Displaying items by tag: inspirational

Sunday, 23 August 2020 06:31

“You need to be challenged”

Back when I started 0 Excuses Fitness, (blink and you’ll miss it! ?) I wrote about an old professor of mine, who I called Dr. K.

Dr K was a Math professor at college, and Math being a subject I was always good at for whatever reason and always enjoyed, I took a lot of them in college!

I think some were electives. Some were required. But even amongst the electives, I had choices, and yours truly made the choice to take Calculus 1, 2 and 3 - - and then “Discrete Math” as well on top of that.

Now, 1 and 2 were required. The rest weren’t!

Anyway, I met Dr. K when taking Calculus 2 I believe, as he was the one teaching the class.

A tall slim guy with a sense of humor that was slightly off, and a brilliant effing brain if any, as I was soon to find out as I got to know him better and talk to him!

Along with Dr B (who I’ve probably written about as well and still stay in touch with, him of “internet 101” class), he was and is one of my favorite teachers/profs ever.

And this is coming from someone who barely ever went to class . . .

. . . Anyway, those were the days of “Netscape email”.

And Dr K had this system where you could check your HW assignments online (so did Dr B! ?) and submit them without ever having to go to class (if you know how to do it, which most didn’t).

I still remember my friends sitting there scratching their heads during Calculus exams, while yours truly would guzzle down a few beers and show up late for the exam, and still ace it.

Now, that’s not something I recommend obviously! Neither the showing up late part or the beer guzzling, but hey, I was 18 at the time. Gotta do what a 18 year old gotta do! ?

Anyway, Dr K had this long ass midterm paper we were supposed to do.

“Take home” exam as it were, open book as well (strangely enough, Dr B did much the same thing during his exams – both these guys were REAL world guys, not “airy fairy” professors that teach stuff you’ll never use!).

And I took mine home.

I think it was holidays back then . . . of some sort.

I still remember Jen, a girl I knew messging me on ICQ (remember that??) and telling me “I’m going to FAIL”.

It sounded about as ominous as the words of an undertaker.

And being the exam was nothing short of BORING for me, I did a half ass job, and turned it in.

When I did so, Dr K called me up a few hours before the submission deadline.

“You can do better than this, Rahul!”

And he sent me back home with the rejoinder of “You still have a few hours to get this done, Rahul!”

Go home, and get it done – well!

And a few weeks before that, which I really should have told you before I told you this . . .

I emailed him about the status of some HW that I submitted online.

He took a while to reply (which was strange for him, as he normally replied very quickly).

And I called him up.

He said the following.

“You’ve aced it! Come and collect it when you can”

And then . . . “Are you ever going to show up for class???”

My response?

“Uh, yes, perhaps I will”.

And I did.

After class, he spoke to me at length.

“You need to be challenged, Rahul!! You don’t need to take these Mickey Mouse classes!”

And though they were anything but Mickey Mouse for the rest of the people taking them, for me they were.

He was RIGHT.

He was SPOT ON. I had done all this in high school of my own accord since I was interested in Math, and therefore college (those classes) were a frigging BREEZE for me to be honest.

And I still ended up with a 2.7 GPA, while the “muggers” and “copiers” (two different categories, don’t ask, hehe) ended up with 4.0 GPA’s.

And this morning, as I think about Dr K, his words ring out in my mind.

“You need to be challenged!”

So true, my friend. So true. And anyone that achieves anything of note needs to be challenged, big time!

That’s how my whole life has been, and this has held true WORKOUT wise as well.

From wayyyy back in the day when Brooks Kubik asked me if I was in the military when I told him about my hill climbing routines, to people calling me an ironman, strongman, and everything in between – and a lunatic as well (and of course, the 100 or so other not-so-nice names) – one things stands out.

Big time.

I need to be challenged. And I believe in challenging YOU, my customers, to become the BEST you can be, and then some!

As Charles Mitchell who should actually be at “elite” status in many regards given what he does on a daily basis workout wise once said (again, I’m parphrasing) –

“I hate workout books that don’t challenge me! I know the way you exercise, and it’s nothing but easy!”

Amen, my friend. Amen!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Be challenged, my friend, and be challenged to be a BETTER You. And our products will guide you every step of the way!

Published in Life
Wednesday, 19 August 2020 08:01

When times are a ROLLING easy . . . .

This morning I was reading about “PayTm” a Chinese backed Indian payments app which had surged in popularity over the past few years.

It’s apparently now (given the events of the past few months) being slowly but steadily pushed out by competitors with wallets that are equally, if not deeper as well as by the behemoth Amazon (for whatever reason, all these articles fail to mention the REAL gorilla in the room that does anything to grab customers and GETS Them – and hey – they have my vote for sure in ALL the countries I’ve used them).

Kudos Jeff Bezos – YOUR customer service is why you are where you’re at today, and that’s just the bottom line and an indisputable FACT OF LIFE!

And here is the point in me saying all this.

For years, PayTm in India was literally ROCKING.

Growing by leaps and bounds.

Company valuation increasing year by year, and money kept pouring in from Alibaba that apparently backs the app (not sure about now though).

And it wasn’t all bad. Chinese online payments have their downsides, most notably so in a country where the government scrutinizes and records everything, and its probably the only country in the world where today, you have very little, if at all, chance at DIGITAL security.

And especially when shopping. Cash is a rarity in mainland China. Big time.

And everything is done via Chinese apps like WeChat and Alipay which allow online payment and allow Xitler’s thugs to track your minutest purchases down.

Yes, they know what you ate for dinner last night and the cases of beer you ordered! ? NO, that is NOT an exaggeration my friend. Not in the least.

