Displaying items by tag: fitness
Ottoman oil wrestling, and more...
Wrestling, that ONE sport I'd recommend to everyone - even if you're just interested in sports for physical fitness - if you're aspiring to be a strongman or ironman - and certainly if you plan on getting into advanced martial arts, or any martial art like ji jitsu, even boxing, what not - wrestling serves as a base, a proper base - for everything, and conditions you like few other activities will).
No prizes for guessing which exercises the ancient Indian wrestlers used - HA!
India, that land of wrestlers, ancient India produced the Gama, probably and likely the greatest of them all - there was a LOT that was solid about ancient India, pity it's the exact opposite these days.
But India isn't the only land "traditionally" known for wrestling prowress and super wrestlers - real wrestlers, not the muscle bound WWE guys (although back in the day some of the WWE guys like the Taker for one had REAL martial arts and fighting background!) ...
Turkey. Think Turkish Wrestling.
Greece/Italy - Greco Roman, anyone?
And closer to home, think "farmer" Martin Burns in the good ole US of A who followed most of the same training methods and techniques as a lot of the other people from the countries mentioned above.
Anyway - the one thing most people will nod their heads at (people in the know that is) - and a secret I did NOT put in either Gorilla Grip - or Gorilla Grip Advanced - a secret that will take your grip strength to new levels even if you're a stud at doing pulll-ups with thick grips and so forth?
Even if you can close grippers and swing heavy ass clubs in sets of 100 without stopping?
Is this - make the damn thing HARDER to grip.
Oil the thing.
No pun.
I just tried gripping a bottle with the pinch grip that way - it was full of water, believe me, if you grip ANYTHING - with oil slathered all over it, it becomes that much harder to grip.
In the past, when people asked me to exercise that famous grip of mine to open hard to open jars, wedged doors etc, I'd ask if I could do it later if I had lotion on my hands. (again, no pun please. Gotta treat those calluses SOMETIME, lotion didnt really do it, but I've got dry skin naturally, that is all there is to it).
These days - NO.
I welcome the challenge!
In ancient Turkey, Rome, India etc - they knew a thing or two about grip training.
Try wrestling - hard enough as it is, and builds an explosive grip without any direct grip work.
Then try doing that when your opponent has OIL slathered all over his body - and do it all day long in competitions.
Trust me, picking people up and throwing them or simply grabbing them that way is a whole different beast than if there was no oil on their bodies.
For those saying "too simple" - well - TRY IT.
Or, try the other secret tip I give you in Gorilla Grip - ADVANCED! which involves a simple edible so simple you'd never think it could strengthen the grip, but it does.
Or try another "so simple" technique I give you in Gorilla Grip - to be done for a minimum of 100 reps per day, something so easy even couch potatoes will pooh pooh.
Well, I've got this to say - and so did Brooks Kubik in Dinosaur BodyWeight Training - -- TRY IT!
And then get back to me.
Thats the reason they oiled their bodies did the old time wrestlers - NOT the reason why most idiots at modern day gyms do it i.e. to preen, pose and pump away like the fools they're training like are...
Certainly wasn't bodybuilding focus either, take a look at their bodies, just raw solid STRENGTH, power and conditioning like no other.
And you TOO can get that way if you follow my lead, and DO what I tell you to in the 0 Excuses fitness System without making RETARDED, ridiculous excuses about price, "no time", too busy or other BS people love to whine about (and it's all BS).
Whether you will or not is of course up to you.
And YOU alone.
I'm out - back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - While you COULD do it, I dont recommend trying this method with heavy weights, especially NOT if you're swinging dem clubs, maces, kettlebells and so forth.
Disclaimer - I've done it.
But I'm advanced, not everyone is!
And even I dont do it all the time, that damn thing can seriously injure you if you dont do it right, but focus right, you'll see why grip training is really the most important thing after breathing, or close to it - next to it. Hehe. The way it makes you FEEL, utterly superhuman!
The whole bodyweight vs "weights" conundrum so many of you have
Something I've never quite understood, pally - or bro, as the case might be.
This whole mania about "am I training bodyweight only" or do I lift "weights".
For some reason, a lot of folks approach training as a "either this or that scenario".
A lot of folks also might be surprised - VERY surprised - to hear that I once lifted weights - in a manner I constantly call out NOW - and I still lift weights - in a manner I highly advocate. NOW, and will forever!
What do I mean?
Well, simply this, friend, as I sit here sweating after WEIGHTED squats, first off, I never said weights are inherently bad.
