Displaying items by tag: life
Buttler Glyn, and the red chilis (and the rants, oh my!)
Glyn Bozo's rants in "Keeping it Real in China" aren't just famous, or infamous. They might have just gotten him kicked out of the PRC too - back last year.
Or year before that, I Dont know.
He was in jail I believe for a short while too, but not in China/HK. Probably the Phillippines, and of course a certain Mandy and several OTHERS are hot on his heels too. Hence the relative silence from the But(tlet) Bozo...
(though he's reading all of this, teeth bared, believe me).
Seriously, this guy's obsession with anything "Rahul Mookerjee" Or "Michael Brown" is truly OTC.
And it's a Godsend too, hehe.
I couldn't have asked for a better "stimulant" in many regards.
Hey, just look at the Bo(o)zo, inspiration galore!
Best part, it's all true.
Like that infamous rant he once went on.
No sex involved, no Madam's, no idiotic "I want to be her toilet" or whatever he likes.
Just a day long bender, and oh my, the cussing...
I remember wondering what set the Bozo off THAT much.
He's always nuts, yes, but wasn't quite THAT batty ever - till then. Of course, little did I know!
But apparently what this idiot was doing was pretending he was a maid or cook for some girl, taking pictures to"show her" - and was chopping chilis or something.
As he told Josie "he's into pain" - I'll spare you guys the gory and vivid details, but if you think "things inserted into orifices, not necessarily all solid either, you get the drift".
People love that sort of pain too!
But anyway, in his excitment Bozo forgot to apparently wipe his hands on the apron, and then rubbed his ...
I know.
But I'm not going there, because that ain't what happened.
Although he does "that" quite often what happened THEN?
He ended up rubbing his eyes.
What a genius, while they were full of red pepper "Cayenne" powder (Bozo apparently even showed up at a "Jack's" (foreign owned") Deli" or something to buy it).
I can't remember the name, ah, now I do.
Corners Deli I believe.
And the rant that ensued ... my oh my.
Like a four year old, to be honest, you might say, but these sorts have that kinda mentality, and no, I didnt write to you to tell you just this.
Thats the tip of the Bozo iceberg.
I wrote to you to tell tho, as in the last email, this guy is a godsend.
I told you how in many regards in that email.
but for this one, fitness.
Know the #1 requirement I have for any book?
It isn't how much it will help you, it isn't real man training, it isn't REAL training, it isn't building insane levels of power and strength the Bozos can only gawk at, it isnt fitness from the inside out, any of those thing sy'all know...
Nah, I just giggle and ask myself another one of those questions.
If you can imagine me giggling that is, but when it comes to Bozo...
"Will Glyn Schofield in Brum troll this".
And, as a great customer once said, "if the trolls troll this the most, it must be worth getting!"
Pushup Central certainly is! (on both fronts). Hehe.
That ain't #1 by far.
But it is #100... and it's on the list, yes.
Trolls, my friend, are a true indicator of your success or lack thereof.
ANd the minute you know you got something (or someone) like Glyn Bozo obsessed with you, and his posse, well...
Anyway, I'm out.
Remember to pick up the best damn fitness system here.
You will LOVE IT, friend!
(no Glyn Bozo in it or any of my books, dont worry. He gets a mention in the book on Nazi feminism, but thats it).
Rahul Mookerjee
As we think - so we are ... and thus, is the catastrophe that is (unfolding in) Afghanistan..
There is no better and more apt current way of describing what I keep saying all the time - and what people keep arguing against -
As we think - so we ARE!
Ultimately all boils down to thought, my friend, deep thought.
People make all sorts of excuses about "people really want that - but the government doesnt let them" (in countries like India, for instance, while ignoring the fact it's a democracy, so what you see in the form of elected leaders - well guess who chooses 'em! Might be a sozzled voting process in many regards till this day - but still the CHOICE is there).
People make all sorts of excuses in a country like China as well - which to an extent - THESE days I can understand - but not fully.
True, there are many in China that privately not just wish, but long for a more open and transparent government.
If you were to ask them what they'd choose tho - solid economic growth - red hot - and an open government?
Most people would choose the fomer, my friend.
Even today, even with people traveling abroad from there, even with the Chinese knowing (and wanting to live like) the rest of the world do . . .
The China model of control has ALWAYS been focused on economic growth above ALL.
Once the shoe starts to pinch, everything goes awry - and we're seeing this in China right now in all regards, right down to apparently and I just heard this - expats banned on domestic flights (I ain't flown in a while - especally not in China - so I dont know!).
Probably a rumor, but given everything going on, no-one really knows.
Like the rumor of requiring covid tests to travel betwen different CITIES in China.
I dont know.
I wouldn't put it past the CCP to anally swab... ah, but wait.
Why do I even bring the up?
I guess one reason, because they're one of the very few people that engage with the Taliban - and recognize their legitmacy - along with Hamas, and other extremist groups globally.
Of course, the liberals stay silent on that one!
But anyway, this isn't about China, friend.
It's about a sad, sad situation unfolding in rugged Afghanistan.
And yet, to be honest, a lot of us saw this coming - or something like this. I must admit, I didnt quite forsee anything like what has happened!
Certainly not so quickly!
20 years of U.S. backed rule in Afghanistan came to an end - and how?
The leader bailing with helicopters full of wads of cash.
And the Taliban taking the whole damn country over (it ain't small!) within a week, or less!
Most surprising, or may be not - in comparison to the extremely well equippied Afghan Army - the Taliban had nothing but hand weapons.
Yet, you'd think the situation was the opposite.
The Afghan army just GAVE UP - period.
There was no actual fighting, if you can believe this!
And thinking about it ... to me, it's a massive failure on the most important front (Iraq is a similar story in some regards).
THINKING - and failure to get the people in general to change the way they think.
More importantly, not noticing what the people there really want ... and using THAT to change thought.
Now, to be fair, the U.S. shouldn't be responsible for the world.
To be fair, the U.S should never have entered Iraq, period.
And to be fair, they gave the Tailban a chance to hand over Bin Laden.
