Displaying items by tag: success

Saturday, 03 April 2021 16:33

On providing valuuuuuuuueeeeeeeee and more ...

Ya'll on this list probably remember the drunken and rather lengthy, pissed of rant a friend (former) of mine sent me about an innocous post on pull-ups on WeShat (which apparently hit the spot as it were). 

I've covered that before, but he ended with the following. 

"Your tips are useless! Yo ujust say just do pull-ups and handstand pushups and provide no other value!" 

Now, the rest of the rant has been covered on the sites and emails before. 

If you want to take a look, either do a search or let me know . . . 

But really, this silly value virtue signalling which the "so called gurus" always jumped up and down over, and which seems to have, for whatever reason gained a lot of traction this year. (and more so with every passing month). 

Maybe the Kung Flu is indeed driving folks insane ... 

But anyway, it ain't just him that had the "no value" grouse, so lets address - and DEBUNK. 

First off my friend, you signed up for one email a day - and you get like 6 to 8 daily. If that ain't value, I dont know what is. (for free).

Second, his REAL grouse was this - the link I (or the links I) specify in my email i.e. how dare I "sell with every email). (and make $$ off it). According to some people its perfectly fine to pay huge bucks for everything except less than a fraction of that for life changing and life changing fitness info. . . 

I get it. My stuff actually requires you to get down to brass tacks and DO. 

In other words, not everyone is ready to be a doer. 

And call 'em out on it, and the rants start. 

But really, I'd rather be honest and point people to a product which can solve their "problems" and address their pain points as opposed to dancing around the mulberry bush and pretending I dont sell or dont want to when I clearly do .

(and be a "so called value providing Tom Tom"). 

Really, I dont think there is anything at all wrong with that (as opposed to shammy marketing, sneaky discounts, wacko and inane "lead ups to the sale" and so forth, all of which is designed for one purpose - to make a sale - and it usually doesnt when done that way). 

I'd rather be honest about it, and am. 

But anyway, back to value. 

Off the top of my head, lets look at three of th elast email sI sent. 

This morning, the first one was about "Roofus Rumpus Schofield and more". 

Lesson - hypocrisy, and MORE, and yes it applies to fitness. 

Then there was one in there about what to do if you do NOT want to or feel comfortable posting genuine reviews, and how to work up to it. 

Its a thought many have, and I addressed it pretty well I believe!

Then, third - there was one about handstand pushups, and I explained to you why my latest product on it is not only something anyone serious about fitness should get, but is also worth the (SO CALLED) big bucks I charge for it. 

(Yes, the Keith James of this world are already throwing fits over a product they weren't even asked to buy either directly or not). (more on that later). 

So I dont know, bro. 

Methinks thats value compounded x 10 if not more. 

Then you have my books and products. 

Most experienced athletes can't finish or even get halfway through my workouts when they first start. 

Let alone the average Joe and couch potato and Jane (and Bozo, or combo therein). 

Valuoooooooo, you say? 


But anyway, we all know the Rolls Royce is my flagship, and premier and first product I put out here - - that, and Gorilla Grip. 

And being a picture is worth a thousand words, and a video is worth a bazillion ... well, I put out five videos for the former which have got not only rave reviews thus far, but even with all the trolling, not ONE single negative review. 

And more on FREE - - other than these emails and such, years ago, I figured I'd give people a sneak peek into the videos for free

It was a great idea, and an AWESOME, spectacular SUCCESS - but it's something I no longer do, and will never do ever for obvious reasons, but the original videos are up HERE - the sneak peeks, rather - and the one I love the most is "huffing and puffing". 

And those short snippets should be more than enough to give YOU an idea of the superlative nature of the workouts I teach you in the Rolls Royce (for those that dont know already). 

And of course troll fodder too, but we'll let that happen. Hehe. 

Gotta draw the Bozo back out, hehe. He's gone a bit silent! 

(Mommy pulled his Internet most likely). 

But anyway, Gorilla Grip doesnt have any videos, because the nature of grip training courses means its impossible to put together a one size fits all workout - even more so than my regular stuff. 

But it's still one of my best selling products!

So value, or no value ... you, my friend DECIDE!

I'll be back soon. Just wanted to address a bit of idiocy, and I have now. 


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - IF you want more videos let me know for which product specifically, and we'll see what we can conjure up, hehe. 

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again, and it's true. 

Friends and family, my friend, are often times one of the biggest reasons why a lot of people "think" they cannot succeed, or hold back from doing what they want, or ... 

Fear of criticism. Fear of negativity. Fear of "what will they think". 

Fear, most of all, of the reaction they might get for being different. 

Yes,it sounds astounding, but THAT is a very common fear people have internally despite saying exterally that they "want to be different". 

Those that truly are different usually just "are" without saying it. 

And perhaps the most astonishing part of all this is .... they're sabotaging their own and perhaps your success too - and how? 


Without "wanting to" .

Ever seen crabs in a bucket, my friend? 

The ONE crab that tries to climb out and the litany of others trying to drag it back in? 

(Mark Twain would be proud of that above statement, and if you ask why, well, read Twain) 

(Or, read what he said about spelling and grammar). 

But anyway, lets give you a very clear example. 

