the girls at least! 


He was right. 

but I tried, and couldn't! 

Humiliating to a T ... 

And now? 

Well - it's the polar opposite. I can do things men half my age or less couldn't even DREAM of doing. 

And though it was really the pushup that got me started on my "strength and conditioning" journey and the HILL - the ONE exercise that really caused the muscles to GROW and the strengh to really ROLLICK was handstand pushups. 

That story is mentioned all on the Shoulders like Boulders! page - a must grab for you shoulder fanatics and upper body strength/conditioning guys too! out there. 

And on a side note, my daughter came home today after whooping some ASS in the park (apparently - I wasn't there - so I dont know). 

But apparently she whooped ass, and while apparently there was "no real reason" to get physical with the dude, she did anyway. 

Reminds of me of years ago when a dude her age slapped her for no reason. 

She started crying. 

I was there. 

Dude's Dad was there. 

And I walked STRAIGHT up to the Dad and took my daughter with me. 

"Honey, give him one!" 

She looked at me. 

"But, Dad ....!" 

Just do it, I said. 

She did. 


Dude burst into tears. 

Dude's Dad glowered at me, but he knew his son was in the wrong. 

And off they went. 

I'd rather my daughter err on the side of caution my friend. I've been hammered way too many times in school and told "not to be violent". There is no way I'll let my daughter suffer the same fate. 

Oh, and I did "quietly" watch the WWE even when my ass was beat ragged (not really, hehe - a normal ass whipping really) and I was told not to. Some things you gotta do, especially the attitude era. 

Reminds me of what Uncle Bob said to me when an idiot doctor told me not to go swimming (this doctor had a belly bigger than Croseus by the way and he was a "general health doctor") to "let my liver recover or some nonsense". 

Dont know about the beer, Bob said. But the swimming? A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. 


Anyway, that kiddie story above is mentioned in Kiddie Fitness - and you know one more thing? 

When the trolls troll it big time, you know it's GOOD. 


Grab it now for your kids - the gift of fitness (much like the gift of GAB, hehe) is the gift that NEVER EVER Stops giving! 


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - Shoulder workouts available in COMPILATION format (both courses + the FAQ) HERE

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And I don’t mean the actual writing phase.

That, my friend, happens LIGHTNING quick – think 20,000 words per day or more once I’m IN THE FLOW.

With typos galore, hehe 

Nah. I do spell check my books!

(But the odd one might get thru, and so be it).

But really, a friend (or a contact, I might say?) asked me this a couple of - - well, no, more than that – in APRIL last year actually.

“Rahul, WHEN will the book on animal kingdom workouts be out? It’s been a while already! “

he’s a good man.

Great guy.

I get his question.

But see, here’s the thing fella.

With me, EVERYTHING is a matter of flow and taking it as it comes.

I do attach importance to deadlines, but many things in life I never actually SET ONE.

So that book that I say will come out “tomororw” might be next month, or next year.

Way back in the day, I wrote the pathbreaking and GREAT book on pull-ups that has been getting people from DUD level at pull-ups to a bonafide STUD, cranking them out EFFORTLESSLY.

Really, my friend. It has!

Check out the reviews for it.

And I didn’t do much else to the book other than let it sit. I always knew there was MORE that could be added, but I didn’t.

Years later, SIX years actually, and a ton of experience down the line, I added what I had to without planning for it or thinking about it.

I just did it.

IT just happened.

And thats the key here.

EVERYTHING I give you is tried and tested and WILL Work unless you’re a “Bozo that has never worked out in his life (no, tongue and forearm workouts on wankers doesn’t count Sco) and has NO intention of doing anything productive with your life in general”.

In that case, no, what I Tell you won’t work.

But for almost everyone else, including those with some sort of preexisting medical condition, my stuff will work miracles -0 because guess what.

All tried, tested, dusted and DONE - -before I bring it to YOU!

Por ejempelo, the book on REVERSE pushups – which is not only getting rave testimonials, but making people feel GREAT – and “rolling back the years as it were”.

And so it was with Animal Kingdom Workouts.

The 68 exercises and 10 BOOTY kicking workouts came after a lot of DOING bro.

And until that point is reached, I simply ain’t gonna sell it.

Once it is, I WILL Sell it.

I WILL sell at high prices. (Want a BMW? Well, it aint free my friend).

And I’ll do so WITHOUT a care in the world.

Because guess what.

I market well.

But I can back that shit up, hehe.

My products ROCK. Everyone knows it!

And thats what really counts I.e the stuff you buy WORKS.

Get on the train NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And remember, the ship membership is a ONE Time fee that gets you access to EVERYTHING we have digitally – for life! (provided your membership stays ACTIVE).