Anyway, online payments obviously have their upside, and PayTm was one of the first into the fray and it grew.

But these days, much like many other bloated businesses we see all over the place collapsing left right and center, PayTm is struggling big time.

Other apps have overtaken it.

And it doesn’t look to  be getting back on it’s feet anytime soon. Shaky foundations anyone?

Pretty much what will happen to China as a whole, and what HAS been happening silently (and the reason for Xitler’s expansionist policies etc which even his own band of thugs are getting tired of).

And again, point of me saying this?

Well first, same thing applies to fitness. You need a solid BASE to build upon.

If you can’t pound out 100 pushups per workout, much like I teach you in the 0 Excuses Fitness System, hold a bridge for a while (or even get into position) or do squats, then you’re in NO position to do more advanced exercises like pull-ups.

Or handstand pushups.

And even if you manage to do ‘em, eventually you’ll collapse if the foundation ain’t strong enough.

Second, and more importantly.

It’s what you do when the chips are DOWN that counts my friend.

Very few people have it in in them to get up – keep getting up- and keep going.

You, me, nobody is going to hit has hard as LIFE. Life ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. The world is a very mean and nasty place out there, and it will BEAT you to your KNEES and KEEP you there if you let it. It ain’t about how hard you can hit, my friend.

It’s about how much you can take.

It’s about how hard you can GET HIT and keep moving AHEAD – without blaming others for your failures or what not!

That’s how WINNING IS DONE, and yes, I borrowed that from Sly Stallone in Rocky, a man who should know a thing or two about what is being talked about.

And again, back to fitness.

Like I said yesterday, if your only exercise is climbing hills, GREAT.

Great workout! Hey, I know that better than most people.

But what when there is no hill.

What when you have inclement weather and cannot climb?

What when your favorite gym – or swimming pool is not available?

When you’re being SQUEEZED on all possible fronts, when your back is against the wall, and then some, how do you react?

Do you come out fighting all guns blazing - - or do you lie down and let life have it’s way.

The answers to these questions could well determine where youre headed in life – and your fitness journey as well – and I should know. Oh YES, I should know!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – My friend from the Marines, the “ruggedly strong” individual I refer to so often recently told me “you’re in rare form!”. Reminded me of what Marc the African Silverback Gorilla once told me “You’re in fine, fine fettle Rahul!’ one fine morning in bonny China . . . and while I may or may not be, fact is this – the WORKOUT routines I advocate will keep YOU in much the same condition physically and then some.

Get on the train NOW – right HERE.

Published in Life
Sunday, 26 July 2020 13:44

We all had humble beginnings . . .

If you’re working on a goal, and your “here and now” bothers you to the point where you can’t look forward to, visualize or take action on your future, then guess what.

You’re either not cut out for success, or you’re not going to make it.

Sorry if that sounds harsh, but it’s true.

And you’re not alone either.

And you certainly are in EXALTED company as well in that nigh on everyone feels this way at a certain point or the other when working towards success at anything!

Believe me, I’m sure there were times Napoleon Hill just wanted to throw in the towel and give it all up (and he actually DID give up for a while too before being reminded of his true calling, and how!).

I’m sure Henry Ford would be the first to tell you, as Steve Jobs and Jack Ma have, that the dark days are really what teach you far more than success ever does or could.

If you don’t have the dark, there will never ever be a true dawn.

And the darker the night, the brighter the dawn my friend.

But still, despite the words, many people get frustrated.

If you’re sitting in a studio apartment with a laptop (that you bought on credit or borrowed) and that damn thing is on a table so flimsy that it’s almost crashing through, then “success” might look like a long, long way away.

But it isn’t, my friend.

The above example is from a millionaire writer and fitness guru’s life, but there are plenty such examples.

Sylvester Stallone, for instance, slept on the streets of New York for two weeks at a time where he had NOTHING, or less than it.

Ford was bankrupt twice (and no, no angel investors bailed him out either in that day and age).

And so forth.

Yet, despite all the tough times, they found it in themselves to keep going.

To keep being persistence, or should I say KEEP THE FIRES OF DESIRE AND PERSISTENCE burning within!

And we all know what the above people and many others I have not named here accomplished, don’t we?

Successful people are rarely, if ever, born with a silver spoon in their mouths.

And if they are, they HAVE been through the grinder several times and then some (Donald Trump being one prime example).

Despite Trumps family fortune, the fact is that his Dad bailed him out ONCE.


And if you were take a look at the very lengthy list of failures Trump has had before finally succeeding . . . .well, you’ll know what I mean by that!

Fitness wise you ask?

Same thing.

I was NOT born genetically gifited. If anything, and I’ve stated this publicly, it’s the opposite (until this day).

I am NOT naturally strong.

I do NOT have a “naturally strong” grip. I do have a strong grip yes, but boy did I work for it and then some!

Same thing with my fitness.

At a weight of 120 kgs, which my family sometimes still giggles about, hehe (in a good natured manner, and I mean my wife and kid) turning into the fitness monster I am now seemed and probably was to all observing an impossibility.

Much like me farting and landing on the moon is . . .

But it happened, didn’t it?

While I took the actions required, the KEY is something else my friend.

It’s being willing to look beyond the here and now and see the future in your MIND BEFORE it happens.

I did that, and we all see the result.

And that applies to you as well, in ANYTHING you’re looking to do or accomplish. And I mean that!

Do we all get frustrated occasionally? Down? Depressed? IN the “fuck it all mood”?

Hell yeah.

But the point isn’t that.