Why did Bozo Schofield make up his mind to troll me the minute I trusted him enough to show him one of my websites? 

Until then his Bozo ass hadn't thought of Googling me, because "why should he Google someone he thought was a nobody". 

Perhaps I should have remained one in his eyes, hehe. 

But I was trying to do what I Do best i.e. help and motivate, of course, little did I know. LOL. 

Sometimes even yours truly gets fooled by these Hannibal Lecter types. 

(though he's nowhere near as bright). 

Why did the "friend" Charles not tell me about his trolling when he saw it? 

Because deep down inside, Charles is ...NOT racist. Hehe. 

No, he aint. 

It wasn't about "him hating me". 

Deep down inside though, there was this "how dare he be a fitness guy and in shape". 

I sensed the vibration the first time I met him, and I was telling everyone how alcohol is alcohol regardless of calories, and he made the comment about me being a "fitness guy". 

But I looked into his eyes, and I saw it. 

Though nowehere at the level of the Bozo, hehe. 

For him, it was about "how dare this guy try and climb out of the ESL bucket (which I never really got into - always something "dragging me out of it"". 

Obviously you might or might not have Bozo Schofield's in your life. 

But "friends" and family, my friend, often subconsciously "hate" and sabotage our chances of success more than we realize. 

Hence the truism of what Claude Bristol said in the Magic of Believing. 

Go and tell no man! 

Or, Napoleon Hill.  (in all his books)

Tell the world what you're going to do, but SHOW it first. 

Because if you don't follow this - those energy leaks will sabotage YOUR SUCCESS. 

Do you recall me telling you about the two guitars - one in my room - and one in my daughter - that mysteriously start chiming when we enter our respective rooms, regardless of the space/time continum? 

Yes, I did tell you! 

And some may have branded me a looney tune for saying it. 

Which is perfectly fine. 

Mine still chimes. 

But hers didn't. 

She didnt follow my advice of "don't tell anyone" about it from what I gather ... 

Anyway, this ain't about vibrating guitars and all that. The mysteries of the Universe I will leave for another she-male, hehe. (email) 

But the point, jokes aside, fitness. 

If you're a lardass that wants to get to stud status at pull-ups, you'd be better off by not telling anyone about your goals, methinks. 

And certainly not ranting about it to people that DO the thing, and do it far better than you and do it far better despite their handicaps which you do not and never had most likely. 

Same thing the Belly of Buddha. 

Do it first. 

Then tell the world about it!

And thats what I do - and did!

Out for now. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - PIck up the Jaguar of all fitness systems - youll see a sleek "not fat hehe" cat on the cover DOING the thing, and only then telling YOU To do it. In fact, you'll find you will feel I am right there WITH YOU as you read!

PS #2 - Almost forgot the friends part. Remember, you are who you surround yourself with from a subconscious standpoint. This holds true for EVERYONE. And if you've got nutjobs all around you, best thing is to go QUIET - and go INTERNAL. Believe me, I've never had any success without doing things from an internal standpoint. At anything! And right as of now, I can count the number of true and real friends I've got around me as ....probably ONE or two, but no more, and they ain't the ones you'd think they are either ... 

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This really should be in the second book on “10 Commandments of Successful Sales”.


Well, Trolls have made your truly SO many sales until date (without even trying in most cases) that it “beggars belief”.

There’s many ways to draw ‘em out of the woodwork, of course. I’ll go into more detail in that in a future email. Actually, I already have last year. Hehe.

But for now, lets take a look at (part of) the email a customer from (I believe) Russia of all places sent me.

Short, crisp, to the point.

“I like your book!

But who is Scofied??”

(He isn’t on my list but he’s been reading my stuff).

So, and for those of you that want a “speedy” DL on who the guy he is (wrt the trolling, let me try and give it to you here “in a few words”).

OK, so in 2016 or so, I believe, I was getting tired of monkey jobs approaching me (with damned good pay I must say). I turned ‘em down left right and center.

(Before that, in 2014, I started a WeShat group called “Keeping it Real in China” which a few years later I gave up, as it had (as Alex rightly pointed out) “stopped serving the purpose I created it for” and quite frankly I didn’t have the time for it anymore).

In the midst of all this, I saw a post by some clown on some group claiming “Some rich guy wanted teachers”, and apparently only “white teachers” according to Schofield (the guy).

I introduced him to a few groups etc. Invited him into my own. Ugh. Big mistake.

Almost from the outset he was batty.

Trolled and bullied anyone he could get his grubby little hands on.

Spread lies in public forums about people (a certain “Roney” probably remember it. We all do!)

And in general stayed drunk and jumping from one monkey job to the other with a bot in hand.

(More than a bot, the coke or what not).

I could write a book (with proof) on this idiot, so to keep it short (LOL) -

I called him out on some BS in 2016.

His response was to block me on WeShat, spread racist memes about me (apparently “only whites belong in the Southern US” according to the Blow-field – come to think of that, Schofield with his insane rants on “cuckolds” would love to blow a field – ugh – but LOL) and in general troll me any way, shape or form he could.

While a certain Charles knew about it, but didn’t do much or tell me about it …

He dragged him into the muck too.