They didnt.
IF someone is attacking you the way terrorists do, there is only option - so in my view, the US was RIGHT to enter Afghanistan - try to get a democracy going albeit highly flawed and extremely corrupt...
Well - I dont know about the last bit!
The US had one objective in mind - simple - root out terror.
So much so that rare minerals in Afghanistan, that China, no surprise, you opportunistic beauty has jumped in to mine - were ignored as well (despite the global paucity of the same in many places).
And possibly many other things I dont know about.
Afghanistan in theory could have been a resounding succcess - a barrier against extremism in many ways - yet it went in the opposite direction despite all the money the US could pour into it (hint - China - just throwing money at something doesnt solve the issue!).
And ESL etc...
What didn't happen was simple.
The people's thoughts ultimately didnt change.
To me, it seemed the 20 years of US occupation brought chaos - which isn't necessarily anyone's fault either, and Biden's hasty exit in the way he did was just the icing on the cake.
(and just why he had to choose 9/11 as the final exit date to Tom Tom 20 years ending or what not is beyond me. I mean, get them home asap - period - end of story!).
And to me, a lot of the Army in Afghanistan were so weary of all of it that "at least now we know what to expect" seemed to be the motto as most didnt even bother to try and stop the Taliban.
Despite being vastly superior in terms of weaponry etc they had.
And training too!
Ultimately, they didnt WANT to do it.
Maybe the model of democracy YOU and I believe in so much doesn't work for them.
Yes, it seems incredible that someone would want a dictatorial and tyrannical "regime" at the helm - not to mention internationally recognized terror outfits but remember, like my buddy from the Marines told me...
Dont expect everyone to think like you, Rahul!
Sure, to you and I its the right thing to do, and it IS - humanity evolves.
But not everyone agrees, myf riend.
And you cannot force people beyond a point, let alone the collective subconscious.
Some may argue lack of economic progress, any real progress in the country made it hard for people to see and believe what is possible.
I dont think so.
The U.S. presence in itself there was a very glaring reminder of what was possible...
And second, all the money in the world can't buy feeling or will power.
Look at Saudi Arabia for one, they have all the dough in the world.
But is the regime there any less brutal in many ways?
I dont think so, my friend.
Oman, with way less money is way less "extreme" in many regards...
It's about thinking, my friend.
To me its sad, but million dollar question - COULD their thinking have been changed, and SHOULD the U.S. have tried more (and allies) to do so?
From a certain standpoint, perhaps - once you change thought processes, extremism naturally goes out the window.
Another standpoint ... the PEOPLE ultimately have to want.
Whose responsibility it is to make them want is another story!
I'd argue it falls upon the people.
Others might disagree...
None of that matters though now I suppose, with the chaos rapidly unfolding ...
And, 20 years of ... comes to what?
All comes full circle, to a huge NAUGHT.
Ah well.
Thought, my friend, is what changes things.
And if there ever was more burning proof of this, it is what is going on in Afghanistan right NOW!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. - And while thought might not change (with regard to you) what is happening globally, you, my friend, can only take responsibility for YOU.
And your life - and fitness.
Do so now, my friend. Invest in the best fitness system out there today - and get started!
A lesson in mastering - and harnessing - the subconscious!
And, how I keep giving my daughter tutorials on this, even when I'm not PHYSICALLY present with her - YES, transmuting your thoughts is not just an art practised by those interested in the occult.
It's something EVEYRONE does - whether we're aware of it or not!
Before I start, a quick "note".
Tippany, they call it in Hindi I believe, hehe.
In Claude Bristol's the Magic of Believing, he speaks of the following (via a third party) ..
"Nothing is ever forgotten, you know!
If I am having trouble recalling the name of a certain person, then I just sit back - close my eyes - and picture details like dress style etc associated with the person. And, the name has always come to me pretty soon after thar!"
Napoleon Hill spoke about this in a different way in Outwitting the Devil as well where he spoke of his travails in terms of "finding the right person to publish his books".
For three days he labored, almost that.
And then he "gave up" - temporarily.
":But I was exhausted. I had spent the better part of two days focusing on the list of names, and nothing came to mind!"
He leaned back in his chair.
And, in a flash, it came to him - the right name - as he rubbed his throbbing temples!
Two great lessons - but YOU, the reader is thinking "well thats them".
they're unique!
They're the greats!
You can't expect everyone to think like you, or them Rahul!
I think YOU can be a great too!
But anyway ... let's give you an example from my own life.
ONce upon a time, my daughter was pranking me - doing all kinds of stuff.
Putting giraffes (toy ones) -miniature ones at that on top of my tea container, and so forth (I was using a saucepan at the time). Hehe.
Leaving "sticky notes" for me.
And, "Daddy! A lizard jumped into your tea!"
And so forth ...
Anyway, after the last prank, I took some toys away and said "honey, since you're pranking me, and I got pranked (I didnt, hehe) - I get to keep 'em!)
And then of course,
"nooooooooooooo! My toys, Dad!"
Hee, hee, I went.
"No, mine!" Typical kiddie stuff, you'd say, except ...
And then I said this.
"Ive hidden it"
"Try and find it!"
I was holdiing it underneath a window where she couldnt see it, hehe.
And then when she came to that side of the window, I switched it, true, slapstick comedy style "Houseful 2" style to the other hand.
And I tittered. Hehe.
All riled her up a lot.
And then, I gave her this.
Honey, there's a riddle you can solve (she loves 'em) - and if you do, you'll get it!
"Its in something you put apples in - and you don't do it i.e. put apples in, but you CAN!"
Trust me, she looked all over the place.
She couldn't find it.
But, you know what?
The FIRST place she looked at - was the right place - she looked at it three times, no less!
And, where was it?
Well, I gave her a further clue.
"Its nowhere where adults put their things" (she thought I hid it in my office).
And so forth.
she couldn't find it, hehe.
Now, how I eventually got her to understand it was right there inf ront of her eyes ... all along, and that she LOOKED AT IT - was a different story!
But what I told her was this.
Honey, just do something else for 10 minutes.