That will happen.

Its about how you RESPOND To that in the long term, my friend.

If you give in, and stop DOING, then you’ll never get there.

Other hand, if you breeze past a bad day or a couple and get back to it - - business as usual - - then I think we BOTH know which direction you’re headed.

And I should know. Oh yes.

I should know, and on that note – it’s adios for now. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Here is where you can grab the BEST damned fitness system there is out there: https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

Published in Life
Monday, 29 June 2020 07:28

How do YOU want to be remembered?

This morning I was engaged in some “silent” meditation while pouring out my Chinese puh-er tea.

This afternoon, I should really say, being that yours truly woke up at the grand ole hour of 12 noon, and then jumped straight INTO IT . . .

And what I was thinking about was the people that (in general) when told to do something (something that is good for them) will naturally balk at the advice.

The human mind truly DOES look for a bazillion and one reasons to NOT do the thing as opposed to the one reason why you CAN and SHOULD do the thing. Napoleon Hill wrote about this in Think and Grow Rich, and he is right.

Especially when the person in front of you isn’t a millionaire and giving you advice.

It matters not, of course, that he lives on his own terms and he’s doing (obviously) better than the person who is receiving the advice (which while free is often worth as much if not more than paid advice!).

Well, I take that back . . . somewhat.

What you’ll get from the 0 Excuses Ship, for instance, is unparalleled value in all regards and it ain’t something you can just get from my books and courses or the daily newsletters (which are all GREAT, don’t get me wrong, but there is always a next level, and this is that!).

But I’m saying when I talk to friends, or perhaps customers that have now become friends , and perhaps some of the closest friends I have . . . I just say what I would to a PAYING customer (in that regard).

And if that advice is ignored, well . . .

And on that topic, it brought to mind the following.

How do YOU want to be remembered when you depart the world on a physical plane?

Or, death, if you prefer that word! I prefer the former as I don’t believe the soul ever dies. I used to be PETRIFIED of dying when I was young, by the way.

I still remember my Dad consoling my 4 year old self when I was watching a movie of someone dying in the hospital.

I was worried that I’d “die very soon”, and “someday”.

And my Dad said don’t worry, there is a long time yet for you!

Indeed, my friend. And over the past few years (since 2017 actually, back when I really diversified my ventures and really got going on 0 Excuses Fitness) I have completely lost any and all fear of death.

Like Napoelon Hill said its nothing to be feared. You don’t fear sleeping, do you?

Then why would you fear death?

It’s an eternal sleep, filled with dreams galore as your soul waits to be “reincarnated” on a physical plane.

No, I am not wearing saffron robes and standing on one leg when saying this!

I’m drinking my very Chinese tea (yes, the antics of the CCP doesn’t mean I hate the country in general, which might come across as mind blowing to many, but it’s true).

If I hated it, I’d never spend as much time as I have in in the country and its just that simple.

Anyway, so when Napoleon Hill was talking to Carnegie about his mission in life, Carnegie informed him that the mission was to study  500 successful people from all angles and regards, and compile the world’s first exhaustive manuals on SUCCESS.

No-one had done it before him.

And, as Carnegie told Hill, the job wasn’t easy.

IT would take at least 20 years, and towards the end of that 20 years, he’d find out what his OTHER SELF is (something I’ve written about galore before).

And he’d have to earn his own living while he went about this work, as this sort of work is rarely, if ever, profitable at the outset (Carnegie’s words).

And perhaps most tellingly, he wouldn’t receive any recognition for his work until YEARS after his death.

And astoundingly enough or maybe not, all of that came true!

Napoleon Hill (along with the lesser known Claude Bristol who is really my all time favorite) is THE source of inspiration and motivation that most people look up these days when you talk about self help.

Sure, we have Tony Robbins. Donald Trump’s pastor. A host of other motivational so called “gurus”, but while not all acknowledge WHERE they learnt their stuff, some do.

It’s Hill’s work, without exception, which years after his death has left a legacy most people would struggle to even begin to match.

That brings me to another point, which is sometimes a bone of contention with me for folks.

I’ve often been called “spiritual” and very motivational (these are the kinder names on that list, hehe).

And a lot more along those lines. The real deal. And so forth.

And . . . I’ve never once shied away from mentioning who I learnt my stuff from.

We all learn, and constantly keep learning, and for the life of me I can’t understand why people are scared of losing business if they give credit to the person they got the info from (who has probably given credit to the person HE got the info from!).

If anything, it’s the opposite.

Anyway, the question begets.

How do YOU want to be remembered after you go?

After you “depart”, as I like to say?

Write back - - and let me know!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – I could tell you how I want to be remembered, but that would defeat the very purpose of this email which is to ask YOU your thoughts. Let me know!

P.S #2 – Here is where you can grab our highly inspirational and motivational products that WILL turbo charge you along the path to success in both life and FITNESS -https://0excusesfitness.com/products/

P.P.S - At the time of writing this, I'm 70 percent through with writing Animal Kingdom Workouts - the NEXT book out from yours truly. The book on isometrics is also "in the works" as we speak. But the former will be the first out. Now it's time to get the pictures taken, edited etc before I can get it online. See how that goes! ;)

Published in Life
Saturday, 26 December 2020 08:11

Doing what you were truly MEANT To

Most people never figure it out over a LIFETIME.

There is that ONE thing our “Creators” or Universe, or God, or what have you instilled in ALL of us that makes us UNIQUE.

Sure, our personality. Our traits. Our character. But other than the obvious, what we DO.

Some of us are multi-faceted. Multi-talented. Genuises. What not. But the point begets.

