Displaying items by tag: success
Man oh man how I so wish they were all like her!
This morning, two things happened - well, many things!
I got an email from the Bozo saying he signed up on this site with a new email address. I was going to block his ass, but we'll do that later, too much going on to worry about nutjobs for now!
Too much GOOD!
Paula from the other site wrote in with some SUCH SAGE(ess) words about some of my bestselling erotica that ... well, I was flabbergasted, DUMBFOUNDED, and STRUCK by lightning yet again, how I wish all affiliates - or partners, or people were like her - so damned dedicated to her work, so into what she is doing, saying, it shows!
And she repenned some of my words in the spirt in which they were written - in her own prose. Poetry!!!!!!!
I'm no poet like the Countess is.
But, Empresses and Countesses aside - and the tech issues I've been dealing with aside - I thought this would be as sage a time as any to pen some of my own words - or, bring you what is ALREADY penned, and slated to be entered into the annals of the Hall of Fame very soon (if you get my drift) from some of the best bodyweight training manuals ever written.
(not my words, mark you!)
From Pushup Central, truly there is NO other book of this nature out there - and 0 Excuses Fitness.
"Pushups are the BIG DOG of fitness"
"The road to the top is a long and lonely one, but boy is the view at the top WORTH IT!"
I was thinking about the latter last night, and how far I've come - or WE have , I should say in that we dont give a rip about nothing no more - back in the day I'd give an iota of consideration to trolls, fools, apes, copy artists, unoriginal morons that come to this site for ideas on what to write, fat apes, and so forth - the losers basically- an iota.
I'd never care about them even then.
Now I welcome them with open arms - truly, as our books rise through the rabble out there, it's about results, the end results not how many fools you piss off, and so called friends you lose.
Like they told Milka Singh, if you want to fly high, you have to LET GO of the lo lying fruit!
And that holds true for life, fitness, relationships, friends, idiots, Bozos, morons, SOs that dont get it and bitch in an inane manner like two year old's on speed - everything. If you have that goal in sight, thats all that matters, nothing else does, if something else DOES matter you ain't really serious about the goal - period - bottom line. Cut that any way you like, but it's so true.
From Squat 101 -
If you ain't squatting, you aint training.
And from the "Pushups - Reverse Pushups - the BEST darn exercise ever" - in the form of a customer testimonials - "truly this one exercise has made me feel better at the age of 64 than ANYTHING else I've ever done in my life".
There's plenty more in my great and outstanding books, but we'll finish off with another book I consider to be OUTSTANDING - and from a real man - Brooks Kubiks Dinosaur Bodyweight Training.
The manual has plenty of informative lines jampacked in it, but this one line is hidden, forgotten, yet, truly the diamond of all diamonds in the book.
"If you're fat and have a big gut hanging over, then you simply wont look like an athlete. Sorry if I've offended anyone, but it's true".
So true, Brooks, so true.
Milka Singh remained humble till his last day despite his stunning accomplishments.
When he was knighted/promoted to "officer" rank in the Indian Army those that commanded him before saluted HIM. Including a former trainer.
His response was to hang the medals he won for India around the old guy's (trainers neck).
Guru ji, I could never have done this without you, he says - as he bends to touch his feet once again (it's an India thing, the touching feet = respect).
There is only one person I consider to be a real trainee amongst all the rabble out there - Brooks Kubik - and those that train like him!
NO PRISONERS MENTALITY - RUGGED and masculine even at his age - NO BS!
And while Advanced Hill Training sales page covers how I met him initially - well, if I were to meet him now?
No touching feet. Neither one of us is into that, or would want it.
I'd give him the Gorilla Grip and challenge him to better me. I'm sure he could! I do that with my buddy from the Marines all the time!
And then I'd train with him doing log carries. He could probably kick my can in it too - but who knows - yours truly is the "Khota Sikka" as they say in India!
And thats that.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - For the gaggles of nutjobs and idiots who will no doubt question "how much does he make off this".
ZERO. I get nothing from stating his name, neither does Brooks who likely doesnt even know I'm writing this.
Some things aren't for money, fools!
I'll always remember how Brooks treated me as one of his own from the get go training wise.
So he should.
Thats what counts- and matters.
TRAINING KINSHIP! (done right).
I'm out - back soon.
You're FIRED!
I still remember the 'General' during one of our public spats on Dongguan Expat, hehe - I still remember doing something very minor (in hindsight) to a post on there - initially configured so that only Michael, Rahul and Uncle Bob could post to it - and then disappearing off to a company party where I had WAY too many drinks - enjoyed a certain "V" who seemed to be dancing especially for me, with all the winks and all she kept giving me during the factory dinner - damn.
Not that she didnt do it all day long in the office anyway ...
Those were the days, Freddie eh. Hehe.
I quit that job later - but thats another tale - but coming back home, I fell asleep - next morning I woke up to two things - one, the guy who I drove to office with wasn't showing up or something (he got pissed when I called him out for some BS in front of some girls, apparently his ego got hurt, hehe - he was a "senior manager" or some crap and from there on in, things were NEVER the same between us - neither would I really want them to be - though I gotta say, that factory had weird rules with not giving all the managers their own cars, Uncle Bob's factory was different in that regard...) and two, well a note from uncle Bob saying "Michael has done something downright nasty".
I logged on, took a look, and almost spit out my coffee which I drank back then.
First off, a post in response to mine about "who unlocked this post yet again"
"I unlocked it. Next time, you guys do something with TDG and try to promote for FREE on DGEX, get your *&^% together ... " came the angry response.
Then, something which befuddles me till this day.
Yours truly was partying it up at that time.
Certainly on the puter, I doubt Bob was either.
