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Thursday, 09 February 2023 10:45

Why trolls troll.

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They're truly an interesting bunch and a lot of them, like Glyn for instance, are quite successful at their chosen "Trade" if you get my drift. 

The basic answer "Watson" to why trolls troll is this- they're dissatisfied with their lives - SOME aspect of it - if not overall, and in typical childish fashion (trolls have the mentality of a 8 year old - so does the average person deep down inside, but the average person controls it, trolls cannot) they get "jealous" and since they can't run to mommy complaining, they get on the internet "behind the safety of their computers" and troll. 

I've always laughed at these idiots who hurl abuse at cricketers during games, for one. 

As Australian cricketing great Justin Langer once said (when he got REALLY pissed at a spectator - unfortunately there is only so much you can say) ... 

"These people guzzling beer, 50kgs overweight..." 

(guy's a martial artist - black belt - and a top former cricketer, and current coach. Full marks Justin I agree!). 

Look past the BS, and you'll see plenty of things that trolls have in common - all types of trolls. 

They cannot hold down a job for long, and whatever job they do get, they find a way to get canned or have disagreements in it and then "quit". 

They're usually NOT financially independent and depend upon significant others - or in Glyn's case scamming - or parents -or something of that nature to stay afloat. 

And, like most people - they cannot STAND harsh facts being pointed out to them. 

Nothing pisses them off more (or few things) than others raking it in - in supposedly tough times - by sheer dint of hard work, stickability and persistence, perserverance, all of it . . . 

The human mind is great at, as Napoleon Hill said, finding 101 reasons as to why one CANNOT do the thing as opposed to find and work the one reason they CAN. 

Trolls "utilize" this weakness of the human mind (though in hindsight there is a reason why it is that way) FULLY. 

They'll find excuse upon excuse to avoid facts. 

They'll never give you a direct answer about their own lives, instead preferring to focus on others (like with celebrities).

Another common factor - they're inherently LAZY people. 

Fitness wise, an example of a troll could be someone who is fat - but wont acknowlege it, and will say hes "big" when the facts and mirror both speak otherwise. 

And some of these trolls are actually quite good at trolling "logically" - they'll use ridiculous, yet "sound good" excuses of "but thats my body type" and so forth. 

I've seen so many trolls in fitness try and justify their inability to either do a proper pullup or get teh chin over the bar by saying "thats wrong for my body type". 

Not, my friend. You're simply too fat and unfit is the fact. The basics and nuances of any exercise dont change, and what I pointed out above is simply what everyone knows as a fact, pull-ups aren't dont properly until you get the chin over the bar at the very least from a dead hang. Anything else, you're simply not fit and strong enough, period. 

(and have too much fat around the midsection most likely). 

And these trolls will defend all this vociferously - which is actually funny and sad at the same time, because when you break the argument down to facts, devoid of emotion -much like Nazi feminists - they will NEVER answer direct questions with a yes or not, facts or figures. They'll find SOME excuse to avoid a direct answer. 

Given all this, trolls are actually very successful a lot of times at destroying people's lives - because people in general react to them and treat them in a manner allows them to do so. (Lawd!)

Look, I get it. 

The fine line between trolling and successful marketing is VERY FINE indeed - trolls exploit basic human insecurities and "feelings" very expertly indeed. 

Often times, the person being trolled won't even being realize they're being played until too late. 

Not that this helps the trolls improve their own lives, but it gives them a "quick jerk off" type satisfaction that they'd never get the real thing elsewhere, so they know they make do with "what they can get". Again, pitiful, but thats how this lot is. 

Successful marketing pinpoints and exploits emotion too. But it does so at the end of the day with hard facts that can be backed up with RESULTS. Trolls, well, nothing doing there.

All this being said, they're actually rather sad and pathetic people with no real lives, awkward in social situations, couldnt speak extempore if they were paid to do so, list goes on. Losers bascically and funnny jealous lil kids basically... 

All this said, best thing to do with trolls, you'd think and say - and indeed it is - is to IGNORE them. Block them. And so forth. 

indeed it is - its what I do too pronto, BUT there is one caveat to this. 

What you "run away from" chases you. 

Law of attraction, period. 

Now you can block it, but with trolls, they're addicted and if what you're doing is pushing their buttons, they'll find a way to keep coming back for more. 

Take Glyn for example, his alter Mungo "still" keeps coming back here after everything ... 

Its like poking the bear, or pulling a tiger's tail, there is no end to it anytime soon, or at all. Hehe. 

So since you can't beat 'em, next best thing? Join 'em - and profit from them. 

Once you needle a troll's insecurities, you literally have it made. 

Thats one of the tips I include in EVERY tip of Profit Troll, a book which deals with this subject - something which is important for a LOT of people to know and understand. 

Take Glyn for example. 

You should actually welcome trolls if you're trying to expand your biz, they can do the best marketing that anyone ever could for you - with you doing nothing. Literally, Glyn did it on the biggest platform out there Amazon - and when I noticed the trolling (so called reviews) he left, I didnt even have to respond. My customers, some of whom I would not even have known existed out there since they bought off Amazon were doing a mighty fine job of responding to  Glyn and the other trolls! 

Believe me, I milked Glyn for cash like the proverbial cash cow that year in 2020, when most businesses were FAILING. 

I still do. 

But he's hardly the only one - there's plenty I do the same with. 

And thats what I find hilarios and funny about some of these trolls that whine "he doesnt allow negative reviews". 

Look, pal, for the nth time, thats up to Amazon. I can't control reviews there even if I wanted to. 

And if they detect, and its easy enough that you're reviewing books you've not bought - or have excessive profanity in - or in Glyn's case, horrible paedophile like comments (he's a confirmed pedo, unfortunately I dont know how he's still running rampant - criminals like that scamming women out of thousands of pounds, and the bobbies in the UK are more concerned with face masks...) - then yes, they will remove it, for obvious reasons- it degrades their platform, no-one wants disruptive influences in their organizations like that. 

Otherwise, they'll let it remain. 

Proof in the pudding, Bozo Schofield's comments are all still very much up there. If enough people complain about it they'll remove 'em, but I specifically asked my list not to complain, hehe - so most people have not. 

Yet, the trolls whine ... which is what is funny. Facts, my friend, speak loud and clear. 

(and, if you really want to troll in a manner that wont be removed, do it semi logically. Go to Amazon, post about how you never bought the book, yet whine about price. Hey, be honest - at least. Hehe. And relax - no-one, neither me nor Amazon will particularly give a rip. They and I both realize how whining makes businesses MONEY.)

(I can just see the trolls, especially certain ones RUSHING to Amazon now. Hehe)

Bottom line - we all have this sort in our lives, and we can ALL benefit from this sort if we know how to. 

No, it ain't just business benefits you get - you can benefit in LIFE Too from this trolling, hard as you might find it to believe, and my book Profit Troll (this is part of the book) covers how in very great depth "unlike anything youve ever seen before", so, if this subject interests you, place the pre-order NOW

Price will go UP shortly. 

Oh yes, back to fitness? 

Since we're talking elementary Watson, no pun intended, I put out a brief video today on the most elementary version of the pull-up I talk about in "Pull-ups - from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS" - one you MUST master before any other version of the pull-up. Even if this is all you did your entire life in proper form, you'd be in excellent shape! 

Video -

And its below at the bottom of the page as well. 

Aite, I'm out. 

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Last modified on Friday, 10 February 2023 04:53
Rahul Mookerjee

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