I'm a huge fan of old timer style training - old school STRONGMAN - real strongman style training, and a lot of that involved weights ALONG with bodyweight, both in equal proportion.
What I AM against is the modern day boobybuilding nonsense, the pump and tone, the constant and silly insistence on the bench being the only "real" indicator of strength, the utterly useless lat pulldown machine, and other pretty much useless ab devices, treadmills etc that are all designed to slim one thing - your wallet, not your midsection.
Not to mention, a lot of that shit is just plain ole unhealthy - dont believe me? Just look at the way you FEEL after doing a lot of those routines, my friend.
Still dont believe me, well, take it from the horse's mouth, a PRO bodybuilder and what he had to say on the Shoulders like Boulders! pages - and he aint the only one by far pally.
THAT sort of thing is what I am very vehemently against.
THAT sort of thing is what I Call out, and will continue to, unfortunately, with the marketing being shoved down your throats all the time on it, THAT is what most people think when they hear weight lifting.
But there's far more to it.
The farmer's walk for one, is a superlative exercise I recommend in Gorilla Grip - and I should have in Corrugated Core as well, as it builds the grip and core like nothing else if done right (in a manner nothing else will).
It involves lifting up heavy objects, preferably thick handled and unweildy, and walking with them for as long as you can. A few sets of that, or this sort of thing here - https://0excusesfitness.com/2021/12/29/weighted-pull-ups-or-not/ (this one had the great Brooks Kubik's approval too when I told him, you know if he approved it, it's damn good!) ... will FRY you beyond belief, my friend.
And done enough times it will fry all fat off your midsection, build a cast iron grip, build traps like a grizzly's, and lumps of muscle all over your body.
Pure weight!
Then, the routines I tell you about in Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness - if you can go fifteen minutes or more with some of those routines - well, you're a stud already.
Trust me, those of you that can squat elephants will be sweating buckets doing some of the routines I advocate with 40 kgs ... those clubs will do that to you,so will maces and kettlebells which are mentioned in the course, my longest as of yet, and thats saying something!
This one will truly be a BEHEMOTH, a bonafide MONSTER!
And even your own weight - is that not "weight" ?
Handstand pushups will make a man out of you, as will pull-ups ...
My point is just this, that there is no "one way" to train.
And if you have to lift, by all means do so - but do so like the old time strongmen did.
Lift heavy ass stones, beer kegs, stuff like that builds IMMENSE and real strength and conditions you beyond belief too if done RIGHT.
All to be included in Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness ...
And thats the lesson for now, no one way to do things in this regard!
Have at.
Rahul Mookerjee
Incredibly simple (instant) STRESS BUSTING WORKOUTS!
It struck me as I was going to turn off the computer that what people need more than anything else these days?
STRESS - relief.
Unfortunately people get it from all the wrong source - tobacco, liqor, and other illicit substances (though to be honest tobacco is probably worse than most of those "illicit" substances anyway).
People unfortunately as you can tell from whats going choose all the WRONG ways (and usually wrong people) to "vent on" i.e. "if I can vent on him or her, then I WILL!".
And a lot of people say nothing, yet just "stew" internally.
None of this is good, the reasons are all obvious (and it ain't getting any better anytime soon either - lets face it if you have not already).
Instead of all that, why not focus on "five minutes ahead I'm going to be feeling AWESOME!"
I was going to title this 5 stress busting workouts.
But truth is, there are so many - both mental and physical.
Here's a mental trick I often use - go back in your mind's eye to a PLEASANT memory - go into your mind and SEE what you want "now" (not how much money you want now, as I know thats what people will reply to) - shut off everything else - and simply focus on that imagery, and the feelings that flow forth.
It's called visualization. I talk about it in 0 Excuses Fitness, Zero to HERO! and MANY other books, and it really, really works my friend - even if you just use it for stress relief.
Then of course, you have the meditation techniques mentally.
But hold on, a lot of you here aren't interested in that either (which is fine - physical exercise is often what works best anyway!).
And I aint going to sit here and paint pictures of luxury holidays or excess spending or what not when the source of all the stress is "less money" which it seems to be for a lot of people these days.
Nah, what I'm telling you ABOVE and below costs nothing compared to what you're getting in terms of benefits, my friend.
So here it is -
In no particular order -
100 Hindu squats (or bodyweight squats) for one.
It's simple. Anytime you feel overly stressed, just drop down and start doing 'em - period.
You dont need to worry about rep counts either - all you need to keep in mind is keep it BRISK.
Finish 50 without stopping, you'll see what I mean, finish 100, you'll be BUZZING!
