Displaying items by tag: fitness

And I don’t mean the actual writing phase.

That, my friend, happens LIGHTNING quick – think 20,000 words per day or more once I’m IN THE FLOW.

With typos galore, hehe 

Nah. I do spell check my books!

(But the odd one might get thru, and so be it).

But really, a friend (or a contact, I might say?) asked me this a couple of - - well, no, more than that – in APRIL last year actually.

“Rahul, WHEN will the book on animal kingdom workouts be out? It’s been a while already! “

he’s a good man.

Great guy.

I get his question.

But see, here’s the thing fella.

With me, EVERYTHING is a matter of flow and taking it as it comes.

I do attach importance to deadlines, but many things in life I never actually SET ONE.

So that book that I say will come out “tomororw” might be next month, or next year.

Way back in the day, I wrote the pathbreaking and GREAT book on pull-ups that has been getting people from DUD level at pull-ups to a bonafide STUD, cranking them out EFFORTLESSLY.

Really, my friend. It has!

Check out the reviews for it.

And I didn’t do much else to the book other than let it sit. I always knew there was MORE that could be added, but I didn’t.

Years later, SIX years actually, and a ton of experience down the line, I added what I had to without planning for it or thinking about it.

I just did it.

IT just happened.

And thats the key here.

EVERYTHING I give you is tried and tested and WILL Work unless you’re a “Bozo that has never worked out in his life (no, tongue and forearm workouts on wankers doesn’t count Sco) and has NO intention of doing anything productive with your life in general”.

In that case, no, what I Tell you won’t work.

But for almost everyone else, including those with some sort of preexisting medical condition, my stuff will work miracles -0 because guess what.

All tried, tested, dusted and DONE - -before I bring it to YOU!

Por ejempelo, the book on REVERSE pushups – which is not only getting rave testimonials, but making people feel GREAT – and “rolling back the years as it were”.

And so it was with Animal Kingdom Workouts.

The 68 exercises and 10 BOOTY kicking workouts came after a lot of DOING bro.

And until that point is reached, I simply ain’t gonna sell it.

Once it is, I WILL Sell it.

I WILL sell at high prices. (Want a BMW? Well, it aint free my friend).

And I’ll do so WITHOUT a care in the world.

Because guess what.

I market well.

But I can back that shit up, hehe.

My products ROCK. Everyone knows it!

And thats what really counts I.e the stuff you buy WORKS.

Get on the train NOW.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And remember, the ship membership is a ONE Time fee that gets you access to EVERYTHING we have digitally – for life! (provided your membership stays ACTIVE).

PS #2 - - I was going to do pull-ups and handstand pushups, but ditched the idea at the last minute, and did some BEAST workouts from Animal Kingdom Workouts. Now, I can barely type after a THREE minute workout!

And my core feels like STEEL – more so than ever!

My products are truly the best, BRO. BY FAR. NO-ONE does it like I do, and puts out such challenging stuff, and yet EASY if you DO the thing.

I CHALLENGE you to find ONE better!

(As a customer said “I truly KNOW what it means to be a beast and turn YOU into one!)

Published in Exercises
Friday, 01 January 2021 19:58

The paved expressway to “el GRAVE”.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions, or was that the other way around?


In this case, NO.

In this case, the “paved expressway to “el GRAV-O” like I said is paved with nothing but ... well, stupidity!


Anyway, what am I talking about you might ask.

And you’d be right to!

A few days ago I sent you guys an email about how a long term customer of mine from the UK was being told “that he should have stopped working out years ago and that he shouldn’t do it now or he’ll get a heart attack”.

You guys likely remember that.

And the dude made one of those CLASSIC comments.

“I’ve given up trying to explain it to her. Its like talking to a brick wall except the wall would likely make more sense if you know what I mean!”

Now, that ain’t a verbatim quote – the verbatim version is on the site a few emails back, but thats the sum and substance of what he said, and I must say I concur. Hehe.

And here is what Charles Mitchell, another long term customer and friend had to say about this - -

Happy New Year Rahul.As far as the conversation with your friend and customer is concerned, I am the exact same age and to stop working out is surely the express lane to the grave!  Nobody can stop the clock but exercise is the only real way we can slow it down.

People tell me I look younger than my actual age and I say thank you, but that doesn't really matter to me. What matters is what I am still able to do physically. Maintaining or even increasing strength in later years is the best thing anyone can do for themselves! Looking good as a by product is just a plus and shouldn't be the main objective.(of course that's just my opinion)

As far as bodyweight vs. weights, this is a silly conversation! Both have their pluses and minuses. Few bodyweight athletes can bench press 400 pounds, and I have yet to see a 400 pound bench presser able to do a muscle-up! Or 50 finger tip push ups for that matter!

