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Thursday, 15 December 2022 04:01

You're FIRED!

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I still remember the 'General' during one of our public spats on Dongguan Expat, hehe - I still remember doing something very minor (in hindsight) to a post on there - initially configured so that only Michael, Rahul and Uncle Bob could post to it - and then disappearing off to a company party where I had WAY too many drinks - enjoyed a certain "V" who seemed to be dancing especially for me, with all the winks and all she kept giving me during the factory dinner - damn. 

Not that she didnt do it all day long in the office anyway ... 

Those were the days, Freddie eh. Hehe. 

I quit that job later - but thats another tale - but coming back home, I fell asleep - next morning I woke up to two things - one, the guy who I drove to office with wasn't showing up or something (he got pissed when I called him out for some BS in front of some girls, apparently his ego got hurt, hehe - he was a "senior manager" or some crap and from there on in, things were NEVER the same between us - neither would I really want them to be - though I gotta say, that factory had weird rules with not giving all the managers their own cars, Uncle Bob's factory was different in that regard...) and two, well a note from uncle Bob saying "Michael has done something downright nasty". 

I logged on, took a look, and almost spit out my coffee which I drank back then. 

First off, a post in response to mine about "who unlocked this post yet again" 

"I unlocked it. Next time, you guys do something with TDG and try to promote for FREE on DGEX, get your *&^% together ... " came the angry response. 

Then, something which befuddles me till this day. 

Yours truly was partying it up at that time. 

Certainly on the puter, I doubt Bob was either. 

"Right now, only Michael, Rahul, and Uncle Bob can lock this post ... 

I unlocked it and then one of us locked it back up AGAIN! ⚠

This is NOT a pissing contest . . . can you PISS farther than me ❓

You are BOTH FIRED as Major Generals and Site admins. Public posting to follow shortly. 

If you have any problem with this, feel free to flame me publicly". 

This was just so hilarious, coming from Michael, I just goggled. Remember, this was supposed to be and was a community website for expats in Dongguan at the time! 

It was even more hilarious considering I never worked "for" Michael - rather "with him". 

We basically founded the damn thing ... Bob, well, no, but he didnt work "for" him either, but the funniest part - the colors Michael put in there which I can't show here - and the "can you piss farther than me" drunken note he left. 

As a site admin, that certainly wasn't on! 


And I still cackle about it - and miss those days. 

2003 - 2020 .. The General is still going strong I hear, though after a couple of his heart attacks he stopped downing cases of beer daily. Hehe. 


Thats a trip down memory lane. 

Now over HERE - recently, I (truly) fired an affiliate a while back - and I suppose the reason I bring this up again, is because like an annoying mosquito or something, he's never really stopped "buzzing around here". 

This guy - well, a brief "background" - 

He's fat - and claims to workout when in reality its two minute Tik Tok bursts, and then the guy goes back inside the house and "crashes on the couch". 

He's almost 40, has never worked for a living, lives on his wife (poor lass) - basically she wears the pants and he's the house husband, except he doesnt even do that correctly. 

It's just pathetic, the guy sits at home all day and does nothing but 2 minutes bursts of exercise which is fine if he's actually do some WORK for a living rather than be self entitled and mooch off others ... typical trailor park trash basically. 

Anyway - he's basically tried to be an affiliate for every fitness guy under the sun. 

They've all - myself included - given him the BOOT - not so much for him being a fat fucker, but because he can't sell even $8 ebooks worth a damn. 

And no-one - no sane businessman or woman wants that sort in their lives. 

Same thing for the jobs he's applied to in the past. For whatever reason he's been summarily booted from all of them ... until one fine day this ass clown decided "working wasn't for him", so he sat at home, mooched, and grew even more fat, despondent and melancholy. We all know someone like this, dont we? Haha!

He's one of these whiny liberal sorts who deep down inside hates himself because of the loser he knows he is, because the mirror tells him uncomfortable truths daily - because he knows he makes no money and is, at the end of the day, dependent upon a woman (poor girl) for even the most basic of his needs like the 12 pack he looks like he downs every night. 

All of that for me, well ... 

My systems here work very well. 

And when that system put his application in "junk" for six months - well, I should have left it there "in the trailor" as it were. 

But you guys know me, super helpful for everyone. 

Perhaps it was an angel on my shoulder who said, you know, give the guy a chance, maybe he'll actually DO something if you help him out. 

Of course, after he thanked me up and down for mentioning him on my website - and how he "was really enjoying my writing and so forth" and other sycophantic stuff - his whining started. 

First thing you know, he wanted free copies of my books to ostensibly "review". 

Nothing doing pal. 

Some rules are there for a reason, they dont get broken for ANYONE. 