Or, get into a handstand and hold it for a minute at least. The blood flow to your head and neck for one will make you feel a HELL Of a lot better - not to mention this movement often puts you in the mood for tougher exercises and workouts.
ANY of the great movements in Isometric and Flexibility Training - or perhaps Advanced PROFOUND Isometric and Flexibility Training will get the trick done provided you devote a few minutes to it per day - when you're super stressed, you'll literally FEEL the stress MELTING AWAY my friend.
Then the bear crawl, a pick me up like nothing else, and it usually for most people doesn't take more than 30 seconds to work its magic.
Thats four physical exercises, two mental, key thing?
None of it need take you the entire day.
None of it, barring the initial investment in the books costs any money to do - hell, you can do the entire workouts at HOME, so where's your EXCUSE, my friend?
It's sure a lot better than "stewing internally", and worrying about factors you cannot control like economy and so forth, it'll also get you in great shape if you do enough of it.
And you'll be feeling like a billion bucks QUICKLY so you can get on with the rest of your day which is the goal here, not turning into Mr Muscle or anything of that nature my friend (and you can use these throughout the day too!).
And thats the idea for now.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - These exercises are but a few amongst the great ones I promote that will literally make stress whoosh away like air from a balloon, literally. You'll be feeling HAPPY and light and limber after just a dose or two. Try some NOW.
(and thats another great visualization right there!).
Why it ain't just politics either
Over the past few years I've been hearing this all the time.
"The politics is just crazy!"
(these days).
Every time I talk about current events with people (which I rarely do these days except with those that get it, a very select list, dwindling by the day) - I hear it.
The political situation is just insane!
(this when I'm talking about war - the future - what is happening around us- and so forth).
My response is always the same.
Though I dont always say it, I keep thinking "politics"?
If it was just politics, chances are I wouldn't even know about it.
The level to which people in general love to stick their heads in the sand and "pretend" what is going in the world "wont affect them" or "isn't happening" or "its just politics!" - is just mind boggling.
Look, when you have buildings collapsing around you, when there is war at your doorstep (I'm not saying there is necessarily for everyone, but again, look at the world for the past few years, what things have been leading up to and so forth for years, I've been saying this for years, people have stopped laughing now. Hehe) - then its not just politics is it?
Sometimes, talk needs to be taken seriously.
As they say in the South, if he SAYS something, he'll probably do it!
I'm talking real men here, not Bozos like Glyn - you get the point.
Its yet another "stick your head in the sand hoping it doesnt happen to me" thing people do unconsciously - I guess I can't blame them from a certain standpoint, I'm all for focusing on what you CAN change and so forth, focusing on what you DO want instead of what you don't - but you do so with one foot in the real world, completely ignoring reality as I see so many people doing ain't how you do it.
For those that will listen, at least. Most wont and that is fine.
And that brings me to fitness again.
It ain't just talk either my friend - some may dismiss what I (and anyone who is the real deal) says about being phat - about not being able to do pull-ups properly if you have excess flabbage around the midsection or too much junk/baggage in that damned trunk - about what I say about core fitness - and so forth.
"I dont need all that"
"I'm just an every day person"
"Its just all talk!"
These are the things people SAY.
But really, when it comes to the point you're walking down the street wishing you had that corrugated core - or the X taper to your body - or thoroughbred legs - when you're too ashamed to take your shirt off at the beach because of your mammoth boobies (I'm talking MEN here) (and believe me, I've been there, I know what it feels like!) - when you wish "you were as fit as him" - when you wish "you looked that young" - and any other host of thoughts - - then it moves beyond just talk.
When you have back pain - shoulder pain - a constant rundown feeling - and so forth.
No, my friend, it aint just talk.
When real men talk, there is a reason behind what they're saying, and its almost always rooted in solid, pure PRACTICALITY.
Take this advice as you may, dismiss if you want, but it's nigh true
And fitness wise if you can relate to what I Said above, well, thats what my products are there for.
These resources will truly get you in the best shape of your LIFE, my friend, and they will help you at no matter what stage you're at NOW.
And the best - and only, really, place to start - is the 0 Excuses Fitness System.
Yes, despite having a plethora of products I could point you to the bottom line is this - you need a foundation FIRST, or that building will collapse.
And therefore, I point you to where I am.
Start NOW.
Start TODAY.
SEIZE the day - the moment -the opportunity - it is NOW - to become the "best you" possible.
And let me know when you do it!
Rahul mookerjee
When walking in the mall makes you "tired" ...
When I first heard it a month or so ago, I was nigh flabbergasted - from the wife.
