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Thursday, 26 January 2023 17:44

Was I always this good at video?

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As always, there is a long answer, and a short one. 

Short answer - NO!

Much like with my workouts - much like with a lot of other things that are now second nature for me - no. 

Except for a couple of skills I have which even my worst critics would be hard pressed to (or they don t, actually) say I'm "poor at" (remember, if even trolls won't troll you on it, it means something, hehe) - everything else I am good at, very good at, damn good at - was LEARNED - through EXPERIENCE, not a teacher teaching me. 

Being in the trenches, life is the best teacher. 

Age 19, final presentation for Dr P, a guy from Poland at USM where I went to school at, almost applied for grad school there too. 

I still remember my friend coming up to me after the presentation saying "I could see your fingers shaking as you gripped the mouse". 

I was so damn nervous doing it, I could barely sleep the night before (well without beer, hehe) - and I can't figure out till this date how I even talked while doing it - or wasn't laughed out of the class as I thought I would be (answer to #2 - people are usually far more forgiving if they see you TRYING). 

Now, part of this was due to the fact I wasn't prepared for the presentation as well as I should have been, part because this prof paid GREAT or laid, I should say - emphasis on DRESS code - if you were dressed up in a shirt and tie, you were guaranteed to not fail at least - and I wasn't, obviously - but most of it, I was thinking "man, thats nervous, what will people think, how will I look like" and so forth. 

I once called out an almost 40 year old on here for being a nervous 16 year old out on a date with her crush - well, he's worse than that, he's even being prompted by a script! - but that time, age of 19, or maybe 18 - yours truly - same boat. 


All the years of teaching in China - believe me, getting in front of a class ain't that easy either - especially when and as I did it - never having done it before, picking it up on the fly - well, one reason why "crowds" and giving speeches dont bother me none no more ; in fact I look forward to it. 

My mental mindset, another reason. 

But a huge, huge part of it is the confidence knowing that I'm in teaching mode - or talking mode - or a combo therein ... and knowing I'm an expert on what I do choose to talk about, and results backing it up. 

Of course, nothing beats practice, day in and day out, or learning in the trenches. 

People take classes for years to develop these skills, and a lot never do despite that. 

And when you have teachers like the one my wife has who claims "say I'm rich, and you'll be rich!" 108 times - or sticking a piece of paper on the wall with your goals (latest is she wants to be a (or rather "is" - emphasis on quotes for a reason) professional "tarot healer" and "is" (when she isn't) earning x amount per month" and a lot other gobbledook - its stuck on the wall in pain sight - I mean plain sight, hehe - for all to see) and other rot - its not surprising that most people attract the polar opposite of what the gurus say they will. 

Of course, the gurus are off vacationing on some island with these shmuck's hard earned money. 

Man, I can just imagine the horror on Napoleon Hill's face if he saw this tripe, the "is" crap aside, while claiming to draw from his line of philosophy (which works, is taken from Emerson and other greats, who in turn got it from the Universe and so forth) - jeez, talk about violating the cardinal principle of goal setting, or one of them - that being "tell the world what you're going to do, but SHOW 'em first". 

This above was accompanied by the drawing of a doorway which is good, but again - it should be kept private, not stuck in "the corner of the house that attracts the most Vastu" (Indian for Feng Shui) and other nonsense. 

The lunacy .. ah. 

Really, to the people who say my stuff is expensive - I could really rake it in by growing a long beard, throwing on saffron robes and becoming a Baba. Hehe. 

But I wont. 

Duping people ain't my thing. 

Kicking their RUMPUS into high gear - in all regards - is. 

And thats that!

Thanks a TON for all the comments on the videos, live streams etc - again, for a guy who never thought he'd be doing 'em - he's thrilled to do 'em now!

And thats that. 

If you're looking for some great, great down to earth books with life tips -not hacks, tips - you can use to benefit yourself, real world, practical USEABLE tips, not nonsensical hocus pocus tricks/affirmations that go nowhere - then Gumption Galore! - and Zero to ... HERO! are your babies. I'll have more on this subject out in the future as well.

Oh, years later, or two actually after that presentation, I had one with Dr Ali, but that dude was SO cool and laidback he passed everyone - including myself who had NO clue of the artificial intelligence presentation he did in class ... Hehe. And I wasn't nervous either, well, somewhat, but nowhere near as with the first guy, but the prof was so cool and laidback, so were the students... hehe. 


Rahul Mookerjee

Last modified on Thursday, 26 January 2023 18:04
Rahul Mookerjee

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