Un fortunately, too many heavy weight lifters that lift monstrous poundages are pumped full of steroids which is not healthy. But the bodyweight exercises will build strength ( how many lifters can do hand stand push ups?) and keep you feeling and looking good and healthy for as long as you're alive. I hav done a mix of both most of my life and hope to continue to do so. And if anyone thinks that bodyweight doesn't build real strength, then they haven't done any of your programs!

The reason people buy your books is because you can do things that they can't, myself included, and they want to learn how.

So keep doing what you do and hopefully those with a reasonable intellect will see the benefit in it.


You’ll see my reply to him in a New York minute (minus the COVID ;)) but I gotta say one thing I forgot to say in my response to him.

He is SO right about the “those with a reasonable intellect part”!

No sense trying to make a horse drink in other words if it doesnt WANT to in the first place.

Anyway, here is what I had to say - -

Hey Charles 

Thanks for your email, and Happy New Year! I was actually thinking of you a short while ago - thoughts DO transmute! ;)

Yes, I regard most of my regular customers as "friends" as well - you included, hehe. And YES, stopping working out makes no sense whatsoever at any age (unless one has a REAL medical issue which prevents them from doing certain things - - but, there are always ways to work around that as well). But then again, wives and S.O.'s usually don't either beyond a certain point ... if you get my drift ... ;)

(Edit, and I gotta say this - LADIES - yes, we know - neither do husbands and "male halfs of the relationship. HA! Men are indeed from Mars, and women from Venus, or perhaps the other way around sometimes! But yes, nothing against either "gender" or a mix thereof. Just how it is :D)

YES, it's never about looks in that regard either! I'm the same as you in that people are generally shell shocked when I tell 'em my real age - but hell yes, it's about HEALTH from the inside out - and real strength and fitness, first, last and foremost!

Yes, the eternal debate isn't it - with regard to bodyweight VS weight lifters. Actually lifting weights can be GOOD sometimes (por ejempelo, the overhead press is an immensely useful exercise) but it's the pumpers and toners (and like you say, the "freaks pumped full of steroids and selfies, hehe") that I really rail against. Nothing wrong at all with REAL weightlifting DONE RIGHT - - hey, those old time strongmen did a lot of it! But yes, bodyweight will always rule in a certain regard - even the old timers would be the first to say that. (Doug Hepburn, Reg Park etc) ... (just a few examples - Jack La Lanne is another very notable example).

I've seen a LOT of people actually improve their weight numbers by STOPPING the weights entirely for a while and focusing on bodyweight only. . . I'm sure you have too! I haven't yet seen the reverse though ...

How many modern day lifters can do handstands or a handstand pushup (and thats just the start)? Well, we both know the answer to that is a gigantic, big ZERO. LOL again. And that, my friend, is proof right there for the "naysayers" in terms of "does bodyweight build real strength", but of course then there's the excuse "I'm a big guy" (when most are really FAT). And so goeth the endless "convo" with the "brick wall" !!

And last, but not least, definitely going full bore on books etc. Let me know what else YOU would like to see - ah, but wait. You DID tell me -plyometrics and one arm work. Note to self for 2021! ;)

(I'm doing some one arm/leg work myself these days - its a great, great thing to do if you can do it - and again, if someone works up to it, they can - YOU included!)

.... along with "mace and club" training and a host of others. Stay tuned. Lots to do, and I'm "loving it"! ;)




Well, my friend, thats about it for the day then. Straight from the horse’s mouth - - and in terms of books and courses – two things.

ONE, as always, please, please leave genuine reviews on the site – or Amazon etc (wherever you buy from) – or email them direct to me – it really helps.

And two, of course, shoot me an email if there is something you think I haven’t covered as yet, and I’ll be happy to make a note as I did for Charles (and actually a few others too!) and put it on the “to do list” for 2021.

And of course, Windoze – Linux should be the #1 thing on that list too!

But anyway, write back – let me know – we’re always happy to hear from you guys!

And so goes it. Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Notice his comments about “how many lifters can do a handstand”. He’s spot on again. Charles is one smart dude! And here is where you can pick up the course on handstand pushups – and LEARN how to do ‘em – Shoulders like Boulders.

Once you’re past elementary stage you might want to pick up Battletank Shoulders!

And I FINALLY put out that shoulder compilation, so you can pick BOTH up in “one package” right HERE - - Barnstormer Shoulders! (Gawd only knows why it took me so long to do something so elementary, especially considering the other compilations have been out there for a long, long time, but hey, “dats” life!).

PS #2 – Pushup Central is probably the course that challenges Charles the most, and he loves it! Pick it up right NOW – it WILL get you int he best shape of your life – and remember - - Animal Kingdom Workouts is another BARNSTORMER of a course- be sure and grab!

PPS – All this Spanish talk in my emails reminds me I never did tell you ONE thing. LOTS of our courses have been translated into Spanish and Portugese. They’re not on MY sites for logistical reasons, but in case anyone’s interested, let me know – and I’ll have a link etc sent over.