"It'll come to you!"
It didnt - but she learned an important lesson, one I told her.
Think about a problem - then "forget it for a while".
The answer will come!
Anyway, where was the damn toy giraffe?
Sitting in the basket attached to the cycle she looked at so many times, hehe.
She finally found it, yes.
(while I was writing this - or not - hehe. I was writing something yes, but of course, after beign told not to interrupt, she had to, and when I told her not to, she of course said how dare I. hehe!
My little girl is classic, truly ME in a small version, truly a chop - and chip off the old BLOCK - and does everything I wasn't allowed to when young!)
Including putting ice cubes in my tea - and making it iced tea when I prefer it ALWAYS WARM. Hehe.
And, when she was three, dunking some color in my beer or something...
Pranks that would have got us spanked like heck, or worse. Hehe.
Gotta love 'em.
Anyway back to what I was saying - key thing was this.
It was out in the obvious, friend.
She looked at it three times.
I told her.
Yet, it wasn't until after she sat down for a couple of minutes that she figured out the right place to look without consciously thinking...
Think about that a bit, my friend.
And you'll be amazed what your thoughts lead to!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Zero to Hero! friend - if there was ONE book I'd promote in this email - it's this. Get it now. YOu'll love it!
Am I Chinese?
The "rainbow pimp" as a certain "Tyrone Eric Milakuwhat Blanks" once called me "You got the HAIR, RAHUL!!!!!!!!!!" ... is wondering.
He's been in a great mood all day!
He's been thinking.
And as I think about something, and as the Universe opens up to ME - I had this thought.
Am I half chinese?
My Dad said it, of course.
"You're half Chinese", he once said.
I have no idea whether he really meant it, but somehow, those off the cuff remarks hit home - he probably did!
"But you skin yellow!" (true comment made by Anna, a property consultant who pinched at my skin when I tried to explain that I was ethnically Indian - not red either. Hehe).
And a host of other comments.
True, I've always been a chameleon, adapt at picking up the signals the Universe is sending me, hiding, biding my time (Bozo knows this, hehe) ... and much more.
True, I could be "from anywhere".
From Arabic to Spanish to American to South American to Chinese to "Asian" - well, Indian is probably the LAST thing someone would call me. They hardly ever do. Hehe.
Hilarious, eh.
But thats how it is - as we think, so we attract!
And I've always been this way my friend.
Anyway, I think I remember telling you something about a group I created - which is still going strong?
Two, in fact - two employment groups.
Of course, with me yin and yang never goes away.
With employment "Jack must play, he was never a dull boy!"
So I created a kink related group too in 2014 - around the same time I created "Keeping it Real in China" - and the two employments groups - one networking group- and so forth.
All free services, friend, top notch groups that people literally beg to get into.
I've spurned offers from people wanting to buy the groups - literally.
And all this for free - the tight ship I run, and the rules I implement - everyone complains.
Those rules are ultimately though what attract people, because the groups serve the purpose for what they were intended.
Unlike a certain "Keeping it Real in China" which I was pretty lax on moderating.
Bozo Glyn and the rest had fun in that.
When I left that group I gave it to Glenn, a guy from Australia, who then handed it to the Boozo.
As another pal Alix once said, this group is no longer serving the purpose Rahul wanted it to!
And as Charles said, "don't give it to Glyn - he will RUIN it immediately".
Which he did - but Charles wasn't willing to take up the mantle of responsibility either.
Remember, my friend - everyone "wants".
As I told a lady today, "everyone is bored, but no-one is speaking up, all are silent" (she added me out of the blue today - long time since we spoke - 2014 - and I almsot didnt remember her! But, the picture looked familiar, and ... well, that smile... and well, I'll get into that below!).
Everyone wants - but no-one is willing to take RESPONSIBILITY and DO.
Remember, what you're doing for free - or a community service - the laws of the Universe apply just as much to free services as they do paid, perhaps more.
Sometimes, what we do for free pay us WAY more in satisfaction and even money down the line than we realize.
Dongguan Expat, that website we created - back in the day - it literally gave me my next job when I was almost "done" with China and had almost given up!
I found Freddie through the site I created (well, Michael created it, but we co-did it, basically - it's a long story, y'all know that!).
Same thing with these groups, except yours truly created all of them, never anyone else involved. I've had offers of co-moderation, all spurned.
But anyway ... "everyone is scared to speak up".
People are content to be the "drooping lily on the wall NO-ONE notices".
People are happy to "NOT do" the thing - people are happy to NOT say the thing.
People are happy, most of all, not to be the "nail that sticks out, because it gets hammered the first".
With all that said, where are we NOW?
Ah, of course, I gotta be interrupted just as I sit down to write to you ...
Back soon...
Ah, I'm back - back after a break. In the past, I'd get SO irritated at losing my train of thought - now? I prefer not to, but blessed is the state of mind I can sit here, write to you, not worry about losing my train of thought even after being interrupted - something most ADVANCED writers cannot do, trust me.
Anyway .. .
So another group I had rules for, but never went anywhere was the "kink" group - which of course turned into an idiotic porn group with idiots spamming it.
I clamped down, but then no-one talked.
No-one my friend, especially these days is interested in real conversation.
"We just wana look at videos".
Fuck, how the hell do you CONVERSE without the other person being frank about their opinions etc?
As for kinks trust me, we ALL have 'em.
It's a matter of whether we're smart and sensible about the, or a Bozo Schofield. Thats a choice we can all make.
Like I told you before I gave the group to Gubo, and I left.
I've no idea where Gubo is.
And remember, I never hid my face - identity etc as a lot of people did on there.
Yours truly, always transparent and open - and TODAY, as I was thinking about future plans, she added me.
I didnt know who it was, but I knew I knew her, I asked. ..
Turned around she was part of the group - and after we chatted, she lamented the group went nowhere after I gave it up.
The number of members stayed stagnant.
NO conversation, even less than before... (we had some thought provoking conversations in there, I'll tell you that!).
And ... so I've asked her to find out who the admin is, I'll probably take the group back - and run with it.