But I chalked it down to usual womanly stuff and nothing more - the complaint was "because of your mother i.e her mother in law making me go to the mall" . . .
Now, apparently there was some "wife VS mother in law" fight as usual - dont EVEN get me started on that BS. Yours truly has never dealt with it, and I never will (which is why I'm uniformly "hated" in that regard, but that is fine, I refuse to be the cuck handling it all).
But today, as my wife said it again, it seems she "Really means it".
Now, no doubt a lot of this was because at that point she didnt want to go or something - mental things matter a lot.
But lets focus on the fitness aspect of it.
"Honey, how the fuck can walking in the mall make you tired" was what I asked, and left out the expletive. Hehe.
I mean really, walking at a slow pace, A/C malls, escalators everywhere...
I dont get it!
But apparently it does, "walking into different shops" makes you tired for days - - and apparently "is exhausting".
Is it?
To me I cannot fathom the idea of something like that being exhausting.
Truly when people - either male or female - have nothing to worry about, they FIND reasons to worry, and create reasons in their own MIND. Hehe. (and NO, this does NOT just apply to the people in this email - it applies to everyone, male, female, everyone).
But really, what my wife is saying is par for the course these days.
The other day, I was waiting at the bus stop and I remember looking at people passing by "idly" - and I was looking at their midsections.
I waited for half an hour. There was not ONE fit person I saw, most were grossly OBESE.
People are just getting lazier by the day, and as I say this I remember a dude who looked like he was ready to birth Saturn - or maybe even Jupiter - literally, he was THAT fat.
I wonder how those people WALK in the first place, and of course, if you ask them to move more than a few steps, the complaints start.
Perhaps that, my friend, is the one reason EVERYONE needs to invest in a decent home based fitness system which does away with all excuses - weather wise, equipment wise, and so forth.
Of course, those that want to complain will find a way to do so.
But fitness, my friend, is evergreen.
It - like sex, hehe - never goes away, and both build upon each other.
I dont know why I said that, perhaps the other business comes to mind!
Anyway ..............
To invest in a quality fitness system that lets you start at YOUR level, yes, 0 Excuses Fitness is for beached whales as well as fitness freaks and Ironmen and women and everyone in between ... go HERE.
And the other book I'd really recommend in this regard for everyday fitness - Animal Kingdom Workouts.
Just move around for a few minutes a day to begin with.
You'll be amazed at the GAINS you make.
There endeth this one - on the "new look site" (I know, it dont look THAT different) ... Hehe.
If you dont see emails from August, for some reason the system put them in a different order, but they can be accessed via "latest posts" at the bottom.
And thats that.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS- More huge changess in the offing. STAY TUNED!
First grade (primary) kids doing pull-ups at Hanlin “International” School
It an't no secret now is it, that yours truly hates (and never does) working a “job” or “for someone else” for that matter
And I don't think it's a secret either that I dislike dancing monkey jobs in general more than any other “job” out there!
Case in point being ESL in China.
English as a second language and first “indulgence” (which is basically what it is for the coddled brats (both adult or not)) learning the language.
“Grandmother” Ashley being one of those. I believe I mentioned her walking out of the class in a fit once upon a good ole time because I wouldn't turn the AC “down” in the middle of blazing summer (while she pranced around in a blue mini skirt of all things).
Now don't get me wrong.
She was a good “gal” (or lady, or whatever you choose to call it). Or parent. But with yours truly she had history, and that was affecting her more than it should. Hehe.
Anyway ... she tried to get me fired. Probably did. And I walked very happily, much to the consternation of those (unwillingly – there was no reason to do it!) firing their best teacher because he wouldn't sit in the heat.
Ah, life in China!
Anyway, she was probably a good parent too.
And that brings me to THIS.
Hanlin school in Dongguan, a place that I Still have nightmares about working in, despite my supervisor Alan (now thats a great guy right there! One of the best!) doing all he could to keep things professional and stick to schedules etc as agreed upon.
And I was teaching primary there I believe. First grade, I believe they called it, or something. I can't remember.
Let's just say first grade.
And the highlight of my crazy time there (a few months all in all after which I very happily bailed on my own terms) was during “PE” class.
Of course.
What do I mean?
Well, they had me teaching a bunch of classes – all mostly boring for the most part. The archetypical “dancing monkey” BS
But (oh, and that reminds me – Gabriel – another great guy, and another one of my indirect supervisors there – very helpful man indeed!) ... PE class was anothe rdeal altogether.
Due to the craziness with schedules etc, I'd often have to go in at the last moment to teach (though Alan did all he could to avoid this, but it still happened).
