Displaying items by tag: exercise
Energy suckers and more on those that say “hi” and then nothing else . . .
So this morning (afternoon), actually I woke up to a message from a friend with this.
“Hi Rahul”.
And nothing else . . .
A few days ago, I got this message on my WeChat (the above was on my WhatsApp).
“Rahul Rahul. Do you have a few minutes?”
And then . . . CRICKETS.
NOTHING at all after that.
If there is something that I ‘hate’ (actually I hardly use the term so I should say “is a pet peeve of mine”) it is THIS sort of “phishing” communication.
And most of the time, if not ALL the time, the person is looking for one of two things.
Freebies. Could be free advice. Free “try your product before I buy) (sorry, but as I’ve stated multiple times in the past, there are NO free trials for either Rahul Mookerjee or 0 Excuses Fitness products). Or free something.
Or, “unloading their negative energy on you”.
I have written about this a lot on the old site HERE and also a lengthy piece on Medium, but given THIS site’s move towards more “life oriented” topics and the other site more towards fitness (but we’ll see – I write about what I like as I like where I like, hehe and can’t nobody stop me – as ole Stone Cold once famously said!) I figured I’d write about it here too.
MOST of the time it’s people that want to suck up your energy on long, meaningless phone calls with rants that make no sense.
In other words, they want to find a “complaint box” and given the polarized world that this is turning into, the fact is most people have nobody to really talk to about THEIR own things.
And when they see someone that is writing on the Internet, an outwardly friendly person that HELPS others, guess what happens.
The energy leeches show up. The energy DRAINS show up. As do the freebie seekers, and energy suckers, and if you don’t watch out my friend YOU TOO will become one of this herd and lose the positive vibes that KEEP these people coming to you.
I’ve written about a person before that wanted free training from me, and who said my exercise poses looked “gay”.
And it is precisely this sort of person I try and avoid. In the beginning I’d dignify their comments by responding (at least initially) before I realized playing the nice guy wasn’t going to get me anywhere.
This also ties more into what I keep saying about NOT offering free products.
These people that take the free products and advice will NEVER EVER value it enough to actually use it, and down the road, they will turn around and bash you for being a “so called fitness guru” or whatever it is they want to say when the FACT is that they never actually got down to brass tacks and DID the thing.
And I wrote about that on the other blog the other day . . . so for those interested, head over to the 0 Excuses Fitness site and check it out.
And while there ain’t nothing with a good rant every once in a while and being the shoulder that others can cry upon, what happens when YOU NEED the SAME?
I cannot tell you the number of times I’ve tried to talk about my OWN stuff, and the person in front of me could care less about what I’m saying - - but is MORE than happy to rant on about (if we’re talking expats in China which to be honest are the category that keep contacting me the most for obvious reasons) their own life, and how everything sucks for them, and how they’re doing precisely jack squat to change it all.
Like the person that was jumping up and down about his thoughts on “red China”. Sent me a bazillion damned messages daily. And so forth.
All the while while LIVING in China.
Like dude, get a life. CHANGE your country of residence (and believe me, he had the cash to do it) if hate your current one that much.
Stop being a hypocrite – and feeding off others energy and dragging them down (or trying to) to YOUR level.
I’ll write more about this later, but for now, the point is this – if you feel “negative energy” come on as soon as you see a certain conversation – or communication or feel that it’s “useless to try and talk to this person because he just flat out ignores what you say” (or gets away with, or tries to, as a person recently told me “I read everything, but I don’t reply!” rubbish) then just don’t TAKE that conversation any further.
Yeah. Right. Reads everything but doesn’t respond, because a lot of it paint him out to be a a hypocrite . . .
Anyway, enough of this. Point is, cut negative energy and energy drains out of your life as soon as possible my friend. You’ll be all the better off for it!
And that’s that for now. Back soon.
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – and yes, these naysayers are just as active when it comes to FITNESS as well. Remember the case of the guy who showed up at the park one day demanding to know why I was doing pull-ups, and not “working my mind”. Uggggghhhhh.