The time is NIGH, my friend, for miracles to happen.
Yes, I know you on this list are thinking "he's going all esoteric on us again", but life, my friend - that is the only way.
As I have written SO MANY times, life comes full circle. It always, always does...
And on that note, I'm off to talk to Maria.
Now, before I go -
The "pre-sales" cycle for Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness - is rapidly coming to a CLOSE. If you want in at the price now (I will price it FAR higher down the line) - then take action NOW.
And second, those two copies of Fast and Furious Fitness "pure Gold" - the Collector's Edition must go, I've already had interest, but I'll giv eit a few more days for you guys and then if no-one takes action (on those books - curiously, sales are ROARING on the other books) ... then away they go.
All for a good cause!
Rahul Mookerjee
Life's a trip, eh. The "vacation before death", a saying Dwayne use!
Thats some trippy ass shit, Holmes!
- Rahul Mookerjee
PS - "I'll leave the groups to Rahul!" Hehe - So said even Glyn Bozo "Popko Schofield" once...
Yes, even Bozo sometimes gets it. Hehe.
Bozo "dog" leashes, and why I will NEVER - and never have been truly happy at working monkey, or most jobs.
In 201.... Well, I can't remember, when but there have been plenty of instances like this in mainland China!
The one I'm referring to was when a lady literally paraded a naked Bozo - not Glyn for a change - through the streets of somewhere, in Fuzhou, I believe (I can just see the Bozo Googling and trying to find th epicture, hehe - but yeah, Bozo Glyn do so, news had a picture too!) ... and, stopping at a bus stop in rain or something.
Created a massive furore back then.
But really, in a country like China,with more delectable girls and Nazi feminists than you can say "voila!" - it ain't surprising.
On the other site, I wax lyrical about the ladies at the border in Louhou, for instance, who publicly slap their husbands, and they hang their heads and do nothing - - and th eBozos (yes, like Schofield) who that turns on (believe me it ain't a turn on for most in real life though!) ...
I wax LYRICAL about groveling boyfriends, the man - woman ratio in China, the desperation many men (and these days, girls too) SHOW to "find the right mate" ...
And so forth.
Then there was a clown who was pulling a highly drugged tiger in China on a dog leash and Tom Tomming it.
I remember thinking, dude, you better get out of it's way when that thang is PISSED!
But Bozos like that kinda crap - much like what the Chinese do the majestic tiger and brown bears in their horrible animal farms.
It's horrible.
The mangy looking animals for one, they really disgrace Mother Nature (the Chinese, not the animals -those that they LET live that is. They eat damn near everything in case you didnt know!).
But it always makes me angry to see the mighty tiger humbled like that due to forces OUT of its control.
But anyway ... myself.
I keep getting asked this.
"With your background, why not work a job, friend".
"You'd make a ton!"
Ah, but that ain't the reality.
ALL the jobs I've been had - have not paid me what I was worth, and expected me to be a Bozo grinder that delivers results day after day, and gets peanuts for it.
Not all ,actually, China jobs were a tad better in terms of pay...
(or I wouldn't take 'em, period - and YES what I consider decent pay is what most Bozos and so called employers consider "sky high" - of course, when it comes to THEM ... HA! It's never enough)
But anyway, I will always remember a comment an old boss once made in THAT job.
At the time, the company was three people "old" and growing by the day.
Sales - yours truly - was the one making it grow and how!
They never even expected that sort of performance from the get go, as a certain "Ravi" once told me "Rajesh was expecting you to settle in for a while, and then deliver - you didnt need that weaning in period at all!"
"He's very happy with you!"
All true , my friend.
Of couse, what I GOT for my efforts - anything but commensurate.
And the minute I asked for more, it started to fall apart (see the book).
Thing is, with my background, people have this subconscious "he won't work for what we want him to" thinking, and despite them liking me, or not, this is ALWAYS the case.
They always expect more, and want to pay less - operations, for instance at the time was not just doing nothing, but wasn't contributing to the bottom line one damned bit, yet, he got more than 2x what I was getting.
The lifeblood of any organization!
Read more in the book, of course...
YES, their sales manager there for years couldn't convert leads coming on a platter to him.
But anyway, boss made the comment about hiring "a third person" in charge of all three of us - which of course everyone was against - well, I wasn't asked, the other two were. Hehe. No-one asks me these things, because "how dare he!"
(of course, they did eventually hire someone supposed to report to me, except he never did, and that was their way of saying "goodbye" i.e. skills transfer to him- no need to pay me what I was worth - its that sort of short sighted thinking that keeps people and companies from growing. But yeah, maybe they never wanted to grow (boss said that once, to his credit)).
So he never hired that person, but to me, he turned around and said this.
"That guy needs an office, Rahul He's a senior person, from IIM!"
IIM is some fancy shmancy instittute in India - the Tom Tom's keep Tomming it.
(today, people from there are driving cabs for a living, it's been going on for years).
Nothing against, cabbies, but the Tom Tomming about fancy degrees - I've spoken out against it for years, and the facts bear me out.
Just because you're someone that sat through college or fancy or not, doesnt guarantee squat shyt.
Most real achievers didnt even make it past high school in many cases, let alone college.
But anyway ...
I remember thinking "He deserves a room, they deserve more salary, yet the person getting you results NOW - what do you give HIM?"
(and this dude, remember, he hadn't even joined as yet. Somehow his fancy degree made him more valuable?
I call BS. Haha.
Fact is, their thought processes were "how dare Rahul think HE is valuable, just because he has overseas experience, which we will never ever have".
Aha. I hit a sore spot, I can feel it... )
I couldn't say that, of course, then.
The only time you can truly be honest in a job is when they're fed up with you enough to fire you. Hehe.
Else, the farce of bosses saying "be honest' is just a farce.
They want Tom Tom's, monkeys and Bozos.
I've never been that!
To me, I'd rather have the risk of working for myself - and the joy.
No rules, nothing reporting, nothing doing.
I make the rules - I'm the one that takes the wins - the losses - all of 'em!
I've ALWAYS been that way, and always will be ...