IF there is a language YOU would like to see our books in other than English, let me know and I’ll see what I Can do!

(In other words – feedback rocks – and rules!)

Published in Exercises
Sunday, 29 November 2020 10:37

Wolf workouts, and building momentum!

It’s often said that once you’ve got momentum BUILDING – or BUILT up – at anything – you’re unstoppable.

Could be a cricket match (currently we have India vs Australia where India is chasing a mammoth score that the Aussies pulverized India for – btw – a shout out to the Aussie cricket team – I’ve always loved ‘em - - great, great “barnstormers” if I may borrow the term John!).

Especially Smith and Maxwell, but of course, Kohli and Rahul may have something to say about that! ;)

(Edit - just checked, and the "King" of one day chases is out, hehe). 

We’ll see how it pans out.

In the meantime though ... I’ve been feeling weak today. That stomach bug left me a bit weak it seems, and though I slept most of it off, and woke up feeling fine, I wasn’t sure what to write to you about.

Guess what I did.

I (and I know many are going to hate me for saying this, hehe) ... JUST DID IT!

Built momentum with a few sentences and though today was supposed to be a writing free day, I’m back at it!

Same thing for workouts, bro.

You just do it. Despite the hoo haa that Charles, a friend of mine made about my “just do it” approach ultimately it’s what WORKS – in life – biz – fitness.


And then YOU JUST DO IT, bro!

No whining. No whinging No Mama’s Boy Scofield drama.

You get down to it.

And you just do it!

Anyway, wolves.

I’ve written before about that, hehe.

How an Uncle of mine often called me a “wolf” for my lifestyle.

And he was right, of course. I prefer “caveman”, but lone wolf works fine too!

(The Bozo got that part right, although he used the term “loner” as if it was something to be ashamed of. Yes. Figured he’d say that. Bozos generally make those judgements!

Guess what – when you cut out bozos out of you life and become a “loner” and associate ONLY with those that are aligned with YOU and lift you UP as opposed to drag you DOWN – is the day your life will improve, and how!).

(You wont believe it – it’ll seem like magic, but it’s true. Cut what you dont want out of your life, and scary though the thought might be, guess what replaces it!)

And for a brief while there, I thought about becoming “Denzel” in Training Day and putting out “Wolf Workouts”, hehe.

Thats a rooster, dawg! Give me a wolf!


I love ole Denzel. Training day is one of my favorite flicks. Right up there!

And ... it’s workouts like I advocate – WOLF like workouts done on your lonesome without the bros primping and preening and posing and looking at the girls next to you.

It’s the WOLF like workouts that give you gumption – strength – character – and the DESIRE, WILL and power to face ANYTHING in life!

Ever wondered how most prisoners are in such kick ass shape? Charles Bronson for one?

And I’ll leave you be on that note!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pushups and Isometrics were part of Bronson’s routine. Dont believe me? Well – read his book – and no, I get nothing for promoting it, but what he said was true – and thats precisely what I have been saying !

PS 2 – NO, I do not advocate breaking the law to get in shape, hehe. I know that sounds silly to say, but trust me – with some of the nimrods out there on the Web readin gthis via Google or whatever – well – I had and have to say it! Hehe. Like I tell people to be “careful” when doing handstands. You would be nigh on surprised at how the elementary things need to be drilled into the vast majority of people!

Published in Exercises

So, it BE Wednesday in this here neck of the woods wher eI’m at.

And it BE  a great, great day. Some call it Hump Day.

And probably rightfully so in more ways than one given what I just got done doing, and no, before you ask, neither is the training nor what I just got done part of what you’re thinking, or anywhere near it.

My other list on the other sites may think something in that regard, and they’d be RIGHT. ?

But here’s the point.

What I said above is one of the best visualization techniques ever, especially if you’re doing tough workouts.

And WILL catapult your results through the ROOF, my friend.

Lets say you’re embarking on a tough tough workout (for you, lets say) of 100 pushups.

Your previous best was 50 in one workout, and that was ONE Time . . .

So you’re aiming at 100.

You get to 30.

The fatigue kicks in. The sweat drips off your brow. And you think about quitting.

“OK, lets just make it to 50. Then we’ll see!”

And yet, a better way of looking at this is as follows.

“I’ve made it to 50! That’s half out of the way!”

Way back in the day, I did this when I followed that punishing and grueling hill climb regiment I so love.

Let me tell you something, boyo. It ain’t easy for one climbing up steep hills in the middle of the day in Guangdong style heat and humidity, and that’s made it to the book on fitness recollections as well for a reason, but the point is it ain’t easy.

Often times, I’d use visuals to get myself through.

Sometimes I’d compare my slow (and last) walk up the hill to the Undertaker’s as he slowwwwwlllly walks to the ring.

And other times, after I got done with 2 climbs, I’d talk to myself.

That’s two done, Rahul. Just two more left!

I don’t know why, but this gave me a huge, huge mental boost and I needed it. Trust me!