"Right now, only Michael, Rahul, and Uncle Bob can lock this post ...
I unlocked it and then one of us locked it back up AGAIN! ⚠
This is NOT a pissing contest . . . can you PISS farther than me ❓
You are BOTH FIRED as Major Generals and Site admins. Public posting to follow shortly.
If you have any problem with this, feel free to flame me publicly".
This was just so hilarious, coming from Michael, I just goggled. Remember, this was supposed to be and was a community website for expats in Dongguan at the time!
It was even more hilarious considering I never worked "for" Michael - rather "with him".
We basically founded the damn thing ... Bob, well, no, but he didnt work "for" him either, but the funniest part - the colors Michael put in there which I can't show here - and the "can you piss farther than me" drunken note he left.
As a site admin, that certainly wasn't on!
And I still cackle about it - and miss those days.
2003 - 2020 .. The General is still going strong I hear, though after a couple of his heart attacks he stopped downing cases of beer daily. Hehe.
Thats a trip down memory lane.
Now over HERE - recently, I (truly) fired an affiliate a while back - and I suppose the reason I bring this up again, is because like an annoying mosquito or something, he's never really stopped "buzzing around here".
This guy - well, a brief "background" -
He's fat - and claims to workout when in reality its two minute Tik Tok bursts, and then the guy goes back inside the house and "crashes on the couch".
He's almost 40, has never worked for a living, lives on his wife (poor lass) - basically she wears the pants and he's the house husband, except he doesnt even do that correctly.
It's just pathetic, the guy sits at home all day and does nothing but 2 minutes bursts of exercise which is fine if he's actually do some WORK for a living rather than be self entitled and mooch off others ... typical trailor park trash basically.
Anyway - he's basically tried to be an affiliate for every fitness guy under the sun.
They've all - myself included - given him the BOOT - not so much for him being a fat fucker, but because he can't sell even $8 ebooks worth a damn.
And no-one - no sane businessman or woman wants that sort in their lives.
Same thing for the jobs he's applied to in the past. For whatever reason he's been summarily booted from all of them ... until one fine day this ass clown decided "working wasn't for him", so he sat at home, mooched, and grew even more fat, despondent and melancholy. We all know someone like this, dont we? Haha!
He's one of these whiny liberal sorts who deep down inside hates himself because of the loser he knows he is, because the mirror tells him uncomfortable truths daily - because he knows he makes no money and is, at the end of the day, dependent upon a woman (poor girl) for even the most basic of his needs like the 12 pack he looks like he downs every night.
All of that for me, well ...
My systems here work very well.
And when that system put his application in "junk" for six months - well, I should have left it there "in the trailor" as it were.
But you guys know me, super helpful for everyone.
Perhaps it was an angel on my shoulder who said, you know, give the guy a chance, maybe he'll actually DO something if you help him out.
Of course, after he thanked me up and down for mentioning him on my website - and how he "was really enjoying my writing and so forth" and other sycophantic stuff - his whining started.
First thing you know, he wanted free copies of my books to ostensibly "review".
Nothing doing pal.
Some rules are there for a reason, they dont get broken for ANYONE.
Then he whined a bit about ...well, I can't quite remember, I asked him about sales, how he was getting along - basically what I ask all my employees - and left it at that after he claimed "he needed time".
At that point I thought maybe I was right - maybe he was actually DOING something for a change and thinking long term.
Of course, liberal whiny self entitled trailor park trash types - thinking ain't their thang, neither is business - just look at Glyn Bozo for one. (their business is mooching off desperate women and in Glyn's case of course, bottom of the barrel scum considering his thoughts and actions with underage people - just horrible!).
This guy "Benny Boy" doesnt quite fall in that category but trailor park trash - yes, and mooching off women, well, yes.
Anyway - you try and be nice to some people.
Oddly enough, they refuse the very help you give them.
I mentioned the dude on my site, tried to give him a leg up (which was hard, he's so damn FAT! Hehe) - but seriously, I did it. Indeed, I remember him writing back saying "no-one's ever done that for me!"
Then I even put a photo of him on the Gorilla Grip (ADVANCED!) page, since he was selling that at the time, I figured despite his obvious deficiencies, lets me at least try and help the guy the best I can, maybe it'll help him sell something and get him started.
Nothing happened, month later he sent me a lengthy whine about prices and other rot, and then I simply gave him the almighty BOOT, the heave - ho - what not - it was hard, my foot done got stuck in layers of phat dripping off his frame, but it had to be done.
It did.
And it was.
Since then of course being the liberal hypocrite he is who can't seem to decide, much like with Glyn, which gender he is, he's been doing his best to attack the business. Hehe.
Which is fine, and equally hilarious as the initial message I posted above.
Like dude's not in - or near - the big boy's league.
(think about it, a thoroughly unprofessoinal horse and buggy so called cheapskate "wanting it all for free" affiliate with all the "skills" and character traits above and below (no pun) - and the Rolls Royce, the bodyweight exercise guru - the whole comparison is just ludicrous whichever way you look at it. Which world do these people live in?? Venus? Seems so, hehe - certainly not "Mars", that would require you to be a man at least in SOME regards!)
40 years old (or damn near), has ZERO confidence (And the voice of a 16 year old school girl, you can literally see the heart thudding out of his chest as he attempts to talk on camera, just GUTLESS to the extreme the guy is, ugh) - hates himself deep down inside for being a complete loser and too lazy to do much about it - and lives on his wife - while doing exactly NOTHING productive with his time all day other than goggle at PS4 or whatever she buys for him.
He could change this, of course.
Sadly, he's too lazy to do so, which is fine.
But deep down inside he can't stay away from here - he knows who the leader is, and who the followers are. Hehe. Much like Glyn does.
