Wednesday, 28 December 2022 04:02

Troll update

Well, well, well! 

As we head into 2023 - I'm thrilled with what lies ahead - and how far we've come - on all our businesses (although I have to admit, the fitness business seems to be the one attracting the most number of trolls - wankers exist everywhere, but fitness for some reason has sadly turned into a pissing contest of "who can sell what for cheaper" which is sad ... as with anything else, the real goods always come at a price - a huge price - which is life too my friend, and you get the benefits accordingly too). 

Anyway - the trolls seem to have had, for the most part, an especially rocky Christmas. One fat troll was so enthused by the the turkey this year he, if reports are to believed, even sneakily ate up most of the wifes turkey, then claimed "it was a small bird, costs are rising" or some rubbish, ate up all the bread etc, drank all the booze up in the house too - didnt get out of bed the next day - did so irritated the day after - and then promptly started his trolling which is now bordering not just on lunatic, but downright desperate. More on that later...  but it reminds of a certain Schofield who once showed up at Charles's house in Jieyang, refused to budge, I still remember the aggravation in Charles's voice when he sent me those voice notes about Glyn. 

"he sits in a room all day trolling people, eats all my food, drinks all my beer, NEVER pays me for it ; makes a royal mess, doesnt clean up after himself" (he didnt quite include the part about Glyn taking off with his girlfriend's underwear - ugh - that came out later as he was tonked out rather unceremoniously on the road, face down in underwear on a street in Jieyang - someday I'll post that famous pic here. Hehe). 

Then a lot of them have figured out their financial situation isn't about to get any better (mostly because they're so damned lazy) - so they've decided to go down the SJW route apparently, and write long rants on Amazon about "why are his books so expensive!!!!!!" (not that it's any of their business, hehe). 

Some like Schofield have realized it's becoming increasingly hard to work their scams from overseas on gullible old ladies - and have hunkered down in Mama's basement - and every time they feel aggravated about something which is daily, they write lengthy rants about yours truly. Hehe. 

As you can tell, these trolls truly come in all shapes, sizes (ahem) and forms (double ahem). 

They will ALL be mentioned in the upcoming book on profiting at the highest levels from trolls (something most people wouldn't dream of, and dont know how to do - most get angry, hate it etc - but there is a far better way of dealing with it my friend - make MOOLAH off it!) ... Profit Troll

One of these fat muttonheads is an obese (literally) troll who regularly sends me photos of his phat self along with his boyfriend (I am NOT shitting you here) - that cannot do one single squat in proper form (and is too lazy to try, so claims "step-ups are the God of fitness" or some nonsense). There;s another who cannot do a pull-up in proper form and has a long history of cosying up to fitness guys, and then being summarily booted by each and every one of them because he neither looks the part (obese) nor can he sell anything (he lives on his wife basically, we all know him) - and then trolling them (oddly enough he never realizes his trolling is paying off for them big time, hehe) - and his latest is claiming that ... "dancers dont do pull-ups" (where this Bozo got this from only he knows) and that his fat back is the epitome of fitness ... 

This ass clown does the sort of pushups where his nose touches the floor first so he doesnt have to go all the way down on a rep ... 

(some of this sort have long brown "Pinoochio" like noses from poking it in where "it dont belong" - and literally, in "orifices" as Bruce once said, to "brown nose" "where it dont belong" Ewwww!)

Just bonkers that guys like this are even around, but hey. We all need the amusement. Personally for me I normally stay away from it all and just count the sales, but for me - well - sometimes even need my amusement, I have to admit, the desperation showing through in some of the trolling, most of which is ultimately centered around MONEY - is hilarious. 

Give them the product for free, they'll promote it all day as the next best thing in fitness as phat boy used to do, when you call a spade a spade - ie in terms of their results and their own complete lack of fitness they throw a hissy fit and go the other extreme. Strange, and its sick how they keep coming back to me for my "approval" - end of the day they're pissed I didnt lead them out of their mess. 

As Sly rightly said in ... the prison movie - Lockdown?? to a guy who kept saying "but you're our leader!" 

Goddamnit, I'm not your leader!!


But true leader are followed no matter what, so they follow me, tongues out, they have to do SOMETHING in their sorry lives, so might as well troll I suppose. 

Insane, the level to which price whinging has gone up to as well, not like these trolls have products of their own to promote beyond dodgy supplements, and writing books, putting out great videos etc - forgettttttt about it. Hehe. 

There's so many of them as well - but anyway, point of all this? 

Is two fold. 

One, a lot of our great customers decide - literally - hehe - sometimes - how to choose a product. 