And the same thing applies to you, regardless of what workout you do or if you pump weights or do bodyweight or do that “other” workout (well, not really in that case, hehe).

Anyway, more on training half bore you ask ?

Well, the Bourne Series comes to mind again! One of my favorite movies ever is the Bourne Identity (Supremacy is by far the best in my book) and while the book is much better obviously, Matt Damon doe a stellar job of portraying an ex CIA assassin whose “mind is broken” (memory loss, whatever).

ONLY Damon could have done it. And I’ve written tomes about him and the movie and his TRAINING for the movie as well before!

And as the Identity starts, we see him doing pull-up on a wooden ledge on a boat.

Pull-up purists including yours truly may have a thought here.

That he’s neither going all the way up nor all the way down, which NO, I do NOT recommened.

I do not recommend kipping either and have said why.

But other hand . . .

If you’re already cranking out 5 pull-ups per set, for instance, but can’t quite seem to get to the magic 10 a set number, then you may want to try half pull-ups – on occasional.

Go all the way down, and pull-up, but only half (even if you can do a bit more) and then hold, and then go DOWN again, all the way.

That’s ONE way of doing it.

And count the half rep as a rep, because you’re doing it AFTER your max 5 rep count (note – do NOT do it before you max out).

Believe me now, and trust me later, you’ll benefit GREATLY from adopting this one technique into not just your pull-up workout, but overall workouts.

And that’s that for now (yes, again). Back soon! (yes, again).


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Take a gander at the 0 Excuses Fitness System, plenty more such great, great tips including one on how to recover QUICK when you’re out of breath right HERE.

Published in Exercises
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One of the comments in the lengthy rants I recently received to a post about pull-ups - - and one I did not address as yet is this.

“Your fitness info is hardly pathbreaking!”

Now, for context, the rants were LONG. Drunken rants that came straight from the heart, and while I thanked the poster for his thoughts, I will say this – a chuckle or two (or more) escaped me at the inanity of it all and the hidden point of it all (NOT exercise related) that he was and is still completely missing . . .

. . . which led to two emails of course, lengthy ones.

Andt hose are posted on the blogs for posterity’s sake . . . do a search and you’ll find ‘em. My dips yesterday after a loooong time have left my chest fibers extra sore, so I’m going to be lazy in this regard for once andnot post links etc!

But really.

Most people that are “slim and skinny” or eeven “in shape” can’t do a single pull-up, my friend. It wouldn’t be exaggerating to say that the vast majority of adult men and practically ALL The pumpers and toners and so called one rep weight pounders couldn’t even begin to hang on to the pull-up bar for any length of time.

And they’d probably tear a tricep or worse if they tried a pull-up.

Weight loss is an issue for most people out there. For years for some!

Despite being told how to lose weight most people CANNOT do so in the manner they’d really, really like.

Let’s face it, bro. We all want that V taper and “chiseled look”. That “packed” chest. That back that gives of the impression of doing one pull-up after other (as Marc told me “that V shape to your back”!).

And it’s when we can’t get it (because we’re either too LAZY or just don’t know how) that the comments come in thick and fast, and here’s an honest and straight from the heart FACT.

I enjoy ‘em all, so please DO keep ‘em coming!

But really. Not pathbreaking? Losing kgs of weight in a single day, often times hours after a workout - - not pathbreaking? Especially when being on a diet that most would consider AWFUL . . .

I guess not for the nutzos out there who’ll find any excuse to justify their “slobbenneess”.

Is that even a word. Hehe.

Anyway, point of all this?

Well, one is obvious.

And the second is this – I’ve been seeing (over the past few months) a rash of bozos that have been parading around town as “fitness experts” (and for whatever reason, teaching “yoga for weight loss”).

Well, first thing you know, yoga ain’t all it’s touted to be, and I’ve written about that before, and certainly NOT for weight loss.

Second, and more importantly, the people doing it are FAT.

I mean, big time fat in many cases.

I’ve been watching a few vidoes my wife and daughter have been sending me of my daughter’s online “exercise class”.

And the one I watched this morning?

Jesus Jumping Christ on a Pogo Stick is all I can say.

Now, the dude who normally does it (or did it apparently) wasn’t exactly the fittest by any yardstick.

Had a belly poking out under the massive T shirt he wore, and man boobs down to his belly button. . .

But he looks positively skinny in comparison to this latest specimen that is apparently doing the kids “exercise” class.

(replete with “kids, don’t forget the water”! – much like you hear in the gyms with idiotic personal trainers massaging their clients shoulders after sets of reps with pinky dumbells and “cautioning” them to keep their latte or water or what not filled as they “jog on the old man mill (treadmill)”.)

I mean, its so stupid to start with, but the lady herself?

To call her a beached whale would be doing the goddamn whale a disservice my friend.


Pure, unadulterated LARD!

And a backside that (as she was doing the upward and downward dog, or struggling to) would make those of you that love ‘em big PROUD (or other things).