And it's fine by me.
His trolling centers on what most of these price wanking Bozos do i.e. try and tear down books they havent even read in the first place, so giving them negative reviews and whining about "how much he charges for them" - hehe - it just shows their own desperation and complete lack of any sort of initiative. (and the desperation at not being able to sell despite desperately "trying to" Hehe).
Like what sense does it make from ANY standpoint to review a product you have not even bought, read, or owned - beyond me, but these Bozos live in liberal la la "Brittney lovin" land ...
Hey, I can see an idea forming already in Bennys fat brain as he reads this, snacking on yet another nasty pack of Cheetos ...
Anyway - all of this is fine by me.
And Benny and the rest of them are more than welcome to do so, but the home truths stated above - they apply to a LOT OF people.
Look, dude, running a business costs money - it takes acumen - skill - and many other things.
I run three of them, fourth in the offing.
And your comments just show you'll never be able to even GET a business going, much less run it.
Copying, apeing, and being cheap ain't the way to run any sort of business my friend - not that you even have one.
Life doesnt work by just "throwing it against the wall and seeing if it sticks" - shit always "sticks". Just not in the way you'd think it would Penny ...
Life doesnt work by running to the wife every time you want money for your daily necessities my friend. Just sayin, end of the day, you gotta at least make enough money to support your copious and very voluminous food requirements eh? I mean, I'm not a huge supporter of my Mom and neither is she of mine (fair enough) but her comments about the "washerwoman's son" who "looked like he eats all the family food" - well, I hate to say it, but that applies more to you than him. Hehe I'm just sayin, my friend...
Really, these people that want everything in life for free boggle the mind, how can someone even be so shameless and pathetic (loser basically) is beyond me, but hey...
Not to mention a borderline scam artist considering he sells dodgy supplements that could really fuck up people's health SERIOUSLY. Not that he has any idea of how to use them himself beyond anecdotal so called "evidence" - or copying sites I mention here, hehe - like I said, this sort would pull their pants down and happily bend over for $10 more for their six pack that might - does $10 even get you a decent six pack these days btw? Hehe.
Actually, "flat out liar" is a better way to describe this sort - pretty much in the above guy's case, what everyone picked up on sooner rather than later, and then booted him summarily - like dude's clearly never for one done any sort of high rep movements beyond 20 second Tik Tok bursts - which is fine - but at least dont lie about it and fake rep counts etc like everyone knows and says you do - even if they wouldn't - it "showeth". Ahem.
Thats not the way to run any sort of business - let alone a successful one!
Yours truly delivers - above and beyond.
The 0 Excuses Fitness videos - truly the "icing on the cake" as a great customer - several - have put it - were originally meant to have 100 pushups and some more things, I did 250 because of the nature of the beast of that product.
The newly released videos for Squat 101 and Pushup Central have quick and dirty workouts - both ending at over 100 reps, exactly 12 plus minutes ... and with variations that would make most advanced men (Benny doesnt fall into "man" category, let alone advanced, so not him) puke their guts out if they even tried it. Hehe.
I dont HAVE to do this, of course. I could well do what I promise, and be justified in charging my prices, but that ain't me - that ain't my own life - that ain't what I want for people - especially my loyal customers.
And that ain't how to be a success either. Therefore...
Anyway, the Point here isn't that Benny Boy should attempt not to be a complete loser - point is this - don't LIE. Liars and scam artists, yours truly - and anyone with any sense - simply cannot stand 'em - and in their lives, this shows - as it should.
And enough said on that one - but thats a lesson for everyone in terms of what sort of affiliate - or customer - or partner - we want on our site.
A perfect example of the polar opposite of Benny Boy is HERE (before I'm done with him, this sort will be mentioned in Profit Troll - you'll want to grab the pre-order before the price goes up again - and this sort, my friend, is so gutless they can't even mention you by name. I've mentioned him by name so many times, but he's too gutless to mention me by name because he knows ultimately it doesn't pay to "cross the boss", hehe, and much like what happened with Glyn, the SAME thing awaits him if he does so - but still. What a loser, gutless!) ...
This lady is just awesome - I have never once seen an affiliate so dedicated!
She's even created her own website despite NOT being an IT person (she's taking classes) to promote my books on the other business - exclusively.
Every morning I wake up to status reports from her, and new and innovative ways of promoting things.
When she takes off, she tells me for how many days - despite the fact she does not have to.
And she's back at it - like clockwork - when she promises it.
Her dedication has amazed me so that I do all I can to promote HER too. I've even made a partner in some regards in the biz!
And, I keep giving her suggestions to grow, she takes all of them - and it's been a month and a half since she got started, and is she racking it in as yet?
But the signs are there.
She's laying the ground work.
She understands life, success -how real success only comes after laying the groundwork, thinking ahead, planning ahead, DOING the thing, and so forth ...
All things I mention in Zero to Hero! and Gumption Galore in one way or the other.
THIS is the sort of affiliate I want!
And as I come across yet another email from her ... well, I had to write this - if just to give you an example of what sort of person to avoid in your life, what sort of person to KEEP - what sort of people you do BUSINESS with - and so forth.
Of course, only a real business person would understand any of this.
Not wankers that are so addicted to me that they despite throwing several hissies about "I'm leaving!" - cannot actually leave.
Again, this sort hates themselves deep down inside.
And they know who the boss is - ultimately. Hehe. So they follow along, tails wagging ...
Why just affiliates?
Lets look at customers, a certain John Walker for one, a stellar son of the soil that worked in the auto industry all his life, never asked for a quarter, never got anything in life for free like these entitled Bozos I mention up there did - never once complained about it.
Does his best to get EVERY product I put out here.
