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Thursday, 20 October 2022 11:19

Why they all ultimately learn from the dumbass... Hehe.

he's just an English speaker, a dumbass one

A predictable, yet such a lovely response from Gorilla Girl who was pestering me, as usual to learn English for free - as well as her kids. 

Ugh - on the last part, not so much because I dont teach English, but because of her tendency to constantly label all expats as English teachers, and more - what we (me and her) talk about is definitely NOT for kids. I hope she hasn't shown her kid the whole conversation for one! 

"I was punishing him!" she went. 

And in typical Nazi feminist style, of course, "because he was bullying girls at school" - then I asked her what if the girls were at fault? 

And he just responded like a man should ... 

Of course, "teacher said he bullied girls and Mother knows her son" was the only answers I got. 

Reminded me of me in seventh grade when a girl was constantly irritating me and taunting me, bullying me, I had enough, all I did was to push my chair back forcefully and it hit her desk, knocking her damn lunch off the desk - but thats it. 

The beating I got at home from that - and being forced to stand outside class (with another dude, for another reason) I'll never forget, much like the brutal beatings handed down to us boys while the girls got away mostly scot free (with the male teachers trying to flirt with them if you can believe it). 

True story, my friend, if you're a fat "VD Agarwal" - "let the climate come in" Bozo, you know it as well. Many of your cohorts do too! I'd name and shame, but nah - I'll leave that for the ... but anyway, Sophia. 

(I did tell her how much that made me hate my father, like in Rocky V, the boxer that says "I just think of my Dad when I get in the ring", and all the rage just comes out, and ... well, he hit hard for one!) 

(I was slightly more descriptive, but I was being factual, but I'll spare ya'll the details, or victuals. Hehe)/

So she was punishing him, then I asked her if I was a dumbass ... well, let me copy and paste. 

you really said in that language (english) to your son? Or Chinese? 

One question for you, Sophia, for the person that learns from a dumbass, what are they? Dumbass learning from dumbass? LOL

In the midst of that, I sent her a dick picture - again. LOL. Anyway, she replied after the picture. 

I know this many years ago, she said. 

Then I asked for a direct answer, which I never got ... 

well, the stupidest thing ever, satisfied?

(and all this is all true, screenshots - and I'm happy to provide some, hehe minus the "pic") 

not me be satisfied , that is not the point

I want to know, what do YOU think. Hehe.

So, for example (since I'm a dumbass) - all these people that buy my books, leave me reviews, etc - in many cases, these guys are rich - physically, they have been in the Armed forces, Marines etc - they are martial artists, former wrestlers - these girls (and guys) that learn from my other books etc - all of those people, what are they? Hehe. The stupidest ever to pay money and learn from me, despite their many accomplishments otherwise?

Another example - one that you can understand better, all those Chinese that pay to learn English from me ... then in many cases they become my <chopped> - also all dumbasses?

I dont care if the answer satisfies me. I'd like you to think and tell me your honest opinion, that is all.

Third example, Sophia learing English (when she can ) from me. Wait, how can that be possible. SHe is so smart. but she does it anyway ...

There was more. 

And I love Gorilla Girl, I really do. HEhe. 

I never did get that direct answer, of course.. 

And thats fine. 

Gorilla Girl and I have an unwritten agreement to troll each other for reasons the average Schofield will never understand, though he'll try. 

But she's a woman after all ... HEhe. 

Anyway - it reminded me of the idiots who call me everything from "cunt" to "narcissist" to "egotist" - all because I point out clearly evident facts about them. 

In some cases, the word "obese" is enough to trigger a flood of tears, completely ignoring the rest of what I say. Hehe. 

I've been told many times my words HURT - or UPLIFT. 

To an extreme in both cases. 

They HIT HOME - and the proof on all sides of this debate - well, enough said on that one!

And thats how I like it. 

Thats how I'd rather it be. 

And thats how it shall always be. 

Then of course, you have the Bozos who get their knickers in a twist simply because "you talk about them with someone else" (Glyn Bozo was hallucinating about just that) or the fools that masturbate on Nanjing buses "angrily" from what it seems (that even possible)? 

Or the asses that troll this site while claiming not to and write long emails based upon my style, cite research studies from the very sites and same topics I do (I rarely cite research, so I know this idiot copied me, and is anxiously, despite me BLOCKING him several times from the list, all his ID's - waiting for the next update from yours truly, salivating rather) ... 

And a host of others. 

Then you have the smart bunch that can't get enough of me. Hehe. 

Ultimately they all come back, they all learn from me, which begets the question ... maybe, like so many people are clamoring for a new definition of normal (and if you were to believe the LGBTW idiots, that would be true) ... there should be a new definition of dumbass ... Hehe 

Anyway, Gorilla Girl and yours truly dumbass (she's not in the videos guys - sorry - and she wont be either) - bring you the 0 Excuses Fitness System, the best damn system - it will turn you into a fitness phenom regardless of whether currently a slob, beached whale, an already fit person, a gym goes, a dumbass, or anything, really. 

It does NOT discriminate, so long as you DO. 

LGBTQ as well, hehe. 

And thats that. 

Back soon! 


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - This started when Miss Dumbass, or Mrs, depending, was pestering me about doing video calls. Ugh. I've made no secret of how much I hate the dumbphone and calls in geenral, and bloody video calls and videos, I'd rather jump off a damn cliff (but I wouldn't break my legs, hehe - nah, kidding) ... 

More here -

I have a far more verbose version of this elsewhere, but I'll only reveal if the haters want it, hehe. 

Trade secrets, my son. 

Trade secrets! Hehe.


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