P.S #2 – By the way, our courses on pull-up have been going GANGBUSTERS. From the initial “Pull-ups from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS” (by itself immensely popular) to an ADVANCED course on pull-ups – and more . . . be sure and check it out!
P.P.S – Be sure also to check out the 0 Excuses Fitness System right here - - truly the nigh on MOST comprehensive HOME fitness system you’ll EVER need!
P.P.S #2 – If someone’s actually looking to do business, chances are they’ll SAY what it is they want and not just “Hi Rahul”. Bear that in mind as you go about your dealings with others, my friend. And it’s true – nigh on EVERY time someone’s actually wanted to do actual biz, they’ve SAID it. It’s the “Hi . . . “ and then crickets sort you want to AVOID like the bubonic plague. Trust me. Ain’t worth it by a long shot!
The LAST little bit - when it comes to PULL-UPS.
I ain't talking "wang doodle" pull-ups either here.
(Sorry that I gotta say that up front, my friend, but you'd be amazed at the inquiries I get - I once got from none other Bozo Schofield saying "my wife won't make love to me since I have a small penis").
(He was on Freak-Book under a different nick in my group there. I believe he still is, hehe.I ain't had the heart to kick him out (but I am sure this gives him more ideas which I eagerly await and anticipate so I can share more with y'all!)).
But anyway, God(dess) pity the woman who would be with Bozo, much less marry him or be in a relationship, even one he pays. (with stolen funds).
But anyway, pull-ups.
A long time ago, another old man in China (and again, this was during my afternoon shift workouts) with a great Alsatian dog (thankfully not the pink rat dogs the Chinese so love! - I love German Shepherds. ALWAYS been my favorite) used to see me doing pull-ups out there, and often tried to do what I did.
Of course, he tried as EVERYONE does the "chin up" style.
To his credit, he got ONE out ... almost.
(No Schofield not that one).
Thats another thing, the people constantly carping on chin ups for SHOW, and not doing the REAL strength builder - pull-ups.
I have covered reasons on that one before, so won't get into it again.
But anyway, as he saw me doing 'em, he'd often make the sign with his hand.
Like a flat hand at the base of the neck, as if he were chopping it off.
HE meant, thats how you do pull-ups.
I was doing them to the chest, of course ...
But this old man (not one of my favorites admittedly, but friendly enough anyway - not favorite because he talked too much, and didnt do the thing) had it spot on.
Look, guys.
Lots of you have gotten good at pull-ups after investing in my course "Pull-ups from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS!" and yes, it truly is the best out there for newbies at the pull-up, or even Jim Shim guys who claim they're big and can bench Manhattan when they're FAT and can't do a pull-up or hang on to the bar after YEARS of trying at the gym (and after all the advice the idiot trainers at the gym gave 'em).
But lots of you, and I've noticed then when coaching, even those of you that do it without momentum like I tell you to - bring the chin up to the bar, slightly beyond, and then repeat.
Now, this is great.
Thats how it's meant to be done, but for max effect?
You dont just bring your chin across the bar and repeat.
You pause - and you pull up just that little more until your Adam's apple or preferably base of the neck is touching the pull-up bar, THEN you repeat!
This last bit, my friend, if you're using the lats - really CRUNCHES The biceps.
Not the peak.
Not the third intergalactic strand the bros pump.
But the BOTTOM of the muscle, where it starts, and this does more to build trap and bicep strength than anything else, including all the chin-ups you do.
Even the chin up, when it really hits you, you'll feel the muscle "bulging out".
FRom the bottom.
And with the pull-ups, your elbows will naturally come down to LATS if you do 'em right.
Truly lats like bats, hehe.
So remember, much like in life - with the pull-up - the LAST bit is what counts!
Napoloen Hill said it for life of course.
MOst men experience their greatest successes just a step beyond their greatest failure.
Read "Three Feet from Gold" for more on that or a condensed version in Think and Grow Rich.
But for now, thats the point.
Apply it!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - It's impossible not to talk shoulders with traps, no? That part of the body that everyon eloves, Bozos, gym goers, women, real strength trainees and so forth?
Well, get building them in a superlative manner with Barnstormer Shoulders now, and turn into a human beast with the routines therein.