And he did even more vicious things to him. Stole from him. Hit on his “girl”. Sent her messages that honestly if it were me, I’d have taken a 9 mm or something to him.

(not really, but you get the point).

He trolled a whole bunch of other people. Stole money from women left right and center. Got his ass deported or what not (remember, he blocked me on WeShat, so I couldn’t reply to him).

And much more, all the while trolling yours truly, which I got pissed over initially, but then ignored.

(Believe me, this is the “icing” on the cake. I haven’t gotten to the cake!)

I forgot about him.

He likely did time somewhere (apparently he didn’t have a phone).

Enter 2020, that year when all hell broke loose everywhere, and the Bozo likely tired of lockdown shockdown showed up.

Sent me pictures through Charles begging me to be friends.

I didn’t reply. End of story.

Troll boy got pissed.

Troll boy started sending me insane emails and signing up for my site with even more insane monikers whch I blocked, but then ignored again.

No time to deal with “el troll” while writing Pushup Central for one, heh.

(Along with the book on isometrics, jumping rope and ANIMAL kingdom conditioning - one of my best courses!) 

But then the emails got personal.

And while I won’t say what pissed me off the most (yes, Glyn, I KNOW you’re dying for me to tell you, but I won’t) - - I gave it back.

Yours truly hides his strength and bides his time, and truth be told, I did that for FAR too long with him.

He should have (as a customer wisely said) got that slap across the face a long, long time ago!

But if someone attacks me, I don’t curl up into a ball.

I attack back.

X 1000.

And I did it on my list, to my considerable audience and so forth, and the Bozo got pissed.

How dare I, he wailed. I just did it on WeShat.

Well, Blowfield, it ain’t my problem if you’re too lazy to build a business or make a life for yourself.

X 10000 like I Said!

Trumpinator philosophy as well, and I’ve ALWAYS been that way. I just let you “be” for a while because we were friends before, but the gloves were truly taken off in 2020.

He realized he was getting nowhere. He stewed some more. 

He then had an “aha” monent! (and so should I, hehe, after the dream I had on Sep 26).

Prophetic indeed as many of my dreams are. A huge fat “Bozo Schofield” showed up, and then after a lot of blasting away, fell to the ground and melted away.

Two days later, I saw he posted inane reviews of my products all over the Internet which were so childlike and juvenile that not only were people laughing but I was making sales left, right and CENTER From it.


(Check out my products on amazon.co.uk folks – along with reviews from REAL customers!)

He probably thought he’d “destroy me”.


The Bozo forgot I come from a long line of – well, actually I don’t, I LEARNED this – he forgot that I WELCOME trolls. LOL.

I’m not “Andy”, or “Josie”, or “Roya”, or any of the others, you nutzo I should have told him.

But if I had, it would have spoilt the fun! LOL.

And I wouldn’t have made half the sales I did (off him).

Now, latest is Amazon has blocked his account (they’re cracking down on trolls big time).

So he’s posting through alters called “Keith James” and so forth.

(Curiously enough, he trolled me with memes of Shoulders like Boulders too. Those Brahma Bull Shoulders really hit the Bozo where it hurt, LOL - even his alter "Keith" is at it for that book, hehe)

He’s wailing about how I don’t “allow bad reviews”.

Um. I don’t own Amazon, brah. ‘nuff said.

And I welcome your posts, Bozo. Do post some more – I check for it every morning, because that CHA CHIN in the ole bank account it leads to is without comparison, hehe.

I knew I’d keep it short, so I’ll end here, at no less than FOUR pages.

Like I said, my friends – don’t get me started – on anything!

I rant a lot (hence the people that say “you send too many audios”! And never listen – and hebce they’re NOT in my life no more – if you can’t listen, read, or have a sensible discussion, I Dont WANT YOU in my life).

And this Chapter – or this post – or email – will be either the preface, or a GOLDEN rule in the SECOND and upcoming edition of “10 Commandments of Successful Sales”, which gives you actually 20 and more . . .

So for those of you not versed with the Bozo, thats a bit of a rundown.

All for now.

For our great fitness and inspirational products that are getting the WORLD in super shape and inspiring millions, go HERE.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Be on the outlook for a tale of how (and I said this before, but I’ll probably say it again) a simple “I don’t want to speak Chinese or learn it” rant from yours truly led to TONS Of trolls coming out of the wood work. I think Gorilla Grip was the book that profited the most, hehe.

(curiously enough on Amazon again).

PS #2 - A lot of you might be wondering why I didnt tell him anything PERSONALLY. Well - you know now, hehe. Or you should. Remember, never attempt to wrestle a pig. Bring the fight - -to YOUR DOORSTEP - your FIELD! (no blowing tho, Scofield LOL) 

PPS - Hope you got some value from this. A LOT of folks should, given the nasty behavior going on out there ... 

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I might be beating a dead horse here.

I probably am, since those that don’t wanna listen won’t anyway.

… I take that back.

They’re sneakily checking yours truly’s posts emails and “what new books does he have up” right during their busy little days, and while trolling galore …

But anyway, an ex of mine, wayyy back in the day once wanted to cook “Tandoori Chicken”.

Huh. I said when I first heard it.