And so dedicated is the guy to his workouts even at age 64 - that I do my best to extend him a most generous discount every time he makes a repeat purchase.
He is the sort of person - and Paula is the sort of affiliate - that makes all of this so worth it!
Anyway. Lots of life lessons here.
And please don't do butterfly pull-ups - I knew when I was going to write about it last night - some idiot would get back saying "but they work!".
Well, if you think they work, do 'em - but dont come whining back at me is all I ask.
Really, all I ask from this sort - continue on your merry way - just leave me alone and out of it, I want no part of it.
And thats that. Lots of life and business lessons for those that care to pick 'em up ...
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - A lady just told me something I already knew - well, she told Twitter - about inspiration striking "at any time". So true, Madam. It struck me as I dropped into the best damn exercise ever for the lower body - the SQUAT!! Hehe.
The three golden rules - or should I say COMMANDMENTS - of Manifestation.
In the world famous 0 Excuses Fitness System, yours truly breaks things down and gives you the "10 Commandments of Physical Training" (success at it) before anything else.
Before the exercises. Before the workouts. Before all of it, because the mind is always the most important. I've made sure to really emphasize this in the first book on pull-ups as well, one of the most notably tough exercises for people to do right, and also in "Shoulders like BOULDERS!" for obvious reasons.
These lessons and commandments apply not just to fitness, but to life.
And today I'll give you three golden rules of manifestation which most gurus wont agree with - yet those same so called gurus have either knowingly or unknowingly followed these paths, and are not telling YOU because they're telling you what you want to hear, not what you need to KNOW in this regard.
Works for fitness - and life both.
Here it is, if I were to break it down into "three".
There's more, but these three are core tenets of any sort of successful manifestation which I've struggled with at the start my friend, and it's effortless now.
One, let me tell you what it does NOT involve - saying "I am".
It doesnt involve becoming a hermit or standing on one leg in the Himalayan mountains, or meditating for days, or growing a long beard like I am right now.
And any of that self help rot they tell you.
It aint about the so called Law of Attraction. That is a crock if there ever was - it works, yes, but only in its purest form.
It's about a lot of hard work first off.
Second, more importantly. It's about the right WORDS. And FEELING.
Third, and this is MOST important.
Thats the three commandments in ascending order, my friend.
Not sexy, not what most self help gurus tell you.
Look at the lives of most following those self help gurus though ...
This, my friend - is how you manifest success in ANY Field - fitness or not.
I'll have more on this subject later, but as I literally live a life of "think and it WILL happen" - remember one thing.
There is no magic involved.
It is a rational art and science both.
Dont think you can go out not having done any workouts in ages and think you can start sprinting up hills like Walter Peyton for one.
It aint gonna happen.
Dont think a million dollars will land at your doorstep tomorrow if you just think about it.
It aint gonna happen.
Other hand, you do the work, use the right words, most importantly, focus like a horse with blinders on and have FEELING behind not just your self talk but your bloody actions too - and it'll happen like "magic" almost.
Trust me on this one.
That, my friend is that . . .
Zero to Hero and Gumption Galore are but the tip of the iceberg on this one, those that can break down, dissect and analyze success will get it ...
I'll have more on this in the future as well.
Thats the update for now.
Back to the bearded pard doing handstand pushups . . .
Rahul Mookerjee
The lunacy of Nazi feminists whining about and taunting me about my "riches".
I will never forget the experience I had climbing the hill once in China - when a gaggle of schoolkids stopped me before I was even halfway up.
From a distance, the chorus started.
"Mei Guo Ren, Mei Guo Ren!"
(American, American in Mandarin Chinese)
If you've seen the scene in the famous movie Bloodsport where Van Damme and his pal enter the "Walled City" where they are stopped at the entrance by people checking - their guide ushers them in, but not before one of the guards chimes in with this ...
"USA! OK! ?"
Right down to the thumbsup.
Its hilarious but true - that is how it is often in China.
"Hen duo Qian!" was the next chant.
(a lot of money)
For reference, at the time - this was years ago - I was hardly even at the financial level I am at now.
(which I'm hardly a millionaire now, neither have I ever claimed to be one, nor is that goal - though I probably to be honest will be one someday. Hehe).
I found it interesting, I told my wife, who was ranting as usual.
"No money, yet they look at you that way and think so highly of you".
I didnt reply, but I grinned.
Little did she know.
The secret I've been using before dumbphones and so forth . . . before all the so called motivational videos came out, before a lot of the crap passing for "self help" came out - a lot of the crap these lunatic Nazi feminists live and swear by.
And it's simple - I THINK rich.
Most of these idiots on their videos think they think that way too, but their reality shows otherwise.
Anyway, it wasn't just one time, I've often been taunted in the past this way by the lovely wife who when she's in a good mood sends me long odes of "I want to sit at your feet forever" (true story my friend, I've got the emails if you're so interested) and bad, well you read it. HEhe.
"You're a business man! You are rich, you have money, you travel to so many countries!"
And it's people supposed to be closest to me that have done it but you know whats funny?
This whole "you're soooooooooooooo rich" thing I keep getting.
(not to mention the sheer impotency behind the comments - these usually come from women, because they know, as a certain Charles said "you wont smack 'em in the head". And coming from my dumb ass wife whose day consists of being Buddha in the bed on an old creaky laptop with an external HDD attached so she can hammer her brain with meaningless videos all day - I can sort of understand the frustration she has about "me going here, there, and her precisely NOWHERE". Well, my dear, if you'd stop being a complete cunt for one ... ah, but wait. That isn't part of their lexicon!).
And of course, the business is great when the money rolls in, when it doesnt, according to the wife "it's an useless biz".