And I admit it, I was PISSED at that job.
We were all at the same level, yet, THEY got an office, more benefits, I got exactly .. what?
F-all in the grand scheme of things.
Despite producing the polar opposite, which is the point of me saying this - it isn't because I miss the job. Hehe.
Anyway, such is life working for others.
I highly recommend you NOT to.
Creating, and having the ability to create is what counts.
Do so, you'll be ont he right track for life - and a hell of a lot happier to boot.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS. - Remember, the two copies reamining, Collector's Edition ..
PPS - In short they want Bozos on dog leashes, I was never that ... Hehe.
I still remember, in Oman, they had this idiotic requirement "to wear ties".
To someone who can barely stomach formal wear at it's barest, ties?
As Anupam, a guy there once put it (when yours truly, of course wasn't wearing one) ...
"Gale ka patta kahan hai! Boss aa raha hai, Boss will be pissed!"
He did not say "pissed", he said "Boss is very serious about that!"
i.e. where's your dog collar (in jest) - the boss is very serious about it.
Like, why?
That influence results any which way? First thing you know, I ain't no damn model though I could be, but fact is, thats another means of BS Control - there was no need for that in an "IT technician" position.
More foolishness from the Bozo factory.
Why I'm forced to break my own uber strict rules for "Mad Madams interested in weird stuff", hehe.
My lovely friend, or my dear reader, whichever it is ..
I'll use dear reader, on this site, hehe.
Something interesting happning this morning (or afternoon, whatever it is for YOU the reader(.
A lady broke rules in my WeChat group last night so she was booted. Period. No second chances, no explanation, and I believe I've gone over the why's and wherefore's before - in short, my playing field my football so my rules, within reason - two, rules are there for a reason, else much like Bozo Glyn who I allowed way too much latitude in "keeping it real in China!" the group goes to the dogs - though I would never allow that in a more serious group - KIR was an adventure, really - but NOT my employments groups, where you break rules - YOU'RE OUT - though with reason, not like the idiotic "you listen to smartphone" you're out idiot of a Prof in that silly grad school I once applied to in Southern India) ... and three most importantly, people dumb or brazen enough to break clearly posted rules usually do so again.
With all that being said, something interesting happened.
This lady, Helen, a "Goddess" if there ever was one - more on that later - added me.
Sent me such a long note explaining why she did what she did that I just had to .. you know, I had a change of heart.
Then I steeled myself.
Remember, Rahul, you've done this before, the people have broken rules -AGAIN.
So I told her, nothing doing - rules are rules, although I understand why you did what you did, rules are rules, and I explained it all in short.
I didtn need to. I'd find that out later! Hehe.
But anyway ... then, the way she accepted this struck me as ... something.
not odd, different.
Most people piss, moan, whine, and groan.
She didnt, and was continually polite and most importantly, friendly about it - VIBES, vibes, vibes, that vibe I keep talking of!
And, the vibe I got, smart!
And other things too. Hehe. Including the Goddess part when she said "Oh God!" to my reply of "no way".
She reminded me of a certain Ivy Bao. Hehe.
I told her she reminded of a certain girl.
Little did I know a girl I dreamed of lik etwo weeks ago, Carol, I didnt write about her - but this girl would also show up on my wechat today - and she did later! Right now, in fact.
But anyway, Helen.
So, the God(dess) was a bit of aj oke ... not really. Hehe.
Her personal life proves it.
Trust me, the Bozo would have kittens reading about her, and, another lady I wrote about on the other site (another school owner where the foreign monkeys apparently cook and clean, and she shops with half their salary or some inanity - Bozo would LOVE it, period) - but this lady, no.
She wouldn't go near the Bozo with a ten foot pole. Hehe.
We spoke of many things, including how Bozos like Glyn get caught by the TSA when wearing chastity devices, and end up in the emergency room after shoving bleach up their backsides to kill the China virus ...
Both true stories, except I didnt tell her #2.
She asked tho!
"how do these guys clean themselves after do private business"
"how to go to toilet"
The guys sit down ,I guffawed.
That they do!
As for #2, Glyn could explain better. Hehe.
But really, I suppose the plastic ones pass through undeteted, and I also know, one of the poses I mention in Isometric and Flexibility Training, although I Did NOT write the book thinking about that is perfectly tailored not just towards removing constipation and nigh quick (have a toilet nearby when doing the patented Rahul Mookerjee Squat in the book) ... but also if you're wearing "devices" down there. Hehe.
"Do women actually wear those", she giggled.
Men do, I laughed. And women too.
To each his or her own, and I actually agree with that so long as you aren't a Badgering Bozo. Hehe.
being a pest is not acceptable.
They get swatted away repeatedly...
Anyway, that pose is the natural way of taking a dump they've been doing so for years. Sitting on the throne - the exact opposite, and it ADDS to constipation if you have it (many do).
Anyway ... and again.
So, mid way through all this talking something struck me as odd.
Hey, Rahul, you spoke to her before.
I asked her.
Sure enough, I had.
Sure enough, Madam broke the rules - and was put back in because, well ....
And now, even with my "NO SECOND CHANCES policy" she's got two.
And she knows it. Hehe.
Not often someone slips one past me, but this "Mad Madam" did.
Now, whats up with the Mad Madam part
Well, we were discussing the after life and how I was sayin gthat things happen for a reason, no such thing as coincidence, and that death is just an eternal sleep, therefore not to be feared.
And, lo!
"I was reading a book by someone called Michael" she went.
And she was!
I wont mention him here - he isn't the Mike I use on another site for my erotica books (more on that later).
But yours truly has many faces, but all brutally honest and hard hitting, studs, cucks and Bozos all blush, salivate and want MORE of what this person has to "offer". Hehe.
But anyway, thought that was interesting.
The Mad Madam interested in wierd (NOT) stuff that made me break my own rule twice. Hehe.
In her own words "I dont want you to think I'm a Mad Madam who is interested in wierd stuff". Hehe.
All for a good cause, but hey. It happens!
She didnt know she snuck one past either...
