Saturday, 18 June 2022 07:41

What I cant understand though, is THIS...

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Unwanted child, therefore "problem child", trouble child (although in reality, I was none of the above - the problem was something else entirely) ... I can sort of "understand" all this. 

I can sort of understand friction, anger, why's, wherefores, and so forth. 

What I cannot understand is this - how can someone not just "dislike" their children, but HATE them to the point that if they were put in front of a firing squad tomorrow and brutally killed - they would not just be happy over it, but applaud. 

All my life I've seen family support family - in cases even so extreme such as when one of the progeny committed murder - rape - or something completely unpardonable (at least in my opinion) - yet, end of the day "theyre family" - not to mention those that were thought of as losers - US President George Bush is one prime example i.e. "mano o mano" at the age of 40 and everything he did before. Hehe. 

(I dont dislike or hate Bush, I'm simply being factual in terms of his history). 

Although I have always said the war in Iraq should have NEVER happened, I've always rather liked Ole George and his quirks. HEhe. 

Anyway .......... 

It's been my family that has been that way - amazingly enough, when I did nothing of the sort above, nothing to warrant that sort of thinking. 

Ole Steve Austin comes to mind here, his Dad who he says "abandoned" them - when he finally met him as a successful wrestler years later, "I have no feelings for him, but no animosity either". 

That I can understand, and relate to. 

Although I might get temporarily angry, in the long term? 

To me they simply dont matter either way. 

But the hate coming from parents - THAT I don't get. 

To me, the buck in these cases ALWAYS stops with the parents. 

What do I mean? 

Well, my little girl who I love more than anythign else in this world - if she were grow up and NOT do what I want, or turn into a liberal, or what not - would I care? Give a shit? 

Hell yes I would, 

Would I try and stop her/? 

Hell no I wouldn't. 

Whatever it was, I've always told her, and always WILL - that end of the day, you'll always be Daddy's little girl. 

How someone can HATE a human being they took care of as a baby is beyond me. 

Of course, that never happened in my case - I'm not sure until this date if I was adopted "quietly" or not. It wouldn't surprise me one damn bit if I was!

Anyway ........ 

I can sort of understand if my wife feels that way towards me (she does) .

It's not "right" given all I've done for her and what I denied myself to do. 

But its understandable to a degree, a relationship gone wrong big time, two adults, hey - I get it. 

What is unfortunate is how my short sighted wife aligned her lot with my mother years ago "against yours truly" - and turned into a proxy of sorts for both parties - willingly "for the almighty Dollar". 

We all know what happens to proxies ultimately... 

I'm sure at the back of her mind, she does as well. 

Anyway ........ 

Why do I say all this. 

I dont know, random thoughts before I workout. 

And I can't see how any real parents can hate their children - period. 

If they do, the parents aren't real parents and even mine ONCE admitted "we made a lot of mistakes". 

Anyway - lots of people HATE fitness, or so they say, but do they really? 

They hate the effort, but not the results. 


And one dont sprout without the other, the latter certainly wont bloom without the former. 

Start planting them seeds NOW, my friend (pun not intended). 

Back soon. 


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - Unfortunately or not, there are plenty of "silent" cases out there just like me - families just like mine...

PS #2 - and in MOST, if not all (I'd say all) of these cases, the buck almost always ultimately stops with the PARENTS, period.