Move over "Simple and Effective Diet". THIS is the book that is Simple and Effective, as a customer said!
Dont YOU wish you could knock out sets of pull-ups, EASY PEASY?
It might be a rhetorical question, but it hits home doesnt it?
Especially for a lot of you gym goers out there that claim to bench the world, but can't hang on to the pull-up bar to save your life (quite literally).
But anyway, I posed this SAME question on another site, in a different manner.
That was about "attracting women" and the long line of Bozos standing around on street corners and massage parlors and such with dicklets in hand and what not because they "can't get none at home or wherever, or what not" .. and how I said you dont (on that list) necessarily need to DO any of that.
Basically, there are certain rules to attracting women (those you want) - and the same thing holds true for WOMEN - except women in general are more attudned to their inner selves and what needs to be done than most men who literally think with their little brains *heads*.
A certain someone comes to mind, hehe.
But it ain't about anyone in particular necessarily, but anyway, I posed the very real and RIGHT question.
More unsubscribes, and in droves.
And I welcome it.
If there is one thing I cannot stand more than the DO NOTHING's, it's the DO NOTHINGS that pitch up a hissy upon being told they are do nothings.
One guy wrote back to tell me "how he'd pay me if I introduced girls to him that would do what I wanted".
Last I checked I didnt operate a call girl service, and dont have any plans on doing so!
(And those inane messages I keep getting of "Sir, we have dating services". UGH. Don't want 'em...)
But anyway, exercise and back to it.
I mean, lets face it fella.
You DO want to do 'em.
And a lot of people secretly look at people that can do the thing - and then make the snarky comments about "how he has it good" and other bullshit, while igorning the facts that they are a) lard asses that cant do the thing and b) too cheap to fork out the bucks to learn HOW and c), and MOST IMPORTANTLY - when someone calls them out for it - it hits HOME, so they throw a fit.
Like a certain Charles did ... (not the customer obviously) ... for a post that didnt even have him in mind. Hehe. Tells you a ton about the nutjobs "secretly" following every little tidbit of what I say or write, but wont admit it.
Hey, what can I say.
All learn from the Master at it ...
And I've earned the right to call myself not just that - but a SUPER STUD at pull-ups, and I will.
And so should you (earn the right).
And we ALL know you WANT to.
BUt unfortunately, nothing comes without sacrifice, and nothing is free in life (not even pull-ups, hehe).
"Aint nothing free in life. Jake".
Anyway, enough on this. I'm out. BAck soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Pick up the compilation on pull-ups HERE - -and get cracking, and write back once you get good at 'em. Like with Gautam and many others, I'll share your tales with the WROLD!
Yes, WROLD. Hehe.
Why momentum is something that SHOULD be avoided when doing pull-ups if you’re doing it right, and why it’s impossible to avoid it – if you’re doing it RIGHT.
This is something interesting!
And it struck me right after that hearty, starchy meal of POTATOES and CHEESE, and right now I’m so relaxed momentum and/or pull-ups, or any sort of exercise other than getting my ass off the chair and into the bed is not on my mind.
It will later, but not now.
The tiger BE Ready to rest!
But anyway, pull-ups.
I’ve often spoken about and railed against why KIPPING, despite being promoted by the pundit-shundits, experts-sh-em-experts, gym goers, Crossfitters and many others alike is not only NOT good when doing pull-ups, but it can also seriously impact your gains in the long term in this great exercise if you keep doing it that way
If you do it to “try” and never do it again?
Well, goodie.
But most people get addicted to the “rush” and “kick” (literally) and keep doing ‘em that way to feed their numbers and stoke their EGOS.
Truth is, you do NOT use momentum of ANY NATURE from the lower body while doing pull-ups right bro
Truth is you don’t use the legs at all.
You don’t even (preferably) bend them as it taught. Sure, you CAN do em that way, but advanced pull-ups mean your legs remain STRAIGHT and do NOT generate any momentum while being straight – and this is mentioned in both Battletank Shoulders – and Pull-ups - - from STUD to SUPER STUD within WEEKS!
But there IS momentum that cannot be avoided, especially with higher reps.