And during PE class, we were supposed to make the kids “move”.
But that was it.
And after some routine football/basketball games, I did what I do best.
I got the kids doing pushups.
But I didnt tell them to do.
I was doing them as part of my own workout out there on the school lawn!
Indeed, I'd often do pushups and pull-ups at the school – even in the evenings when I arrived early for class.
Those evening workouts were known only to me and a few high schoolers who were out there at that point.
But the morning PE workouts – well – the kids joined in as soon as they saw me.
And I soon got them doing pull-ups as well – so much so that my “el groucho” cranky ass was actually photographed doing pull-ups with the kids and GETTING them to do them – and that photo was displayed very prominently on the school's marketing bulletin board outside class.
Along with a ... gasp. Yes. A smiling yours truly.
On occasion, I do crack a huge smile!
And the contrast between those two pictures is like day and night.
Well, not really. I believe I was smiling in the first set of pics too. Hehe.
But really, point is this, and it holds especially true today.
Kids are overburdened with way too much these days , my friend - -and a good exercise regimen is the best thing you can do for 'em.
Unfortunately, the Seargant General approach won't work.
You gotta DO yourself, and the little monkeys will follow along, hehe, and they'll have a whale of a time, and won't even know it!
And they will be building them Shoulders like Boulders from a very young age like my daughter is – or vice like grips like some of the heftier students at “Hanlin” were bulding! Hehe.
Last, but not least, proof? Well, I've got those pictures stashed away somewhere I believe, and I'll probably post them on social media or what not down the line.
I'd do it now, but three computer crashes later (all this year!) I've lost pretty much everything I had on my hard disk, so I can't do it righ tnow. But it's verymuch there! :)
Anyway, get 'em started young – and early!
And thats the message for this one. Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – DO pick up Kiddie Fitness for your kids, especially i fyou're stuck at home with kids during the lockdown. Its far better than giving them a steady diet of the dumbphone for one. Trust me. Yes, the course ain't “cheap”, but it's something that will pay off in spades – an investment as it were. Grab this NOW for your kids my friend.
PS #2 – And as for some early Thanksgiving or Christmas shopping – well – good news – pandemic or not – e-products are always open – and HERE is where you can delve into some of OURS!
“India man very hot”
And, I should say, why I do NOT believe in coincidence – of any form, nature or shape.
At least not in the manner most people believe it to be.
Neither do I believe in luck the same way.
It all happens, but it happens for a REASON and sometimes, often times, we are UNABLE To figure out the logic behind it – as we should be!
The Universe works in ways that the human mind cannot even begin to comprehend, my friend, and once you have faith, you'll see what I mean – literally (and I mean REAL faith).
Faith from the inside out.
Anyway, back to it. Tracy, a friend of mine (not the student!) once made the following comment to me giggling as I ascended the hill with her.
(We were hiking together and at that point, she was kicking my RUMPUS. Royally!)
(Pun intended, hehe).
And she made the following comment.
“India man very hot! I hear this!”
(Now, her English wasn't and isn't the best, so I didnt equate hot with “handsome”. I equated it with energy – and perhaps the sort you're thinking about).
I didnt question her then on it, but years later, as I reconnected with her, I asked her what she meant, and she said that “if girls that you find sexy can be called hot, why not men”.
“I'm flattered, Tracy” I laughed. “But honestly, that was the last thing on my mind!”
(and it WAS the last thing on my mind. Haha).
Then we spoke about other things.
The esoteric. And coincidence, and of course, it started to fly over her head.
And at one point she made the following comments.
“You don't have any enemies in China! Don't pretend to be Indian spy!”
(this with reference to a particularly scary “hag” that once showed up in my dreams, and I knew – at once – what it meant).
Am I?
“Tracy, if I was a spy, I wouldn't be using WeShat”, I grinned back.
But really, my friend.
Things happen for a reason. People are drawn into our lives for a reason. Positivity is drawn into our lives for a reason. And so forth.
Ever thought of the saying “where there is a will there is a way?”
Even when things seem impossible, there is always a “way”. It depends on how strong the desire and will behind the “way” is!
Faith, my friend, can indeed move MOUNTAINS.
Ever notice that when you really WANT or “need” something (really, really!) it just “shows up” there?
(At that point, your “need” beomes a “want”).
These may sound like mere words, but they're not my friend.
If you truly, truly want something badly enough, you will GET IT.
I don't care if it's fitness, business, relationships, or what not – you – will FIND a way to GET IT – if you have FAITH!
