Tuesday, 01 February 2022 18:13

Two sticks - better than ONE?

It's interesting, my friend - I've spoken galore about how the great Alexander Zass, renowned for breaking out of prisons (POW prisons during the War) by bending iron bars ... with his bare hands! -built up to that sort of strength (from his childhood). 

In a nutshell,by using simple exercises and movements the Bozos out there deem as being "too easy"! 

"Thats too easy, how can it work" 

But work it does, I've often gone hoarse saying the simplest things work the best. 

And I'm well warranted in saying this, because it's ...TRUE. 

100% plus proof TRUE. 

In fact, I'd argue that the simpler an exercise or movement is, the better it works your body - the more you can really "get inside your muscle" (and therefore the movement) - and experience benefits accordingly. 

Of course, if youre the sort that loves shelling out big bucks for gyms, equipment, fancy trainers, Ipod, pad, or what not - treadmills which end up being little more than clothes hangers at home - and so forth - then be my guest. No arguments from me there, I'll just tell you the oldtimers would have none of it and I'll leave it at that.

This afternoon, the daughter handed me a stick at the park. 

And this stick was sort of like the stick I use for my regular isometrics - a solid, stout bamboo stick which won't break no matter what (unless you're a modern day Zass, of course!). 

So I figured I'd try it for size. 

Picture my surprise then when after a few bends - the damn thing snapped completely in half!

Now, I dont think this boils down to the increased grip (and overall upper body strength) that my isometrics training routine detailed in "Advanced, PROFOUND Isometric and Flexibility Training" (one of the tips even involves training with a THICK ass grip on the chinning bar, and no, it's not just about "just thick gripz") has resulted in. 

Perhaps some part of it, but I believe part of that stick was wet, perhaps a bit rotten to the core. 


I then took the halves, and tried to bend them by putting them together (an idea given by the little one again). 

Lo, they wouldn't bend!

No matter what I did - or sitting here NOW, do - they wont bend. 


There's always a way to make things harder, my friend - and the beauty of isometrics to be honest lies entirely in its simplicity. 

You dont get much simpler than pushng and pulling - or trying to twist - or trying to break with all your might. 

Further, kids love it too. 

You'll see a video of my daughter on Youtube doing her impersonation of the Great Gama against a young tree - which to her credit she did kind of manage to shake!s

Isometrics builds strength and flexibility like nothing you've ever done before - and the crowning beauty of it all? 

You dont need much at all to get started. 

Even if you're a beached whale right now that can barely hold in the pushup position - isometrics provides you with a starting point that you can start from - and feel comfortable doing so - and progress QUICK, while SEEING said (and tanglble) progress. 

Well, my friend - if something like that was in front of me, I'd jump at the offer. 

Dont know about you, but I would. 

And isometrics wise - if you haven't yet got the first book- get it now. 

If you have, get the ADVANCED book now. 

And if you want to save a "pretty penny", then go ahead and grab the COMPILATION I put out today NOW - truly "value for your $$". 

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. - Remember, "Advanced, PROFOUND Isometric and Flexibility Training" not only makes you FEEL profound and on cloud n squared the whole day - but you also get to learn SPECIFICALLY about the techniques greats like Zass used to build that iron strength of his. Right down to the stick bending Zass did - it's all covered in the book. Get it NOW my friend - you will love it (if you're really serious about your health and fitness).