She was a Southern Gal, as white as white can be.

Blond hair.

Blue eyes.

The “whole shebang” if you get my drift.

And she cooked GREAT Southern style food. Especially biscuits for breakfasts. Sausage biscuits.

I literally ate so many of them daily that not only did I turn into “el fatty hog el SUPREMO” (and was happy about it!) but she got tired of making them.

And irritated half the time when I asked her to make ‘em.

“You eat them all!” was what she said once.

Well, isn’t that a compliment?

LOL. Further, no-one EVER once stopped her from eating them too. She just didn’t want to.

Anyhow, this isn’t about her.

Or women.

But it’s about what I said in the last email.

Glenn, a chef I know from Australia could probably cook up some great Tandoori too.

Also white as white can be, and a great guy!

Now, my ex.

The chicken turned out pretty good, but being it was done in an oven as opposed to clay tandoor (brick oven) it naturally didn’t taste the same 

Nikhil, an Indian friend of mine asked me about it.

And assumed, of course that it wouldn’t tur out well.

“She cooked it”, I Said.

Befor eI could go any further, he chirped up.

“Acha nahi bana hoga”.

“It probably wasn’t good”.


I mean, first thing you know, at least she TRIED.

Second, if it didn’t taste good it didn’t. But it wasn’t that bad at all!

My point in saying this is .. oh, and Glenn could probably do up a great Tandoori too, hehe.

Anyway, my point in saying this – is ..well, you get it.

I’m sur eyou do by now with no less than 5 emails on it!

(either direct or roundabout).

Is that preconcieved notions are STUPID.

“You can’t speak English because you’re not white” go the Chinese.

A while later they show up at your truly’s doorstep paying him big bucks to teach just that – English.

And in three months, they speak better than the rest of the class, because ethey got more education than they ever bargained for. LOL.

Don’t believe me?

Ask “Madam” Carol, and she’ll tell ya!

True story, bro, and there are plenty of other such true stories.

And thats that for now. Hope the horse is finally put to rest and “in the other Universe” by now, hehe.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – DROP the asinine notion of “Jim shim being necessary to get fit”, my friend. It ain’t true. You know it. You’ve seen plenty of proof. Yet, you continue to hang on to this absurd notion of “without the machines and weights nothing is possible”.

Yes is is bro. Oh yes, it is!

(and by “you” I don’t necessarily mean you on the list, I mean in general).

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And I said “bro”, but if you wish, it can be “bruh too”. LOL.

Or bRAH.

Or, simply put, brother. Or, even “brugh”. LOL.

Nothing if not a “Big Tymers” fan I am. LOL again.

Anyway, Bozo Schofield sent me the following email (most of it was unintelligible but he seems to have strung together a couple of words I can actually, um, READ) …

(Doesnt look like it was written in Amex fueled coke binges either).

Anyway, here is what he said.

“They didn’t hire you because they didn’t like your face. You’re ugly yes, but thats not the reason. They didn’t want you because you’re “not really from Arkansas”.


Now, first off, I’ve searched the Internet net, my sites, my room, my house, my man cave, and even my underwear. LOL. But I ain’t found where I said, even once, that I’m from Arkansas.

I have never even been there!

(And jobs - I mean, really. Me applying for jobs? Thats a stretch even for bozos with their heads up their (non existent) women's asses) ... 

But the other thing.

A person “Richard” from the UK that I was chatting to a while back before I got off WeShat completely told me the following.

“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re a cowboy from Texas!”

(This based upon our audio conversations, chats etc. We havent met as yet).

And Tim another guy from the UK once termed me (in the third person) as a “good ole boy”.

He didn’t say from where though, hehe.

(Thats another reason peopel follow me. The good ole boy that wasn't, if you get my drift. Hehe. But really. Be "exceptional", my friends! If I can do it, and I ain't talking ole boys club here, I am talking FITNESS - so can YOU!)

Perhaps most pertinently, and this gesture really touched me my friend.

NOBODY has ever done this for me before!

I’ve spoken about how Marc the AFRICAN SILVERBACK GORILLA, and right-goddamnwell-fully so - - HELPED me in ways no-one would in 2018.

When I needed it.

It came wthout me asking!

And Vincent, that same year (my buddy from the Marines) gave me a Christmas sock (this was earlier on in the year I believe, I’m not sure). 

Small thing I know.

But no-one’s ever given me a X mas gift!

And it hit home.

We were drinking, and I didn’t “tear up”. Hehe. Real men aren’t supposed to!

(Nah. Not really. Real men do it all the time. Hehe).

But it touched me.

Along with that, he gave me a “Fedora hat”.

Cowboy hat, much like they wear in the South … Hehe.

On them RANCHES!

I love me a ranch. Hehe. I love me some TX ribs too, and some Southern gals as well!

(Yours truly unruly, unchained and LOTHARIO like has spoken about the last before, so I won’t get into it here).

But really, brah.

My STRAIGHT SHOOTIING style amongst other things is really what brings this comment out in people.

It’s not the way I speak. Not my accent. Not my tone. Not my language. Not my nationality. None of that!

It’ s about who I am - - at the CORE.

And I give it to you STRAIGHT.