Anyway, thats the tale for now.
Remember, no rule breaking allowed in terms of the pre-offer for Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness which was GONE a few days ago, but Kevin, well, I put it back because of him ...(or was that Irwin? From Ireland, I recall) ...
And definitely NONE allowed for the last two copies of Fast and Furious Fitness - the Collector's Edition allowed.
(on that note, I was interrupted twice while writing this. Ghnash!
In the past, I'd throw a FIT!
Now, I just continue... while people around me spend days thinking of how and what to write....)
But anyway, I've asked once, I'll ask again.
Do you want 'em?
IF so, come - and - GET 'em!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Some of you have reported not recieving the purchase emails or what not after you buy something. If that is YOU, please get back to me - we'll figure it out. Sometimes, emails dont go through as they should!
Why burning camphor won't necessarily change your luck any more than staring at the Throne, Bozo Schofield style will...
I gotta say it ... to you!
I would have to the person who thought I didnt know what and how and why she was doing...
But - really. I've spoken about this before.
All the mantra tantras, all the shamiaic CRAP the Astrologers tell you, all the so called predictions, all the so called nonsense, all the beads, chains, amulets... all of this rubbish.
Does it work?
Yes - BUT!
What really does the trick, friend is the subconscious mind.
Read Claude Bristol's The Magic of Believing for more on this, but it's so damn obvious...
Why do you think Narendra Modi for one shows up as a "wise old man with a longgggggggggg beard" and upraised forefinger all the time?
Just why is Trump as successful as he is?
And, why are the astrologers and wacko "fortune tellers" who couldnt predict their own fortune accurately let alone others (I know one lady that got banned from YouTube recently after a few days ago she boasted of her one million crap plus subscribers or what not) making tons of moolah when no-one else (apparently is)?
Because they're preying on people's beliefs.
Light camphor - get good luck.
Write down your affirmations.
I am, I am, I am.
Hows that working out for you in terms of either money or fitness?
I thought so, especially the former.
There is a way to affirm, and a way NOT to - to magnetize what you REALLY WANT ON AUTO PILOT!
And, there is a way to repel.
All free advice which works, which will be ignored by those that "don't know" - or couldnt be bothered.
But just like seeing a magpie or anything doesn't mean bad luck, a broken mirror doesn't necessarily mean bad luck either.
Broken glass don't either.
For me, it's always been goo dluck. Hehe.
Nigh everything that happens (Steve Austin ain't got shit to do w/the broken glass part either, heh) to me ?
Is good luck, even when people say it's bad.
THEREIN lies the key to success - your mind.
Repetition of the same chant, the same affirmations, the same incantations, leads to belief.
Once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen ...
Its amazing, the number of Bozos that do this - yet repeat the WRONG THINGS to themselves!
And aren't willing to learn.
Lets do one simple experiment to finish this off, friend.
Next few days, lets say a month.
If you're a phat phocker, stand in front of the mirror and do what the Gurus say.
i.e. proclaim the following.
I am desirable!
And, whateve you want to be - according to the Gurus, thats what you need to affirm, eh.
Do this for a month. Or even a week.
Write back, tell me how you progress - or regress.
Other hand, do it the way I tell you with SOLID action, and watch you rresults.
Again, report back - thats all the proof you need. Hehe.
Or, continue to be misled and make the nut jobs that don't know their own nuts from the hole (sorry had to say it) more moola...
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Lots of such sensible life advice in Fast and Furious Fitness as welll, get this NOW friend (the Collectors Edition won't last beyond this week).
Oh, if you"couldn't be bothered", kindly unsubscribe as well. Thank you!
The carrots I dangle to drag trolls and Bozos out of the woodwork PRONTO - (and that Gullible Butt Buttler just cannot resist!)
Life's a trip, eh.
Some trippy ass shit, Holmes!
- Training Day, of course. What else!
But anyway, yesterday I posted something on here (an email I sent out to my list) which had a bit of a teaser in it which I know (and had posted) to draw a few Bozos out.
As a certain Steven California on a forum I owned once told in 2005 ...
Let me shake the tree a bit and see what nuts fall out, lol.
Well, plenty fell out here!
I was wondering where Buttler Schofield was for one. Hehe.
After Mandy "outed" the Bozo (though to be fair, she's one of a lonnnnnnnnnng list he's screwed over, stole him as he says "licked ass and now everyone hates him" and so forth) ... he's been oddly quiet.
He DID send me a few inane emails with the subject line of "Beta Fag Glyn".
Which is fine, thats what he is, but really, Bozo, the whole world knows that by now.
Then he sent me some equally batty comments about his derriere and the expanding girth or what not. Ugh.
But other than that, he's been oddly quiet.
So I had to do it!
I dangled the carrot.
Sure enough, the Bozo jumped - and jumped first. Hehe.
Its amazing, friend. The Bozos and Trolls claim "no-one buys your books or reads your stuff".
The first?
Well, it's obvious - bestsellers don't happen without tons of people buying books!
But the second, you'd be amazed how many people "quietly" read everything I post.
Hang on to every word I say.
Can't wait for the next update from me.
Trust me on this one, friend.
True, the But(t)ler is obsessed with me, to put it gently.
He cannot stay away from secretly checking what I'm up to on the sly - even if he's been roundly blocked on all social media, email and what not.
Hey, Bozo started the block game on WeShat ... Hehe.
Now he's getting it back in triplicate.
He whines about "Rahul blocked me', yet he forgets what HE did ...
To start it all!
Anyway, I didnt even link the social media platform - I just mentioned Instagram, and my handle on there i.e. @0excusesfitness.
I figured those that want will follow me there anyway.
Remember, they'll find a way!
If they want to do it, they'll find a way - if they want to buy from you - they will FIND a way.
Even if you make it hard for them, they'll still find that way!
And the Bozo did.
The post got like 70-80 likes within an hour or so of posting, but the Bozos three or so likes (I can just imagine him salivating at the woman he could never get in the picture, hehe) cinched the deal.
Instagram was the only major platform I had NOT blocked the Bozo on until now.