"If the trolls troll you the most on it, and you're so proud of it, I must have that!" 

And so he did 

Pushup Central, the very BEST and only definitive course out there on pushups like only the bodyweight exercise Guru can teach you, yours truly used to be #1 on the list for a long time ...

And here's the review he left - 

 Brutally Effective!!!

The Bodyweight Guru has done it again, 55 ways to bring on the pain, a magnum opus on how to really use what is possibly the world's oldest and "most diverse" exercise.

If you're like me, you live for that pain, the feeling of your muscles as they stretch and contract and how your body screams at you to stop but your mind will not allow you to quit, you have that target in your mind and you cannot stop until you hit that target, yes my friends this is training "brutally effective" training.

Buy this book and take up the challenge of Push Up Central.

The Bodyweight Guru is waiting for you, let him show you how with this (innocently sounding) book you can become more than you could ever have imagined, this is hard training at it's absolute best.

Now a word about the previous review, Glyn Scofield is a total moron and his reviews suck almost as much as he does, Glyn, if by chance you ever read this, do yourself a favour and just stop, nobody cares what you think.

Bozo left this review - 

Boring, poorly written... drivel. 

A whole book dedicated to... how to do pish ups. Really? Badly written too.

I'll let y'all decide which one to take into account. Hehe. 

But other than that, the other books on the hit list - 

Squat 101 - from idiots that can't squat because they're too phat. 

(or lazy, more like). 

Pull-ups - from Dud - to STUD within a matter of weeks!

(when seeing me even when fat do pull-ups willy nilly they whine about how I should be "kind to others" about their own utter lack of strength and fitness). 

As a customer rightly said about this book - 

Quite simply, if you cannot pull your own bodyweight from a dead-hang till your chin passes over the bar you are not "strong" and no amount of lat pulldowns will correct this weakness.
Buy this book and learn how to do the most important upper-body exercise correctly and you'll never look back.
Brilliant book, thank you.

And he's right... 

No chin over bar = not strong, my friend, cut it whichever way you like - emailing me pictures of your fat self chomping at the bit about "strong arms broooooooooooooo" won't cut it broooooooo... Hehe. (dont you just hate it when idiots show up at your doorstep with this "bro" bullshit? I know Marc the African Silverback Gorilla hated it..) 

Truly, as charles Mitchell once said about "Shoulders like BOULDERS!" - 

People buy your books because they want to learn how to do things from you - you can do things they cannot, but they want to! 

And the trolls troll exactly for that reason too. Hehe. 

And Jump Rope Mania with all the great stuff we've put out in the paid version is attracting trolls too (literally you'll want to get your hands on this one NOW. There is NO other course that will teach you how to get to ACE level at jumping rope than mine can. You'll want to grab it NOW). 

And so it goes, my friend. 

Advanced Plyometric Training is one slated to come out very soon, you'll want to place your pre-order for this now. 

(one troll even claimed "learning from this dude is not the way to go". but he forgot to put in WHY... Hehe. Can we say ??? 

Well, thats true, as the phat troll claimed once "he wants a few organs for the book". 

Not really, hehe. Like this guy said in a review for Grizzly Power 


 Let's Get Real.

Although I don't own this particular book, I do own two of the books in this compilation so I believe I can give an honest review.

Hopeful Evangelist points out that the authors books are reassuringly expensive and I have to agree they're not cheap, however, as I've pointed out in a previous review of the authors material, you cannot put a price on knowledge, if you want the authors knowledge you have to pay what he is asking, otherwise you'll miss out.

Interestingly, Hopeful states that the authors knowledge is nothing special??? Sorry I have to disagree with that statement, the author knows his stuff from the inside out and his training methods work but here's the "kicker" his training methods only work if you do!!! There are no magic exercises or routines and that's why most people do not get the results they expect from their training, they lack application.

It is often asked why prison inmates are so muscular and "jacked" what is their secret? Their secret if you want to call it that, is this, they train very, very hard and they do this consistently day in day out without fail.

If you apply yourself appropriately to any of the authors works you will be rewarded for your efforts but do you have what it takes? You've got to dare to sweat, dare to strain and dare the pain, most are found wanting, hope this helps.


The more they troll, the more I make. Hehe. I'm luvin it!

And thats that - truly the bottom line. 

Pity the fitness world has turned into what it has, but hey - yours truly - always the visionary, always the torch bearer, always the iconclast, and rightly so. 

Folks - step up - show your REAL MAN "vibe" (god the terms) - and get these products NOW - and if you do so before the New Year, well, plenty of other goodies awaiting you for the New Year. 

And thats that!


Rahul Mookerjee