If I like you, I tell you.

If youre a Bozo, I tell you that too.

There ain’t no in between’s here!

And thats how I like my customers too. And my gals. My friends. Everyone!

When I tell you that Shoulders like Boulders! IS – THE- again, THE course out there you need to get started on now to build upper body BRUTE STRENGTH lik enever before, I mean it.

Gym shym 12 – 15 pack whatnot.

Hell with all that.

Let’s see Jim Shim guys even GET into a handstand the way I do.

Do ‘em with pull-ups, and you’ll be buying new shirts and PANTS very soon.

First, because your shoulders will EXPLODE in no time.

Second, beacause thy lard will SHRINK.

(Bozo Schofield, your lard might not shrink, but your non existent wanker well might. I can see your eyes goggling right about now …).

And if you get on a program such as in Advanced Hill Training.


You’ll literally get into the best shape of your life almost within days, or so it will feel like.

Thats what I call SHOOTING FROM THE HIP.

Plain ole Jane courses that WORK (even for getting Jane in bed, hehe).

(and actually improve thy performance there too).

And that deliver results like NO OTHERS OUT THERE!

Jump on some now.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – The Bozo has been picking up copies of Pushup Central and has been returning them just as he buys them. Hence his Amazon ban, and the latest “Keith James” episode. LOL . And that in itself should give YOU a good reason to check out the course. Remember, the more they hate, the more you PROGRESS!

(but even without any hate, the course was doin just great. Ask Charles Mitchell for one!!).

PS #2 - Be on the outlook for the story of Schofield wanting to be "Josie's servant", lol. I've not outlined that pop corn cracking tale here, but I will soon! 

(Unless Bozo begs me not to, hehe). 

(Then again, that would turn him on. UGH! What a cartoon!)

PPS - Why do people buy my stuff and love it? Because, as Charles said, they cannot do what I Can - but are WINNERS in life that want to learn

(The Bozo will no doubt be gnashing his teeth at this too. So will his trolly friends. Glyn, dont you just love it when the shoe is on the other foot, and not going away ANYTIME soon, if at all?)

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I Wrote a while ago about doing it OPPOSITE i.e. doing the toughies FIRST.

But there is a caveat I didnt mention. If those toughies can be done QUICK, well and good!

But if not, then what I generally do is the easy stuff first (again, even if it’s not smoething that can be done quick).

And it’s usually the tough stuff I ENJOY, and the annoying crap that I do NOT.

What do I mean.

Well, let me give you ane xample.

This morning I finally made my decision on paperbacks, somethign I’ve been VACILLATING on for way, way too long.

And the decision was (is) final – based upon feedback, paperbacks will be sold now.

Bear in mind, I did not need to do this. The hassle of dealing with shipping etc can be very irritating for yours truly caveman (along with other issues), so for a long time, despite noticing that a lot of, and in fact, the VAST MAJORITY of my customers prefer PAPERBACKS, I was stubborn and Balaam’s ass in that I only offered digital downloads off the site.

But this morning, a massive light bulb struck.

Thank GOD. Hehe.

The ass got a kick up the ASS. LOL.

And when yours truly sometimes gets a kick up the booty, he get to work -in more ways than one if youre on the other site too, hehe.

And I figured. Hey. If theses guys all want paperbacks, lets make it easy for them and let them GET ‘em!

And not only that – the digital option is still there.

So, you have two choices.

One, get BOTH the digital option (instant download) and then the paperback within 2 weeks or so. No waiting involved, and the best of both worlds.

And TWO. JUST the paperback.

Or, you could stick with digital only if you want. So three options, actually.

My first thought in doing all this?

Although I welcomed the decision, I BALKED.

Lots of coding, clicking etc required for each product ...

But being I do NOT outsource stuff to assistants, and probbaly never ever will (hey, what can I say. I run a highly well regulated and very tough and tight ship) ...I have to do it myself.

So, slowly, I got around to it.

Did the first column done.

Phew. Done!

Tea time!

Got a brief pull up workout in (btw, that compilation BE waiting for you at the SPECIAL price bro) ...

Back to it.




And as I sit here writing this, everything except 5 products BE DONE.

A mammoth task - - done in oone hour or less, and likely would never have gotten done if I moaned about the enormity of it all.

Same thing for workouts.

Lots of the workouts I give YOU are 8-10 point workouts.

Bullet points, and each a workout unto itself.

If you just keep thinking “thats too much”, then you’ll never get going, and that BOOTY will keep EXPANDING. Along with the belly.

But if you do what I say in all my books, that being to EAT a bear – but ONE bite at a time – then you might actually – and WILL actually get somewhere.

And thats the wisdom for this one.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Yours truly “wise ass” will probably be done with the 5 remanining products by the time this typoooo ridden email hits thy Inbox. Lots of emails I know, but hey. Underpromise and over deliver, hehe. And therefore the HIGH prices which will STAY HIGH.

PS #2 - NONE of this advice will work if you're a "victim" (not really - hehe - we ALL have the ability to SNAP OUT OF IT) of the 2 D's that I'll write about soon. Depression and demotivation. Both worse than the plague, yes, even the plague that the PRC sent! - and both feed on each other. Uggggggh. Napoleon HIll was truly right about avoiding any and ALL negative influences, because of the havoc they can WREAK on your mind. 

And no, you dont need counseling - shounseling - bozo like whatnot and what not to SNAP OUT OF IT. 

You need a kick to the BOOTY and something else - both of which are explained in my coaching calls for ELITE DOERS IN LIFE - - so apply today in case you're interested. 

And I'll offer you a bit of a sneak peek into ONE of the secrets soon via the emails - stay tuned! 

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So, it’s interesting!

Wayyy back in the day, yours truly worked in India and he “quit” a job without being asked to.

Sort of by mutual consent. The boss was a great guy!

Not so much the nutjob he hired as a “consultant” who never expected me to quit.

After I did, he sent me a voice message (well, I called him up to tell him and he told me then) saying this.

“We dont want to lose a talent like you! How about you work at REDUCED pay?”

You can well guess my reaction to that , hehe. Funnily enough depending upon your mindset, perhaps some people would have jumped at it, he’d have saved the company some dough and gotten paid MORE as a result. Hehe.

Lose talent. Pay less. My hairy ass.

Pity the exact same thing happened at the NEXT job – THAT job (pity for them, certainly not me as i went on to do my own thang, hehe).

Anyway, I told Mommy about it, and she ranted instantly

“you should never have left! Take the reduced Pay!”

“At least something is coming in!”

Now, if we were starving to death, perhaps.

But yours truly wouldn’t do it even then.

It’s a matter of thinking, and being valued.

My wife’s been in a foul mood all morning along, and all week long, because an employer she works with (not for) hasn’t been paying her dues for a while.

I keep telling her to do her own thing, but she says “it’s not possible”. Ah well. Can’t make the horse drink, hehe.

But either way, this employer apparently takes on clients at rock bottom or even less “money” and then never gets paid, and then bitches about it, and then doesnt pay my wife (who is NOT connected with sales in any which way either – she’s supposed to get a fixed sum and that is that).

Now, the specifics of the situation don’t matter. I gotta create another product, and I’m in a hurry, and it’s cold, and my fingers need a warming, so I won’t get into it all here.

But really.

(and then apparently “Madam” went into all her WhatShat groups and complained about my wife in a most girly and unprofessional manner)

(sort of like mom in law and wife complaining to each other’s friends (sometimes non existent ones, LOL) about their mutual dislike of each other and how it’s always Rahul’s fault hehe).

Unprofessonalism aside though, it’s about thinking, and thats what I told my “lovely” wife.

Her thinking is bottom of the barrel, I said.

So guess how clients treat her.

And that bro, in a nutshell is why I will NOT reduce the price of any of my books and courses, especially not considering they’re the BEST – by far – damn books on fitness, health, strength and conditoning out there. NOT necessarily in that order either, eh.

Ditto for when people ask me “why my prices are high”.

To keep out the bottom feeders, of whom there are SO many ...

Truth be told, it’s all about thinking.

You attract – as you think – as you ARE!

And on that sage note be sure to pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness System right here (but remember, it ain’t el cheapo deapo, so do think about it hard and long before investing!).


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pick up the best compilation on pull-ups right HERE. Price WILL go up in 2021, so hurry. Only a few days LEFT, bro.

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Or healthy and profitable, I should say ... (and no, I ain't talking about the idiotic bench press, though YES, getting that dumb weight off thy chest and moving on to productive exercises WILL benefit you, but you know this already!)

Back in 1999, I was having a bit of a smoke out with an Italian buddy of mine in college.

We were in “Elam Arms”. Fourth floor I believe. And smoking was prohibited, as was drinking beer, so naturally the first thing we and most other college going dudes (not sure about the gals tho) would do would be to ... well, smoke and drink.

Yours truly has never really been a Marlboro man.

He has plenty of hair on his chest from working out and drinking a lot of beer, but smoking? I dont know – I smoked heavily for years, but it never really “made me happy” or whatever it is a good beer does me. Not dopamine, I know that much. How could it. LOL.

Lots of people tried to get me on weed etc.

Just didnt work.

Anyway, my buddy and I were there, after having lugged the cases of beer up four flights of stairs we needed a break.

“Take the weight off your legs, Rahul” he said.  

(Maybe he said "load". I'm not sure, hehe)

And now, despite this being about taking weight off your CHEST, lets start with the legs.

Some of the best upper body exercises are done when you take the weight off your legs.

Handstand pushups, pull-ups, and more.

Yet others when you KEEP the weight on your legs.

Pushups again! Really – pushups work the entire body in a way nothing else can.

But the main thing is the FEELNG these workouts give you. The “top of the morning” sort of feeling that LASTS all day.

And the feel good “cartharis” feeling (however you spell the word).

I dont know about you, my friend.

But EVERY Time I’m feeling down – or slightly lethargic – or not quite “all is well with the world”, I go to my ONE AND ONLY fall back option.

(well, other than mental tricks).


I’ll climb that hill. My favorite exercise by far, and there are many!

If I dont have time – I’ll knock out a quick set of pull-ups or handstand pushups.

Or, and another favorite – Hindu squats.