Not the “do one and do five kind”, though thats great.
It’s upper body momentum.
Many people have written in about this in the past too.
“Rahul, when doing high rep pull-ups, I tend to “swing a bit””).
Indeed you DO, Jack . . .
Now, I dont mean swing uncontrollably.
But if you’re doing pull-ups QUICKLY, up an down, up and down, up and DOWN ... you’ll soon find out one thing if you’re doing ‘em right, chin over bar each time.
That you will generate some sort of momentum and a wee bit of swinging unless you do ‘em SLOW (which is how you should learn ‘em, and how I advocate you learn them in “Pull-ups - - from DUD to STUD within WEEKS!” - and yes, THIS course is a must along with Shoulders like Boulders! Before you invest in the two advanced courses above).
Or you can invest now, but DO the thing per the elementary courses first, and then advanced.
Elementary, I know.
I know.
But you’ be surprised at how many people miss the boat on that one.
Jumping straight to advanced does NOT work. You gotta BUILD a solid foundation first.
And back to advanced pull-ups, I’ve said in the book they work the entire body (workout wise) and give you EXCELLENT cardio.
This second bit STUNS most people, but as you’ll see in the advanced book, it’s VERY much possible!
Yes, you can get a super cardio workout doing an exercise which barely taxes the legs unless you’re doing Swami pull-ups, and even then, you dont move the legs.
Position, but not force!
And while doing advanced pull-ups, you WILL generate momentum, but it’s from the lats and armpits.
I’d still say minimize the swinging, but to a certain extent you’ll see it’s unavoidable.
And that, my friend, is the takeaway from THAT.
Many, actually.
See how you can implement them into your own training.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – If you’re the “Value grab” sort – make sure to pick up the compilations on pull-ups and other upper body workouts that together will build an Adnois like (or “female equivalent” I can’t remember the name now!) body - - and GRIZZLY like strength to boot -
Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD to SUPER STUD within WEEKS!
Have ... AT!
Why I (unwittingly) turned my wife into a monkey – but NOT a dancing monkey!
Some of you read this in the last email.
But it’s interesting, how things work ...
Yours truly with all the “castigation” coming from “home” (and while the “el cranko” part is well deserved, to be very fair, a lot of the rest of it isn’t).
But then again.
Like strongman Dejon (and he does the REAL STUFF, the real lifts!) said ... you can and should always a measure a man’s worth by the number of HATERS he has.
‘Tis true my friend.
‘Tis true.
And it’s also one prime reason behind “tell the world what you’re going to do, but show it first!”
Anyway, the monkey part was covered in the last email.
If you can be a monkey, so can I!
So she said, so said the “fiery lady from Northern India” (and they make a lot of them fire breathers up there in them neck of the woods, hehe).
Probably what drew me to her in the first place, and I won’t even get into mistakes or not HERE. LOL.
But really, point of this.
My daughter is 7 years old. So getting her to do as much activity as possible is GOOD.
The more she does, the better, especially with all the inane donkey like lockdowns globally.
Really if there was a more USELESS activity which pretty much forces everyone into a huddle together when they don’t want to be, and an activity that kills global economies much like the plague is scathing through the globe, I’m yet to see it.
Not to mention that lockdowns don’t work, period.
They EXCABERATE pre-existing problems, and they do NOT solve the spread of the China plague, or Bubonic plague, or any which anything.
And they weren’t implemented for SARS. They weren’t implmeneted for Ebola. And for some of the deadlier viruses around, and yet now ...
Yes, I get it. This thing spreads differently.
But the bottom line, as I told my “buddy” out there in the park.
Him of the “running” really works! Do you remember? Hope so!
“China done spread this shit and now we’re left dealing with it. What you’re gonna do bro? Mask up and run scared, or just man up, face it, DEAL with it,and MOVE ON!”
And he agreed in full.
He’s not a mask wearer either except when he really needs to ...
But back to it, my wife seems to be getting a little “heavy” around the tummy area apparently (from what she says, at least).
And for a woman who used to have a 13 pack (or 12, hehe) from working out in the field when young – well t hat must be galling!
I wrote about field work in the last email. Well, a few emails ago!