(Personally I believe we ALL have genuis inside of us, if we're open enough to admit it) ... 

And I’ve spoken about this before. 

What you were MEANT To do – put on this planet to do – isnt’ necessarily any of the following -

- What everyone “tells” or advises you to do (usually you should be doing the precise OPPOSITE).

- What makes the easiest and quickest (or long term stable) MOOLAH

- What your boss at your job tells you to do (you shouldn’t even be working a “job” for a lot of you out there.

- What Mama and Daddy guilt trip, badger, pester ,and ... ah, but we’ve all been there ... YOU into doing. (if you do it)

And so forth.

Here is the QUESTION, then.

What is that ONE thing that even your most ardent detractors can NEVER EVER find fault with even if they WANT to – or try?

This question may require some deep thinking. Some deep thought. I know it took me YEARS to finally understand what Napoleon Hill talks about in “Outwitting the Devil”, and many of his other books.

Hill was meant to write, and inspire.

Yet, he would never stay “consistent” with it until a certain point. 

That little voice in the head often spoke up in times of extreme emergency.

“You’ve been humiliated and placed in this position so you can LEARN A LESSON!”

(Not verbatim, but this is the sum and substance)

“Your job was to compile your findings into writing and INSPIRE others. Understand one thing – you will only find happiness by helping OTHERS FIND IT! You have been a stubborn student and have had to be CURED of this through various obstacles and temporary defeat.

Go NOW, and start what you were meant to do!”

(Hill was compiling the secrets behind TRUE AND LASTING SUCCESS by interviewing those that had been there and done that).

There’s a lot more to it.

But Hill speaks of the two MOST pressing and urgent situations in his life when when all seemed lost, his OTHER SELF woke (because he found the determination to WAKE IT UP)!

And he made two very potent discoveries.

One, the subconscious can solve damn near anything you throw at it – provided you do so in the right manner.

And two, and more (well, equally) importantly, you were put on this planet for a PURPOSE ... And until you keep “avoiding” (Either consciously or not) what you were put on Earth to do – guess what.

You will never succeed at the highest levels.

‘Tis a fact as clear as daylight, Jack. And no, you dont need to die a pauper either as many did.

Money is a different beast, and attracting it, and what not.

I know immensely wealthy people that are NOT happy. I know people that have NOTHING that are HAPPY. And everything in between. So this isn’t about money bro.

Anyway, I was thinking about all this last night.

My mind flashbacked to 2008, I think.

I had started “fastandfuriousfitness.net” at that time.

Just a blog. Getting my feet wet.

Incredibly, people LOVED IT (I didnt have a single product to promote at the time).

I used to give off myself freely on forums, discussion boards etc. IF only I knew how much wasted effort that was. E bay She bay my ass ...

But inexplicably, the flame died (or so I thought).

I let the domain expire. The blog died. I moved on to other things (a nascent web development biz).

In 2010, the bug HIT me – and hard – AGAIN.

I wrote Fast and Furious Fitness, and a few other books in anothe rbusiness venture.

And truth be told, if my wife hadn’t encouraged me to do it at the time I probably woul dnever have.

True, my wife and myself are like strangers NOW.

But, credit where credit is due. If she hadn’t said what she did, albeit unknowingly, and she likely doesnt even remember it, yours truly wouldn’t have done it.

Or it would hav ebeen delayed ...

So, i wrote Fast and Furious Fitness, Gorilla Grip, and Shoulders like Boulders, all NOT as exhaustive as today ( I revamped them all in 2017).

Other than a bit of marketing here and there, I didnt really market myself full steam.

In fact, you will notice that from the earlier posts themselves.

And although I didn’t, again. People signed up for the newsletter. The list grew, and grew, and grew to a bulky and unmanageable (because I didnt manage it!) 15,000 plus.

Inexplicably, I didnt go full bore at the time.

Years passed, but I’d keep writing in this and other verticals. No-one “knew” about it. No-one would have cared anyway.

And I made a few sales here and there, but certainly nothing spectacular.

In 2017, I had an epiphany, and got tired of my life depending on bozo like jobs.

By chance or not, I read Pyscho Cybernetics, a great, great book I recommend for everyone out there.

It changed my life. Literally. So I thought, until I read Think and Grow Rich and “The Magic of Believing” – and after THAT, I devored everything I could find from these authors.

I’ve read a lot, by the way. Both fiction and non fiction. Agatha Christie, Sidney Sheldon. Robert Ludlum. Michael Crichton. Just about any decent fiction, and on the non fiction, and the above?

Ted Nicholas, for one. Ben Settle (his blog etc). And many others (but the above three books changed my life – especially the latter two, and I will never, ever stop tom tomming their virtues. Hehe.)

(Not tom tomming actually).

It was only then that I really went full bore on all of this. 2017, 2018 .... and there were problems. Troubles. Many things!

But life had one last throw of the dice for me.

I still did this in 2019, but nowhere near the full bore speed I should have, and for obvious reasons, that year would probably have really been a good one to RAMP this up.

But I didnt.

I “squandered” the opportunity. But I found plenty of others, much like Napoleon Hill did – if there is ONE person whose life mirrors mine, it is HIS!


I believe I’ve learnt that lesson – the HARD Way.

The school of hard knocks, hehe, and I belive we should ALL go through that at some point or the other.

It’s great READING about others, but it’s only when you actually DO is that you LEARN.

Anyway, Fast and Furious Fitness.

Still have the logo on my site.

Still have the book.

But people know me as “0 Excuses Fitness”now hehe.  (and a host of other lovely names on that burgenoning list. 1112, last I checked!)