Not only do these exercises get the heart pumping and blood ROARING and lungs BURNING within a very short span of time – they also make you feel like “all problems cease to exist”. 

You feel calm, relaxed, on top of the world, and like a tiger ready to hunt it’s prey down, or take it on face to face if need be!

Truly a “weight off your chest” eh.

And HERE is the real nub of all this, and where I’m leading up to with all this.

Making MONEY is the same.

MOST, if not all of my “grand slam” emails for one have come about by the simple matter of getting a massive weight off my chest, or mind.


I said it!

And this might come across as anathema to the nuts who claim “you just say just do it”, and don’t give us any instructions.

Well, my dear friends (those in that category) your shining and glaring lack of MARKETING knowledge shows through in that statement, as well as your assumption that “the entire world needs to be given to you for free”.


It doesn’t (and even when it is, you dont value it anyway).

So, three lessons in today’s email – see if you can spot ‘em! The last is admittedly a bit hard to spot, but you’ll get there if you try.

As you will your fitness goals if you keep at it with the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Grab it now.

NO goal shall be impossible once you’re ON it!


Rahul Mookerjee

(PS – Would you believe it, but one of the emails that pulled in a ton of money the FIRST day I wrote it – and I wasn’t even expecting sales from it – was titled nothing other than “Bulldog Tenacity”. Do a search on the blog an dyou’ll find it, but thats truly the nature of this BEAST, my friend. More on this on my coaching calls – and if you’re so inclined, apply for one on one coaching right HERE, and we’ll see what we can cook up for YOU.)

(PS #2 – But I’m not cheap. I know!)

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Growing up my “eldest” cousin was my Mom’s favorite for some reason.

“He’s so serious and studious” I kept hearing my mother say, and in the same breath she’d look at me with a censorious Victorian era stare.

“some people aren’t that serious about their studies”, she’d go in that manner I do NOT – I repeat – NOT recommend you talk to your kids that way at all, even if youre highly dissatisfied with them because it believe me, it can really mess kids up.

Permanently. And yours truly felt the effects too, but yours truly had one thing which not everyone does – that being a desire to FIGHT. Always. Even when the chips were down.

But as Uncle Bob said upon hearing about my family.

“Parents can really screw up a kid’s development”.

He was right, of course (and I can hear the chorus of “no he wasnt” from a certain quarter who is admittedly secretly and avidly not just reading this, but gobbling it up).

Anyway this eldest cousin never “tried to be physically strong”. So of course he was the bomb! 

His brother?

Nah. Not so much.

I never heard my mom utter ONE complimentary word about him.

If anything, at the age of 19 apparently he came to my Mom’s place to stay with them while he went to college.

I still remember my mother writing to me about ... guess what?

You got it.

“He sits at home! He doesnt go anywhere! He just sits at home! ” she wailed. 

(apparently going to college didn't count)

For whatever reason, those that “sit at home” dont go down too well with my (not in her opinion) dysfunctional mom even if theyre going to college or makinh money or what not – of course, she herself has the right despite not even FINISHING college herself, let alone ever work a SINGLE DAY IN HER WHOLE LIFE.

(Apparently the excuse for that is “I got married young”.)

Right, Mama .........

I gotta give it to you.

You’re the best Nazi feminist I ever knew!

Anyway, cousin #2 is a great guy.

He drinks beer. Sits at home. Probably makes money doing it too (or at least he sat at home then, not sure about now, hehe).

And he was NAUGHTY when growing up.

Same as my own child. Whom I love more than anything else in the world, and (admittedly) pander to her to a T.

She had me wrapped around her little finger from the minute she was born, with those large eyes staring at me!

“IS this Papa?”

I could FEEL IT!

Anyway, cousin #2 was a carbon copy pretty much of my Uncle, who always tried to help me. Praise me. Singing. Otherwise. Etc.

OF course, he drank like a fish, so he was persona non grata for Mom too (and he smoked like a chimney, hehe).

Much like yours truly.

And that alone should tell you a lot about why I Dont and have never gotten along with family.

Their view is life is a grind.

Mine is the opposite.

And so it stands.

But I remember my aunt though never directly praising me other than the wistful “you’ve got slim surgeon’s fingers” (in a good way she said that) always being KIND.

Never had a bad thing to say to ANYONE growing up. Any kid, that is.

Of course, this was a lady that actually WORKED in her life at a certain point.

An English teacher no less, so shes no doubt NOT HAPPY With all my typoooooooooos and miz-spelings”.



Anyway, I won’t go there.

But point is, even my Dad ... despite his tendency to pander to Nazi feminism (truth be told – hey – he chose that path – more power to him!) ... was mostly FAIR.

To ALL the kids.

Unlike my dear Mom.

And thereeth, my friend lies the tale of dysfunction, at least for now.

Ok, enough of this brain dump.

Pick up the MOST functional fitness system you’ve ever been on right here – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Believe me, the results will BLOW you away.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - - A recent customer termed my book on CORE training Corrugated Core to be one of the most functional ever in terms of REAL strength and fitness. Go HERE To check it out!

PS #2 – all the stories I tell are TRUE, hehe. Just in case you were wondering – yes – such dysfunction DOES exist!