Faith, my friend, is the elixir that produces MIRACLES (No, that isn't the initial Napoleon Hill saying, but I believe I'm permitted to change it up a bit!).
Without faith, real faith, nothign moves. Or starts to.
And same thing, fitness wise.
You might not want to be “hot India man” - or “hot girl” - or so you think ....
Let's face it. We all love compliments.
And one of the main reasons we get into fitness is looks (though it shouldn't be the main reason).
But it is for most people ...
And to get in the very best shape of your life – curiously enough, and as you can see from my OWN life – LESS physical work is required than what you'd think.
Ford (and I said this in the last one) once said thinking was the hardest job.
And it is, hehe.
Think about that a while – and while you do so – be sure to pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness Sysem as well. Best damned fitness program ever, and it ain't no “coincidence” I'm saying it either!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Becoming more AWARE of your surroundings and then learning how to go WITHIN yourself is another skill that is of UTMOST importance in your “journey” in life. Confused? Want to learn more? Well, I divulge a lot on this to those I coach one on one, but I do not accept “everyone” my friend (and it ain't got nothing to do with moolah either). To find out if you truly “have it” ... apply right HERE – NOW!
PS #2 – I wrote about this on the other site, except from a different perspective, hehe.
You have to take the long view
And it is TRUE.
I don’t care if youre thinking life, or fitness, or business, this applies. And how!
Recently, a friend of mine commented on a new business venture I started a couple of months ago.
Actually, I should say an “offshoot” of an existing business, really. To be honest. Pun intended. In more ways than ONE! ?
Maybe I just started doing things differently (and remember, I KEPT doing them the old way too).
“Hmm”, he noticed (best intentions at heart).
“Why do you want to change things up if they aren’t failing?” he asked curiously. “Why the new slant?”
Well, I didn’t change things I replied. I merely added a new twist to it, a new business offshoot as it were …
More potential, more opportunities.
Yesterday, this person asked me how much money I made from the “new way” and old.
Old? Its going great, I said.
“And the new way” he eagerly asked.
ZERO, I replied.
And I meant it.
That new business, or offshoot of an existing one has netted me a grand total of ZERO as yet, and probably won’t net me anything until next year, recession or not, Chinese plague or not.
You could have deflated a balloon, so disappointed he was …
Listen, my friend.
Some of the most successful businesses were started when the person starting them was at rock bottom, and then some – or during some of the worst recession or global depressions ever.
I don’t care what your situation is right now, but it boils down to this – when you really, really gotta do something you’ll either sink or swim (as a former boss of mine said).
Might sound harsh, but the tough times are what separate the doer from the dreamers my friend, and the achievers from the has beens.
And you gotta take the LONG view here.
If you’re starting a biz in the depression, for instance (such as now, which is easily the most turbulent time of our recent lives … and EASILY a time that could lead to another massive World War (despite what the nuts on the left think)), then profit?
Forgetttt about it, my friend.
Unless you’re already established, or selling something essential, it ain’t gonna happen and even then it’s dicey and up in the air.
Down the line though, slowly …
Thing is, most people don’t GET to that point.
People don’t understand that businesses that LAST make SACRIFICES, often times for YEARS that the average joker isn’t willing to make.
Note I said WILLING, not able. Everyone is able. Where there is a will, there is indeed a way. For everything!
Often times, way back in the day I had to choose between putting food on the table and keeping my businesses going.
Not an easy choice, is it?
But it’s a choice we all face when we START something, and often times down the road as well.
It’s a tough choice, my friend, but you have to make that business a priority (no, I don’t mean don’t put food on the table, but I mean, that biz has got to come before anything else).
It is only IF you have this mindset that you can progress, and eventually succeed – lasting success, not a fly by night and “rapid” success that most people hope for.
Fitness wise, same thing.
Often times, while the most rapid succeses come within days or weeks (and usually they do if you’re doing things right) … the LASTING successes come from YEARS of hard training done right.
Muscle memory comes from YEARS of hard training done right!
So does your overall conditioning, how quickly you bounce back from injuries down the year, how quickly you get back in the groove, and so forth.
There was a point I didn’t do pull-ups for ages.
Months, actually.
But when I started doing them again?
‘Twas like I had never stopped.
Sure, took me a few days to get back to 100 pull-ups per workout.
That’s a FEW DAYS to get back to something I hadn’t done for months, and something (a level) most people won’t reach in their entire LIFETIME.
Mostly for lack of real trying…. (and of course, hiding behind the big guy can’t do pull-ups silly excuses).
And so forth.
Take the long view, my friend. That’s how it works both in terms of life – and business – and relationships – and fitness – and damn near everything you dabble in!