The guy who (as Marc said) created a brand out of nothing.

Actually, I’ve created three. Hehe. But the third isn’t public on this site as yet . . . but it SELLS like hot cakes day in and day out.

Marketing genius, or deeply flawed individual – YOU Decide. Hehe.

But the results can’t be denied. . .

Anyway, thanks for reading – if you’re still WITH me thus far, hehe.

This might make it into a book I’ve been writing, but have been MUM about. Stay tuned!

Lesson to be learnt – FIND what you were meant to do my friend.

And then just DO it ... PRONTO.

Life will reward you with BOUNTY, thats for sure! (and I dont mean just money).


Rahul Mookerjee 

PS – This entire email is about 4 pages long, and I didnt include a plug for my products?? WTF?? Well, I’m going to do so NOW. Here are the all time bestsellers – grab ‘em now -

0 Excuses Fitness

Gorilla Grip

Shoulders like BOULDERS!

PS #2 – Why didnt I just pick up on Fast and Furious Fitness in 2017 and go full bore?

Well, two reasons. One, an epiphany – and thus was born the other site (and another down the road).

And another? Hey, I admit it. Even as recently as 2017 a part of me was wondering about “what will they say”.

Hey, it’s normal. We ALL do it. ALL successes you hear of TODAY have been through that phase.

But I cannot tell you how damn liberating it is truly NOT to give a fuck! And I mean TRULY!

Anyway, and either way ... it was the right decision. Hehe. Now we have TWO barnstorming “basic” fitness books (I didnt just update Fast and Furious Fitness – I re-wrote the damn thing and included way more exercises – but the original was always be dear to my heart!).

Published in Success

And it certainly ain't gonna make you as strong as an ape, my friend.

If anything it might actually SLOW your gains down.

But hold your horses. Let me back up a little ...

... What I'm talking about right now ain't really fitness. That comes soon.

For now though, it's about the ever growing “tribe” of not just haters, but “lovers” ... that blindly try and APE what I do.

I see it on my WeChat all the time. People peeking into my marketing style and trying to do what I do and get the results I do ...

... which by the way has included pestering me to buy said services after I looked at their post, something I absolutely do not, have not, and will never do (and neve rhave done).

Desperation perhaps.

At their stuff not selling, or the services not getting bought.

In some cases its because their stuff is downright crappy (like the guy who recently tried to sell me “China VPN for X amount! Watch all sports on this, brother!”)

But in most cases, the products seem decent enough.

It's the marketing and selling, by far the most important part of the whole process which fall flat on their face.

The desperation shines through, though some do a better job of concealing it than others.

And it never fails to amuse me when I see “Rahul Mookerjee” clones out there that try and ape exacly how I do things and get the precise opposite in results.

Lets take the Bozo for an example.

He even apes my email style right down to the “Best,” and signing off with his full name (at least in some of the rants he sent me, that was the case).

And he's (as a mutual friend said) “obsessed” with me.

As if yours truly was a movie star, hehe, though I've been called that as as well.

But here is the thing my friend.

Apeing me in terms of marketing or even fitness isn't exactly the ticket.

First thing you know, YOUR customer have a different mindset than mine (or your list, or your “besties”, or your nikkas, or whoever you sell to) ...

... And giving them the “Rahul” treatment will likely have the very opposite effect you intend.

(Unless you do it RIGHT, but no, I won't reveal how here, hehe).

And second, and most importantly ...

YOU aren't ME.

And I ain't you.

And neither is anyone me, or neither am I “anyone”. 

I keep saying one thing, the Creator, or Universe, or whoever has made everyone unique my friend.

We all have unique skill sets and talents (look at the Bozo for instance. He's uniquely good at trolling, and yet is too lazy to make a career out of it, but apes me just coz ...).

And the minute we “ape” someone blindly, it shows.

At least, those of us in the know can see.

Unless you really, really do it well and most don't ...

And fitness wise, same thing, and I've said that before of course. I think I said it a day or so ago.

We, my friend, are unique.

Fitness ain't a one size fits all deal.

Doing handstand pushups all day might have worked for Doug Hepburn, but he had his unique situation to deal with.

So do YOU.

And thats why despit ethe barrage of workouts I give you in damn near every book, I do not handhold, and I make that very clear.

Im all about results.

And you ain't gonna get 'em if you ... ah, but we went there, didnt we?

Might not sound like music to your ears, but it's true, hehe.

And on that sage note, I'm out. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Oh, almost forgot! While “apeing” ain't good, building APE like strength is definitely what most modern men WANT and NEED (the Bozo is a prime example). Bozo even wrote in to me about how he wished I'd build a gorilla grip. Funnily enough I'm the guy that wrote the book. Fancy that, eh. But really. Train like an ape, my friend - - you'll never regret the pulling and sheer overall upper body GORILLA strength you build! ;)

Published in Success
Saturday, 19 September 2020 11:27

On truly letting GO . . . TRULY!

And receiving, receiving way, way more than you expected (and in forms you never thought possible!)!

When I first started 0 Excuses Fitness, I was “eagerly waiting for customers”. Every day, I’d check my email to see if I had new customers, and how many.

The sales.

I’d check it every so often during the day on all my various channels.

I’d even check occasionally in the middle of the night so “hungry” for success (at that particular endavor at that time) was I.

Now, this approach paid dividends, sure.

But do you know when my sales really started shooting through the ROOF?

When I really started meeting customers that form the very nucleus of my busines, the very CORE – customers that are REPEAT customers, own most of my books an dcourses and aren’t just avidly waiting for my next product; they’re on TENTERHOOKS For it!