For reference, she was referring to the trading business which we were literally rollin in money before COVID hit, of course, once it did it was my fault. Hehe.
We - or I, rather, am back up to steam there, but thankfully without my idiotic wife (the first time I was forced to depend on her for deliveries, now I just pay someone to do it).
When these same people watch motivational *so called* videos all day long - which tell them to affirm "I'm rich!" to themselves, but yet those riches never quite materialize - when these same people affirm to themselves "I'm happy" - yet stay in "three days foul mood, one day so so, then the mood swings back to super jubilant the next ..."
I did a brief talk on this here - a must watch, but in short, affirmations only work if you use them right and understand them, most do not, never will (because they're too damn lazy for one).
I can almost predict it, hehe. Come to think of it, I can predict it like clockwork, and I play these people like fools all the time. Hehe.
Look, it's all about the subconscious mind and activating it at levels that most people dont.
And empty affirmations backed up without any sort of emotion for one - or fake emotion - doesnt work.
Your mind isn't stupid, and it knows the reality of the empty bank account staring back at you, my friend - hehe (to the Nazi feminists).
And thats how it will be unless you do what is REQUIRED.
Anyway - point of this?
Lots of you deal with this on a daily basis, and feel trapped, but you dont have to my friend.
You dont necessarily need to go full on MGTOW either though that wouldn't be a bad thing.
If you want to profit and benefit from these Nazi feminists and others of their ilk at unimaginable levels in manners even you didnt dream possible - well pick up "How to not only COMBAT - but profit from Nazi feminists BIG TIME from the Nazi feminist disease PLAGUING modern day society NOW.
And that, my friend is that.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - The male equivalent of the Nazi feminist is usually a loser troll - of which there are tons in this world.
Learn how to benefit at levels hitherto dreamed IMPOSSIBLE by investing in the one and only book of it's kind HERE.
The best YOU - a better you - daily!
People are often confused about how to best focus on their goals and achieve them.
Note that I'm not talking about any of the following - goal setting, visualization, the "how to achieve the goal" (i.e. the get down to brass tacks methods you need to use) - and certainly not about success, money etc.
But it's this - once you've set your sights on a goal, usually distant, and no progress seems to happen for days, months, even years occasionally despite your persistence, you find your will flagging sometimes.
Applies to life, fitness, everything.
And the advice I give everyone is what you can learn from following Amazon, and how they did things over the years (I've always done it the same way too, but I'm giving you another example).
(also why they're pretty much the only companies I'll do business with - "companies" because each of Amazon's sub companies is a world unto itself, all under the same umbrella - sheer genius - so it should be).
(and their entire founding team was the geniuses on this one, not just Bezos, though his vision and core principles are what caused it all to happen).
Anyway - what is the advice?
Two bits, really.
One, focus on making a better product - or service - regardless of everything else.
The economy might suck, or it might boom, but a better service never goes out of style, or a better product, or more value for money, or OVERDELIVERING while underpromising, all of the things we do around here basically.
And two, more importantly, or just as - other than focus on customers and not competitors (fitness wise, this means focus on YOU, not the rest of the people doing this or that, telling you this or that or their results of lack thereof) ...focus on this one thing - make a better version of YOU Daily.
If you're a writer, focus on even better writing.
If you're working out, make sure that last workout was great - and the one today is better in some regard.
Business people, sometimes it might seem you're stuck, can't move ahead, waiting for the right breaks etc?
I get it.
But, there's always something you can do, there's always some way you can improve your offering, there's always some minor tweak to some process you can make somewhere that will, whether they know it NOW or not benefit the customer down the road (and therefore you too)..
Long story short?
Life is about living a better you - daily.
Shoot for improvement in something everyday.
Never rest on thy laurels.
Its the baby steps that really get you there, applied with persistence and vision, courage and gumptions, HEART AND GUT!
And it's something you can control.
Results are something you cannot control, effort - especially when applied the right way and to improve yourself daily - IS.
Focus on what you CAN do - and control - rather than all the intangible (at the end of the day) bullshit you CANNOT, and life becomes a lot fuckin easier, a lot smoother, a lot less worry and hassle, trust me on this NOW and believe me later!
As a certain company Rolls Royce Publications's tagline goes, "from the heart".
"Dil Se", they say in hindi.
So it should be, brah.
So it should be!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - More solid motivation to be found right here, if the world is getting you down, if you're floundering, if you're looking for success but not getting it, well the road map is mapped out in Zero to Hero (Vol #2 on the way) and Gumption Galore (from a tips standpoint). Get these two great books NOW!
PS #2 - Quote of the day from Emil Coue ...
"Day by day, in every way, I'm getting better and better".
But just saying it wont do the trick.
DO what it takes to achieve it.
And thats the point of this dispatch...
Quotes for the ages . . .
Dear Reader,
I dont know who needs to hear this today - maybe a lot of people do. Maybe not many on this list. I'm not sure (though I bet the latter).
But I'll tell you one damn thing, inspiration is something we could all do with a little more of.
Personally, those of us doing our own thing often get hit the hardest by life - and everything else (I realize that sounds "uncaring and arrogant" but try and follow a dream you've got for years, but never have, then when you finally do, watch the world seemingly put up barriers at EVERY stage).
Just when you think you've done it all, when you've hit a high point, BAM!
Life hands you a sucker punch and you're back BELOW where you started with MORE of a struggle to climb up - and out - of the hole.
It ain't anyone's fault either.