And how it builds fitness like few other things can ...
And anyway, back to monkeying around.
The sort of workouts I advocate go beyond “just pull-ups” and pumping the lats.
They’ll get your obliques in shape – FAST.
You’ll build a rock solid grip, and start developing that SIX Pack you’ve always wanted.
Indigestion, flatulence, and other issues like insomnia plaguing most people will become a thing of the past.
You will become a real man – or WOMAN – or “in between”, hehe. Whatever it is, it won’t be fake.
And you’ll develop strength and fitness levels, that, as Charless Mitchell, a long time customer rightly said will put you into an elite “0.00001%” bracket.
Get on the train NOW, my friend. Truly worth it!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Oh, almost forgot the dancing monkey part. Just saw it when clicking “post”. Them ESL gigs out there for one, hehe. Prime example of bozo like dancing monkey. No wonder that the BOZO himself, Schofield did pretty much that and nothing else to fuel his drug infused rants, binges and what not. But yeah. No worries. I’ve turned her – and myself into PRIMAL CAVEMAN – and WOMAN – with REAL “from the inside” GUMPTION and strength.
Don’t believe me?
Get on the pull-up workouts – and then tell me!
And check out the testimonials on all of this while you’re at it too, hehe.
When you claim to be a “monster” at deadlifts, can “curl a house”, and yet secretly troll (or try to) those who can do pull-ups well ...
Its funny, ain't it.
Not only is the grass always greener on the other side (sometimes it truly IS, hehe), but we tend to crave that what we “cannot do” (or think we cannot).
And fitness, and exercise is a prime example.
I've often asked the average boobybuilder and bench presser if they (for instance) would want to be able to walk up and down flights of stairs repeatedly daily ...
.. Without support ...
On their hands!! ;)
And the more outrageous (seemingly so) the act (though really, if you train for it, and can do it, you'll need to do NOTHING else in terms of exercise) the more the denials.
“Hmmph! That stupid stuff!”
“HA! Thats gymnastics bro! Why would I want to do that rubbish! I'm here for strength, broooo!”
“I don't care about bodyweight! We all know it's useless!”
And so forth.
It's funny.
I just received an email from a guy who claims to be great at deadlifts and can “pull a house” according to him (or was it curl).
And this guy had emailed me before as well.
Both times wrt a course on that almighty exercise, the pull-up ...
I didnt really respond at length to him the first time.
And the second time all I said was this.
“Hey, thats great man”.
Thats it.
And apparently that set him off.
How dare I.
How dare I ignore the fact that despite his repeated trilling about “bodyweight exercises are useless”, he wants to do pull-ups secretly but can't?
Hey, I get it.
We all do, whether we admit it or not.
And hence the folks that want free copies of my books “because they want to read it”.
Because they'd love to be in that sort of shape, but are too petrified to actualyl do it (remember, anytime you give anyone ANYTING for free, it's never valued – the exact opposite in fact almost instantly) ... and of course are looking for an excuse to diss you down the road in terms of “the iron is where it's at”.
I could certainly take names and kick ass in that regard on the above, hehe, but I'll let the “suspense” build (mindblowing I know, hehe).
But really.
If you want to do it, then just come out and say it my friend.
And then just do it, and it's that simple!
Fitness wise, start right HERE.
Truly the best investment you'll ever make, and the best results ever as you can see!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – More on Bozo Scofield in a while for those of y'all looking for a few giggles. Stay tuned! ;=)
I could barely walk this morning (my calves were buckling!).
I filed this one under diet and hydration, but if two categories were allowed, I'd choose exercise too.
Yes, this morning when I woke up - and indeed until half an hour or so later, my calves were buckling in a strange sort of manner - as if "they had no strength left".
This happens to me sometimes, especially after I wake up in the night with intense cramps (which did not happen last night) ..
I've written about that before here - https://0excusesfitness.com/2018/04/16/i-could-barely-walk-last-night - and here - Thigh cramps in the middle of the night (rahulmookerjee.com) ...
That didnt quite happen last night, it's my calves that cramp sometimes these days, and the reason for what happened today?