That's been rectified now, thank you, Bozo!
But anyway ...
Interesting how it works!
That email - or that bit - was designed SPECIFICALLY to draw the Bozos and trolls out.
And it did it's job - quite well!
(It was also designed to get the DOERS to get off their, ahem, butts, and take action. This inertia the world in general has slid into where people are content to sit by and do exactly F all. It's amazing, I dont get it! How can people BE that way! But a lot have become like that, the majority has...)
I got another idiotic note on Twitter the other day.
"Give us a break, please, please!"
Thats all.
Along the lines of the "Stop, stop, stop, no more emails please!" idiocy I received last year - remember that?
Insane, my friend.
Does life give YOU a break - you, me, or ANYONE?
I didnt think so.
It rumbles on.
So does Rahul Mookerjee, my friend.
And when I set my sights on something, Idont stop till I get it.
Reletless Repetition, as Pete Lillo once famously said, and you cannot miss.
I've been that way all my life, friend.
And here's the thing - on inertia.
It's amazing, but a book like Fast and Furious Fitness - the Collector's Edition (remember, its MY copy and another which I'm giving up right now - thats ALL that remains) - a book which in the past would have sold out instantly within a few emails of promoting it - right now - inertia.
It ain't that people dont want it.
As a great customer said in May, you'll probably sell out before July!
I did - way before that.
But the last two copies, people want it.
The click rates etc are enough evidence of that, even if they weren't - you can feel these things.
Yet, taking action is where the inertia kicks in.
First you have those that claim they dont have money, yet they have all the money lying around for inanity.
Apparently spending more than $100 on a night out is worth it, but not a book that will last you a lifetime and do you a world of good, a hell of a lot more than drinking it up in one night...
(True, its your money. No, I'm not telling you how to spend it. But the point - and fact - remains).
Then those that will only buy when it's "on rock bottom price with discounts galore".
I dont get it.
Lets take gold, which a lot of folks with sense are snapping up everywhere - yours truly included.
Do we ask for discounts on that, or do we buy it up before the price goes UP?
The answer should be obvious.
Then to me, it's amazing why people would want discounts on something like this book - pure gold?
True, I offer discounts a lot of times.
Product specific too...
But on this book, the Collector's Edition, I've never once offered a discount except "in private" - and I do not intend upon doing so either.
This book is pure GOLD, my friend.
And I treat it as such.
Then of course, the do nothings, trolls and such ... always have all the time in the world to get on Instagram or whatever, and serial refund on Amazon, but ask them to BUY and ...
"No money"
Truly, thats the response I get (from idiots).
Anyway, it's funny.
The Bo(o)zo posted about "Priority Passes" on his Insta - one of the few things I saw before I very hurriedly blocked his ass on there.
It said "B Schofield".
Not kidding you, even. Hehe.
Maybe Bozo has changed his name to Bozo Schofield, and given how famous he's become in that regard, hey. I wouldn't blame him. Plus, thats what he is anyway, maybe he's finally come full circle!
Anyway, thanks for reading this - what ? - 1000 plus - 1111 at the time of reading - word "rant". Hehe.
And take action now, friend.
Here's the link - remember to choose the Collector's Edition and email me if you want an autograph - - https://0excusesfitness.com/fast-and-furious-fitness/
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - From Charles the former friend to Mandy to a HOST OF OTHERS - believe me, all "lurking" and either gnashing their teeth "how dare he" or nodding their heads in appreciation "sheer genius!" (believe me, I get both comment son a daily basis. You either love me, or you hate me. No in between, I've been a highly successful marketer naturally all my life - this is who I AM, hehe - no "in betweens") ...
All hanging on to EVERY Word I say, every utterance I make.
Truly one of the best measures of success, hehe, in any regard, any field...
PS #2 - I wouldn't be surprised if the But(t)ler ends up buying some of these books anyway. He's given up now. In the past, he'd have sent me inane remarks on social media, now it's just whiny "likes" i.e. I hope Rahul doesn't pillory me further.
Well, I will - but I might not if the Bozo does what I asked here. Hehe.
Well, thats one of the things. I can't find the exact email where I mentioned what needs to be, but its basically doing a Tony Greig in front of me (dont equate the great man with this idiot though) (and he'll probably love groveling anyway, ugh). And, it's doing the Jahpannah thing mentioned above hehe.
And signing his name to the following.
"Rahul, I'm truly a beta fag that messed up and trolled you, took advantage of many others except I didnt know that when I messed with you, I met my match in spades (black ones, hehe) and then some".
I'd write more.
but hey, y'all - and the But(t)ler get the drift.
But really, don't be surprised if he shows up, his faggy self whining about "Rahul, please sell me some of your books".
After all, he's using stolen money anyway...
A 42-year-old fitness fanatic was 'beating himself up' over his decision not to get vaccinated during his final days, his family said
My word, my word!
The Universe BE noticing me.
For a change I'll be the opposite of verbose, and send you here (yes, the sh-news is good for SOMETHING).
A 42-year-old fitness fanatic was 'beating himself up' over his decision not to get vaccinated during his final days, his family said.
Let's quote some of the greatest and best parts.
Right down to the name of the author of the piece, Sophia. (Gorilla Girl? Hehe).
A 42-year-old British man who loved exercise and eating healthy died of COVID-19 last week.
John Eyers didn't get vaccinated because he "felt that he would be ok," his family said.
The father-of-one told doctors in his final days that he regretted his decision not to get a vaccine.
Jesus God, now I'm scared.
A 42-year-old British man who loved exercise and eating healthy died of COVID-19 last week.
John Eyers didn't get vaccinated because he "felt that he would be ok," his family said.
The father-of-one told doctors in his final days that he regretted his decision not to get a vaccine.
An unvaccinated 42-year-old fitness fanatic who regularly climbed mountains and competed in the ironman has died of COVID-19, his family said.
John Eyers, a construction expert and bodybuilding competitor from the seaside town of Southport, England, died last week, one month after catching the virus.