Napoleon Hill says it very well indeed in the Chapter on persistence in Think and Grow Rich where he talks about how there is a "hidden guide" (his choice of term is right i.e. guide because you learn a hell of a lot, I mean a hell of a lot during your dark and down times - about life - people - who your TRUE friends are - and a lot more (and how family will almost NEVER support you in pursuit of your dream or goal which is why I recommend NOT telling anyone until you get there i.e "Tell the world what you want to do, but SHOW 'em first" - Napoleon Hill again) who job it is to test men through countless discouraging challenges before finally "relenting" ...
And some of these challenges can be way tougher than you ever imagined - and come at times there could not be possibly "worse" in many regards.
EVERY doer, every achiever in life has been through this phase, often for extended periods, often for a long long time before success finally caved in!
You might not hear about their stories (the tough times part) a lot.
But theyre very much there, believe me, the higher a person rises, you can bet your bottom dollar he had to go through some INSANE struggle to get to where he (or she) is today.
Thats just how life works...
Homelessness seems to be one common factor as well - from Jean Claude Van Damme to Sly Stallone (and it ain't limited to just Hollywood either - it applies to life and business all across the spectrum) - some of the stories you hear about this guys, I gotta tell you, if they hadn't persisted - gone one more round when NOTHING and NOBODY was there for them - you wouldn't even know about them today.
It's persistence, gumption, the knowledge that the long game eventually rents, it's STICKABILITY - it's dedication - all of this ,plus that "intangible" Napoleon Hill talks about in his books.
I'll close this with quotes from Sly Stallone, someone who knows more than most about this sort of thing . . .
From selling his wife's jewelry on the sly to being homeless for a period to having to sell his dog because he literally couldn't feed himself, let alone the dog - working as a movie usher for years - this dude knows a thing or two about struggle.
He ain't the only one either, but Sly with his interest in writing - he pens things in an interesting manner indeed - and it makes his movie dialogs seems all the more believable, you can tell the man has LIVED it himself.
“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! Now, if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain't you. You're better than that!
Or this
"going one more round when you dont think you can is what makes ALL the difference in your life"
OR ...
"Being broke is BAD. Really BAD. Have you ever had a dream? A wonderful dream? But You are too broke to implement it? Too tiny to do it? Too small to accomplish it? Life is tough. Opportunities will pass you by, just because you are a NOBODY. People will want your products but NOT YOU. Its a tough world. If you ain’t already famous or rich or “connected”, you will find it rough. Doors will be shut on you. People will steal your glory and crash your hopes. You will push and push. And yet NOTHING WILL HAPPEN. And then your hopes will be crashed. You will be broke. Damn broke. You will do odd jobs for survival. You will be unable to feed yourself. And yes, you may end up sleeping in the streets. It happens. Yes, it does. BUT NEVER LET THEM CRUSH THAT DREAM. Whatever happens to You, Keep Dreaming. Even when they crush your hopes, Keep Dreaming. Even when they turn you away, Keep Dreaming. Even when they shut you down, Keep Dreaming. NO ONE KNOWS WHAT YOU ARE CAPABLE OF EXCEPT YOURSELF! People will judge you by HOW you look. And by WHAT you have. But Fight on! Fight for Your place in history. Fight for your glory. NEVER EVER GIVE UP! Even if it means selling all your clothes and sleeping with the dogs, IT’S OKAY! But AS LONG AS YOU ARE STILL ALIVE, Your STORY IS NOT OVER. Keep Up the Fight. Keep your dreams and hope alive. Go get it !!!"
And that, friend, is that, like I said, I dont quite know who needed to hear this today, but I'm sure many did.
Even if not, words for the ages basically from a true DOER - legend!
And thats that.
Back soon.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - For more such inspiration you MUST have at your bedside - check out Gumption Galore and Zero to Hero!
When the SQUEEZE is well and truly ON.
Oh boy.
The squeeze is well and truly ON - not that it hasn't been for years, not that I have not seen it coming, not that some of you didnt, but it REALLY started last December in terms of the rampant inflation which never came down.
You can make excuses all you want about "Russia's special military operation" causing it, but truth it COVID started the fall (we all know who started that) - truth also is, covid is the straw that broke the camel's back.
Truth also is, sanctions dont work, and if the West was truly serious about sanctions they'd never have left loopholes, and if with those the pain is this bad - well...
(not to mention it's nothing short of downright retarded to apply sanctions, then buy the same damn product from the sanctioned entity. I wonder why few, if any people are talking about that. Ah yes, it exposes lack of preparation - BRUTALLY!).
And guess what, it's just STARTING.
As my friend Ricky was saying a few months ago to a customer of his "everything's up brother. Everything's up!" (customer complaining about a few cents rise in price, which seems little, but when it happens weekly for instance... it does sort of dent the budget).
Anyway - stress levels are skyrocketing - people havent been acting normally in AGES, NOW?
It's even worse, even the normally cool cats are stressed out, big companies are in all sorts of financial "iffy" situations, and so forth.
Something to remember here, of course, is that the squeeze is being applied GLOBALLY, my friend.
You might hear it a lot more about in the West, but in reality (although it might not sound nice) it's been going on in other parts of the world for a while now, for even longer - and funny part, those parts of the world are so used to hardship they either dont talk about it, or take it in their stride and roll with it anyway - I realize that doesnt mean anything for those suffering the squeeze NOW and stressing out, but just putting it in perspective - SOMEONE out there is way worse off than you in many regards, my friend .
Dont believe me?
Oh, its true my friend.
It's TRUE.
And in this sort of environment, of course it's the salesmen that get the brunt of the "crankiness". Hehe.
Which is fine, as it should be, in fact if you're selling HARD, regularly and well - then you SHOULD be getting people on and off your list all the time for one!
Here's the thing though - remember, businesses are ALL being hit equally hard, so more so than others, some dont talk about it, others do all the time, but it's affecting EVERYONE.