Unless you’re Bozo Schofield, of course, but even he seems to have taken the long view to becoming the most useless and most ignored “troll of the century”, hehe. Or unless you aspire to him which I highly doubt!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Apply for life coaching right HERE if you so choose my friend.
The one thing I will NEVER EVER compromise on . . .
Whatsupppp CHUCKKOOOOO .. .
. . . or at least, that was the first thing I wanted to say to Charles aka “Chuck”, the guy (not the loyal and down to earth customer Charles, but the other guy) I’ve written about a lot . . .
. . . he used to be a fairly honest and down to earth guy, but 2020 has changed a lot of people.
Truly the year of the survivor as it were, and truly the year where the CREAM rises to the top - - and Idon’t just mean fitness wise – I mean in all regards!
Anyway, what am I talking about, you might ask.
Well, a couple of posts earlier somewhere on these on my social media I posted a “politically” charged post on WeShat.
A form of social media I normally assiduously avoid due to the Chinese CCP censorship and monitoring, but a form of social media I just have to get on sometimes to talk to people that for whatever reason won’t and haven’t switched to less intrusive forms of social media (although they all do monitor, wechat takes things to giddy limits).
And what I basically posted about was the current unofficial war going on between India and China, and the fact that the Indians are finally giving the Chinese a taste of their own medicine, and how.
A lot has been written about how the Chinese view Indians as inferior, and how their economy supposedly dwarfs the Indian economy, how “India wouldn’t stand a chance”, and other such horse manure from the CCP “troll factory” or running dogs station.
Global Times being the prime moron here, which is basically a mouthpiece for the CCP.
One fine tweet from these idiots read as such “India has forgotten who it is”
Huh?? Racism (or intended) aside, what exactly do these buffoons think India, or the rest of the world is?
YES, we slept on things for way too long, but the plague you unleashed and a certain Trumpinator that was unleashed a few years ago changed all that permanently, and right now, it’s justa matter of time.
And that’s basically what I posted to weShat, or auto posted.
And Charles piped up, as he often does.
He was moaning about “why I posted here if I was bored (he thought I was) and had nothing better to do, and what would I accomplish by posting here”.
Well, first thing, Chuck-O.
My DEAREST, and former friend Chuck-O, and truth be told, you’re still a good dude, you’ve just been brainwashed . . . or you’re running scared of “them”.
What good does it do YOU To respond to my post?
I thought so!
Look, dude.
I don’t care if you believe the CCP is the best thing since sliced bread, and if you quote Global Times as a reputable source for what sgoing on globally, or choose to stick your head in the sand on a number of issues as you have and continue to do.
I don’t care if you call me a moron that “can’t speak English” (hey, remember that convo we had? ?).
And so forth.
I don’t give a shit either way.
But what I WILL RESPOND to, and what I DO CARE about is this, my friend.
My honor and integrity, and my reputation, and DOING THE RIGHT THING.
I am NOT GOING to stand by and let bullies “be bullies” and passively encourage them by pretending to roll overand play dead.
What is right is right ,and what is wrong is wrong, BOYO. You know this as well as I do.
You know very well what is going on.
You’re just shit scared you’ll have to return back home and . . . well, I won’t get into that. Your choice, your pregorative, but when you come out and say I can’t say what I am, while you apparently can, I got THREE WORDS for ya.
No, NOT two words as “D-X” said all those years ago (man, them were the days!!). ?
Those being . . . (mine)
And doing the right thing, again.
A long time ago, when we met in person my honor and integrity was called into question by a certain someone you know very well (someone I won’t mention).
I looked you in the EYE when that was happening.
So did YOU.
And YOU WERE the first to REFUTE that statement!
My friend from the Marines (while chatting with me) once told me the following.
“You’re a man of high moral fiber, Rahul!”
And while the reasons he told me that were different from yours, right now, if you were here, I’d stand toe to toe with you and look you in the eye.
And look DEEP into your eyes!
Much like I did all those years ago, when you looked away . . .
I don’t care whose stronger, and who can pick up who and throw him out the window.
I don’t care about doing pull-ups (I do, but not).
What I truly DO CARE ABOUT is my HONOR and integrity.
And when there’s wrong being committed, I WILL go to the ends of the earth to expose that wrong.
And I WILL POST about it, and I WILL STAND toe to toe with you, look yoi in the eye (much as “Major General Michael” did all those years ago while drinking one fine night ?) and tell you the following.
And doing the right thing.
I don’t BS in any of my books and courses. That’s how it relates to fitness, for those asking!
