Monday, 08 October 2012 09:35

They may think your fit for the loony bin

"I am tired and run down".

"I can't sleep well no matter what I try".

"I just can't concentrate at work"

And so forth. 

These statements (or derivates thereof) are probably something all of us hear on a regular basis from our friends, co-workers, colleagues or family. In fact, I heard something along these lines this morning from a colleague.

"Rahul, what can I do to sleep better? I just don't seem to be able to get to bed at night, and I end up waking up at 4AM or so", he asked me.

"Do you exercise regularly", I asked him

"No, but I'd like to start - I just don't have time". 

"Well, what do you do when you wake up at 4AM daily and can't sleep any longer?"

"Huh? I try and go back to sleep, but can't seem to do so".

"Well, why don't you try and get some exercise in during that time", I suggested.

"Exercise? At FOUR AM? What do you think I am, a wrestler or something", he asked me incredulously. I think my suggestion probably qualified me for the loony bin in his opinion.

And thats OK - but give me the choice between training like a wrestler and feeling GOOD about myself all day long (in addition to getting stronger and healthier) - and I think I'll take choice #2 - no questions asked. Even if it means waking up at 4AM to train daily.

Actually, I DO wake up to train early - I train in the mornings, since thats when I can fit in my workout - and because thats when I seem to do best in them. I'm not exactly a morning person, but once the blood gets flowing, I manage to get in some pretty decent workouts in the morning.

I usually train for 30-45 minutes TOPS daily - and guess what that much training does for me?

I feel GREAT all day long, and have way more energy and motivation to "get things done". Even if I have a particularly hectic day, I usually dont feel completely drained at the end of it - I usually come back home with a sense of satisfaction that comes from getting a job done well. And not being able to sleep at night? Heck, I have a problem staying awake once I hit the sheets - and thats NOT an exaggeration!

Now, I've been told more than once that I'm nuts for waking up at 545AM (which is when I arise during the week) to train. Folks come at me with stuff like "you don't need to be doing that before work", or "just stretch a bit and you'll be fine", or - and here's the kicker - "you must be nuts to tire yourself out that much". Coming from someone that constantly complains about being tired (the person I referred at the beginning of the email) - now THAT's a bit thick.

And you'll experience much the same thing, my friend, if you start following routines like I outline in Fast and Furious Fitness. Not necessarily because of when or how long you train - but also because the exercises/routines I teach you are nothing like what most people follow. No 3 hours "gym marathons". No 10 sets of 10 for the head of the biceps. No leg extension machines.

No - what I teach you are exercises that hit the entire body HARD - and get the job done within a short amount of time. More importantly, these are NATURAL exercises that make you feel like a billion bucks all day long, and get you way stronger than you would do with the typical "blast this, pump that" gym routine.

No show, no glitz, just pure HARD training - with little or no equipment - and NO excuses. And thats how your training should be as well.

And if you agree with me and take action NOW - well, I'll see you in the "loony bin" soon then!!

All for now - more tomorrow!

Best regards,


PS: You can collect your copy of Fast and Furious Fitness at: -