When I truly let go.

And I’ve written a lot about this before.

When you let go is when your desires start to manifest my friend, and the more you let go, the more EFFORTLESSLY and often (amazingly enough) QUICKER than you thought possible.

The more you TRULY LET GO!

And most people no matter how smart or disciplined have a very hard time truly letting go of something they truly DESIRE.

Now to the unschooled, this may sound like a bunch of baloney.

But bear with me my friend.

Yes, if you really, really really want something youll obsess about it. As Napoleon Hill said, it’s impossible to really HAVE anything unless you work up DESIRE for that thing, a WHITE HOT SPARK of desire!

That could be via sexual transmutation. Could be via working out. Could be via just wanting the thing or occurrence or event so damned BAD!

Any which way, really.

But the other side of the coin is knowing when enough is enough.

And letting go.

Truly letting go, which means “stop caring about the outcome”, and HAVE FAITH!

Believe me, there is no desire small or big enough for the Universe to accomplish.

You get what you put into it, first of all.

Second, you only get once you show that you truly don’t “care” (even though you do).

If you’re desperately running after something, chances are you ain’t gona get it.

And if you telegraph “want” as opposed to “need” to the Universe, then guess what.

It will sense both those thing s (or the presence of the former, and the lack of the latter, or vice versa) and respond accordingly.

Like a well oiled machine, the best of them all!

I can recall so many instances of this.

Take for instance a year or so ago

I was craving some pizza. Big effing time!

Some GOOD pizza.

I could literally TASTE and smell the damn thing - - so badly did I want it!

And within 3 days of having this desire Marc the African silverback gorilla “just so happened” to invite me out for pizza – on him!

I had never spoken to him about this before.

I was going to buy a pair of shoes later that year I really wanted, but for some reason Amazon didn’t have ‘em.

And guess what.

Within a WEEK of that desire being telegraphed, the shoes showed up - - from a different source - - at less than half the cost without me even buying em!

Mysterious indeed are the ways of the Universe, my friend, and it’s only when we accept what is, and accept that we have to have FAITH is that when things truly start to turn around for us.

ALL of us, regardless of what we’re into.

And it’s the same with fitness.

Have faith you’ll get a 100 pushups in a row.

Have faith the fingertip pushups will get easier.

Have faith the belly of Buddha will go away.

Provided you put in the hard yards, telegraph intention to the Universe, and truly do let go, there ain’t nothing “impossible” for you my friend – in any sphere of life, and I mean that from the bottom of my very heart!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – HERE is the best damned course on pushups, a course that has been garnering RAVE REVIEWS and then some – Pushup Central.

Published in Success

Over the past few weeks, or months I should say, I’ve been paring down my contact list in all regards even more dramatically.

Used to be I could count on the fingers of hand people I’d regard as being close friends.

And now, it’s more like a couple of fingers . . .

I don’t know why, but people have not just stopped (or aren’t) saying it like it is anymore out of FEAR.

Fear of being lumped into XYZ category, or perhaps offending people, or perhaps being polarizing, or perhaps (most commonly) been “seen” differently than they’d “like to be”.

Truth be told, this has been going on for donkey’s years, of course, but whats different now you ask?

Well, the few people (or almost all of them at any rate) that DID say it like is apparently aren’t any more, and not even privately, which is sad.

I don’t think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out what I’m hinting at my friend.


The China-zi issue . . .

And no for those of you that think “it’ll hopefully go away” or “it won’t escalate”, I got two words for ya.

Not necessarily what you might think either! ?

It won’t.,

Let me repeat that.

It won’t just like the Nazis never “went away” until they were MADE to.

Then there are those with businesses in mainland China or connections of other nature (family, investments, homes etc).

And they aren’t saying it like it for fear of reprisal from you know who.

Well, first thing I got to say about that is that if you’re that scared of reprisal, and don’t get me wrong, it’s very real given what China does, that probably isn’t the right place for you long term (unless gulags and forced labor are your thing).

And second, more importantly, if you think business wise it will be “all good” and the Chinese won’t take it over, think again.

Think several times.

For starters, any sort of real business in China requires a Chinese partner.

And there haven tons of cases where that partner just flat out took over the company and there was nothing the other person (or people) could do about it.

And THESE days, it’s about the CCP just grabbing it once it gets big enough.

And parroting it as “their own”.

They’ll let you do the hard work. The hard yards.

And just as you get big enough, they’ll invoke some obscure law or something (much like their obscure and meaningless territorial claims) and just GRAB it.

Or kick you out. Period.

Look at what happened to Uber, for one. It didn’t leave on it’s own.

Carrefour . . .

Plenty of other businesses, and on a smaller scale, you may want to read Mark Kitto’s piece on “you’ll never be Chinese” (Google if you need to).

And while I can understand not coming out publicly about it, privately??

Those that privately say nothing about this sort of thing are no longer on my contacts list, I’ll tell you this much.

No, the problem ain’t going away my friend.

No, the problem can’t “wait until the fight is at your doorstep”. It already IS IN MANY ways, and while it’s being pushed back vigorously, it hasn’t gone away by any means.

And other than Prez Trump, Secretary Pompeo (both of whom I applaud whole heartedly for saying things as they are), I see precious few people saying it like it is.

This includes world leaders.

Angela Merkel for one . . . Surprising that Germany isn’t saying anything, or maybe not??

And of course, PM Modi’s curious absence and silence given the Chinese aren’t just not vacating what they took from India, but will probably move in FURTHER as time passes (not a lot of it at that).