Well, it was manifold, part of the reason was I was a bit dehydrated.
The 4 or so liters of water I drank down "while sleeping" last night didnt do the trick, another 2liters in the morning (which I do every morning) seems to have helped, but it was a diet (for me, yesterday) which I don't generally do - a lot of bread for one (I rarely, if ever eat bread of any nature, even brown bread and such) - and a few other things I rarely eat which seem to have dehydrated me.
But more than that, it's the intense squatting I've been doing, I believe, ever since Jan 10 or so this year, with NO let up.
Not when I'm tired, not when I'm drunk or afterwards, not if I'm not feeling well (I've done them with fever too, leading to a lot of ridicule from friends when I said "my workouts banished the virus from my system") - and so forth.
Every single day.
True, I didnt hit 500 ALL days.
True, I didnt do 600 in a row ALL days - or 750.
True, EVERY squatting session to me feels different. Bodyweight exercises, you never master them, my friend - period - and the masters will be the first to tell you that there is always something new you keep learning.
Or, back when I climbed hills after a break - I'd wake up in the night with intense calf cramps.
But this morning was different.
Normally, I'd just walk it off.
This morning, I could barely walk when I woke up - and this persisted for a good half an hour or so, leading to the "I'm tired, I DEFINITELY need a break today" feeling (a lot of you will know what I mean here!).
It would have been easy to sink down into a chair and do nothing at all.
Hell, I've got plenty of books on the back burner for one ... (for both businesses).
Plenty of work to take care of ...
But what did I do?
Well, I slapped my legs for one - and did a special workout for the calves and shin straight out of Isometric and Flexibility Training, which took like less than a minute.
Thats the great thing about isometrics.
You use them to build strength, to recover between sets, to recover post workouts, to stretch, to strengthen, to do just about anything!! (fitness wise).
They're so VERSATILE.
You can do them for a few seconds. Or a minute. Or, more than an hour if you so choose, and all of these benefit you - differently. But benefit they do!
Then, I did the unthinkable.
I got down, and hammered out 25 squats which felt far tougher than they should.
Deep breathing.
Sitting here NOW?
My legs, calves, all of it feel on TOP of the world.
I'm sure I'll have another great workout today!
Moral of the story is this, your body is capable of far more than you think it is (consciously).
Moral also is, when you're feeling like it's time to take a day off - chances are excellent and second to none you need to do SOMETHING.
Mark my words, if you REALLY need a day off, you'll know it.
In most cases, doing a bit of something will lead to feeling much better, and you do a lot more ...
And, get another workout in in the books!
So thats the lesson for this one.
Back soon.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Lots of you have expressed interest in the 0 Excuses Fitness System; easily the best and most comprehensive of bodyweight fitness programs out there. As people have said "the best book ever, there is nothing that comes even close". And the videos too.
HERE is where you can grab it NOW.
And, Google loves THIS review from Murli in India the best -
This is an amazing book on fitness that has the right combination of intensity and intelligence. These aren’t soul crushing workouts or weight training, but they certainly aren’t a walk in the park either. The word that could best describe these workouts is SMART. It helps you play with your bodyweight and get yourself super fit.
Amen, my friend. Amen.
Gotta ask you this, friend!
This is going to be a short one, but I've gotta ask!
In the future, we're planning on putting out 0 Excuses sports wear - and on the menu as of now - hoodies - and T shirts!
Of all sizes, shapes and sorts - colors too possibly (athough I prefer simple white and black, but we'll see).
I have written before about the nightmare it is for me shopping for clothes - both upper and lower body.
First thing you know, sizes these days ain't standard anywhere.
Second, what is XXL around the waist - is, for me, and all you trainees likely too - WAY too tight around the shoulders!
Recently I ordered another one of those XXL T -shirts.
They fit me nigh perfectly, and don't billow around the waist like some of my other shirts do.
But look at me trying to get into - and take the damned thing off, you'd think I was trying to rip the arms off, thats how much of a struggle it was!
There's snug fit, then there's EXTRA snug fit!
Especially in hot weather (A/C and everything not withstanding).
And here's the thing - what I personally would like to find?
