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Thursday, 24 November 2022 08:26

The lunacy of Nazi feminists whining about and taunting me about my "riches".

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I will never forget the experience I had climbing the hill once in China - when a gaggle of schoolkids stopped me before I was even halfway up. 

From a distance, the chorus started. 

"Mei Guo Ren, Mei Guo Ren!" 

(American, American in Mandarin Chinese)


If you've seen the scene in the famous movie Bloodsport where Van Damme and his pal enter the "Walled City" where they are stopped at the entrance by people checking - their guide ushers them in, but not before one of the guards chimes in with this ...

"USA! OK! ?" 

Right down to the thumbsup. 

Its hilarious but true - that is how it is often in China. 

"Hen duo Qian!" was the next chant. 

(a lot of money) 

For reference, at the time - this was years ago - I was hardly even at the financial level I am at now. 

(which I'm hardly a millionaire now, neither have I ever claimed to be one, nor is that goal - though I probably to be honest will be one someday. Hehe).

I found it interesting, I told my wife, who was ranting as usual. 

"No money, yet they look at you that way and think so highly of you". 

I didnt reply, but I grinned. 

Little did she know. 

The secret I've been using before dumbphones and so forth . . . before all the so called motivational videos came out, before a lot of the crap passing for "self help" came out - a lot of the crap these lunatic Nazi feminists live and swear by. 

And it's simple - I THINK rich. 

Most of these idiots on their videos think they think that way too, but their reality shows otherwise. 

Anyway, it wasn't just one time, I've often been taunted in the past this way by the lovely wife who when she's in a good mood sends me long odes of "I want to sit at your feet forever" (true story my friend, I've got the emails if you're so interested) and bad, well you read it. HEhe. 

"You're a business man! You are rich, you have money, you travel to so many countries!" 

And it's people supposed to be closest to me that have done it but you know whats funny?

This whole "you're soooooooooooooo rich" thing I keep getting. 

(not to mention the sheer impotency behind the comments - these usually come from women, because they know, as a certain Charles said "you wont smack 'em in the head". And coming from my dumb ass wife whose day consists of being Buddha in the bed on an old creaky laptop with an external HDD attached so she can hammer her brain with meaningless videos all day - I can sort of understand the frustration she has about "me going here, there, and her precisely NOWHERE". Well, my dear, if you'd stop being a complete cunt for one ... ah, but wait. That isn't part of their lexicon!). 

And of course, the business is great when the money rolls in, when it doesnt, according to the wife "it's an useless biz". 

For reference, she was referring to the trading business which we were literally rollin in money before COVID hit, of course, once it did it was my fault. Hehe. 

We - or I, rather, am back up to steam there, but thankfully without my idiotic wife (the first time I was forced to depend on her for deliveries, now I just pay someone to do it). 

When these same people watch motivational *so called* videos all day long - which tell them to affirm "I'm rich!" to themselves, but yet those riches never quite materialize - when these same people affirm to themselves "I'm happy" - yet stay in "three days foul mood, one day so so, then the mood swings back to super jubilant the next ..." 

I did a brief talk on this here - a must watch, but in short, affirmations only work if you use them right and understand them, most do not, never will (because they're too damn lazy for one). 

I can almost predict it, hehe. Come to think of it, I can predict it like clockwork, and I play these people like fools all the time. Hehe. 

Look, it's all about the subconscious mind and activating it at levels that most people dont. 

And empty affirmations backed up without any sort of emotion for one - or fake emotion - doesnt work. 

Your mind isn't stupid, and it knows the reality of the empty bank account staring back at you, my friend - hehe (to the Nazi feminists). 

And thats how it will be unless you do what is REQUIRED. 

Anyway - point of this? 

Lots of you deal with this on a daily basis, and feel trapped, but you dont have to my friend. 

You dont necessarily need to go full on MGTOW either though that wouldn't be a bad thing. 

If you want to profit and benefit from these Nazi feminists and others of their ilk at unimaginable levels in manners even you didnt dream possible - well pick up "How to not only COMBAT - but profit from Nazi feminists BIG TIME from the Nazi feminist disease PLAGUING modern day society NOW. 

And that, my friend is that. 

Back soon! 


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - The male equivalent of the Nazi feminist is usually a loser troll - of which there are tons in this world. 

Learn how to benefit at levels hitherto dreamed IMPOSSIBLE by investing in the one and only book of it's kind HERE


Last modified on Thursday, 24 November 2022 08:57
Rahul Mookerjee

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