Ignoring a problem never makes it go away.

It only EXCABERATES it my friend.

And a lot of people are starting to rant about the ideological side behind this.

And how it shouldn’t be that way.


I can understand everything not being taken from that standpoint, but certain things have to be.

Let’s take a look at the racism row in the U.S. right now.

At the core of it, racism is wrong aint it?

Showl is, I hear you say.

Then isn’t China-Nazism or Nazim or any similar ideology WRONG?

Communism is fine if you’re into it and don’t try and impose yourself on others, but clearly that ain’t what is happening with the CCP!

Anyway, that’s my take on it.

And yes, I WILL Continue to take a stance.

The more people that speak up the better, and if you think your voice don’t count, think again.

Every little bit helps, and no, it doesn’t benefit me financially in case you’re wondering or hurt me.

In fact, and funnily enough certain people have “threatened” to get off my list and “not buy” for my political posts as of late.

And that’s perfectly fine. The vast majority of those people were talkers, not doers.

There WERE a couple of doers, but if my political stance offends you that much, so be it.

I’d rather do the right thing and speak up my friend. As YOU SHOULD, because believe me, this affects everyone.

That holds true for fitness as well.

Your inaction right NOW (if that’s the case) will cost you dear down the line my friend in terms of fitness too.

“Putting it off until tomorrow”?

Tomorrow usually never comes, and those that do know that very well at the core! ?

And so forth for strength training, weight loss and all that.

I WILL continue to say it like is and I WILL Continue to take a stance; not just have an opinion. The time for “just an opinion” is long gone in my opinion.

And that’s that for now.

Stay tuned for another blast on BAREFOOT training and more on what I wrote about before my goddamned computer crashed. GOtta love Winblows!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Here is where you can pick up our straight shooting, NO PUNCHES pulled fitness products:https://0excusesfitness.com/products/

Published in Success
Saturday, 18 July 2020 13:03

Hide your strength, bide your time

If there is one incident that illustrates perfectly the sheer PRACTICALITY of the Napoleon Hill saying “Every adversity, every misfortune, every unfortunate occurrence carries within in it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit”, it is what is going on in the world today.

Note that the great man did NOT say the flower of full blown success, but the seed from which said plant may be said to germinate.

And astounding as it might sound, the current India – China conflict going on that yours truly has written so much about is a perfect example of this.

Now don’t get me wrong, first off.

Lots of people think I “want” war between the two nations and more.

You couldn’t be more wrong if you thought so my friend. Or if you think so. Or if you even think so in the tiniest bit, way, shape or form.

Unfortunately, sometimes harsh steps need to be taken in order to contain a growing menace that knows no limits and has NO mercy whatsoever. And the same can be said of this conflict.

Everyone knows why, so I won’t get into that here, but rest assured that it’s almost inevitable it will happen.

And the world will get dragged into it, big time.

Do I want it? No. Would I be glad to be proven wrong? Hell yeah! (yes, Charles, there are no prizes for being right as you keep telling me, but are there any for being WRONG? I never did get an answer to that! ?).

But anyway . . .

If there is one truism that emerges from all this, it is what the late Deng Xiaoping, truly a great leader had to say on China back in the day.

And it’s imperialist and other ambitions.

Hide your strength, bide your time

I have made NO secret of the FACT that I don’t regard the CCP and Chinese leadership in general as being even human, let alone have a shred of respect for them.

I don’t, due to obvious reasons.

But, and this alone will probably cause most people reading this to hit “unsubscribe”, he was the very best leader China has ever had. Certainly better than Mao and Xi Jingping, both of whom fit the “buffoon” category perfectly (the former in some ways more so than the latter, but not a lot more).

Conversely, Deng was a practical man.

And it is HE that caused China to literally emerge from the ashes and turn into the rogue nation it is today . . . or should I say, have the economic heft to try and be one.

It is HE that almost single handedly pulled almost a billion plus people out of abject poverty.

And were his methods pretty?

Do I support Tinanemen? Do I support the one child policy? Do I support the hukous system?

Hell no.

But in that day and age, those sort of drastic actions had to be taken and he made those tough decisions, and look where China is today.

And he was a huge, huge proponent of “hiding your strengths and biding your time” until it truly WAS or IS time to reveal them strengths.

Which is a different way of saying what Napoleon Hill did.

“Tell the world what you’re going to do, but show it first!”

AT the right time . . .

And ole Deng, I can promise you, would probably be turning over in his grave right about now if he knew what was going on now.

Ole Deng was NOT a proponent of “imperialism”. Economically, YES, he wanted China to be a force to be reckoned with and then some, much like Japan.

But nothing further than that, I truly believe, and yes, I can’t prove it, but not everything HAS to be proven.

And if China truly was the economic superpower it claims to be, things would have fallen into place a long time ago. It isn’t, and they haven’t, and . . .

But anyway, Deng as I’ve said before is NOT the person responsible for the “Get rich at any costs” or the “To be rich is glorious” sayings both of which are INCORRECTLY attributed to him.

I’ve written about it on both the blogs, but the translation of what he said was “If some people get rich, that is a good thing”.

And he said that w.r.t opening the country up economically, and he was dead on RIGHT.

And he was even righter (is that even a word? Hehe) about the “hide your strength, bide your time” thingy.

When someone comes up to you as you’re starting a goal, or on your way there telling you “you’ll never get there”, or “you’ll never lose that weight”, or “you’ll never be strong enough”, or any of the other BS you might expect, one response might be to tell them (as I wrote in the last email) to go to hell.

Straight to hell.

Do so, but do so mentally, my friend.

Let the naysayers neigh, and always remember, any time someone says “no” they have themselves activated a large percentage of the forces responsible for you to do the exact opposite, and then some.

IT’s happened to me on so many occasiona I can hardly recount them all!

Same thing applies to fitness.

If the studs at the gym laugh at the pot belly you’ve got and your inability to do pull-ups, and call you a bonafide DUD at ‘em . . . well, let ‘em.

First thing you know, they’re right.


Second, get cracking on the courses on pull-ups. WORK towards your goal. Before long, you’ll be EQUALLING if not surpassing the braggarts, and that, my friend, will truly be the time to SHOW your strength as opposed to hide it.

There is a time and place for everything!

And by biding your time, and NOT telling the world about your goals or “reacting” when they criticize you or do your best to bring you down (believe me, I should know!) you eliminate any and all NEGATIVE energy that stands between you and your goal.

And channel the remaining bit  of it wholeheartedly and FULL BLOODEDLY … into your goal!

And as Maximus Aurelius (I believe) a.k.a Russell Crowe said in the Gladiator,

“And victory shall be mine, in this life or the next!”

Armed with that belief and knowledge, there is nothing that can stand between you and success.



Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Here is where you can pick up another extremely motivational read:https://0excusesfitness.com/gumption-galore/

P.S #2 – Here is where you can take a gander at an extremely popular course of ours:https://0excusesfitness.com/animal-kingdom-workouts/

P.P.S – And here is where you go back to the basics, and you should!

(Edit – funnily enough it seems, and I’ve been saying this too, that India of all nations is following the “hide your strength, bide your time” maxim right about now. At least I hope that’s what they are doing, notwithstanding what their defence minister said!

Are we (those of subcontinental and Oriental origin) “Really all Asians”?

I’ve often been asked if I’m Chinese in mainland China. “You have yellow skin!”

And ole Deng looks half Indian to me to be honest, if you were to take the eyes away . . . and replace them with “bigger” or closer set eyes. Hehe.

Much like my ex boss Freddie, a great guy of Chinese origin and who was often called Indian!

Anyway, enough rambling on my part. Back soon – but hey – the message STANDS! ?).

Published in Success

Some of you read this in the last email.

But it’s interesting, how things work ...

Yours truly with all the “castigation” coming from “home” (and while the “el cranko” part is well deserved, to be very fair, a lot of the rest of it isn’t).

But then again.

Like strongman Dejon (and he does the REAL STUFF, the real lifts!) said ... you can and should always a measure a man’s worth by the number of HATERS he has.

‘Tis true my friend.

‘Tis true.

And it’s also one prime reason behind “tell the world what you’re going to do, but show it first!”

Anyway, the monkey part was covered in the last email.

If you can be a monkey, so can I!

So she said, so said the “fiery lady from Northern India” (and they make a lot of them fire breathers up there in them neck of the woods, hehe).

Probably what drew me to her in the first place, and I won’t even get into mistakes or not HERE. LOL.

But really, point of this.

My daughter is 7 years old. So getting her to do as much activity as possible is GOOD.

The more she does, the better, especially with all the inane donkey like lockdowns globally.

Really if there was a more USELESS activity which pretty much forces everyone into a huddle together when they don’t want to be, and an activity that kills global economies much like the plague is scathing through the globe, I’m yet to see it.

Not to mention that lockdowns don’t work, period.

They EXCABERATE pre-existing problems, and they do NOT solve the spread of the China plague, or Bubonic plague, or any which anything.

And they weren’t implemented for SARS. They weren’t implmeneted for Ebola. And for some of the deadlier viruses around, and yet now ...

Yes, I get it. This thing spreads differently.

But the bottom line, as I told my “buddy” out there in the park.

Him of the “running” really works! Do you remember? Hope so!

“China done spread this shit and now we’re left dealing with it. What you’re gonna do bro? Mask up and run scared, or just man up, face it, DEAL with it,and MOVE ON!”

And he agreed in full.

He’s not a mask wearer either except when he really needs to ...

But back to it, my wife seems to be getting a little “heavy” around the tummy area apparently (from what she says, at least).

And for a woman who used to have a 13 pack (or 12, hehe) from working out in the field when young – well t hat must be galling!

I wrote about field work in the last email. Well, a few emails ago!

And how it builds fitness like few other things can ...

And anyway, back to monkeying around. 

The sort of workouts I advocate go beyond “just pull-ups” and pumping the lats.

They’ll get your obliques in shape – FAST.

You’ll build a rock solid grip, and start developing that SIX Pack you’ve always wanted.

Indigestion, flatulence, and other issues like insomnia plaguing most people will become a thing of the past.

You will become a real man – or WOMAN – or “in between”, hehe. Whatever it is, it won’t be fake.

And you’ll develop strength and fitness levels, that, as Charless Mitchell, a long time customer rightly said will put you into an elite “0.00001%” bracket.

Get on the train NOW, my friend. Truly worth it!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Oh, almost forgot the dancing monkey part. Just saw it when clicking “post”. Them ESL gigs out there for one, hehe. Prime example of bozo like dancing monkey. No wonder that the BOZO himself, Schofield did pretty much that and nothing else to fuel his drug infused rants, binges and what not. But yeah. No worries. I’ve turned her – and myself into PRIMAL CAVEMAN – and WOMAN – with REAL “from the inside” GUMPTION and strength.

Don’t believe me?

Get on the pull-up workouts – and then tell me!

And check out the testimonials on all of this while you’re at it too, hehe.

Published in Pull-ups
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