Some manufacturer that makes things for peopl ethat workout - not phat phocks that dont.
Some manufacturer that understands "slim fit" is fine, but those shoulders should be a size larger!
Some manufacturer that is truly a 0 Excuses style trainee himself or herself - so he or she - knows the struggle!
Write back - let me know your thoughts.
I'm out.
Back soon!
Rahu Mookerjee
PS - Two courses, if used in conjunction that'll make the top buttons on your shirts pop like nothing you've ever done before - Battletank Shoudlers - or Shoulders like Boulders! if you're starting out.
And of course, Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness - very close to completion. Get your pre-order in NOW my friend - special gift for all those that DO!
Could YOU literally run - to SAVE YOUR LIFE - if you really, really HAD TO?
Sage question indeed, my friend.
I posed one earlier too I believe about "the most vulnerable spots on your body".
But anything, when I ask you this, I dont mean insanity i.e. I don't mean running away from wild animals or trying to outrun an actual Ferrari or Jaguar, or even Henry Ford's 1940 model.
I dont mean cheetah or gazelle.
That, my friend, despite the pictures on the Animal Kingdom Workouts page simply wont happen regardless of which traning programs you're on or will be on, because until we get genetically modified if that happens, humans can never outrun a grizzly for one.
But, there is a very good reason it's shown on that page...
This is not about Animal Kingdom Workouts, so back on topic we go for a change.
I'm talking run as fast as in ....
Well, perhaps my little girl running for her dumbphone the minute it's allowed hehe (not the slow waddle back once times up).
(I wrote about kiddie dumbphone addiction yesterday, and it seems my "prayers" have been heard. Whether or not my comments helped, I do not know, but hey, the end result counts eh!)
(And I'd never get credit even if it did help, but I'd get the blame if it didnt. LOL. Sound familiar guys??)
Or, me running for the bathroom fresh back from a trip to HK - literally off the bus, tearing up the stairs.
I had to GO if you get my drift, and while I had am empty botlte handy, I couldn't take a leak in front of all in the bus. Glyn might but I wouldn't!
Though the Chinese, some of them have no problem doing it, but then again, in a culture where women putting their dirty feet up on Starbucks tables is accepted ... and takin gcraps in subway stations is accepted (all true stories - reserch if you not believe me) .. what can I say.
Or, changing diapers on airplane and other trays. UGH.
But anyway, thats another example.
Or, perhaps the one and only Bozo "on public welfare in Birmingham" infesting poor ole Blighty Glyn Schofield when he (she?) seems rear ends "open" in front of her.
aka the Oxford Bozo (he claims he now goes to Oxford).
I truly, truly feel sorry for Socks-ford.
Even dirty socks have their limits ...
And no, that ain't me indirectly commenting upon Oxford, which is, has been, and continues to be one of the most prestigous educational institutions in the world. For a reason.
It's me commenting on Bozo's "School of Hard Knocks and Dirty Socks".
Hard knocks being ...well, you get the drift.
But anyway, all this jovial stuff aside, you understand what I mean now, no?
And if you had to do it - could you?
For most people, the answer would be if you answer honestly - NO.
And these same people would give me an angry retort.
"Why would I ever need to do that"?
Well, my friend, you might well need to down the line given how the world is going, but even if you didnt the fact begets that -
One, most people, even advanced trainees would be well advised not to do this right off th ebat.
And two, if I had to choose ONE method amongst all my superior fat smelting methods and techniques and exercises and what not - it would be this.
Three, it ain't too simple.
Four, it's only for super advanced, and even those people cannot just "work up to it" - you do it a certain way.
Don't believe me?
Think anyone can do it?
Well, yours truly when he was a phat phocker (I dont know why, but many Chinese use the "phock" experession and replace "u" with "o" - could it be Bozo Glyn "round posterior" influence?) once tried, and remember this was when I was "thick" and could still do pull-ups and pushups like no-one's biz, and DID do 'em - - - and ended up with a nasty calf strain that lasted for not days, but weeks.
I could barely hobble home, and I Was driving home!
Anyway, my friend, we all know and are intereste in smelting fat off our bodies at record speeds, about eating more and weighing less, and NEVER worrynig about what we eat (in terms of weight loss).