Then he whined a bit about ...well, I can't quite remember, I asked him about sales, how he was getting along - basically what I ask all my employees - and left it at that after he claimed "he needed time". 

At that point I thought maybe I was right - maybe he was actually DOING something for a change and thinking long term. 

Of course, liberal whiny self entitled trailor park trash types - thinking ain't their thang, neither is business - just look at Glyn Bozo for one. (their business is mooching off desperate women and in Glyn's case of course, bottom of the barrel scum considering his thoughts and actions with underage people - just horrible!). 

This guy "Benny Boy" doesnt quite fall in that category but trailor park trash - yes, and mooching off women, well, yes. 

Anyway - you try and be nice to some people. 

Oddly enough, they refuse the very help you give them. 

I mentioned the dude on my site, tried to give him a leg up (which was hard, he's so damn FAT! Hehe) - but seriously, I did it. Indeed, I remember him writing back saying "no-one's ever done that for me!"

Then I even put a photo of him on the Gorilla Grip (ADVANCED!) page, since he was selling that at the time, I figured despite his obvious deficiencies, lets me at least try and help the guy the best I can, maybe it'll help him sell something and get him started. 

Nothing happened, month later he sent me a lengthy whine about prices and other rot, and then I simply gave him the almighty BOOT, the heave - ho - what not - it was hard, my foot done got stuck in layers of phat dripping off his frame, but it had to be done. 


It did. 

And it was. 

Since then of course being the liberal hypocrite he is who can't seem to decide, much like with Glyn, which gender he is, he's been doing his best to attack the business. Hehe. 

Which is fine, and equally hilarious as the initial message I posted above. 

Like dude's not in - or near - the big boy's league. 

(think about it, a thoroughly unprofessoinal horse and buggy so called cheapskate "wanting it all for free" affiliate with all the "skills" and character traits above and below (no pun) - and the Rolls Royce, the bodyweight exercise guru - the whole comparison is just ludicrous whichever way you look at it. Which world do these people live in?? Venus? Seems so, hehe - certainly not "Mars", that would require you to be a man at least in SOME regards!)

40 years old (or damn near), has ZERO confidence  (And the voice of a 16 year old school girl, you can literally see the heart thudding out of his chest as he attempts to talk on camera, just GUTLESS to the extreme the guy is, ugh) - hates himself deep down inside for being a complete loser and too lazy to do much about it - and lives on his wife - while doing exactly NOTHING productive with his time all day other than goggle at PS4 or whatever she buys for him. 

He could change this, of course. 

Sadly, he's too lazy to do so, which is fine. 

But deep down inside he can't stay away from here - he knows who the leader is, and who the followers are. Hehe. Much like Glyn does. 

And it's fine by me.

His trolling centers on what most of these price wanking Bozos do i.e. try and tear down books they havent even read in the first place, so giving them negative reviews and whining about "how much he charges for them" - hehe - it just shows their own desperation and complete lack of any sort of initiative. (and the desperation at not being able to sell despite desperately "trying to" Hehe).  

Like what sense does it make from ANY standpoint to review a product you have not even bought, read, or owned - beyond me, but these Bozos live in liberal la la "Brittney lovin" land ... 

Hey, I can see an idea forming already in Bennys fat brain as he reads this, snacking on yet another nasty pack of Cheetos ... 

Anyway - all of this is fine by me. 

And Benny and the rest of them are more than welcome to do so, but the home truths stated above - they apply to a LOT OF people. 

Look, dude, running a business costs money - it takes acumen - skill - and many other things. 

I run three of them, fourth in the offing. 

And your comments just show you'll never be able to even GET a business going, much less run it. 

Copying, apeing, and being cheap ain't the way to run any sort of business my friend - not that you even have one. 

Life doesnt work by just "throwing it against the wall and seeing if it sticks" - shit always "sticks". Just not in the way you'd think it would Penny ... 

Life doesnt work by running to the wife every time you want money for your daily necessities my friend. Just sayin, end of the day, you gotta at least make enough money to support your copious and very voluminous food requirements eh? I mean, I'm not a huge supporter of my Mom and neither is she of mine (fair enough) but her comments about the "washerwoman's son" who "looked like he eats all the family food" - well, I hate to say it, but that applies more to you than him. Hehe I'm just sayin, my friend... 

Really, these people that want everything in life for free boggle the mind, how can someone even be so shameless and pathetic (loser basically) is beyond me, but hey...

Not to mention a borderline scam artist considering he sells dodgy supplements that could really fuck up people's health SERIOUSLY. Not that he has any idea of how to use them himself beyond anecdotal so called "evidence" - or copying sites I mention here, hehe - like I said, this sort would pull their pants down and happily bend over for $10 more for their six pack that might - does $10 even get you a decent six pack these days btw? Hehe.