Anyway ...
Real point of me saying this isn't to tell you it's all man made - I'm sure even the most anti Rahul Mookerjee reader has finally, at long last, come to that CONCLUSION (common sense!) - it's to say this.
If you're wimping out saying you dont have the money to buy something you really, really, want, my friend, then you dont really want it.
Now before I get hit by a bunch of comments on this - let me backtrack - let me rephrase.
Buy doesnt necessarily mean buy NOW.
But it also means buy - sometimes - not an indefinite NO.
There is a fine line there . . .
More -
Think about your own situation - if there is something you REALLY want, chances are excellent and second to none you prioritize that despite things being tough, tight, or whatever it is in your neck of the woods.
Thats how human beings are wired, my friend. It's nature - to all of us.
And we usually end up getting that which we really, really want - IF we really want it - at some point.
Even in the toughest of economies.
Even in the toughest of economies SOME people do well and make a profit, some a lot, some a little.
Even in the toughest of economies those with WILL to survive DO SO, and thrive as well.
(Yours truly has - I've gone on record saying HOW as well!). (and so can YOU if YOU so CHOOSE! We all have that choice to make, friend).
This is a marketing lesson rooted in reality for those that need to hear it - many do - a life lesson for many - many need to hear it - and fitness wise, my friend if you've been putting off your purchase for the 0 Excuses Fitness System for one for DONKEY'S years, it's time to get on the HORSE - and NOW!
Believe me, I can see a lot of you repeatedly adding products to the cart, and doing - NOTHING.
That don't mean EVERYONE does nothing - quite the opposite.
But this is aimed at those that do . . .
Time to man up,pony up, or whatever the story BE, and GET that damn product NOW - that you've been putting off for ages.
I realize this will open me up a barrage of criticism, and that is more than welcome, but the facts stand my friend.
As ole Alonzo rightly said, Man up nikka, man the "eff" up.
Do it NOW!
And thats that.
Rahul Mookerjee
More on this moronic "I'm rich" nonsense people spout even more these days
It's just increased manifold, the lunacy - life coaches that have done exactly F all themselves in terms of their own life sprouting up ALL over the place with their retarded, ridiculous affirmations - numero uno of course being that people pick up on "I am rich!"
And needless to say for the vast majority of people, repeating this useless mantra does exactly nothing for them - in fact, people have reported back to me that in the long run they not only did NOT make more money by reciting this nonsense mindlessly, but things WORSENED for them in many regards as well (overall, for those that were smart enough to see the overall picture - a lot aren't, and keep getting brainwashed by these same gurus aka scam artists over and over again).
Look, some of the best damn motivators out there motivated PRACTICALLY.
The book Think and Grow Rich is a classic, a lot of people complain about the title being "salesy" - but thing is, Napoleon Hill does not mention this affirmation of "I am rich" even once in the book - it is jampacked with PRACTICAL means of attaining what you want - mixed in with the spiritual i.e. faith and persistence which is a mixture of both -but the REAL secret, and Hill says this in the book at the start - YOU gotta find it for yourself.
Telling you, he says, is no use because that would deprive you of most of the benefits you'd get otherwise if you learnt/figured it out / stumbled upon it yourself.
Then these idiots (so called life coaches) send emails to their followers "How to become a life coach" and the brainwashed fools actually follow those instructions.
Mess x mess = ... well, I'm seeing a live example of it right in front of me NOW.
I wont name and shame for once.
And I wont say ALL affirmations are bad, my friend.
My favorite chant is the ole Claude Bristol line "Repetition of the same chant, the same incantations, the same affirmations, leads to BELIEF. Once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to HAPPEN".
It's a saying that is ALWAYS with me - along with another secret I will not mention here - through all my computer crashes, old computers, new computers, phones, what not - THAT is my desktop background - against black, the words, along with Bristol's face.
(and trust me, the Magic of Believing is a GREAT book - my favorite along with Think and Grow Rich).
There is a reason for that, as John walker, a great customer recently wrote back saying "despite all the tech out there, human beings are still subject to the Laws of Nature".
Spot on, friend.
Bristol was big on affirmations - DONE RIGHT.
Most do it utterly wrong.
Lets break it down to bare, brass tacks.
Lets say your shopping for a new cellphone - and you really, really want that "spanking new iphone".
You dont have the cash for it, but you add it to your cart anyway.
And you forget about it - so you think.
You DON'T though - every so often you check back, think about it ...
One fine day, and that day comes sooner than you'd expect, without even thinking about it, that phone is YOURS - somehow. Sometimes, you didnt even buy it yourself!
(not always, but a lot of times the Universe works in wondrous ways if you let it).
In the meantime, what do you do?
Do you "settle" for another cheaper model? One you dont really want?
If you do - well, you're classified as someone who doesn't "really want it" - and therefore wont get it.
If you're like me (and this was me the last time I bought a damn dumbphone) - you dont settle.
And you get what you WANT.
It's a simple example - and that can be applied to your affirmation, yet, saying "I have that phone" didnt attract it to me.
I said the polar reverse, actually ...
Same thing applies to shopping for clothes - to attracting money - to something as simple as deciding what to eat today.
If you really, really want it - you'll figure out a way to get it, it's that simple, repeating affirmations consciously or not does not matter. It will be a part of you, period, and it wont rest until it gets what it wants. Simple as that.
Same thing applies to your FITNESS my friend.
If you are REALLY REALLY Sick of looking in the mirror and seeing a flabby mess staring back at you (if you're honest with yourself to admit what sort of condition you're in) - if you're REALLY, really sick of being weak and not being able to do a single pull-up - or very many pushups at all - if you're sick of looking at the "studs on TV" and wishing "I was like them" - then you'll TAKE the steps necessary to improve your condition.
