Thursday, 15 September 2022 09:34

"You are fat inside"

Chinese girls have this cute, sexy way (to me, at least) of getting STRAIGHT TO THE POINT - albeit sometimes indirectly, and in my case I've always found it so cute that I find it hard to stay mad at them for any length of time.

Anyway ... my "Jie Jie", or lets say "elder sister" in China "Maria".

I'll never forget the two comments she made in 2003 when I first met her on Icq.

Remember those days? MSN messenger, ICQ ... no dumbphones, truly, as a certain "Pooja" said today, and as I've been saying all along, the 90s were the BEST days, HEADY!

She said the 90's generation was the best, which is close though.

Things were REAL back then, including a cute little photo of Maria's, pink shirt, lovely vivacious smile, long black hair (all of which still exists though she claims "I'm old now").

Before y'all jump to conclusions, we've never met in person. Hehe. Sometimes, the best relationships "flower" that way!

Not by choice, by chance.

I bought her a gift on a trip back from India (or to India, I believe) once and was going to meet her to give it to her, but she giggled and told me to mail it, which given she had a boyfriend at the time she was planning upon marrying, and did - was very smart. Girls from Fujian in China are not just gorgeous, they tend to be uber smart too.

Anyway - I'm getting side tracked.

Point of this is, she wanted to "see me", so I sent her a video of my apartment, I believe.

(at the time I was taking a video of a horribly mangled up ingrown toenail with pus oozing out of it that required not one, but TWO surgeries - first one was so so, second really worked - it hurts like a SOB - if you even touched it I'd yell, it happened during massage a lot, some of the ladies high heels would accidentally hit it, and MY! That HURT! (and finally prompted me to seek treatment for it in Hong Kong which I did successfully, never happened again, though I've had swollen ankles etc years later when I was phat) that was I was going to send to my parents to "show them") ...

Along with those two videos taken on a camcorder I got from Walmart in 2002, I think - which I finally gave away in 2021 - a school has it now, though what and how they use it, given the cassettes it uses are no longer around - I've no idea - but along with those two videos, I think I sent her a picture of myself in a T shirt or something.

Not a shirtless picture I sent a certain Cody years later, apparently that was because "she wanted to show her husband" (real reason was SHE wanted to see it. HA!) ... anyway, that's a different story, and a rather A rated one. It also spawned several books, so I guess thats good. Hehe.

But anyway Maria, the first comment was "you're fat inside!"

It did hurt my weetle feelings a bit at the time, I admit it.

This was before I had grown my thick skin, remember?

This was back when I still lifted weights, and here's the thing, the bottom line - Maria didnt mean it in a negative manner. In fact all along she was giggling about "handsome foreigner" "foreigners are big" etc, so it wasn't negative, it was just an observation, Chinglish as it were (Chinese English) ..

Then this -

"your home looks like a hotel!"

That one stunned me, that was hardly China in the 1960's where most lived in villages...

Till date I (when in china) live in that type of accomodation, though it doesnt even have elevators. Hehe. Some things never ever change!

ANd some preferences...

I dont know if Maria would still say the hotel part, but she sure as hell wouldn't say "fat inside". Hehe.

But point of this?

I was a BIG guy at that time - muscles wise.

I used to lift weights, I did pushups etc, but ask me to climb a flight of stairs, I'd be out of breath with all the smoking I did, though I managed to get two heavy ass suitcases (Mom and Dad) up to my fourth floor apartment, it taxed me - big time.

Kinda like Bruce Lee when he fought off all those attackers, yet it left him WINDED big time.

Anyway ......

Ya'll know the entire story of how I quit smoking, then Ann Lee came along months later, and my wife literally - oh I mean my LIFE, hehe - changed.

Point is this.

I did no grip work then, very little if any core work, my lower back was weak, although "looks were good" - I was 24 at the time - externally I was looking "ok" though a little big around the waist, it was nothing compared to what a lot of other people looked like, and I'd get compliments on my "large" forearms (they're anything but TODAY) all the time as well.

There was NO vascularity to them though back then ...

Point is this - real point.

If you're fat, you're fat my friend, and it'll show whether you hide it or not, whether your feelings are hurt or not.

If you're big, you're big, but if you're big and fat, then you're big and fat.

And big doesn't negate the importance of core training and a slim strong WAIST - trim waist I should say, trimmed down to BARE ESSENTIALS.

Trust me on this, core training, there are few things more important than it.

And here is a course that will train your core better than anything you've ever done - Corrugated Core (a much underrated yet SOLID course we have on this).

Combine with Gorilla Grip and the 0 Excuses Fitness System (bought in reverse order) and you're well and truly off to the races.

So am I - for now.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - Question of the day, and this isn't necessarily a new one.

I roundly ignore, block, call out a certain person, he still finds ways to follow me and ... well, wants to chat, but doesnt.

It ain't just Bozo Glyn either, there are MANY like him.

There's a lesson there for all of you if you choose to learn. Hehe. Several actually, and while the person I'm referring to here is hardly a "troll" - Profit Troll will have more on this. Stay tuned, it's a book y'all WILL NOT want to miss!

Several "she's" fit this category too, the "stalker" in 2019 coming to mind, but there's plenty more, I've blocked this one girl's number - three of 'em - she signed up with a fourth one (on another list). Hehe. Some people ... (and on whats app as well). The he's meanwhile surreptitiously keep checking out what this cat has been up to.

Ah well, hehe.