And that is why I put out Advanced HIll Training in 2018. Right smack dab middle of Chinese New Year, no less. Year of the OX that time? Not sure!
some memories are the best!
And I renamed it from Eat More - Weigh less to what it is now to keep the Bozos away.
And that, my friend truly is a SUPERB course that you MUST invest in.
Do so now, and let me know how it goes!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - There is a reason I wrote about "most vulnerable part of the body" shaking workouts a while ago!
Why real GRIP and CORE training are INSEPERABLE (and also the most ignored).
At the outset, let me clear one thing.
When I say core, I dont mean that silly little six pack or twelve pack that the nuts at the 'Jim Shim' die for , spend bazillions of dollars on protien shakes for, do millions of bunny "shunny" crunches, use useless gadgets and so forth.
Tummy trimmers, crash diets and so forth and yet, those muscles never really show like they want .
What they want is a CORRUGATED CORE, except they dont know it, because they've consciously bought into the six pack madness.
If there was something utterly ridiculous in the fitness world, its the craze for six packs - if you've ever heard the saying back it up?
I'm sure you have.
And most of the idiots with artificial six packs have NOTHING to show "behind" to back it up.
No legs, no core, no glutes (but I guess that means Bozo Schofields dont chase 'em, hehe) - and certainly no grip and upper back.
It's an unnatural look that starts to fade away as soon as you step out of the gym - or even in it, while you stop popping pills (or injecting testosterone, or any of the silly things men do in that regard).
Thats another thing, by the way.
Just why the heck someone would need to "inject" T into themselves is beyond me, but gaggles of men do it.
Instead, why not get MORE T than you ever bargained for - naturally?
Ah, but wait.
That sort of training is HARD training - real man training.
It constitutes things most people will never do, like hiking hills in blazing heat and humidity for years multiple times for one, and doing it in snow, rain, sleet or so forth, or pounding out 150 pull-up per workout ...
But anyway ...
Back in the day I used to be fat.
NO secret there. It's even there on the cover of some of my books, hehe, (hence Bozos like "Keith James" and Mama's boys throw hissies over it, and hence I do not, and will NOT change the cover of ANY of my books).
And you'd think with all the pushups and pull-up I did, my grip would be stronger than it is now, if just for the insanely moronic and ASS-ININE logic the BOZOS at the Jim have.
That being, more weight = more strength.
(and injuries, and other crap, but whose counting).
More weight - more strength, eh?
Well, first off, if this was true, why the fat focks can't do pull-ups like I do -and did - is beyond me?
I know.
But it's true.
And my grip, my friend, only got to the scary levels it did when my CORE and rest of the body was in solid shape!
If you've ever done a REAL grip, you'll know you do it like a WRESTLER - naturally - to get that UNNATURAL pull to your grip!
And the only way you can do that?
Is, much like when you're throwing a punch to flatten, you engage the core and legs.
And THAT is how the grip goes from "ok" to truly spectacular - I cannot empashize this enough.
When I do my leg workouts, I feel a sense of INVINCIBILITY.
Believe me, those leg muscles "pumping" under your clothes?
Thats when you know it's real training as opposed to the idiotic machines where you do leg presses and such.
It's when that muscle literally "bulges" out of your thighs WITHOUT you consciously trying to do so.
And it's when you have a true CORRGUATED core, my friend - that you can truly have a GRIP that is beyond any sort of belief, scary and INHUMAN LEVELS.
No, the latter doesn't work without the former.
And its damn near impossible to get the former without the latter.
My courses linked above have got praise from all over the world, rave reviews, and many other things due to one reason - they work - and they work better than anything else out there.
And if there was one combo I have to tell you about, it's this one - Gorilla Grip - The Compilation - - and Corrugated CORE.
Yes, I coul dmake more money if I told you to get Gorilla Grip, Gorilla Grip (Advanced), and the book on tips seperately, but that ain't what this is about ...
Combine the above with Animal Kingdom Workouts, and your grip will go from "beyond scary" to "truly out of this world levels".
Trust me on this one!
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee