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Tuesday, 14 September 2021 06:27

Why ultimately its brains and money - in that order - that makes the "studs".

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It's interesting, my friend. 

For a "dark bedroom dwelling beer swilling maniac" - the long, long list of women that I've been with, that continues to grow, my prodigous output both "there" and books wise - and writing wise - and emails wise ... results, and so forth ... 

Staying in shape no matter what. 

Taking what life has to throw at me down the years (more than what most people could begin to imagine), and ultimately twisting it into a pretezel, tossing it right back ... 

"Conversation rules the nation!" (TEMB, you were right - it isn't the hair or body that does it,hehe). 

Or the "size" or lack thereof. 

It also, and Bozo is a perfect example - RUINS the nation... 

The point here is women, my friend. 

I am UBER selective - to the point of being extremely fastidious about WHO I chat to - and that extends to women too.  

The minute anyone is an energy drain on me, or a vampire, or "doesnt respond" or other BS o r "too busy" - I cut them out of my life. 

I dont delete, block etc - in some cases, yes, but I do that MENTALLY. 

For me, that very long list of women? 

MOST, if not all those women were all gorgeous - they ALL had money (without exception, and at the time, more than me). 

Some married, some not ... 

And this may come across as even stranger, but for someone that keeps preaching, and rightfully so the benefits of being FIT -when I was a phat phock and out of shape - I had some of the best experiences of my life in that regard. 

It wasn't because I was "married and fat and happy either". 

Most of that time, I was "single". 

It was something else, friend. 

Ultimately, its what Carol once told me. 

"Talking to you, I found it very interesting!" 

And THAT is what does it. The brains. 

She had a long, long list of men HANKERING after her which she kept on hold. 

A lot of the other girls did to as "they wanted to see how and where Rahul and them would work out" first. 

Then they went to those guys, or didnt... (after I left, or whatever happened). 

Lucy, a girl I know recently sent me a message about "you just want me for yourself!

Which is astouding given she sleeps around causally, and I asked her about it, and I encourage it. 

By all means, if a woman wants to do that ... 

But for me, "I want YOU, you're better than them", she keepst elling me - something didnt fit. 

The conversation, the communication - it didnt feel right. 

Most guys would just for the "kill" and notch another notch up or some rubbish. 

I do so without even thinking about it and NOT going for the kill - astounding as that might sound. 

True, that leads to cases like Grandmother Ashley occasionally who other than their marriage have done F all sexually in their lives. 

It also leads to cases where "my husband not so romantic as you!" - these women learn and enjoy sexuality like nothing they've ever done before. 

And so do YOU i.e. me in that case by extension obviously. 

I wrote about how it's businessmen that most women hanker after. 

It's not so much the politicians or movie stars or studs - its those with brains - that usually create businesses with good eventual cash flow (until they crash, and then they rebuild again) ...

...It's the BRAINS! 

The brains is what eventually leads to MONEY down the line. 

And we all know what women want the most. Even women want "it" - yes - but for women, stability and money trumps all "ultimately" and she will make sacrifices in any regard for that. 

Men ultimately won't. (ie men ultimately do what they do for some sort of SEX or sexual desire and proceeding towards fulfiling that desire SOMEHOW in some way, shape or form)

Thats just how we're wired, my friend, and trying to change it doesnt work. 

Trying to understand it, and play the game accordingly - works - and how! 

As for yours truly, I'd rather have women that dont sleep around with a bazillion different men. 

And have always had ... 

And "loose sleeping around" doesnt cut it for me (when it comes to women). 

Call me a misogynist, but there it is .. 

Alright enough of this. 

But it needed to be said!

Hey, there are some things women can do and men can't - it works the SAMe in reverse too. 

And if you're still thinking "its the body that attracts" - well, get that body then - and do so by getting on the system there - truly turning you from "dud" to Stud in all regards - the 0 Excuses Fitness System. 

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - And I'd rather not, and never have been a notch on any woman's "post" either, hehe. Always had higher standards for myself than that, and it shows!

Rahul Mookerjee

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