I mean, really folks.

There’s no reason to be artificially thin or what not. And if you’re fat or somewhat fat and can do things normal people cannot, then by all means FLAUNT it (if you so choose).

But when you’re teaching kids yoga or what not, the least you can do is to a) stay in some sort of shape yourself as opposed to looking like a hog more than a fitness teacher and b) actually be able to DO said exercises yourself!

Putting this in context (yet again) . . .

Sure, a military general doesn’t need to be in top shape like his soldiers do. That’s not his job!

But he doesn’t need to be a slob either!

Ditto for ALL teachers of any nature, shape or form.

And as I almost throw up my tea as I think about the video sent to me, and say “Jesus, Joseph and Mary” (really, I ain’t a religious person, don’t believe in religion, but THAT was what came to mind when I first saw the lady teaching) . . . I feel compelled to write this.

Take this for what you may, hehe. Up to you!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And that’s why I INSIST on taking pictures, once, twice, and sometimes thrice for my books. One, to SHOW you how it’s done, and two to show you that yours truly can do ‘em too, at all weights at that. Sometimes (and I’ve said this before) the books take longer to put out because I have to redo many of the pictures, but it’s all worth it! Pushup Central took forever to get out, for one, but it was so worth it!

Published in Exercises
Tagged under

One of the comments in the lengthy rants I recently received to a post about pull-ups - - and one I did not address as yet is this.

“Your fitness info is hardly pathbreaking!”

Now, for context, the rants were LONG. Drunken rants that came straight from the heart, and while I thanked the poster for his thoughts, I will say this – a chuckle or two (or more) escaped me at the inanity of it all and the hidden point of it all (NOT exercise related) that he was and is still completely missing . . .

. . . which led to two emails of course, lengthy ones.

Andt hose are posted on the blogs for posterity’s sake . . . do a search and you’ll find ‘em. My dips yesterday after a loooong time have left my chest fibers extra sore, so I’m going to be lazy in this regard for once andnot post links etc!

But really.

Most people that are “slim and skinny” or eeven “in shape” can’t do a single pull-up, my friend. It wouldn’t be exaggerating to say that the vast majority of adult men and practically ALL The pumpers and toners and so called one rep weight pounders couldn’t even begin to hang on to the pull-up bar for any length of time.

And they’d probably tear a tricep or worse if they tried a pull-up.

Weight loss is an issue for most people out there. For years for some!

Despite being told how to lose weight most people CANNOT do so in the manner they’d really, really like.

Let’s face it, bro. We all want that V taper and “chiseled look”. That “packed” chest. That back that gives of the impression of doing one pull-up after other (as Marc told me “that V shape to your back”!).

And it’s when we can’t get it (because we’re either too LAZY or just don’t know how) that the comments come in thick and fast, and here’s an honest and straight from the heart FACT.

I enjoy ‘em all, so please DO keep ‘em coming!

But really. Not pathbreaking? Losing kgs of weight in a single day, often times hours after a workout - - not pathbreaking? Especially when being on a diet that most would consider AWFUL . . .

I guess not for the nutzos out there who’ll find any excuse to justify their “slobbenneess”.

Is that even a word. Hehe.

Anyway, point of all this?

Well, one is obvious.

And the second is this – I’ve been seeing (over the past few months) a rash of bozos that have been parading around town as “fitness experts” (and for whatever reason, teaching “yoga for weight loss”).

Well, first thing you know, yoga ain’t all it’s touted to be, and I’ve written about that before, and certainly NOT for weight loss.

Second, and more importantly, the people doing it are FAT.

I mean, big time fat in many cases.

I’ve been watching a few vidoes my wife and daughter have been sending me of my daughter’s online “exercise class”.

And the one I watched this morning?

Jesus Jumping Christ on a Pogo Stick is all I can say.

Now, the dude who normally does it (or did it apparently) wasn’t exactly the fittest by any yardstick.

Had a belly poking out under the massive T shirt he wore, and man boobs down to his belly button. . .

But he looks positively skinny in comparison to this latest specimen that is apparently doing the kids “exercise” class.

(replete with “kids, don’t forget the water”! – much like you hear in the gyms with idiotic personal trainers massaging their clients shoulders after sets of reps with pinky dumbells and “cautioning” them to keep their latte or water or what not filled as they “jog on the old man mill (treadmill)”.)

I mean, its so stupid to start with, but the lady herself?

To call her a beached whale would be doing the goddamn whale a disservice my friend.


Pure, unadulterated LARD!

And a backside that (as she was doing the upward and downward dog, or struggling to) would make those of you that love ‘em big PROUD (or other things).

I mean, really folks.

There’s no reason to be artificially thin or what not. And if you’re fat or somewhat fat and can do things normal people cannot, then by all means FLAUNT it (if you so choose).