Actually, "flat out liar" is a better way to describe this sort - pretty much in the above guy's case, what everyone picked up on sooner rather than later, and then booted him summarily - like dude's clearly never for one done any sort of high rep movements beyond 20 second Tik Tok bursts - which is fine - but at least dont lie about it and fake rep counts etc like everyone knows and says you do - even if they wouldn't - it "showeth". Ahem. 

Thats not the way to run any sort of business - let alone a successful one! 

Yours truly delivers - above and beyond. 

The 0 Excuses Fitness videos - truly the "icing on the cake" as a great customer - several - have put it - were originally meant to have 100 pushups and some more things, I did 250 because of the nature of the beast of that product. 

The newly released videos for Squat 101 and Pushup Central have quick and dirty workouts - both ending at over 100 reps, exactly 12 plus minutes ... and with variations that would make most advanced men (Benny doesnt fall into "man" category, let alone advanced, so not him) puke their guts out if they even tried it. Hehe. 

I dont HAVE to do this, of course. I could well do what I promise, and be justified in charging my prices, but that ain't me - that ain't my own life - that ain't what I want for people - especially my loyal customers. 

And that ain't how to be a success either. Therefore... 

Anyway, the Point here isn't that Benny Boy should attempt not to be a complete loser - point is this - don't LIE. Liars and scam artists, yours truly - and anyone with any sense - simply cannot stand 'em - and in their lives, this shows - as it should.

And enough said on that one - but thats a lesson for everyone in terms of what sort of affiliate - or customer - or partner - we want on our site. 

A perfect example of the polar opposite of Benny Boy is HERE (before I'm done with him, this sort will be mentioned in Profit Troll - you'll want to grab the pre-order before the price goes up again - and this sort, my friend, is so gutless they can't even mention you by name. I've mentioned him by name so many times, but he's too gutless to mention me by name because he knows ultimately it doesn't pay to "cross the boss", hehe, and much like what happened with Glyn, the SAME thing awaits him if he does so - but still. What a loser, gutless!) ... 

This lady is just awesome - I have never once seen an affiliate so dedicated!

She's even created her own website despite NOT being an IT person (she's taking classes) to promote my books on the other business - exclusively

Every morning I wake up to status reports from her, and new and innovative ways of promoting things. 

When she takes off, she tells me for how many days - despite the fact she does not have to. 

And she's back at it - like clockwork - when she promises it. 

Her dedication has amazed me so that I do all I can to promote HER too. I've even made a partner in some regards in the biz! 

And, I keep giving her suggestions to grow, she takes all of them - and it's been a month and a half since she got started, and is she racking it in as yet?


But the signs are there. 

She's laying the ground work. 

She understands life, success -how real success only comes after laying the groundwork, thinking ahead, planning ahead, DOING the thing, and so forth ... 

All things I mention in Zero to Hero! and Gumption Galore in one way or the other. 

THIS is the sort of affiliate I want! 

And as I come across yet another email from her ... well, I had to write this - if just to give you an example of what sort of person to avoid in your life, what sort of person to KEEP - what sort of people you do BUSINESS with - and so forth. 

Of course, only a real business person would understand any of this. 

Not wankers that are so addicted to me that they despite throwing several hissies about "I'm leaving!" - cannot actually leave. 

Again, this sort hates themselves deep down inside. 

And they know who the boss is - ultimately. Hehe. So they follow along, tails wagging ... 

Why just affiliates? 

Lets look at customers, a certain John Walker for one, a stellar son of the soil that worked in the auto industry all his life, never asked for a quarter, never got anything in life for free like these entitled Bozos I mention up there did - never once complained about it. 

Does his best to get EVERY product I put out here. 

And so dedicated is the guy to his workouts even at age 64 - that I do my best to extend him a most generous discount every time he makes a repeat purchase. 

He is the sort of person - and Paula is the sort of affiliate - that makes all of this so worth it! 

Anyway. Lots of life lessons here. 

And please don't do butterfly pull-ups - I knew when I was going to write about it last night - some idiot would get back saying "but they work!". 

Well, if you think they work, do 'em - but dont come whining back at me is all I ask. 

Really, all I ask from this sort - continue on your merry way - just leave me alone and out of it, I want no part of it. 

And thats that. Lots of life and business lessons for those that care to pick 'em up ... 


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - A lady just told me something I already knew - well, she told Twitter - about inspiration striking "at any time". So true, Madam. It struck me as I dropped into the best damn exercise ever for the lower body - the SQUAT!! Hehe. 


Last modified on Thursday, 15 December 2022 06:41
Rahul Mookerjee

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