You'll invest in the resources you need to improve yourself - whether I tell you or not - whether you "affirm" it to yourself or not.
Thats how it works, friend.
And thats the Law of Attraction broken down into its simplest form - there's more to it, but thats the "gist".
Anyway ...
For those truly interested in getting in kick ass shape - starting NOW - and tossing out the rubbish excuses and "time tried nonsense" - well, the link to start is right HERE - The 0 Excuses Fitness System.
It is the baseline every serious fitness enthusiast, regardless of what "level" you're at right now MUST either begin at or pass.
And thats that for now - back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - The "adding to cart" is a dead giveaway that You, or SOMEONE wants it - and believe me, there are SO many of you that have added products to the cart and keep coming back to the checkout page (believe me, I can track this) that it begs the question "why the delay" my friend.
Like I said, if you're truly serious you'll do what it takes NOW. I can't do it for you. YOU have to do it yourself, its that simple.
More perfectly well intentioned advice that doesnt work for everyone.
Yet another one of those feel good posts on Twitter saw yours truly ...
"If you haven't written out what your ideal day looks like, how do you know when you've got there"?
Now, she was tryin to be helpful. I'm not going to call her out on this!
But - point is this - there is no ONE way of doing this, and all the self help in the world that tells you to WRITE things down (my wife for one follows this religiously - and results??) - that tells you to do X , Y and Z before bed - all of it - is advice that a) doesnt work for everyone, and b) more importantly, is NOT tailored for every situation.
Know what works?
YOU - and YOUR way, unique to only YOU work!
I've been doing all this subconsciously since I was young - either out of necessity earlier, or consciously later. I learnt at age 5 probably what most are learning at 40 i.e. the MIND if used right (not how most gurus tell you to use it ) is the most powerful weapon ever. And tool as well.
Writing it out is ONE way, yes.
But do you HAVE to write things out ?
Sure, if you're working for Freddie, yes, and he was right there. Hehe.
Documentation is something Amazon at great at, yet, even AWS fails miserably (and I've had first hand experience) at actually explaining something even slightly out of the box and not covered in docs (perhaps they are too big to really care, but I suspect they will start to care soon) ...
Yes, write it out - by hand or whatever.
But for me, I can tell you this - ALL Of my real lasting accomplishments were sparked on the spur of the moment, and NONE were a written goal.
I rarely, if ever write my goals down - DREAMS are a different matter altogether.
I believe if you truly want it, you'll get it on auto pilot ultimately.
Might sound strange, but it's true, as for my ideal day?
Wake up, check emails, write emails, work for a couple of hours, rake in the sales - and then ... well, relax, without having to answer to nobody, FREEDOM in all regards.
And thats it. Hehe. Nothing too fancy, but it's what most people in the world, rich or not - do not really have - FREEDOM!
The Chinese girls I know keep pointing this out wistfully - of course, for them, freedom means "no money" - I wish I could explain that to a certain Gorilla Girl Sophia for one who keeps pestering me about "give me some info on freelancing".
To her, I'm a "freelancer".
Always will be.
Problem is, her mindset.
She doesnt see it as WORKING for yourself, or making a pretty good living while doing what you love, on your own terms, and when you explain that to her, of course - she scowls. Looking for the easy way out is she, the vast majority of folks out there. I dont waste my time on them.
No point.
I mean, beat your head against a wall all you like, aint gonna change nothing will it.
Fitness wise, same thing - my books give you VERY EXHAUSTIVE workouts - all written down for those who need it that way.
I'll bet you my bottom dollar though - YOUR most effective and best workouts probably came on the fly - either before or after reading those.
Am I right?
Thought so!
Point of all this, again, do what works for YOU.
And learn from the best (fitness wise) here.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
The one question that determines if you truly GOT IT.
I have asked it in various shapes, forrms and guises before. Maybe I should ask my wife this one. Hehe. It would answer all her Nazi feminist "queries" instantly!
Then again, maybe not. Hehe.
But her aside, here it is.
And its a sage one in today' economic climate...
If YOU were given the chance right NOW - I mean, NOW - to get a steady, easy desk job (sort of like what I had in China in 2002, great job straight out of college, expat salary and so forth) - along with, plenty of girls - beer, what have you - whatever YOU choose to do with that cash, all you had to do was show up to the cushy job...
Grit it out NOW - lets say starting NOW - for the next 10 years building your OWN biz with no help whatsoever.
Remember, I ain't talkin about me or my story here.
Most people would, lets be honest - choose the former option, and lets be frank - there isn't necessarily anything wrong with choosing a life of medicrity and stability, sometimes, it's compensated very well!
The DOERS though - real doers - will know what is missing though.
And your deepest desires, which go unanswered this way.
Fitness wise, same thing, friend.
Many of the gains you see today for me - business wise and fitness wise both - well, as Jeff Bezos says -
"It was baked X number of years ago".
So it is with fitness.
I had never once imagined - even near to when I started this business in earnest - that my gains would come, and so ... VOLUMINOUSLY!
None of these books, none of them would have ever happened if I didnt set my stall out for the long run either consciously or not.
Fitness wise or not.
And the same thing applies today, ALL my business methods even today are possibly even more long term than before, much to the chagrin of certain ... ah, I wont go there.
The end result is ALWAYS worth it.
IF you put in the hard yards, and never quit.
And If YOU Want the sort of fitness gains I have, gains that never go away beyond a certain point even (assuming you still do the thing) - well, the 0 Excuses Fitness System is what you need to get - NOW.
Do so NOW.
Not so much to prove to me you're a doer, but YOURSELF, which is what really counts.
Rahul Mookerjee