But when you’re teaching kids yoga or what not, the least you can do is to a) stay in some sort of shape yourself as opposed to looking like a hog more than a fitness teacher and b) actually be able to DO said exercises yourself!

Putting this in context (yet again) . . .

Sure, a military general doesn’t need to be in top shape like his soldiers do. That’s not his job!

But he doesn’t need to be a slob either!

Ditto for ALL teachers of any nature, shape or form.

And as I almost throw up my tea as I think about the video sent to me, and say “Jesus, Joseph and Mary” (really, I ain’t a religious person, don’t believe in religion, but THAT was what came to mind when I first saw the lady teaching) . . . I feel compelled to write this.

Take this for what you may, hehe. Up to you!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And that’s why I INSIST on taking pictures, once, twice, and sometimes thrice for my books. One, to SHOW you how it’s done, and two to show you that yours truly can do ‘em too, at all weights at that. Sometimes (and I’ve said this before) the books take longer to put out because I have to redo many of the pictures, but it’s all worth it! Pushup Central took forever to get out, for one, but it was so worth it!

Published in Exercises
Tagged under
Sunday, 20 September 2020 07:36

Hindsight, fitness, and more . . .

So, hindsight is always 20/20 eh?

And it is.

I was talking to a friend of mine this afternoon about this, and many memories came flooding back.

A country I fell in love with at the callow age of 17 . . . if just due to the sheer FREEDOM it offered, and the “smell of opportunity”!

A jaunt down to the local U.S. Army recruiting center . . .

China, way back in 2004 when I first showed up there - - and believe it or not, that China was a far, far nicer place to be in than the China of TODAY.

Yes, they were hiding their strengths and biding their time!

But it was still a nicer place to be, and much much more “open” in many regards. The Internet etc wasn’t near as closed as it is now, and in general, it was just a far nicer and “developing” place to be – which again, in turn meant OPPORTUNITY – and there was lots of it back then!


The polar opposite, and that’s sad, because the Chinese people as a whole didn’t really do much to “Deserve” what is going on now.

Then again, did they not?

As we think, so we are. The great Claude Bristol wrote about this in the Magic of Believing, and he’s RIGHT.

I find it hard to believe that Communist China could have and does keep more than a billion people literally under it’s thumb without those people “tactitly agreeing” to the repression (and worse than that if we’re talking about the Ughurs and other ethnic minorities) . . .

. . . anyway, where am I going with this, you might ask?

Damned good question. Other than the numerous flashbacks pouring in, I’m not quite sure myself!

But the trip to the US Army recruitment center stands out, and I was chatting with my friend about it this morning . .  .

Many other things do as well, but this email is about hindsight. If’s, but’s, maybe, many things!

And while yours truly could certainly have probably joined the Army, or Marines, or perhaps even stayed on long term in the US, it didn’t quite work out that way due to various reasons.

If you read Think and Grow Rich, or “Outwitting the Devil”, or any of the other books by Napoleon Hill, a man roundly ridiculed in his time as a “charlatan”, but revered today as a thought leader and indeed a visionary, you’ll find one common thread.

At least, the thinkers amongst you will.

You’ll see that the guy could have done damn well anything he put his mind to, but for whatever reason, down the years, despite all the many businesses he was “into”, he never really succeeded until he found and STUCK to his main purpose in life (and finding that itself was a journey that took many many years!).

WHAT is it that you were truly brought onto this planet to DO, my friend?

WHAT is the ONE THING that nigh on NO-ONE - - even your worst enemies would even think of criticizing you for?

That ONE THING is the thing you were meant to do and until you find out that thing, and DO it, well, hindsight’s will keep popping up in mind!

And they did for me today, but not for the reason mentioned above.

Yes, sometimes yours truly sits back and reflects upon “what if I had done this”.

What if I had taken a different path. Made a different choice. NOT made all the mistakes I have, and still do.

Had more support.

Was “shown the right direction” (and more importantly in the right WAY, as a professor of mine tried to do once . . .) . . .

And after thinking about all of it, do you know the UNANIMOUS and unflinching decision I always arrive at?

That things always happen for a reason my friend.

And would I change a damn thing about the past, pleasant or not?

Hell no.

I wouldn’t be the person I am today without all those experiences shaping me!

And last, but not least, fitness wise?

Curiously enough, or maybe NOT, much like napoleon Hill, despite my many ups and downs, despite the uncanny similiarity my life thus far bear to Hill’s, there is ONE thing (that much like Hill) I have NEVER compromised upon.

Not for long periods at least.

My fitness.

Back then, I swam, and walked a hell of a lot up and down stairs etc. I wrote about that in the book on 16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections!

In China, I did pushups and found my hill courtesy the very “stern” Miss Lee. Thank you Madam – that is the ONE thing I’ll remember you for, always will!

(A hill right next to my house, right under my nose, and I didn’t even know about it! Haha).

I then moved on to subway sprints during my couple of years in Delhi.

