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Tuesday, 19 July 2022 05:03

The X factor ALL truly GREAT writers have - or leaders, or orators, or there forth....

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It's interesting how thoughts transmute eh - if we take the requisite ACTIONS to make it happen. 

I was thinking of a few customers the other day, especially the great (and forever FRIEND of mine) John Walker - and I emailed him out of the blue. I just did it. 

And pat came a response back from him "I was just thinking of you, Rahul! We must be pyshically connected!

This same thing has happened with Charles, another great customer of mine in the past, I'd be thinking of him, but for some reason wouldn't email, and he'd email me back suddenly when I least expected. 

Now, this morning I was thinking of an embarassing (sort of) thing that happened to my daughter when she was 1 year old - something that probably happens to a lot of kids - and I wont get into the specifics, but I was thinking "eww, how was that CLEANED up". 

I wont get into more details. Hehe. 

But on another email list, a guy got back to me with some strange comments about just that sort of occurence, except in a different background. 

Again, no details there. 

(not because it's "too gross" or "not for public eyes" or what not, but it's not relevant here). 

But it got me thinking about various things, and the X factor that seperates the best from the "rum dum's" - and the truly great from the great, and so forth. 

Books, writing, how do you feel the spark the person has - the truly "good" writin that just has the X factor that sets it apart? 

(and believe me, we can ALL do this, if we know how). 

(and if we're open to it). 

It's not grammar, storylines, plot, book length or how good the pictures are, how great the words are at getting a picture to form in your mind (for some genres more so than others) - not even sales, that golden indicator everyone seems to use (dont get me wrong, sales are what count ultimately, but they aren't the one and only indicator of greatness). 

(look at Salvator Dali and Vincent Van Gogh, both great artists in their own right, geniuses, yet one almost starved his entire life, the other was financially pretty successful). 

Sales, or lack of it NOW doesn't mean squat, either in terms of the future, or otherwise. 

What has a lot to do with sales, and money in general - and everything in life in general is the PICTURE you have in your mind as you create what you do, art, writing, whatever. And we all have that picture in our minds, whether we know it consciously or not. 

My point here is... the X factor that sets it apart? 

That makes you FEEL it? 

It's something every great leader has. Every great writer, orator, statesman, or so forth - Trump would be a perfect example of this. 

For long periods you dont even hear from him (when hes not on Twitter of course, hehe) but when you do - BAM!

It hits you like a LOG on the head - Glyn, no puns please. Really, this guy Glyn, takes a dump in class, accuses other girls of doing it when apparently according to a certain other girl that got back to me the othe day on it "thats another one of Glyn's sick fantasies" ...) 

Anyway - it hits you in the pit of your stomach - figuratively. 

You FEEL something. 

Like Panourgias once said about my books ... 

"Your books are the best! I love reading them even if they did not have any fitness value, which they do, I'd buy them just to read em!" 

(I'm paraphrasing there, his exact comments are HERE). 

(and it's why people even if they're "just into fitness" - buy everything I have, even from a life coaching perspective, because .. the writing, the way, the X factor that stands out. As P rightly said "I see something in you!") 

Or, what John said about me being eloquent, and putting things in a genius like manner... 

It isn't so much the praise or the words I deeply appreciate, because they're true - it's - the point I'm making - the X factor. 

Here it is - those that have their fingers on the pulse of their audience, sometimes months in advance - HAVE it. 

Those that can get in their audience's HEADS - have it. 

Those that KNOW that every thought in your head transmutes, that EVERY thought you have in your mind no matter how shameful or embarassing has an audience (if you express it correctly - Glyn, are you listening again? Really, the way in which you said "NO!" that first day when I asked you about all your weird cuckold fantasies and what not - hey, it's ok, we ALL have "some" fantasies, but dealing with your lack of - ahem, utter lack of, but we wont go there- achievement in that regard or any other except trolling where you are admittedly one of the best - but I've known better - by trolling others and claiming "you're not into it" don't fly. Anyone with brains can see through that farce of yours).  ... HAVE IT!

And of course, those that can manipulate these thoughts in a manner that it helps their audience who will gladly buy from them for that reason i.e your stuff HELPS THEM! 

True sales means not just knowing your audience well enough to understand what and how they're thinking, its also about predicting their THOUGHTS. 

And then writing accordingly, or selling accordingly... 

That X factor is what I wanted to talk about today, and have, and fitness wise? 

My workouts, my friend have the X factor to them.  

Maybe thats why the book on reverse pushups, and the advanced book on pull-ups - one amongst many will give you the X "shape" to your abs so many of you REALLY Want ... Hehe. 

But thats not where the buck stops. 

In my workouts, I give you VARIETY - I give you BRUTALITY - I give you numbers - reps - and all of this x 10 to keep it interesting, and also to make sure YOU can modify your workouts per your own body. 

Within certain parameters. 

And that, my friend is that. 

Get the 0 Xcuses Fitness System today. 

Truly the X factor you've been looking for in YOUR training!


Rahul mookerjee

PS - Another great email coming up training wise - stay tuned. 

PS #2 - The 10 Commandments of Successful Sales (I give you 20, to be sure) is another GREAT read on this topic, especially since it shows it from a personal perspective as to how I do what I do and make it financially very profitable. 

Yes, I can hear y'all "salivate" for it. 

Pavlov done rang the bell, hehe. 

But you gotta complete it by pulling out that wallet and credit card and getting the book NOW . . . 

Rahul Mookerjee

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