PS #2 - - I was going to do pull-ups and handstand pushups, but ditched the idea at the last minute, and did some BEAST workouts from Animal Kingdom Workouts. Now, I can barely type after a THREE minute workout!

And my core feels like STEEL – more so than ever!

My products are truly the best, BRO. BY FAR. NO-ONE does it like I do, and puts out such challenging stuff, and yet EASY if you DO the thing.

I CHALLENGE you to find ONE better!

(As a customer said “I truly KNOW what it means to be a beast and turn YOU into one!)

Published in Exercises

Puff and buff.

Huff, puff, and blow the house of cards down but nothing else.

I’ve seen a LOT of that throughout my life!

And I continue to see it via inane messages and Bozo like rants I get in my Inbox. I’ll get into that later, but for now, flash back from the past, and one I’ve written about before.

Back in college, I took a “physical education 101 and 102” class amongst other things.

101 was great. I loved it!

And it was EASY too.

I remember having a paper or something to turn in at the end of the semester, and the instructor’s only requirements were – workout – and tell me about it!

And to be honest.

Being I was at 60 pushups at one go there ... I wrote abotu that.

I asked Rueben, a friend of mine. 

“What if he doesnt believe me”.

His response was apt.

Said with a shrug.

“Just get down right there on the floor and show him!”

And he was right. But the instructor was a smart, smart dude and a BULL of a man who likely did a lot of bodyweight himself too.

I passed I believe. With a B or something.


Had a pretty young instructor teaching the class. 

Yours truly remembers telling “Vince”, an Italian friend of mine (I love Italy, btw!!) the following.

“She alone makes it worth it”.

But she didnt.

Her version of teaching was to get everyone in the gym.


And while I did manage to get my ass seated on one of the inane machines, I just couldn’t figure out how to use it, and even back then, when I used it, I remember saying OUT LOUD – (and I didnt mean to offend – it just happened) – what the hell are these useless things??

I mean, even back then, when I didnt have much knowledge of fitness, they just seemed like the most BOZO like contraptions ever.

Something that Bozo Scofield would use, for instance, especially the seated chest press.

Ridiculous, especially considering the last version of the class 101 and the beefy police officer like STEELY STARED MAN - REAL MAN that did the class.

(nothing against ladies, this email ,by the way. But she was a bimbo!)

And she made the following comment to me and I was irritated as hell at that point.

Came over to me, rubbed my shoulders of all things.


I’m not Jassy! Hehe (although Jassy and I wouldn’t meet until YEARS later).

And then she said it.

Comment for the ages.

Said with a tinker and giggle.

“We’ll get you puffed and buffed right away”.

(something about “pumped” as well)


No wonder I still rant about the puff and buff routines and the bozos, weight tom tommers, and puff duffs that sit on their asses and pretend to be bad asses type of thing ...

If you’re really a bad ass – do this in the gym, my friend.

Get down ont he floor – and get into a handstand – and then pump out 10 perfect HANDSTAND pushups.

Or, 10 perfect pull-ups at ONE shot.

Or something like that.

THAT is BAD ASS, and the puff duff’s know it!

And thats why they dont do it, hehe.

Anyway, to end that story Vince ran after me.

We were in the truck together, figuring out if we should grab a beer to calm yours truly down. I had an exam later, but being I often showed up for Calculus exams half drunk it wouldn’t matter.

And it was Friday.

“you can’t be better than everyone else in the gym, Rahul!”

Hmmm ....

Thats what Vince THOUGHT I was upset about. You see, he loved the gym! And probably the lady teaching the class too, heh.

But that wasn’t what it was about.

I wasn’t trying to outdo anyone. I was simply saying it was BS.

And it was.

As for outdoing others, here is what Charless Mitchell, a customer (he owns both Shoulders like Boulders! - and Battletank Shoulders! - - smart dude!) had to say about my wife calling me “Mr Handstand Pushup”.

“Thats a name to be proud of! Less than 0.01% of the population can even do a handstand pushup!”

This is NOT verbatim, of course. As always , from memory, but being I have that of an elephant, I believe it’s accurate enough, hehe.

And he’s right, my friend. He’s right.

Better? Or not?

You be the judge!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – YOU TOO – can get to super stud level at these exercises, my friend. Even if you’re a DUD right now that can barely hold on to a chinning bar (believe me, most so called men these days CANNOT) ... you CAN get to stud level – and then SUPER STUD. Just DO the thing, and you will.

Here are the two courses you need to be looking at (in that ORDER, by the way!) -

Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD within a matter of weeks!

Pull-ups – from STUD to SUPER STUD within a matter of WEEKS! Hidden secrets that have NOT been revealed until now!

And they haven’t bro, they haven’t.

Or, if you’re really smart, you might check out the compilation. Your eyes might pop upon looking at the price...

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