IN the Middle East, it was runs along the beach and hitting the heavy bag.

Back in China, back to my hill, and then . . . finally, well, 0 Excuses Fitness, and well, you know the rest!

Would I change a damn thing?

Hell no.

But fitness wise, this is the point I’m making.

Lots of people look back and say “oh, I COULD do this when I was younger”.

Or, “I wish I had done this . . . “

Well, unlike many other choices my friend, fitness is a choice where you aren’t constrained by much other than your own thinking and BODY.

And there’s always a way, my friend. Always a way if there is a will.

On that note, I’ll leave you be, but before that . . .

It ain’t about “what if” and “but” when it comes to fitness”, or hindsight.

It’s about doing the thing now – and getting to work – NOW!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Here is where you can learn how I got into the best damned shape of my life – The 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Published in Exercises
Monday, 20 July 2020 12:14

My eyes closed workout today!

I’ve written about it before, havent I?

The sheer meditative effect some of these workouts have, specifically Hindu pushups and pushup workouts . . . if done right, that is.

And today I’ll take it to another level. Or I did, I should say And I can barely STANd at the time of writing this!

(before writing it!)

And what did I do?

Well, the majority of my 2000 jump rope workout today was accomplished with eyes closed today.

I divided it up into two halves.

1000 each, eyes closed for the majority of it.

If you don’t think that’s a big deal (the eyes closed part), well, a) think again and b) TRY it before you say it!

It might not be a bad idea to do this on a padded surface (not cell, hehe). Don’t worry. I’m not implying you’ve become a lunatic or will upon doing this, and I certainly haven’t (not any more than people think I am anyway?).

But believe me, I fell over while doing this. And you will too.

You’ll likely bump into things.

You’ll likely twist towards your dominant side or weaker side. And more . . .

Sayeth the person who today started to “torque” towards whats my naturally (but no longer) weaker side, the right, and then funnily enough during set #2, the opposite.

And sayeth me, who ended up getting a nasty bruise on the chin the first time he did this sets of 10 pull-ups . . .

(granted, that was towards the end of the 100 pull-up workout. But still!)

And I did the first set in 12 minutes. The second in 10.

And for those wondering why I did the second quicker, well, I have this to say.

The FOUR minute break that I took in between was part of the reason, or most of it.

And this four minute break was taken in a sitting position, but not sitting down, at least not what you’d associate with those words.

I sat “down” in a position most people couldn’t get into, and breathed in and out deeply with eyes closed for the count of 120. REAL slow breaths, in and out.

240 seconds. Four minutes in the Asian squat position which most people cannot get into today, let alone HOLD. (and this includes “modern Asians” too!).

I once put out a series of emails on fitness tests, and while the “table” position was it, this wasn’t, I think.

But it should be!

And the benefits of this position?

Well, they go way beyond “active recovery”

Those of you that have trouble “going” (the vast majority reading this I bet) better do this next to a commode. Hehe.

I know I had to go, and I don’t have said problems!

And this position stretches out your hips and joints of the lower body in a way you can’t imagine when held for time. Not to mention you won’t need any calf stretches at all if you hold THIS position, as opposed to the regular one I teach (the Hindu squat on your toes).

And for those of you with tight hamstrings, this will solve that problem too. Believe me!

And while I ain’t prepared to say this position (or squats done in this position ) are better than the good ole Hindu squat I teach, I do ALL my squats this way these days, for a very good reason!

Anyway, can almost hear my daughter “goading” me on.

Come on Dad, you can only do 70! I can do 200!

And she can.

She’s a little champ, not just at this position but at ALL positions and exercises that emanate from this one position, stuff I’ve covered in Animal Kingdom Workouts. If you’ve got even a sliver of fat on your body, these workouts will get rid of it, and fast!

(She isn’t that good at HW, but hey . . . ?).

Anyway, where were we you ask.

I did . .  .

Eyes closed.


So, this sort of thing will not only be RELAXING once you start getting into it, but you’ll also build spatial awareness like never before, especially if you do advanced stuff like one arm pushups or jumps. Or squats. Or jump squats.

And I do not recommend doing anything you’re not entirely comfortable with this way.

If you can do 100 pull-ups per workout, give these a shot towards the start and work into it.

Ditto for 2000 jumps. Or 20 pushups. Or 5, if that’s all you can do (as many currently can).

And not only that, you’ll build strength in a way you never thought you could.

And most importantly, you’ll automatically visualizing you and your body moving through space while you’re working out with eyes closed, whether you consciously try or not.

Mental workout x 10, and while you CAN visualize with eyes open, and although I recommend doing so with eyes closed when you start you CAN do ‘em with eyes open – but doing it this way?

Whole different ball game my friend!

Try these sort of workouts, and let me know how you do!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Here is where you can grab the 0 Excuses Fitness System. You’ll see me doing all my exercise barefoot in there, and that by itself is another tip for you – barefoot exercise is a whole different ball of wax I’ll write about soon that WILL give you a better workout!

Published in Exercises

And I mean it. Quite literally!

As we were filming the second round of photographs for Animal Kingdom Conditioning, I got a complete workout in just WHILE taking (and re-taking) the photographs.

I was literally collapsed in a puddle of my own sweat BEFORE doing a single pushup.

Every time I bent down to get into a new position, sweat literally BEADED off me. I mean ROLLED off me.

And you know the most amazing part, or maybe not?

Two parts actually.

Both that will beggar belief.

One, the movements weren’t pushups or anything traditional you might expect. In fact my daughter took the pictures for this second round, and she had a royal BLAST doing the exercises (in some cases) better than yours truly! ?

And two and perhaps even more amazingly, STATIC holds killed me.


You guys have asked about books on isometrics, and one armed movements (more than one person).

You guys haven’t specifically asked about static holds, but isometrics are the level to static holds, and we gotta start someplace.

And you guys mostly LOVE tough workouts that leave in a state similar to what my workouts left ME in today.

Collapsed. Challenged, and in a heap of sweat, and feeling GREAT all over.

In fact, I was having soup for lunch with my daughter and she asked me just why I sweat so much.

These days I’m sweating even straight out of the shower!

“Honey, it’s because those that workout a lot literally sweat a lot more” (in most cases, fit people DO sweat more than the average Joe).

And these workouts leave you burning fat long, long after youre done with them which is another reason you’ll notice increased sweating around the core, I told her (we were sitting around the table and I had my shirt off, and so . . . ).

And being she was such a good girl, we got her a special treat. Ice cream(s) hehe. Always good, especially in the heat.

And so it goes my friend.

IF you’re looking for advanced workouts - - animal like workouts - - then you’ll be DELIGHTED with this book.

Isometrics and static holds? You’ll get them and then some. In fact you might not be able to do even the BEGINNER movements in this manner for very long  . . . THAT is how tough these exercises are!

You may actually find moving QUICKER easier than moving SLOWER on some of these.

I know.

That makes nil sense doesn’t it.

But it’s true!

And on that note its off for the final round of photo editing before I finally get this thing together. Talk soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – In the meantime don’t forget to pick up THESE two courses – Corrugated Core and Pushup Central.

P.S #2 – Oh, and if you haven’t as yet, start with the BASICS right here – The 0 Excuses Fitness System ; truly the BEST fitness system out there!

Published in Exercises
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Tuesday, 16 June 2020 14:43

When to listen to your BODY

Over the past couple of days, I’ve been writing a lot about how my workout routine over the 10 days or so has left me BUSHED.


Shattered (in a good way, hehe).

SPANKED. (that was the word I was looking for at first!).

And as I sit here, typing this to you, I’m trying to debate whether or not to go in for ANOTHER ONE  of them workouts.

. . . and I think I’ve decided, for ONCE, to do the SENSIBLE thing and call it quits – for today. Hehe.

Quit while I’m ahead, as it were, and get back at it tomorrow!

And this is the best thing to do, and this is a key, key area of training that a lot of people ignore, but even more EMBRACE – in the wrong way.

All too often, you’ll have morons running for the hills complaining about “being sore” after a workout, and not doing anything for days other than moan and groan about their sore muscles, and how weightlifters need FIVE days of rest a week, and the sixth is eating day, and so forth . . .

(and to these people I have two things to say -a ) I wonder what would happen I put you through a REAL WORKOUT! And b) Get real – and EMBRACE the soreness).

Being sore is part and parcel of it all, my friend.

If you quit at the first sign of soreness, you’ll never get anywhere.

But for the elite few of us that train like madmen - - or “really kill it” - - or so forth, sometimes, it DOES do some good to let your body recover a bit.

As I can barely lift my arms and shoulders a day AFTER a workout of NOT working them directly in ANY WHICH WAY, shape or form, I decided today will be the day I take a break.

I could go for a massage. I could probably do a very gentle walk up the hill. Or so forth.

But I’m not.

Instead, I’m going to put myself in YOUR SHOES as I’ve done so many times before, and realizing that a lot of you don’t have access to the above, I’ll do the following.

A gentle walk around the ‘hood (without a mask, hehe).

A few stretches

A few PATENTED stretches STRAIGHT OUT OF 0 Excuses Fitness.

And perhaps a bit of on the spot running.

I am NOT going to gorge, or give myself a ‘cheat day’ and ruin all the hard work I’ve put in over the past few days.


It will be active rest and recovery, and I have ZERO and less doubt I’ll be CHOMPING at the bit, and raring to go again tomorrow!

And that’s that for now. See if you can find today’s lesson – or a couple, actually – most valuable ones!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – For more such training related gems, and STORIES (real life!) pick up your copy of the 0 Excuses Fitness System now, my friend. It truly is MORE than just the BEST exercise system on the planet. It’s a way OF LIFE!

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