My products deliver results, and while I ain’t everyones cup of tea, hey, end of the day, results are what count bro.
And as you yourself said, it ain’t how you start. It’s how you FINISH!
And on that note, me be finishing this here email. How dare I write that way. But hey, I’m the guy that can’t speak English worth a damn right Charles? ?
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – And no, none of this is posturing my friend. Always stand up and be counted and do the RIGHT THING – it will pay dividends down the line!
Visiting VS LIVING. Talking (or READING) vs doing
Often times, I discuss the world with people (well, I USED to I should say, but whatever).
And countries in general.
Comparing countries and how they stack up. Politics. What is going on. And so forth.
And of course, the actual nitty gritties of LIFE in the countries.
And I don’t mean life as you see in those places in the movies. Or everyday life.
Or, the “touristy” stuff.
It’s amazing, but people still go on tours of Europe and other such vastly diverse places in a tour bus and expect to cover everything in the itenary in a trifling 10 days or so (or whatever the length of the tour is).
And of course, if we’re talking Asians (and specifically Indians and Chinese), for whatever reason they start to “miss home” as soon as they set foot abroad on foreign shores, even if that’s through the window of a tour bus.
Oh boy. IF there is anything more stupid than wanting (for example) Chinese food when you go to visit various parts of the USA to the point you’re not willing to try real American food, I’m yet to hear it.
Or, the Indians that jump up and down about “where is my curry” when they travel abroad.
Or, those that travel to the Himalayas in India, one of my FAVORITE Places to travel and visit in this world (there may be others, hehe) and never set foot outside the car.
Gorging on food all the time and getting FATTER and more miserable all the time, and then complaining about “I didn’t lose any weight on them hills”.
Yeah. Sure you didn’t!
Anyway, where was I?
Ah yes . . .
Personally, for me, if I travel someplace, I like to visit ONE place. And do so in detail.
Not for me the running around from one place to the other as we once did in China a few years back, a trip that was great fun, but a trip that with all the driving involved (and there is more to this story! Which I won’t share here, hehe?) was anything BUT fun sometimes. Often times, I’d just want to go back to the hotel, get a beer, and CRASH!
Anyway . . .
Point being this.
When you VISIT a country, you see what is “outside”. Or what the tour guides show you.
But when you actually LIVE in that country, and actually get to know the customs, the languages, and the nitty gritties of the country, then that is quite another experience.
For instance, the Chinese often mark my packages as delivered when they’re not. Apparently that’s “become the thing to do” for most delivery companies to avoid being penalized for late deliveries, at least in mainland China.
And to me, this is utterly unacceptable.
Not so to the cHinese, and to people in general who stare at me incredulously and gape like a fish out of water when I rant on about just how UNPROFESSIONAL it is.
Anyway, I’m here to tell you something that might sound a bit surprising given my recent posts.
China, all in all, isn’t really that bad of a place to live in overall – IF you toe their line, of course.
But take away the Commie part, and even then, for a third world country (and lets face it, that’s what China is for the most part even now beneath the gloss and glitter), it’s a pretty decent place to live actually.
It doesn’t have many of the issues associated with most third world countries (not any more at least) . . .
Of course, the reasons for that are the land grabs and the resources and other things they steal and so forth. Everything comes at a price.
But still . . .
Hell no.
But a lot of people think it’s like a slightly nicer version of Sudan or Ethiopia for instance on the grand scale of things.
Not so my friend.
And I KNOW, because . . . well, I didn’t just visit. I put down roots there, hehe.
Anyway . . . how does this apply to fitness you might ask?
Just READING about fitness ain’t gonna get it one.
You can TALK about doing pull-ups like Bourne all you want, but until you actually get down to doing them, you’ll get nowhere (and indeed, just talk might HURT your chances of actually getting better at them more than you think!).
And so forth.
Climbing hills is great, but you have to literally FEEL how it feels on your fourth climb out there in the blazing sun to be considered a true IRONMAN, for one.
And so on and so forth.
Get past the gloss and glitter my friend.
Start DOING – today.
Not only will you make a better YOU by doing this – but you’ll make the WORLD a far better place too!
And that’s that for now. Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – I just received the following email from a potential translator for one of my books (Fitness PIONEER) –
“Hi, Rahul! I'd like to translate your book, I find it really interesting and different from others related to fitness, it's not only about the body but our attitude. I'm overweighed and I know how it feels, haha. Hope to hear from you. Thanks. P.S: I speak latin american Spanish.”
Did he have it right? Me thinks so, amigo! Hehe.