The father-of-one was a "healthy" and "very active" person who was climbing mountains and camping in the wilderness just four weeks before he got sick, his twin sister, Jenny McCan
I dont know, my friend, but I smell a rat.
Notice how theyre targeting US -YOU ?
They KNOW WE are one of the last remaining that dont panic, so they're trying to make us.
True, I have nothing but "sadness" for John. NO-ONE should die from this pestilence!
But panic ain't the way!
Do we know if he had any preexisting medical conditions?
DOES anyone notice that those with the vaccine are getting it left right and CENTER?
DOES anyone know if he was even in contact with anyone that had it - was THAT person vaccinated?
Cherry picking is fine.
First thing you know, not eveyrone is a rock climber or mountain climber, Id bet he was the solitary type like me when it comes to fitness.
Anyway, my condolences...
But really.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - I've said it once, I'll say it again.
Once a vaccine fucking works, SHOW Me.
But dont show me something that doesn't work and tell me to shove swabs up my ass.
It ain't happening.
until then, THIS RIGHT HERE is the best vaccine ever.
And, likely long after too.
Why in life if you want something done right, you gotta get it done YOURSELF.
In Isometric and Flexibilty Training, which is one of my greatest and nigh on NOW - most applicable ever, more than ever before, along with a few others, a Bozo wrote back.
He bitched about price.
But that wasn't his main grouse.
IT was "simple stretches".
And it was, most importantly what he felt and wrote honestly towards the end - a review which was never moderated, and I never WILL moderate it, because some monouments to stupidity MUST STAND.
"The photos are terrible!" he went, as if his makeup or what not was ruined...
But along with the down to earth photos, the mess in the background on some of it might have "brought out the Italian in him".
Red blooded, hot tempered, "oh so perfect".
Now, I've addressed the Tom Tomming about "just simple stretches" in the link above. BAsically, The Gama pushed against tree to build immense strength amongst the other stuff he did.
Too simple?
Tom Toms would say that yes.
But does it work?
I'll let you be the judge - and I dont even start with something like that.
MOST fitness "gurus",even a certain Matt Furey in his course on isometrics have NEVER - well, at the time, never put anything like I did.
Maybe he has now, I dont know. Probably not.
But point is this, friend.
Simple just works. Plain and effing simple.
And I keep it BRUTAL and simple. To a T.
You see it like it IS - or was when I took the photos.
I didnt bother cleaning clutter in the background, what I bothered about was the WORKOUTS AND EXERCISES < showing you how to do 'em!
Both equaly important, #2 even more so.
Or, I'd just write about it.
Now, heres the thing.
If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself.
How many times have you heard this - and experiened it?
Delegation is great, if and until it works.
Seperation of duties, responsibilities etc is great - until it works.
Y'all past the first marriage as yet?
Then you KNOW what I mean, hehe.
I still remember Major Michael telling me, "my first wife was a ****! She never even did windows!"
I've heard that from guys galore. Especially doers and those that succeed.
Which is fine, mistakes happen, we all live and learn, so it should be, most live by the rulebook, we don't so we live and learn, experience...
I'll give you an example.
When I'm with my wife, launrdy is often an issue as are other things . (Glyn Schofield's ears just perked up. Hehe).
She lets it pile up for days, then complains about it, then does some, then complains more, it piles up agaim and so forth.
For someone who does it on clockwork, it drives me insane, especially since it ain't my job to begin with.
But you can lead a horse to water.
You can't make it drink.
For years, I tried.
Then I left!
But in the "in between phases" of leaving, I just did my own damn laundry.
I did it, dried it folded it, and put it back, she left hers all over the place.
OK, fine.
Used to drive me insane, I rememeber, but once I accepted the fact for what it is i.e people don't change unless they want to, it stopped any and all arguments on that front.
David Goggins wrote about this in one his books.
(I just read about that two days ago, so now, the Tom Tom's saying "hes my GORRRRRRUUUUU" - no he ain't either. But he's a great ACHIEVER - and CHAMP!)
And a great example of just do it, hence he's on the page for "Pull-ups from STUD TO SUPER STUD WITHIN WEEKS!"
"When youve flown for days on end, or are exhausted to the bone, then you come home to a filthy house - but you dont blame your spouse or friends or roommates or whatever, you get it done - THERE AND THEN! Your sense of duty won't let you do otherwise".
SO BLOODY TRUE! (those are my words, but that was his gist too)
Naturally, I never took this to extremes.
ANd no, before you ask, it aint one ot the tricks mentioned in the book on combating Nazi feminism - and profiting from it (which you guys do need to get now, as you will not only love it, but enjoy it).
"Just common sense", you might think.
OK, if thats what you think...
But is that common sense getting you results NOW?
If not, book might be worth a look see, even a READ ...
On that note, I gotta say.
Serial refunders, that ain't for you.
If you're going to buy and then instantly within an hour click "refund" with some inane reason given to Amazon, or wherever you get it from (NOT here, as there are NO REFUNDS of ANY NATURE for ANYTHING - I've made that clear multiple times, still people ask) ... then please don't get it, period.
Go to someone who allows refunds. You and I will both have an easier time down the road!
But doers, you'll want to check it out now.
Back to it - my wife likely has her own reasons for living the way she does.
Hey, gotta walk a mile in a man's shoes first... or a woman's (not high heels, hehe). (I'll leave the jaywalking in tights to the Bozo).
But whatever, we all have our own reasons, whether valid or not.
And deep down inside, we all know what is right and wrong.
But anyway, want something done, get it done yourself.
Hence I make my own sites.
Hence I do my own emails. Write my own books. The ONLY help I take is photographs - but I'm going to do that myself too in the future, if you can believe that. Hehe. Well, the videos at least!
Technology DOES have some advantages.
Anwyay, enough on that front.
If you haven't already - pick up the Rolls Royce of Fitness, best damn thing ever you could do for yourself right about now.
Hell, it even has mobile compatible videos, 5 "hot" ones!
Sexy chests and hairy ones aside, tech does have its advantages doesnt it.
That pesky, all invasive, all knowing, all pervasive TECH...
Rahul Mookerjee