PPS – But, and I almost forgot to say this, As Napoleon Hill famously said.

“Every adversity, every temporary difficulty carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit. Mind you, I did not say the FLOWER of full blown success, but the SEED from which said success might be said to germinate”.

Sage, my friend. Sage. I highly recommend reading “Outwitting the Devil”, even if you’re not religious (I sure ain’t, and I love the book).

I wouldn’t be where I am today without all of the above and then some – so thank you in that regard, Mama. I wouldn’t have the DESIRE To get back and keep going after constantly gettring knocked down. I’d have never created this or other businsesses, or accomplishe dwhat I have in MANY OTHER sphere of LIFE and believe me, there are many. I’d probably be one of the bozos you like so much if all of this wasn’t there. 

Come to think of it – that is what you want – and don’t. Hehe. ‘nuff said!


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Friday, 18 December 2020 08:04


This morning, I chanced upon the news.

Which I do NOT read.

I repeat, I do not read most of the garbage out there thats put out for news. Denzel was right in Training Day about it being 90% B.S., and people reading it for entertainment, but yours truly caveman has other things he does for entertainement.

Like writing these typo ridden emails to YOU on this list.

OR talking about something MEANINGFUL.

Or, writing books. And usually very unconventional ones!

Dr Bisland, a great professor of mine for “databases class” if I remember right had this to say once about an instance when the grader literally TORE me apart on an exam.

Now, getting D’s and F’s was nothing out of the ordinary for yours truly.

Including a summer where I believe a friend of mine did nothing but drin kbeer all semester, and ended up with three D’s and a F, and yours truly made A’s that summer, but made up for it with an F the next time around (although to be FAIR, that was more Dr. Burgess going hard on me, hehe, I didnt really deserve that F. Well, maybe if you were to follow the letter of the law – but I digress!).

(I went rough on Burgess too tho with the "Brit" jokes, so even stevens, and NO hard feelings now, hehe. I'd shake his hand if I met him today!) 

Anyway, I took the paper back to the good Prof for re-grading.

And upon looking at it (it was a question related to relational databases) - - well - - the prof “hmme’d” and laughed.

“You have an unconventional way of doing things”, he went. But hey. If it works, is what he said, while reversing the negative points.

“Thats why I wanted to bring it back to you”, I said.

He shrugged. 

By all means son, if it works – then you get the grade! (he didnt say that, but that was his import).

I still stay in touch with him!

One of the BEST profs ever, despite the INANE rants about him being “racist” and so forth, while the real racists sometimes got a free pass ...

Anyway, where was I.


Saikar Majumadar, an author I HAVE NOT heard from ADAM until today, popped upon on some news today.

I ignored it initially.

But something told me to go check i tout, and I did.

Guy is a Bengali. Hehe.

Just like yours truly (perhaps thats why I love the Bengal TIGER so much, heh) – but yours truly never really grew up in Calcutta other than a few visits.

(And yes, I said Calcutta. I did NOT say Kolkata. Some things should be left as they are, much like I’m against renamining military bases etc with “confederate” sounding names or what not – history is history, and thats the bottom line, folks!)

But anyway, it’s funny. I still remember an instance in Hong Kong where a guy just walked up to me and started speaking a language I had NOT IN YEARS – Bengali!

God knows how he knew, hehe, or Goddess perhaps since a “Goddess” seems to be the reigning deity in that part of the land!

But anyway ........ this dude has written some unconventional books apparently.

And on topics which in conventional India, which back int he day was the MOST OPEN society ever (and YES, they DID EAT BEEF AND PORK in ancient India – it’s the modern day Modi inspired religious BS that has put all that to paid and more) are best left undiscussed 

Homosexuality. Class barriers. And such.

All taboos topics apparently.

I write about them!

Yes. Thats another one of those businesses I do, but hey.

Yours truly has ALWAYS BEEN called out for being unconventional.

“Why can’t you do what everyone does” , goes the chant.

For ANYTHING. Life. Work. Business.

And fitness!

I go by GUT, and gut often seems miraculous and unconventional and it IS, and guess WHAT. It ain’t changing!

My fitness books are some of the most unconventional ones you’ll ever see, with workouts that would make most strongmen puke within the minute or couple.


My TECHNIQUES of doing things (specifically how I teach th ehandstand pushup) is UNCONVENTIONAL to a T!

Everything about me is.

But does it WORK?

And BETTER than the rest of the junk out there?

Well – you be the judge, my friend!

Unconvetional should be embraced, my friend.

And truth be told, if all of us paid heed to intuition and less on “logic”, then the world would be a far better place TODAY!

All for now – back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Some of the pushups in Pushup Central are the most unique and unconventional ever. Check ‘em out NOW!

PS #2 - I still remember Vincent telling me once "your not like most people from India!"

And in terms of Bengalis, we're (and truth be told, sometimes I wonder if I have INdian roots at all, hehe) SUPPOSED to be intellectuals, and great poets and that but NOT physical, hehe. Perhaps that explains my up bringing and Mom's "he thinks he's so strong" jibes. Hehe.

And how did it turn out on BOTH fronts?

Well, you be the judge - and read what Gautam, a customer from INDIA no less had to say right HERE !


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